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Posts posted by Zappgrot

  1. 14 hours ago, PiotrW said:

    It's true that the production quality of wargaming / RPG books gets fancier and fancier... and that so much information is being put into them that the font ends up being small. It still can be done without making the books illegible... GW's rulebooks and battletomes weren't easy on the eyes, but I could use them. But GH2021 is some sort of insanity. This is the kind of font that's used for information booklets that come with medical products. Not something one uses for books!

    It'd be more palatable, if there was a digital version of this book... but there isn't. Also, GW seems intent on tying their future digital books with the apps... which is a problem, because I can't use the apps, either. Again, the font! It's too small for me, at least when I run the apps on my phone (which isn't that small). And the last I checked, the font doesn't get rescaled on tablets... Personally, I'd be happy to pay for Warhammer+ subscription, if it came with apps I could use and a way to read the digital books comfortably. Not sure if they do anything about it, though.

    Right now? I'm locked out of GH2021. I can't read it in a physical form and there's no digital version. So what I'm supposed to do? Does GW realize that they are practically inviting me to look for a pirated digital copy? I don't want to, but a pirated PDF of this book seems like the only way I'll be able to actually read it...

    Really, I don't understand why so many creators / publishers / designers have trouble grasping a basic fact that some people can have trouble reading small print. Last year, I really took the Corvus Belli people to the task about it (thankfully, some of their staff is actually accessible on the official forum) and kept telling them: "Guys, I love your game, but I can't read the N4 book at all. Release the PDF version, I'll happily sell the physical book and pay you for the PDF"... Nope, they just didn't want to do this for some reason. And GW is going the same way. "Your eyes aren't good enough to read the text in the books or in the app? Sorry, we can't do anything about it...". Because implementing a scalable font in an app or releasing a PDF of a book is too much trouble, apparently!

    I've noticed the same thing in computer gaming, too. I mean... I absolutely love Stellaris, but I'm constantly frustrated by the font size. I actually had to mod the game on my own to be able to play it!

    Coming back to GH2021: I think I'll be actually returning the book to the shop... if they take it back. As for the contents, I guess I'll miss out... This is really, really annoying.

    Yea i have to admit this irritates me to no end. Why the hell companies choose shiny pages for things they expect ppl to read is beyond me.   I mean shiny pages make sense for the national geographic.  Not for  the freaking rule book. Beeing unable to read the rules cause there is to much background light is an absurd situation to be in 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Kodos der Henker said:

    you give evil GW way too much credits here, they don't even try to get that far when writing rules
    the same way as new models are always better than old ones (they are not) to sell more, while in reality they just are not able to do better even if they try

    the idea behind was an "emergency balance batch" in 40k because the Legion that no one really played except those that liked the fluff, got really overpowered rules, play tester told this GW and were ignored, people told them after release and were ignored, and instead of trying to fix the problem (and admit that mistakes were made), their solution was that only people who use the right colours are allowed to play with the OP faction

    that people are supposed to buy more would be a side effect, their main goal is that everyone stops playing the OP stuff so they don't need to admit that they were wrong and the problem is solved

    that we see now the same here is more a hint that they messed up something with the Subfaction rules and are not going to fix it anytime soon and not to try to increase sales intentionally (from their point of view, everyone already buys their stuff because they like the models, not because there are special rules that make some modes/factions better than others)

    What do you mean evil?  Gw isn't evil. If GW is evil then capitalisme is evil. Cause Gw is just a company. They are there to make money and all their actions are focused on makeing money.  Wheter or not they always suceed is not  importent. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Kodos der Henker said:

    the idea behind is a very simple one, GW wants you to take the army because of the background and not because of the rules

    so you don't care about how good or bad that specific sub faction is because you play it anyway or different reasons

    there was also once hints in the FAQ that if GW made one sub faction stronger, you should not be "that guy" and play it (hard time for those who played it before the change because of the fluff, and sometimes resulting in people put the old army on the shelf to avoid the hate in the stores)

    this is the reason why we see ot again, people might have started an Anvil army because it was strong and painted it that way, to avoid now that everyone starts to play something else that is now strong, they put the "don't be that guy and play to win" in the FAQ

     Oh come on. GW wants you to buy their stuff. Stop dreaming up reasons beyond that point.  And if there is one kind of player gw loves. It is that guy. Cause that guy buys a lot of ****** to stay on top. Gw loves that Guy. Gw wants you to be that guy. They just want to make sure that , that guy needs to buy more stuff. 

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  4. On 7/3/2021 at 4:48 PM, Warfiend said:

    This is incorrect.

    The way it's described means you can use unleash hell multiple times in a single turn (since the rules state you can only issue the command once, and the warscroll states it doesn't count as being issued as well as costing no CP). But you can't use it twice on the same unit because a unit can only receive it once a turn.

    If you have two units or sisters standing next to each other with another ranged unit behind them within 9". And an enemy unit ends their charge within range 3" of both sister units and within 9" of the third ranged unit it means you can use a free Unleash hell on both the sisters without spending any CP and choose to spend one CP to issue Unleash Hell on the third unit for a grand total of 3x Unleash hell in a single phase.

    The angy orruks in this example would be absolutely destroyed if they would attempt this charge:


    1 - Yes, Yes
    2 - No

    No no. The problem is that you can only USE an command ability once  (6.1) And then we thank gw for not clearing up what using means. !

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  5. You can not use a command ability more then once. 

    An ability is something that according to  rule 1,6 had  an effect and most of them have restrictions.

     We know that the words on the warscroll describe an ability cause it has an effect. And it is on a warscroll.

    It is a command ability cause it commands the sisters to do something  (unleash hell in this case) 

    The restrictions that are removed are the issue and the command point beeing spend

    No where is it stated that the restriction of using each command ability once is removed.

    while the wording (as is ever the case whit gw) is ultra unclear. 

    I find it hard to argue that this is not an ability   (since it's an text on a warscroll whit an effect)

    I find it also hard to argue that it is not an command. (it states it literally in the text)

    There for it's an command ability  and can only be used once.

    But that's just my interpenetration. Others are possible and gw will have to rule on this. Cause as ever in they infinite wisdom...... eh laziness did not think the possible interpretations of the text trough.     

  6. 6 hours ago, Golub87 said:

    In all of my wargaming hobbies, people can play against me with empty bases as far as I am concerned.

    This is an expensive hobby and excluding financially less fortunate from any space due to aesthetic reasons is never a good thing.

     While i agree whit the point I hate playing against empty bases.  I would let them just use my stuff.  Sharing is caring

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  7. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    FWIW, I really like the coherency rule. It's going to make units look more like actual regiments instead of strung out collections of rabble. Anything that encourages AoS forces to look more like armies is a plus in my book.

    At this point, I'm assuming the recent 28mm bases will soon replace 25mm bases, forcing another rebasing wave and eliminating line formations for even the units that used to be on 25mm bases.

    Yea I must say ppl placeing thier cavalary sideways so the second rank can fitght really improved the  aesthetic. Nothing says immersion  like sideways trotting pigs. 

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  8. 5 hours ago, Andalf said:

    There is a pretty big play around in forcing your opponent to use the CP’s as well though.  Unleash Hell is basically your second to last option per player turn, if you’re going second you do start w/ 3 + whatever your Battletome/heroes can generate.  It sounds easy turn one I’ll give you that, but by turn two or three... it’s even a play around to give the shooter first turn to limit exposure to his spending CP on Unleash Hell this way.  There are just too many factors, IMO, to suggest that this one very particular interaction (scary shooters getting Unleash Hell) is going to dominate games to the point it’s a problem.  At least for now the jury has to be out until your ‘meta’ might decide which way it’s going to take this edition, but I’m not seeing heavy shooting armies winning.  

    If anybody has taken notes from 40K, movement and contesting objectives and really risking your neck in melee is what is winning games; maybe some really souped up Castles will get their 70% win rate due to probabilities but if you’re playing against an army equally tuned for devastation, while standing still in the corner and counting on your opponent to let you setup to do Lambent Light, maybe spell portal, Power of Hysh, maybe Twinstones to even have the chance to cast them, or bringing God to do it automatically but not much else, and then charge face first into you...  this sounds like a losing proposition.  Even Shootcast, or whichever the next worst offender is.  Not even remotely creative.  

    You know there’s books that bring models back to life on one wound too right?  If anybody had seen my Gryphcharger get killed 4 times by Ellania and Ellathor I’d think they would think that’s cheesy.  Especially when the 28 dice I rolled for the new Blazing rule or whatever in turn killed them.  But guess what?  As long as the Twins fight you get to roll under your wounds or the round # and come back to life with D6 wounds and teleport anywhere on the table 12” away.  Which they do automatically when they die, and so they teleported to the other side where my warlord was sitting on an objective, got the charge off in their next turn and dumped my Tauralon on his Ass with their 5 damage sword, winning the game that I had in the bag for most of the last three turns...  they even managed to heal themselves back up.  None of this was possible in AoS2, it was one of the most fun games I’ve ever played and most of the stuff we were pulling off made stacking shooting units look like play-doe IMO.

    You don't see heavy shooting armies winning?  You might wanna watch the shooting damage spreads in the meta watch . The only top army that does not really heavily on shooting are the deepkin. And they are top cause they counter shooting armies.  But i am glad your having fun in your games

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  9. 8 hours ago, KrrNiGit said:

    Yeah I was thinking about the amulet of destiny, it is probably better than just an extra negative to hit... 

    i ran out of reinforcement points to lump up the boingrots. I plan on using them as screens for my big blobs anyway. Which seems kind of backwards but we don’t have a lot of fast screen options anymore. 

    Why not drop one of the 36 units down to 24. Use the 2 units of 12 as screens (squigs are great screens) and then put the boing grots into one unist. They hit really hard as a unit of 10. Specialy when buffed by the snullfers. Propably hard enough to overrun most other units.  A snuffeled up manglered up unit of 10 boingrots really hurts. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I'm personally pretty down on Mancrushers because they auto-die to anything that goes near them, which:

    A) Bleeds out VPs

    B) Runs counter to your main win condition of "exist for a while"

    I might try 3 Megas and a block of 3 Mancrushers (their damage output is legit), but I'm currently more excited about 4 Megas personally.

    I am pretty down whit mancrushers to be honest. It;s the best bang for your buck and  they give more board control since they can split up.  And since units now are smaller they tend to live longer. Not to mention that two lose mancrushers can charge the 2 edges of a larger infantry unit and lock most of them out of combat. A tactic that got even stronger whit the new coherency rules.  Using that trick man crushers are more survivable then one might expect.  

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  11. 12 hours ago, Ian Wallsh said:

    I don't get why people hate Lumineth so much....?

    Sure the rules could do with a little tweaking 'here and there'...

    But their beautiful figures with exquisite Lore and inspiring stories about them..

    Surely a 'bad general blames the rulebook ' applies here and it's up to the opposing player to use all their cunning, ingenuity and luck to beat them.....?

    Remember 'The greater the odds the greater the glory' and if a General is truly worth his/her 'Salt' they will prevail...

    I hope this was sarcastic.  Cause otherwise. this is why 

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  12. 7 hours ago, PJetski said:

    If Unleash Hell is broken because it makes Sentinels too strong then maybe the problem is with Sentinels and not Unleash Hell

    Unleash hell is also not fun whit other shooting units. But it's way worse on units that do mw on a to hit roll cause it makes the -1 pointless.  But to be honest i think the worst offenders might be the FEC. Thier ld based shooting doesn't even roll to hit. Unleash hell is just a free shooting attack for them. Charging low LD troops into crypt flyers is suicide.  Meaning that FEC can be verry lose whit placement against low ld armies 

  13. 15 hours ago, Christopher Rowe said:

    Your definition of value seems a bit dated. Like, Adam Smith dated. In any case, I'm worried about the product (if you'll forgive my usage of the term) for various reasons but you can bet your sweet non fungible that GW will turn a profit on it.

    Well value is subjective.  But it's hard to argue that a service has lasting value. 

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  14. You know almost any service is an economically bad deal.  Basically your spending money for just an moment of value not for an product of value. (as in when you buys something you then own something but when you pay to use something you don't have anything afterwards) Some services generate value in the long run cause they give you something useful. ( like an education or  medical treatment)   Obviously war hammer plus is not one of those.  So economically warhammer plus is a bad deal.  That leaves convenience and entertainment.  And to be honest.  There are ppl out there that do what warhammer plus does better for less.  Warhapedia is better then gw's apps and youtube creators are better then gw's inhouse productions.  (at least for now) So unless gw really steps up it's game i doubt i will get warhammer plus. Even tough  that megaboss is hella sweet, but then there are e-bay scalpers so if those can stay below 60 bucks warhammer plus has no chance)  

  15. 1 hour ago, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

    As I am sure you are aware, the games of Age of Sigmar are usually some epic, mythological battle of the ages well beyond the tens of thousands petty tribal warfare of duped followers of Chaos.  Most mortal tribes are not even aware of the dark gods.  Just like in 40k, where no cares all that much about Planetary Defense Force battles which really do make up the bulk of combat, one-sided though it may be, in the galaxy.  Even historical games tend to focus on big battles such as Normandy landing instead of some skirmish in the Hürtgen Forest in November of '44.

    On a narrative level, a player should be honored that their army poses such a threat that the very gods of the setting themselves had to intervene. Which is the main reason that Teclis, Archaon or even Abbadon in 40k are rarely included in my own army lists.  I don't control my opponent's army though just my own.  They are free to construct it how they like, and I will deal with it as best I can with my own.

    Altough you have to admid that it would still be kind of strange if Churchil fought whit the troops on D-Day. What is kinda what is happening in AOS all the time

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  16. 1 minute ago, C0deb1ue said:

    Yeah I have similar experiences to this. Someone invests like £500 pounds in an army and painting time and GW wrecks them with bad rules and takes 2 years to fix it.

    I might be very cynical. But i think from both a business perspective as an product engagement perspective. Switching army strengths around, so ppl  have an intensive to switch armies does make sense. It's not all bad tough. The meta swings do make the game more interesting as a pastime then lets say  checkers.   

  17. 2 minutes ago, novakai said:

    interestingly the Pitch battle profile in BR Kragnos was slated for JUNE 2021 and the new GHB i believe was JULY 2021, which say to me they immediately regretted their decision on Kragnos's point cost

    Yea,  That is  something that makes me think they made a mistake/printing error.   A bit like the 240 points for the new battle sisters "dreads" that was a  printing error. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Eternalis said:

    And then who playtested these changes? :D

    I do agree though, Kragnos isn't worth 740pts...
    But then, why did GW put him at this price? I mean BR:Kragnos has been written months ago and so does the GHB 21, why don't they give him the same price? Is he worse in V3 than he was in V2?

    THe playtesters test the points. But GW's studio sets the point in the end.  BR_-Kragnos was a rush job so god knows what happend.  We can only speculate. But the book getting printed whit points for a older version of the warscroll and then beeing corrected in GHB does seem like a possible explanation to me  

  19. 1 minute ago, C0deb1ue said:

    Well if playtesters thought Kragnos was worth 760 points, then we are in far more trouble than we thought…

    Meh who knows. Rules change  a lot during the design-proces. Might be that Kragnos started out whit some additional rules that we don't know about and those where changed at the last moment. 

  20. 2 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    Oh, I'm not saying you should take his word for it. Just that if you remove all the emotionally invested stuff about people being "ungrateful," the basic message of "give it a try with an open mind" isn't a bad one. 

    What that doesn't require, however, is checking your brain at the door and just trusting that even if something doesn't seem to make any sense, there must be a reason for it. Because if we know anything about GW's rules from past practice...something not making sense because it, well, just doesn't make sense, is a definite possibility.

    Open minded message my ass. The response was clearly you are wrong, I have played them, I know best thank me.  And while I certainly am willing to believe that play testers have a much larger insight into the topic then myself. Since I am just going of the rules and 2 practise games. This kind of ego involvement in the process only makes me trust it less.    

  21. 3 hours ago, Bryan C said:


    Just can’t sit by and see this sort of myth peddled anymore - i have played several games over the past 18 months of AOS 3 with GSG and they are absolutely fine - they don’t work in the same way as before but this is a radically different game so very little does.

    They are one of the few remaining armies that can deploy large numbers cheaply, they have good access to a wide variety of hard hitting units and monsters that all benefit from all out attack / defence. In fact the only thing they truly lack is a decent shooting phase.

     Before you write them off play some games - winning is more than just damage output and armour saves and the most important thing is they are great fun to play.

    Also to all of those saying you could do better in a day / week / month - believe me the amount of effort that has gone into this from playtesters alone is immense - despite COVID and real world commitments - the amount put in by the studio is almost unbelievable - rubbishing this is both rude and ungrateful- end of the day if you don’t like the game - implement house rules, play WHFB or go play something else - being obnoxious is going to get you absolutely nowhere whatsoever.

    Yea we will come back to that in 18 more months when there have been some actual games played. Cause those will produce factual data On like my feelings on the book or your experiance playing in what is  really a verry limitied context.  And if you want some gratitude for  your work I suggest you look towards GW and not some random dude on the internet.  

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  22. On 6/20/2021 at 7:19 AM, Dingding123 said:

    I get that Slaneesh definitely got hit unreasonably hard, but the changes to GSG all seem more than reasonable to me.  The models that weren't seeing much play didn't get touched, while the battlelines got hit to discourage people from going 120+ Grots like they did before (which was honestly incredibly dull).  Most Behemoths took a hit but with the new Rampages that was bound to happen; same with Endless Spells due to them now being bound.  Just because they were off the mark somewhere doesn't mean they're terrorists and out to destroy the game as we know it is my point basically lol.

    Really? GSG seem reasonable to you?  It already was one of the weakest armies in the game. And let's not forget that grot units don't even function anymore under aos 3.0 since they get +2 to wound which does not work.    The grot style list didn't really work well to begin whit and now it's completely kapoot.  The other list forms ( spiders squigs and trolls) all worked on the warscroll battalions to make those meh units good enough to be played.  You can't do that any more. GSG  are now just straight up dumpster thrash that will not function untill there is a FAQ or a new tome.  There is just nothing that the GSG army does that isn't done far superior by a other army. Even whitin destruction it's self. 

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  23. 19 hours ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:


    Just going by U.S.  Fair enough Troggoth Hag here has gone in and out of stock a lot lately.  But will keep my fingers crossed for points as I’d love to get mine on table in 3.0!

    Wierd i did not expect that forgeworld would differ between eu and US. But seems like it does. I can order it. 

  24. Just now, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    I’ll be thrilled to be wrong.  And he’s only listed as Temporarily Out of Stock.  Just been bit enough by FW squats to be cautious at this point.

    He's in stock right now. So i think we are save.  ( i mean it's such a easy model to make yourself i think forgeworld has a hard time selling them so stock might last a while) 

  25. 43 minutes ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Crossing my fingers given how fun Pebbles is but unless they’re doing a separate FW points update I’m worried he’s shuffled off to Legends.

    Probably not gw likes to keep the things they still sell in the game.

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