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Posts posted by Zappgrot

  1. Why am i playing AOS.  Mostly because gw keeps changeing the rules of their systems drastically.  I started out whit fantasy back in 4th edition and played that for almost  5 years before dipping into 40k  because it was populair  at the local store.  Then i played then both until mid 8th edition Fantasy.  I did not like that large  monsters where basicly takeing over the meta and leaving  infantry in the dust.   So i swiched to 40k exlusivly.  When AOS came out i tried it for a bit and hated it .  The lack of points really annoyed me it felt like gw was not even bothering to try and balance the game any more.   Then 8th edition 40k turned around and that was not my cup of tea.  So when gloomspite gitz came out i unpacked my old greenskin army added  few  more squigs and have been playing AOS since then .

    Despite my initial hatred for AOS I do like the game a lot these days. Much more then 40k.  AOS is much les lethal and allows for more intresting movment. I like that. 

  2. 49 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Try it. To have so much terrain that for top army lists like Slaanesh, skaven, FEC not being able to perform you have to exaggerate to the argument to such an extent it’s going to be ridiculous.  Terrain that creates avenues, block sight, and impact the movement improve the game. Period. And all limitations in space go two ways. 
    kind of feels like the conversation I had a couple of times when AoS was quit new. Yes it’s easy to break it. But in reality, or more accurately my personal experience, it never happened. Same with terrain.

    They don't go both ways.  It really depends on what unit is good in a army. Keeper of secrets don't really care all that much. And FE even less (because they fly).  Skaven hordes are going to care a lot.  I have been playing wargames for a verry verry long time.  And in my perosnal experience that is exatly what happens. Not that the game becomes worse it's just that it does not impact every thing evenly.   But to be honest the terain rules of AOS are ******. And the game would be a lot better if terrain did more then just  grand cover or block LOS and movement. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    Thanks. That was my understanding as well. The face on you opponent when your pigs move 24 with fly and then retreating 24 after attacking is amazing. I did it this weekend and it was glorious. 

    Because it's a retreat move, can you also run? I wasn't sure about that when I did it so I only moved my 24.


    Yes you can run 

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/3/2019 at 3:23 PM, whispersofblood said:

    I never made a comment on the nature of balance... My point was whole contained in describing GWs bias towards 'feel' as opposed to a more contextual balance. 

    Then I said I don't blame them, and point to IDK being a deeply unsatisfying army to play that points can't resolve because the feel is wrong. 

    In a world of many options some will just be bad. From a math perspective, from a utility perspective or both. A warscroll that is poorly costed can always have it's points adjusted. But warscrolls get updated much less frequently so hitting the right feel is not a bad target to have. It's not like these tasks are mutual exclusive.

    Yea ****** IDK.   But how bad do you have to be at your job to not realise you can't create something that is fast strong and tough all at the same time in a wargame. I mean come on. That overloaded ****** can never be fixed. It will always be either to expensive or to cheap. Cause it does everything.  

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Overread said:

    Old World fantasy (rank and file) worked with very little terrain spaced out so that you could wheel and turn the rank and file blocks. Dense terrain just didn't really work as well. AoS IS like 40K and it has free moving models. As a result denser terrain becomes far more important in blocking line of sight; in breaking up units so that they can't just charge 40 models forward and all engage at once etc... If you fail to use terrain (and lets be fair to GW they are really encouraging you to use terrain even if a lot of GW's terrain isn't the best for line of sight blocking at times) then you are setting the game up to make it easier for big infantry blocks to work and for ranged models and armies to have a much easier time of shooting. The trebuchet is powerful, but at the same time it doesn't have indirect fire. It has to "see" its target which means it in turn in vulnerable. You can't hide it in a corner behind a big wall and just let it lob out shots. 

    You do realise that, that is all niece and all but will reduce the number of armies that actualy function by a lot.  IF  large units are undesiarble because they can't maneuver it's just going to end up whit a all bigg stuff armies again. 

  6. 3 hours ago, broche said:

    My personnal choice would be Weirnob, 30 arrowboys, 5 boarboys, 5 maniack. But your list is good as well :)

    Speaking of moarboys. Whould they be better then stikkas in this case.  The spears give more attacks from the front for a 10*2 block and that is nice. But the moarboys get more attacks when ther eare les then 15 left. And  considering  The points only allow for a unit of 20  Might be that the moarboys are better when the take caualties 

  7. On 10/30/2019 at 1:37 AM, broche said:

    At 750 pts, definitly go bonesplitters. You get a lot of  cost-efficient units, and great mobility.  at 750 you'll struggle having enough model with Ironjawz to have a good army

    I was thinking this

    1 Maniak wierdnob shaman

    20 boys whit stikaks

    20 boys whit arrows

    5 moarboy boarboyz.


    is about 100 wounds whitch seems good for 750. And it gets 30 units.


    No tribe so i can make the maniak wierdnob cast an extra spellen and give him +1 to cast. So he can fully support a unit every turn.


    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, FPC said:

    Well that’s perfectly fine to argue but without backup I’m pretty hesitant to believe this anonymous source. “Rush job” 100% implies that they didn’t spend appropriate time on so thanks for the clarity.  But, at the same time....did these books really need a full development cycle? In my mind a “full cycle” means a start-to-finish army build.  Why would they entirely redesign armies from the ground up if they don’t need it? And if we’re still talking lack of “newness” with Ogors that’s wrong bc they are getting terrain. 

    Regardless at this point I’m not even sure what your argument is. You’ve admitted that Cities isn’t bad, and I’d argue it’s good.  I don’t know enough about Orks to comment, and so far I think Ogors look pretty solid. I don’t deny that the goal of several recent books is to meet demand from players who have been waiting and to solidify these armies.  This is true of more than Destruction factions - Cities, BoC, Skaven, Slaanesh even.  But...again, there is new stuff in Mawtribes, so...idk...seems like they put time into development.

    There is no point other then. They did not do a full (re)design cycle and that is why there isn't all that much new stuff. But in hindsight that might be true for a lot of the latest realeses .(well not slaanesh clearly) but  might be for Flesh eater corst for instance.  My "friend" just mentioned these 3 books. But i didn't ask about otheres. (didn't think of it really)  They did spend a lot of time on the new death faction according to him tough.  Claims it to be a tightly designed army. (something I learned to translate to overpowered in my mind) 

  9. On 10/25/2019 at 2:20 PM, FPC said:

    I be happy to see evidence that these were rushed but I haven’t heard that straight from GW. Again, lack of “newness” doesn’t mean they were rushed. Several factions received nothing but endless spells and maybe a hero. There is a similar window between Mawtribes announcement and release and they’re getting a new model.

    And either way, like others said, if the results were good, why does development time matter? GW have spent years developing SCE and they’ve ranged from top-tier competitive to their current state (1-2 solid builds, lots of junk, everything in between).  Time of development isn’t always a good indicator of quality as far as GW is concerned.

    Also wasn’t one of the first studio interviews with one of the Cities devs who basically said this project had been his masterpiece, and maybe even that it had been a long time coming?  Heck there have been rumors of an Empire revive since at least early 2019.

    While I would like to give you evidence. I am pretty sure my acquaintance would become pretty  irritated whit me if i did. Since naming him would probebly lead to him getting a bit of flak from GW  But maybe I should be more specific in what I mean.  When I say rush job i don't mean they did a bad job or spend less time on it then needed. It's just that these books where seen as a necessity(since the old ones wher so outdated) and  did not go trough a full design cycle. They where made to get destruction a bit more modern.  And to meet the demand for a more "grounded army) Both where issues raised during the design cylce of the moonclan Grots.  It's nothing more or  nothing less then an explanation for the lack of new things in these books. 

    • Like 2
  10. 11 hours ago, FPC said:

    Agreed. Cities has a lot to be positive about, doesn’t appear outwardly broken but has some good power/synergy. All of the Cities save for maybe 1 or 2 are decent if not strong. The wide ranging option allows most (sorry high elves) people with old WHFB armies that made the change over to keep playing. Only a few units seem patently weak (or, really, just over-costed).  A lot of thought clearly went into each city’s abilities, spells, etc.  I can’t really speak to Orruks bc I know almost nothing about them.

    Just because the results are godo doesn't mean it wasn't a rush job. All 3 of these books have been sort of shoved into the scedual. I think the Orruk book and the city book are both great. But they did not go trough a full studio design cycle. (hench the lack of newness) 

  11. 38 minutes ago, FPC said:

    Maybe they haven’t been as profitable as they hoped and they’re moving  away. Cities also didn’t get them. I guess it could be any number of reasons since OBR are getting them...

    That's not it.  The orc book the ogor book and the citiies book, where more or less minimal effort rush jobs to get the armies playable again. Specialy for the orc and cities book. The studie basicly did not do a full design cause they where rushed to do it.  Bone reapers how ever are a fully designed army. 

  12. I was wondering about something. 

    If I understand the rules right. 

    I could use the hiddenpaths to drop  this

    20  free guild crosbowmen x2 

    1 free guild general

    1 celestial hurricarum

    on someones flank

    And then unleash 80 2+2+ shots in their side.  (for on cp of course)

    Seems powerfull for 720p

    • Like 1
  13. 40 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    The Spear of the hunt says that the bearer fights at the start of the combat phase if they charged in the same turn.  So, if a hero with the spear and, say, some WWR both charged, the hero fights at the start of the combat phase and then we go into alternate activation and I pick my WWR to fight.  Therefore, unless my opponent has a unit that fights first, both my units fight before my opponent picks a unit to fight. 

    Logically this sounds right, but would like a second opinion.

    Yea that is how it works. If it is your turn. You can get the hero to fight before everything else and then pick a unit like normal 

    • Like 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, overtninja said:

    I'd bring maybe 2 units of 20 and another of 10, I think, and bring a NP with them, and a beast caster to give them +2 charge, which would get the unit you want into combat on a 5+ roll. Without it it's a 7, which is still pretty good. As someone who also owns 10 Wild Riders, I'd bring them in for the fun too, and maybe use the beast caster on them, because I really want them charging in for -2r/2dmg attacks.

    It could work, is what I'm saying - and if you alpha'd with them, you could charge up the field with some speedy boys on the other side, and sandwich your opponent before they got going anywhere.

    From my perspective it´s just that  the  rangers are just bad for thier points. Paying for the detachment is a even bigger sink .  So it´s kind of putting me on the back foot.  Sure a great charge could do a lot. But  you can die it whit so manny other and better units. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Aelfric said:

    It is definitely strong, but tempered by the scarcity of Command Points.  Unlike other cities, we do not have any artefacts, spells or abilities to generate them. We have to make do with  Adjutant, Battalion and buying one.  I have looked at the Battalion, but it's not for me.  I do like the flexibility of the army, though.

    I think the batelion is hot garbage. The unit in it arn´t all that great and the buff isn´t that great either. But i gues it will see some love from old woodelf players

    • Like 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, Zappgrot said:

    A stardrake? 

    O wait that is not a real shooting attack so ;-( 

    But the ability can be usefull even if you don't charge.  For insance a unit of 5 darkriders standing sideways can block of a lot of the board. Sometimes  stopping a big thread from moving is all you need.   Just use the  command ability to move the darkriders in front of the unit and stall it.  Reducing those two keepers of secrets to m3 and then killing the darkriders is sure  to ****** of the slaanesh player

  17. 11 minutes ago, Namelessone81 said:

    I believe that too 

    but I don’t know what could be our best options for the shoot and melt away ability of our army . What units should we place for the maximum utility of our command ability ? 

    I am thinking a 30 units of sisters of the watch firing and then moving away and maybe Durthu for a killer charge but I don’t know what to think else for both a shooting attack and the a killer charge .

    A stardrake? 

  18. I am wondering am i the only one who thinks the living city is going to be  one hell of a army to fight?  Between  hidden path, shadow warriors and tree revenants. A living city army can just deploy or redeploy in reaction to the enemies battle plan. That seems verry powerfull.  More so since a lot of  cities of sigmar units get bonuses if they don't move. And placement is not movement.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  19. Hello.


    My name is  Koen

    I live in the Netherlands near Eindhoven .

    I have been playing warhammer for over 22 years now.

    As of late I have finally been able to put myself over my hatred for AOS (salty  ex fantasy player)

    And started playing the game .  And I must say whitout my old bias I am likeing AOS  a lot.

    In fact the number of armies I own has exploded

    I play

    Gloom spite


    Flesh eaters


    Cities of sigmar.

    (also I do all the hoby work for my sons stormcast)

    I joined so i could read up on the tactics

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