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Everything posted by SaucyRatBear

  1. I unfortunately have no room to give any reliable thoughts but any time a doom wheel takes the field I smile. On my own side I had a game yesterday and I had to both proxy and scale back my army but I played a 900 pt game vs Sylvaneth and I found the Clan Moulder abilities to be very swingy. As in I pulled some shenanigans to get a Hellpit into their valuable guys and took out a treelord and a branchwych? Then it became a slugfest between rat ogors and their Hunters/Dryad's. I came out slightly behind in that battle and it came down to my Unleash More-More Beasts roll to decide who wins the game as points were essentially even. I succeeded on the roll with a 5 and so 6 Ogors came back and at that point he had almost no way back. I found that ability nice when it works but definitely not something to rely on. I guess with this rambling thought process I am wondering would it be better to lean into the Unleash More-More Beasts and have MSU's of Rat Ogors or is having a big chunky unit better?
  2. Shout-cry for joy-joy! I slipped away from the whole scene since shortly before Clan Pestilens made a successful prayer check in the real world and I am just now seeing the changes that have been made. I have all the models for a good sized Skryre army but Clan Moulder always had my heart. I am excited to see that they are finally being used and can't wait to start flinging Hellpit Abominations at the enemy! With that said I am seeing most of the posted lists simply going Skaventide and the Clanrats seem to be a great source of screens so I may run something similar but has anyone had any success with a pure Moulder army yet? While I definitely have my Storm Friends I would like to try to make use of the Frankenstein of the Skaven rather than the Tesla.
  3. Remember you are playing Skaven! If you lose it was obviously sabotage or incompetent underlings. You yourself are a genius with a master plan that is sure to please the Great Horned Rat!
  4. Hail ratlings, I leap jumped straight into AOS by buying a full Skaven army and starting in an escalation league. I have mostly Skryre units but was wondering if it would be better at the 500 pts level to take lots of bodies or try to sneak in something with more punch. I noticed with FAQ and Errata that 2x20 clan rats, any 100 pt leader, and a doomwheel comes in at 500 pts but is that even good for this point level?
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