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Posts posted by Tiberius501

  1. With this whole elemental thing going on in their fluff, they may get elemental spirits with them, though they seem to be more about granting wisdom and knowledge than combat, so maybe not. 

    But yeah dragons might not be what they get, and more akin to bird-beasts or cats, like Great Eagles and Lions. Unfortunately though we won't really know anything new for at least a month, since the next article will be going over the units we've already seen.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    Heh, while I wish Swordmasters were in the reveal, they were not, unless they were hidden in some of the concept art shown.

    And while we are drawing parallels between old High Elf units and what we want in the book, I think Teclis' model has proved they are still going to add in AOS-style high fantasy weirdness.  If only so they can make it unique from the High Elves of old. 

    How quick we've also forgotten our earlier talk of flaws.  I think it would be neat to have a unit that shows the darker side of what Teclis is trying to do.

    I’d still like a unit of hollow armour to follow the character around. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    I've seen a couple of people saying that swordmasters were in the reveal trailer but I can't find them. Can anyone point them out for me?

    Not in the proper reveal trailer, but the old concept art of the Swordmasters was shown in the initial “Pointy Aelf” teaser trailer, along with Teclis, spearmen, archers and reavers. 

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  4. Yeah I’d say Serephon are first especially as in the LVO article they said something along the lines of, “and there’s heaps more Lumineth to show off! In the meantime, Serephon are getting a new tome!” So sounds to me like they’ll be getting their tome within the next month and Lumineth will be March maybe April. 

  5. Alright that’s good to know. Me and my friend both really like the look of the Idoneth (though I’ve decides to wait and get the new Lumineth) but he was a bit disappointed with how they played. But if there’s room for more variation in their play style in other games (and I’m sure it won’t be as brutal next time now I know what can happen) then they should be cool. 

    We’re keen on some cool battles between the golden child (Lumineth) and the rejected sibling (Idoneth).

  6. Thanks, Acid_Nine. So it seems like every game you play as Idoneth, you’ll be doing the same kind of thing: sending in chaff to hold off the enemy while you hold the eels back until turn 3, then you charge them in and do insane dmg? Sounds unfortunately like a bit of a one trick pony sort of play style.

  7. Hey guys, I have a quick question that’s probably dumb, but I am dumb. My friend tried out Idoneth today in a small game and he used Volturnus’ command ability in High Tide to give 3 units wholly within 18” the +1 attack. It doesn’t specify that it can only be used once per unit in a turn, and I had a look in the FAQ and it didn’t say to add that to the ability. So he used it on the same 3 units 3 times (for 3 CP he had saved from turn one to turn 3) and hilariously demolished me. We were both laughing pretty hard at how insane it was and seems sort of broken. Are we doing it wrong? If not are Idoneth all about that turn 3? 

    Thanks in advance :) 

  8. I think they’re 25mm after looking at them for a while and comparing to other units. But I was convinced Ossiarch had 32mm so I think these images are just hard to tell from. The rims are just quite tall in comparison to the width, and makes me think they’re small.

    EDIT: Also, I am sort of coming around to Teclis after a sleep. I watched the vid again and paused it at his different angles and he seems to look a little more interesting than I initially thought. My only gripe is still his face. I like the angry old man take, but it still isn’t quite right to me. That could though be down to how you paint it though.

  9. Oh cool! Archers! Yes!

    I’m such a huge fan of these dudes! I’ll keep putting exclamation marks every sentence! 

    I think they’ll get an elite unit, some big beasty, like a dragon or massive eagle thing or something, and maybe another elite beasty unit, like great eagles or lions or something. Then a few generic heroes as others have said.

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  10. Also, interestingly, they all have lances and swords, and a little “holder” for their lances just behind them. I wander if they’ll do an epic charge with lances doing double dmg and all that sweet jazz and then swap to swords for a different profile that lets them keep up dmg in prolonged fights. Pure speculation which I’m sure isn’t true but I’m liking the attention to detail in these minis. 

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