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Posts posted by Boar

  1. 19 minutes ago, Doko said:

    I am one of these rare fyreslayers players,and i only name them as berzekers basics,berzerkers elite(of mortal wounds weapons or regular damage) and berzerkers rangued and my oponents havent problems following my names is easier for them also.

    This is genius

    • Thanks 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    1. one of weaker ones, probably. Though with tourny results there is self selection problem where competitive players tend to go for powerful armies.

    3. Chance? Characterful? It's Gitz all right, especially Squigs.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Smash said:

    As for lunatic fanatics they need some unleash hell and monsterous rampage evasion. As they have felt utterly useless when they die even before their first strike. I absolutely loved them i 2.0 as both offensive havoc makers and deployable screens before enemy charges. 

    Hunters battalion, and you throw sacrificial unit first. Second unfortunately can be problem as shooting unit could be the one behind, and Hoppers that previously would be ideal for that task doubled in size and points.

    It would be great if they natively messed in some way with Unleash Hell in particular.

    So waiting on new book...

  4. 31 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    that there are a good amount of units out there with the same price, while being tougher and have the ability to deal around 20 to more damage per combat or shooting phase.

    Grave Guard comes to mind eh? But they usually have lower defense, and do not have in-bult -1 to hit in melee. They could go somewhat down certainly, just not that much.

    As for the rest:

    Goobapalooza: yeah buffs only go on Grots, and hence they are for Grot utilisoing armies, they perhaps could use a drop in points, but being 2 Wizards it can only go so much

    Fanatics: they absolutely have issues, but going to 110 sounds a bit much when you look at dmg/point ratio. They are not the only glass cannon in game, but at least have nice method of delivery

    Snufflers: they buff MOONCLAN my dude

  5. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    if you guys have any thoughts about this please share.

    Few toughts

    Too steep reductions on Grots IMO, they would end up too efficient defensively and spamming them, particualry Stabbas would be best option. Especially as Grots have return mechanic with Loonshrine.

    Goobapalooza is 2 wizards (granted non-hero, but that can have it's own utility), assorted buff pieces, and dudes to run on objectives (poor Brewgit) 140 seems to low.

    Fanatics going to 110 sounds extreme, especially with conjunction with lower Grot points. Tough it's warscroll is in strange place right now

    Sneaky Snufflers can add between 50%-100% dmg to Stabbas or Boingrot, I cannot see any reduction whatsoever as justifiable. What is your line of tought here?

    Boingrot going to 90 just does not sit with me for some reason. I always see them performing decently, they charge is still good even with coherency changes. They mobility is wacky tough, but they can go into Squig sub-allegiance. So dunno.





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  6. 5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    At the end of the day it felt like the warscrolls were letting me down, rather than my play. 

    It certainly didn't help that I was somehow unable to win a single priority roll the entire event (except maybe after Dok had already tabled me).

    Ouch! Certainly looks like beside warscrolls dice gods weren't in your favor too.

    But yeah, looking at warscrolls going full spiders is... tough. Shaman on Arachnorok may be decent (not great mobility unfortunately), but Spider Riders are below average (per point) and they reinforce poorly. Which means for any given frontage (or per activation) they will generate just handful of offensive power.


  7. 4 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    Oh, I just remembered something about how weird it is, that Polish people seemingly don't differentiate between insects and spiders... Do people in English-speaking countries know that jellyfish are, in fact, not fish?

    Well for me at least "owad" (insect) is definetly different than "pajeczak" (arachnid) and stuff like that is in fact in biology books in elementary schools IIRC so YMMV.

  8. 4 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    First, prayers work like spells now so she can only use each prayer once per turn. She can only heal once and maybe kill 1 unit per turn. That's assuming you get within 12 of him too. 

    Nothing in new Bonesplitterz is prayers now AFAIK, just abilities

  9. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Why Fly High is affected by the "retreat/disengage"?

    Well because GW stated their intent for such in quoted FAQ, they want it that way. It is just not written in greatest way.

    2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Fly High description says that I can use Disengage when I Fly High (that it's a modified Retreat btw), but why I want to do that if teleports are not affected by that restrictions...?

    And this part precisely made me think that even in 2.0 Fly High was intended to be more restrictive, and I guess they either missed it then or let it slide, and only addressed it in 3.0 (the way they did, but still).

    • Haha 1
  10. Well but in interpretation I brought up they wouldn't really be affected by ability?

    You know what, I will just wait on FAQ, it is unproductive as I think there is issue of what is intended. Particulary how using CA triggers are written, and what they exact intention is.

    RAW you may very well be right.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Warmill said:

    Step 3) that unit adds +1 to save rolls until the end of the phase. Cool, 3 units now get to add +1 to their saves until the end of the phase, because the maw krusha issued the command to 3 units instead of 1.

    I am not entirely convinced. Step 3 calls again for "that unit" to recieve benfit, which looks like it refers too unit that fulfills initial criteria. In that case you can issue 3 commands but only one would have effect. Perhaps.

    Anyway where FAQ is due? I don't remember when exactly books came out.

  12. 20 hours ago, Krule Tyrant said:

    Also quick question if gobsprakk denies a sentinel unit and he blows up there head does it stops them from casting or using the lantern to see past the grinning blades special rule?

    He does not blow head of Champion, unit takes casulties


    • Thanks 1
  13. 16 minutes ago, broche said:

    @Magnus The Blue quick question i'm not sure i follow the extra iteration for mask. Prochet die after exactly 12 rolls, i get to 16 damages with the 4++ (12 * 4/6 *2)

    With initial roll taken into account perhaps? 2/3 chance for on average 2 MW ie. additional 1,33 so 17,33

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Smash said:

    But we have already lost mad as hell for mobility shenanigans, and they nerfed mighty destroyers with only extra pile in in combat. If we then dont get tripple command on the generic commands it seems like a net loss. 

    I guess it is good for inspiring presence.

    I mean there were many changes (like Brutes great ability f.ex) and what they will amount to in their totality we have yet to see.

  15. 16 minutes ago, dnusha said:

    And here we are trying to figure out how it works. Plz GW team let us use any triple command!

    There is possibility that it is deliberate, so as not too make it overpowered. Honestly even "just" triple Mighty Destroyers is very impactful.

  16. 41 minutes ago, dnusha said:

    All-out Attack (You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly unit to shoot in your shooting phase orfight in the combat phase) For me it's pretty simple, when you pick one unit to recieve a command you just pick 2 more units that are eligable to fight in this phase (12.1 A unit is eligible to fight if it is within 3" of an enemy unit and it has not fought in that phase, or if it made a charge move in the same turn and it has not fought in that phase.) These units are going to fight in this phase anyway. In shooting phase you just pick units to shoot. (they will shoot in this phase anyway, wording from MBMK "you can pick three instead of one")

    When you pick unit to fight, fact that they will be eligible later in turn to fight does not matter, it's not mentioned at all - only being chosen to fight matters.

    It will get resolved one way or another in FAQs

    IMO you can use: Rally, Inspiring Presence, Unleash Hell (and book ones: Mighty Destroyers and Ironsunz one). Rest simply don't work with multiple targets at once as game sequencing (moving, charging, fighting one at time) result in situation where you can ever issue such CA to one unit.

    Exception can happen with All Out Defense, as one enemy unit can indeed target multiple of yours in one activation and then you could use it to boost defense of attacked units.


  17. 4 hours ago, dnusha said:

    I'm all for GW giving us FAQ for this issue but i for one gonna go with this.

    core rule vs ability effect.jpg

    But it does not appear to contradict core rule. It does not allow you to issue any command regardless of triggers. Just allows you to target more units when issuing command. And there is this bit that people seems to forget about:


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  18. 3 hours ago, trolemon said:

    I have a request for some orruk mathhammer: how many mortal wounds will a wurrgog prophet do with his mask on average before he dies if you keep rolling? With a 4+ ward from glowin tattoos he could probably tank a fair few D6 mortals on himself

    I am not 100% sure but it should be something like that, assuming target has unlimited wounds. 10 000 sims.

    Wurgog ward 6+: 12.962
    Wurgog ward 4+: 19.3266

    edit: there is also possibility of using Amulet of Destiny:

    Wurgog ward 5+: 15.2925


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  19. 1 hour ago, Arzalyn said:

    May I ask how much re rolling one of the the casting dices improve the chances for a 1 cast wizard? I wondering if the Master of Magic trait could help improve those probabilities and open some reliability on our spell lore without having to go Big Waag for the +1 to cast.

    Master of Magic makes you re-roll whole roll, not one dice

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  20. 19 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Nope, you need to read the abilities. Both specify they only trigger after the unit has fought for the first time, and both say that it allows the unit to fight for a second time (not third). Since you can't trigger either after the unit has fought for the second time in a phase you'll only ever get to fight twice.

    Yeah I suppose so, both indeed specify "to fight for a second time". Tough trigger would work fine if you fought 2 times it is definetly by definition after you fought one time.

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