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Posts posted by Tiberius501

  1. I just wish GW calmed down with the mortal wounds. 36 mortals potentially coming from 1 model, even though it’s just against monsters, just seems absurd. Less mortal wound GW. Less! Stop putting more and more onto units like it’s a meme.

    He seems fine otherwise, I like him being a powerhouse but not as good as the full blown gods. I’d just hoped 3rd would chill out a little with mortals, but clearly not. That’s a real shame.

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  2. 1 minute ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Didn't the say something like that about Stonehorns doing 50+ potential wounds, only for the statistical probability of that happening being 1 in several billion? I think they're just taking the best-case-scenario to hype him up

    I’m guessing and hoping this too. I really love his model and would love to use him. I just hate subjecting my friends to gross amounts of mortals. 

  3. Hmmm... 36 mortal wounds on the charge? I’m assuming that’s best case scenario and will never actually be the base, because if he’s actually capable of doing that by himself regularly, he’s either going to be an unusable amount of points, or will just be disgusting.

    I really hope it’s a dramatization and isn’t a sign of 3rd revving up the mortal wounds as if it’s a meme...

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  4. I have a bad feeling that this countdown is going to lead to a cool animated trailer, maybe a single model or 2 previewed and then we’re going to get further teased throughout June until a full reveal in early July for an end of July release.

    Bad feeling because it’d be nicer for all this teasing to lead to a full reveal. Teasing is fun for a bit but it gets real old!

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    I'd say i'm not much fan of the nose though.

    Seems strange,not enough orky but completely different from grots,too "flat".

    Still it does remind me those orcs of the 5th edition(see pic) in plastic that had a similar face, so i think they're not the hobgoblins.


    Perhaps "lesser orruks" and not "big goblins" like the hobgoblins?

    Well, @Whitefang has liked your post so it is decidedly so.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I think you are right... and I'm not very happy with that.😌

    Yeah I’d of liked them to have been their own faction. But if they at least aesthetically fit in with the armoured Orruks, it could be cool mixing them in.

  7. 7 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    I can agree with that but to be fair it's not only about new miniatures. Right now order have 6 elven factions: umbraneth, sylvaneth, idoneth, lumineth, kurnoti and DoK(6.3 if we will consider CoS); humans have 1: SCE (1.3 with CoS) and dwarfs have 2: KO, FS (2.3 with CoS). If GW have no plans to combine elven factions (Sylv+kurnoti, Umbra+DoK, Deepkins+Realmlords) then combining KO and FS will be totally unfair for player base of dwarven factions. If this will happens order grand alliance could be called Aelves grand alliance. 

    I agree with this. I hope GW doesn’t treat dwarves as less important than aelves. Just because they’re half the size, doesn’t make them any less of a person!

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