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Posts posted by Boar

  1. 23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    The last Battle Trait is -1 hit for units wholly within our ships. Good ability but not sure if it will be good enough. Our best defensive profiles are in our ships, but they are so important that we need to put our infantry in front of our ships, and not sure that -1 to hit will be enough:

    • Arkanauts are 1 wounds with 4+ save
    • Skywardens are 6 models max with 12 wounds on a 4+ save
    • Endrinriggers are 6 models max with 12 wounds on a 4+ save
    • Grundstock Thunderers are 10 models max with 20 wounds on a 4+ save

    -1 to hit sadly only concerns shooting attacks and Thunderers have 3+ save.

    23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    No words about Endrins/ Mounts Traits yet.

    And none armies previewed so far has any mention of those (SCE had those in the past). Perhaps they are  gone altogether, to maybe return when we get proper BT

    23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I didn’t have any expectation for Skywardens, but they pack a surprising punch with Crit (Mortals) and +1 atk. I will wait for the Aether-saws, but Skywardens offesnsive output is not that bad compared to warscrolls previewed in other faction focus.

    Skywardens seem to have shifted from anti-horde to anti-armor. As even with loss of attack they actually are better now vs. 3+ or better armor than their warscrolls from 3ed. And this is thing we often struggle against

    If Arkanauts shown in spearhead are any indication than they actually gained attack in melee. They always dealt surprising amount of damage at short range for their points. Could be quite important unit in 4e for us.

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  2. On 5/13/2024 at 9:00 AM, Beliman said:

    and I think that cannons need a bit of punch or e more clear role

    Even more? They got +1 atk at loss of 1 to hit in 3e, and folk already are not happy with KO shooting prowess.

    Why would it need more defined role? It is general purpose weapon, and it's characterstics (especially range) already created sort of role for stand off shooting used in more cagey/careful KO plays.

    Volley Guns right now are underpowered on Skyriggers, so that's concern, however on Arkanauts they profile can be resolved together with pistols wich is good thing from flow of game/ergonomics.

    Not mean to be dismissive toward your points, just digging for more arguments/justification.

    I like anti-monster skyhook thing from lore/versimilitude perspective, it just need to be good enough so you would use this. Right now actually I think it can have some play (shiphooks specifically with both scoring max damage AND potentially stoping rampage) even if ultimately it is rarely played. Can they repeat that with USR I wonder?

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/20/2024 at 10:33 PM, Mutton said:

    I'll ask this again to get back to rumors, but what the heck does the green fill color mean for the Save value? Does it mean anything at all?

    I guess it could be due to saves working differently to other values shown in the wheel. Health, Control and Move are better the higher they are, reverse is true for Save characteristic.

    • Like 3
  4. 44 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Real talk, back when the squatting of Beastmen was only a rumor people were saying "why doesn't GW just go out and honestly say this stuff instead of leaving us to speculate? If they have bad news just tell us openly."

    And then they told the bad news openly, and everyone's having a ragevomit about now. 

    At LVO folks asked GW about BoC and got response that essentially rumors about BoC squat are false.

    Screenshot from AoS Coach discord


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  5. 6 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    I don't hate the double turn but pretending everyone loves it so much they would die for it is super cringey.

    HeyWoah talked a bit at Adepticon with Matt Rose, and apparently Matt was surprised at most people being positive about double turn. So that's probably where it came from. It's Rose impression from talking to players at Adepticon.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Flippy said:

    You could just provide some thematic lists in the army book, with nice pictures, some lore and explanation of how it's supposed to perform in game. If I remember correctly, my WHFB 5ed. HE army book included such example list.

    Yeah, it had little tactics section at the back written by dev.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Excited! Although I am a little worried about incoming Cities nerfs.

    Well if they will release Battlescroll that is, they just might talk about LVO and their plans. Saw rumors that it won't be this week

  8. 12 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Grand strats could be a form of signposting content that helps people build lists that actually feel good and perform well. They do this in Magic with every set, for what it's worth: There are always uncommons in every colour that signal what kind of play styles the designers intend for those decks.

    Uh but how would you do that in AoS? We already have lore, certain feel for armies which seems quite obvious most of the time.

    EDIT: like I dunno how implementation could even look

  9. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think there is a bit of an impenetrability problem with list building, especially for beginners.

    Yeah, but I highly doubt how would different Strategies could help with that. Better enhancement system could help, with better explanations and f.ex. changes/ditching battalions. Other layer is ditching/changing battle tactics (already problematic system).

  10. On 1/24/2024 at 10:38 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    But I think there is some potential for Grand Strategies to play a valuabel role, army-specific grand strats in particular. I think they have the potential to signal to players what kinds of things their army should want to do. They should reward players for engaging with their faction's core mechancis. Admittedly, that is not at all what they currently do, however. They actually quite frequently discourage you from playing your faction like it is supposed to (hoard summoning points instead of spending them, for example), or just tell you to do random things unrelated to the normal flow of the game (get in each quarter of the battlefield).

    That sounds like "just do more of you were already trying to achieve". And so seems redundant. Whereas at least doing somewhat different stuff wether in tactics/strategies actually served some purpose.

  11. 11 hours ago, RandyRyan said:

    Hey Ogor fans, 

    I recently picked up a Vanguard box and already had the BCR start collecting box in my pile of potential. Just wondering if any particular builds/weapon combos are better to go with? Haven’t played many games of AoS so not really across the rules. Cheers!

    Obvious thing is Frostlord on Stonehorn from BCR monsters as it is one of the best units in Battletome.

    If you are into some kitbashing two-handed weapons of Mournfang could be used to build Ironguts instead of Leadbelchers or Gluttons from Vanguard box.

    When it comes to Mournfang I would probably go for clubs (tough I may be biased as I used two-handed stuff for Ironguts kitbash). Clubs have better to hit and have chance to knockback some dmg. Tough if you want to use Mournang as heavy cav in reinforced units Gargant Hackers might be good.


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  12. 4 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Two more questions:

    1. Can we use the Grapnel Launcher ability when our skyriggers are still inside of any skyvessel?
    2. Doens't matter how many Fumigators do you have in the same unit, you will only roll 1 dice to do 1D3 mw. Is that right?

    1. As it stands yes. This is not move just setup. So you could also escape from combat that way and not count as retreat!

    2. Yes:
    Essentially it is pick one enemy unit from those fulfilling criteria laid by ability, if you do so you can resolve ability vs. that unit.

    Some folk still persist in other interpretation, that however rests on differentiating fumigators in one unit, which ability does not do in any way shape or form. There is only check "IF close to fumigator", period. And than you resolve ability.


    From what I see there is nothing to stop this ability working on  one enemy unit from 2 different Thunderers unit.

    Generally problem with thinking about this ability is that people start thinking of fumigator doing something,

    It is not so.

    It is ABILITY on UNIT, and so it resolves once per UNIT that have this ABILITY, and it can affect same enemy unit by many Thunderers UNITs

    • Like 2
  13. 14 hours ago, Beliman said:

    It's a bit weird, rolling 3 or 4 profiles for just one unit in the same phase is teddious and boring  for both players. 

    It's not that bad:

    I first roll 'to hits' for mortars and add to that pool fumigator attacks (as they auto hit) and roll 'to wound' together as they have same wound/rend/dmg

    Decksweepers go with rifles

    and 1-3 aethercannons takes just seconds

    It is actually easier than it was in 2.0 Battletome where even decksweeper could be different than rifle depending on conditions. Essentially in 2.0 they could have 5 different profiles sometimes and at best 4, now you are more like 3 actually. And add the fact that Aethercannon damage is flat which is another bit of saved time.

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Beliman said:

    How are you going to use the Tuskhlement/Skyvessel interaction?

    I'm not sure if it's intended as using the same charge roll of the frigatte, but after the BoC Bull-Train, not sure if a once-per-game footnote needs to be removed.

    Guy with Tuskhelm makes charge, true. However his charge roll is not made so it's effectively 0. So Tuskhelm ability triggers, but does nothing.

  15. 9 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    You know I’m amazed how many 4+ rallies gw is throwing away to armies.

    especially to the elite army.

    now I’m just wondering why the skaven a horde army (apparently not any more) was left behind when jt comes down that ability 

    I guess because in KO it is not problematic, whatever returns won't be either a Stormdrake or mass of bodies (while other mass is already on board) or MW double shooters. DoK or Gitz should be on 5+ max probably.

    Anyway when it comes to new KO played vs mostly Rockgut Throggoths on 1500 and uh... 3+/5++ save with sometimes save stacking (and threat of their melee) is quite something, lost that one. Stonehorns, Rockguts and similar will be probably very annoying to deal with for us.

  16. 3 hours ago, Beliman said:

    So, what do you want to see in our new book?

    Almost everything from excelent list by @CaptainGrimm above. I kinda like special weapons as is tough, and would actually want larger range for mortar.

    Additionally bit more consistency especially on Frigate. It does not have to be d3+3, it can be d3+2 so it would have lower ceiling than IC weapon which sound themathic but be much more consistent.

    I actually hope that Fly High will go away, and like you wrote maybe footnote for 18" charges is harbringer of that. Fly High is hard to balance and often can be taxing and unfun to play against. This is one of things often mentioned even by KO players that should go away.

    Hopefully Iron Sky Command Abilities they mention will be decent/fun.

    Also all changes should in aggregate push from Ironclad as clearly superior choice and auto include.

    And generally in the same vein better internal balance and distinct roles for units. So f.ex Endrinriggers with their ship healing would stay as direct ship support while Skywardens who should be buffed in melee (or perhaps on pistols, similar effect due to short range or both) would be actually able to "skewer enemies upon longhafted skypikes or hover at short range to incinerate them with vulcaniser pistols." like book says.

    Minor point is what Grimm above mentioned (better rend), Ironclad torpedoes in particular should increase in Rend as book states about Ironclads that they are "bombarding their targets from afar with [...] armour-piercing torpedoes".

    Yes I am guy that pay attention to those lore blurbs.

    There could also be question of giving Arkanauts f.ex. pistol shots in combat

    • Thanks 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    I don't know how it works but it seems that there is a Command that gives you +1atk if your unit don't pile in (or something like that).

    If that's the case, that doubles our saw attacks for that juicy -2rend. Not sure how good it could be but it's something to take in mind.


    There was something about NOT charging, which for fragile troops like Skyriggers is very bad. So we will see once we have full wording

  18. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    What do you think about that?

    Champion rules: possible boost to Admiral and Flying Endrinmaster

    CA for ATK at cost of pile in: could be quite good for Endrinriggers, question is what restriction it will have

    Sharpshooter battalion restrictions/requirments could be very important, as untargetable support heroes (like all of the Seraphon ones f.ex.) could be very problematic for us.

    It's still hard to say one way or thre other as we need plans,tactics,strats for better picture, that being said as enjoyer of melee heroes in KO (Admiral, Hammer Endrinmaster) I am cautiously optimistic. Tough I don't really play super competitievly so YMMV.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  19. 13 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

    well that metawatch table is interesting, we can see how some 3.0 books are worse than previous books, like idoneth one, despite everyone being so sure it is great!! and i get so much hate everytime i claim that book had some glaring isues....


    this table clearly shows state of some armys prior vs post new tome, and idk is the one with biggest difference 😘

    Whut? According to table it went from 58% to 49%. And yes that absolutely means it's better book. It went from overpowered to within 1 pp of dead center.

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