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Everything posted by XcaliburNick

  1. Depends on how someone is being introduced... I've played GW and other table-top wargames for quite a long time. Starting at 1,000 points is not a goal of mine, I like to enter at what level is commonly played and discussed on podcasts. There's also the local meta, which doesn't always play at 1,000 points (mine is pretty focused on 2k). In addition, there are armies that just don't play as well at lower points values. Nighthaunt seem to be a much less fun experience at 1k vs 2k, so someone starting at that level might not have as much fun (or their army would be significantly different). FEC might work at both levels, though. Personally, I also play mostly in events, which are all 2k, so that's why I only care about those battles
  2. Is there any potential to running Olynder and Kurdoss in an army? Maybe with the Dolorous Guard? I really want to try Kurdoss, such a cool model!
  3. Thanks @EnixLHQ! Great beginner's guide BTW, good advice to start off with. Looks like Sheffield Slaughter 2020 was Ceri Robson and he went 3-2. I also can't find the list, but it looked like in the pics from twitter that he used a Spirit Host unit, some Chainrasps and bladegheist revenants, and a foot knight of shrouds. I think I saw a mounted as well, but not sure.
  4. Is Legion of Grief still considered the superior option vs Nighthaunt? The battalions from the Emerald Host seem to have given the faction a boost overall right? I’ve been seeing some better tournament results posted lately at any rate.
  5. Hi everyone! I've narrowed it down overall to 2 options for my first Flesh Eater Courts army. I'm going to use Blisterskin, and I'm taking a Zombie Dragon King, an Archregent, 40 ghouls, 10 ghouls and 6 flayers as the core. Then I can't decide between the rest: List 1 = Terrorgheist Ghoul King + Chalice (no battalion). List 2 = Varghulf Courtier, 3 Horrors, Royal Mordants Battalion + Gemenids Overall: I love the idea of using a dragon and a terrorgheist, but it feels like the battalion is a better bet. Sanity check: I've heard from people on a discord group that 40 ghouls is actually disappointing in that it doesn't hit hard enough and dies too easily. In that case it might be better off to go Flayer heavy and Deadwatch, like I've seen a lot of lists do. Help!
  6. I've been theory-hammering the right summoning mix as well. If you went Blisterskin you could possibly use the command ability after summoning the Varghulf to have it 'teleport' where you have the 6 flayers. I also like the idea of the 40-ghoul block, as from my calculations a big unit of flamers can kill roughly 26-28 ghouls on average (if they have their 'wound save').
  7. Thanks @XReN! Do you think there’s some benefit to going with either the Ethereal Amulet for a dragon or the gryph feather charm for extra -1 to hit?
  8. With that list you’re mentioning do you keep the big ghoul unit off board and screen with the smaller ones usually? This looks like a lot of fun to me, love having the 2 flying monsters and the ghoul blocks.
  9. @KibaWildFang I’ve been going through the same research / thought process you’ve been on here. I looked at LVO, CanCon, a Spanish event, Goldensprue Cup and a Texas masters. I felt like most of the ‘winning’ lists (3-0, 4-1, etc) were either Feast Day or Blisterskin. Lots of Royal Mordant and Ghoul Patrol. I am also considering Blisterskin but with my own pale white skin + blacked/red on top if that looks cool in a test model.
  10. How did you effectively use him? Stay out of melee unless you know you’re going to win by screening and cast spells/buff? Did you keep him in Ambush? Did you use Ambush much?
  11. Thanks for the advice guys! The list I was considering: Mannfred VLoZD Guardian of Souls Necromancer 30 Chainrasp Horde 5 Direwolves 5 Direwolves 30 Grimghast Reapers Suffocating Gravetide spell Soulsnare Shackles spell @MrCharisma do you think the Terrorgheist is a better damage dealer/threat than the Reapers? I could drop the spells, Guardian of souls and 10 less Reapers and be close to the Terrorgheist points.
  12. Hi there! New player, and I love Mannfred’s model so looking at Legion of Night. A Discord chat pointed me to @MrCharisma and then this community for possible help with my army setup. I know it’s not super-competitive but I’m hoping that I can put something together to still do well with. What I have: Mannfred, Necromancer, VLoZD, Guardian of Souls, Knight of Shrouds rider+mount, Spirit Torment, 30 Grimghast Reapers, 30 chainghast revenants, 10 direwolves, 4 myrmourn banshees, dreadblade harrows. I can get Vargheists pretty easily and could build 10 skeletons and 5 black knights/Hexwraiths.
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