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Posts posted by Pennydude

  1. I've thought about doing something like this and unfortunately, I think you need to run a lot more Spite Revenants along with a Horrorghast and Vengeful Skullroot.  Spites die when a stiff breeze hits them so you need quite a lot of bodies in order to get their debuff to stick.  Personally, I think the Free Spirit battalion ability is hot garbage so there's another 140pts to work with.  

    While I love Durthu, you really need to make him work instead of him working for you so IMHO, I'd drop him for more Kurnoths or Spite Revs.  I do love me some Drycha and I think she's head and shoulders better than Durthu.  

  2. 22 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Yea the frustrating part about Alarielle is that I am pretty sure her base issues with Living City and Gladewyrm weren't intentional. Six inches was probably just slapped on those rules arbitrarily. Luckily the Spiteswarm Hive is 8 inches. 

    Looks like a fun list but I always advise against double TLAs. A big part of their cost is the command ability and the free forest, and you can't duplicate those. I would recommend you swap out a TLA and an endless spell for Durthu. I don't think you will miss one cast. 

    I could do that.  I wanted to use the Lords of the Clan battalion though because it's 3 drops right now.  So even if I have 2 Treelord Ancients, I can't spend two command points and use the ability on both?  I know you can use the Arch-Rev's command ability multiple times in one turn but the targets have to be different.

  3. I would think it would make more sense if they were “Battleline If” in the Oakenbrow glade. The issue is that would give us hyper-mobile battleline monsters. 

    I do agree that having 2 TLAs kinda sucks because you can’t use each model’s Silent Communion ability.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Haha  thats awesome. Yea the Gladewyrm goes from meh to crazy good if you can get it within range of multiple units. The sad part is that it can't actually heal Alarielle because her base is too big 😭

    Why does her base have to be soooo biiiiig???? You can use her to deep strike in Living City and I was sad when I found that out.  I was lucky to get a spot at Holy Wars here in mid-February and so I need to finalize a 2000pt list AND a 1000pt "sideboard".  I get bonus points during the event for utilizing the sideboard and changing up the lists.  I'm considering doing a more Kurnoth Heavy list and see if I can transition it into Da Monsterz.  I'm currently playing around with a 3 drop Gnarlroot list:

    TLA (General, Nurtured by Magic, Nightbloom Garland, Regrowth)
    TLA (Chalice of Nectar, Deadly Harvest)
    Branchwraith (Spiritsong Stave, Throne of Vines)
    Drycha Hamadreth (Regrowth)
    30 Dryads
    20 Dryads
    10 Dryads
    Spiteswarm Hive
    Lords of the Clan battalion
    Forest Folk battalion
    Command point

    Could drop the command point for another spell.  Would love to fit Geminids in but that would probably require dropping Drycha for Durthu.

    EDIT/Addition: The Nightbloom Garland is a concession to OBR catapults.  The bearer isn't visible to enemy units that are more than 12" away.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    One good thing about the higher casting cost it that it takes like an 8 to dispel, so most opponents won't bother attempting it unless they have spare casts.

    Ooh, I didn't think of it that way.  While I think CV 7 is pretty high for the Gladewyrm, I may try it out in my Gnarlroot Monster Mash list because of the potential to heal 2+ monsters at the same time.  I'm gonna be painting mine with a D&D Purple Wurm theme.  

  6. 4 minutes ago, Shmaravoz said:

    Thank you Ponnydude for your email. Look forward to trying this new list!! 

    No problem!  As an FYI, my double partner in my 4 games so far was running Beefclaw Raiders.  I'm running my list (may change the B-Wraith spell and endless spell) for the 4-person team event at Adepticon.  My teammates are playing Khorne, Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Flesh-Eater Courts.  

    Also, never be afraid to run your Bow Kurnoths into combat to help claim objectives.  They are still as tanky as Scythes and Swords but not a ton of killing power.  I successfully charged an enemy unit with some Bows and because of that, I claimed the objective, 6 models to their 5. 

    With the new points changes, I have a new Gnarlroot and Oakenbrow monster mash list I want to try out.

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/17/2019 at 5:17 PM, Shmaravoz said:

    Has anyone used 9 KH with bows. I am building a list with 24 KH (6 syths, 9 Swords and 9 Bows) and curious to know your experience. Specifically, sniping heros (with -1 to hit due to Look out Sir) and killing monsters? Its a huge point investment - 600 points, and would like to know if its worth it. 

    I intend to play Heartwood glade with Horn of the Consort, allowing my KH with bows to re-roll hitrolls. 

    Hey Shmaravoz!  I've ran a 1000pt Heartwood list for doubles using the trick you are looking at and it performs shockingly well.  My list was:

    Branchwraith (General, Horn of the Consort, Verdurous Harmony)
    3 Bow Hunters
    3 Bow Hunters
    3 Bow Hunters
    20 Dryads
    5 Tree-Revenants
    Balewind Vortex

    I was able to essentially kill a Bloodthirster on turn 1, neuter a Celestial Hurricanum on turn 1, and shoot off a Petrifex Gothizzar Harvester on turn 1 in different games.  Hero sniping can be difficult but it will depend on how much you commit to it.  It's a one-trick pony list but it's a really good trick.  At 2000pts, I'd supplement the Kurnoths with an Arch-Revenant or maybe even 2 Arch-Revs depending on how you run them on the table.  


    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Gibs said:

    Dusting off my Sylvaneth this weekend for a semi-competitive games with some friends. Its been awhile and I am borrowing the new book and some models to fill in the gaps in my collection. Any advice would be much appreciated?

    Realm: Ghyran     

    Glade: Winterleaf


    • General: TLA
      • Frozen kernel
      • My hearts is ice
      • Regrowth
    • Durthu
      • Ghyrstrike
    • Drycha
      • Regrowth
    • Branchwraith
    • Branchwraith


    • Kurnoth Hunters (swords) x3
    • Kurnoth Hunters (swords) x3
    • Kurnoth Hunters (swords) x3


    • Spirit Revenants x5
    • Spirit Revenants x5
    • Spirit Revenants x5

    Battalion: Outcasts

    Endless spell: Glade Wyrm

    Total: 1950 points

    Personally, I'd go -3 Swords, -3 Swords, -3 Swords, -Gladewyrm, + 6 Scythes, +30 Dryads.  That would put you at 1990pts, give you some good staying power on objectives with a 30 Dryad blob, and another solid unit you can use the Frozen Kernal on.   Don't underestimate Dryads when 6s explode because their 2" reach is awesome.  I'm not the biggest fan of the Gladewyrm only because it's a 7 to cast and only heals on a 3+ when you have a unit within its range.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Trevelyan said:

    That’s not true. Core rules state that all terrain is considered friendly to all sides - second sentence of the first paragraph in the terrain section. 

    So while you do need a friendly Awakened Wyldwood, all Awakened Wyldwoods are friendly to everyone regardless of which side placed them. 

    Huh, you are right.  I greatly appreciate that clarification and my apologies for spreading bad information.  Definitely was not my intent.  I have a lot to learn still.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Piikalo1 said:

    If im playing a mirror match can we spirit paths to each others forests? Or do we only get to use our own. 

    Spirit Paths, no.  That ability on the TL, TLA and SoD say that the Awakened Wyldwoods must be friendly.

    Now the allegiance ability does not have that distinction...

  11. Just now, smartazjb0y said:

    I believe just a clarification on Glades on warscrolls that already have Glades, but I'm not 100% sure if that change is specific to a different translation 

    Yea, if the warscroll already has a glade keyword (both our Shadespire warbands), then they don't get the benefit of other glades but they can still be used in those armies.

    So, Ylthari's Guardians is Oakenbrow.  You can use them in a Gnarlroot army but they don't get any of the Gnarlroot benefits.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    I just find it odd that the likes of kurnoth swords are the same points as kurnoth bows personally

    It didn't surprise me really.  Bows are still really strong because of the 30" range and the buffs with a command ability, Arch-Rev, or Heartwood artefact.  Bows are my favorite of the three and I really like Scythes and Swords too.  I own 9 Bows, 6 Scythes, and 6 Swords and all get used for different purposes.  

  13. My first (and only complete) army is Sylvaneth and I'm looking to participate in more tournaments next year.  I've gone 1-2 in my only individuals tournament and then 3-0 in a doubles tournament this year and I've had a lot of fun playing.  I got the army because my wife and I really loved the models in that line so that's why I play trees.  I also enjoy how they play with summoning terrain and teleporting.  

    I do have some Tzeentch daemons and I'll be slowly expanding that army when the new book drops because I like the concept of endless spells and want to use them more.  I have to expand into that army slowly because I'm also getting into 40K for the first time with Adepta Sororitas.

    Love my trees.  You hate trees?  Get off my lawn.  :) :) 

  14. 1 hour ago, Pigey said:

    Hey @Pennydude, just wondering, at 2k, do you still play Heartwood? :)

    Idea looks good!

    Haven't tried it yet at 2000pts but I do want to give it a go especially with the rise of OBR.  Mortek Guard don't get to re-roll saves during the shooting phase.  Don't remember if I posted it, but my 1000pts was 3x3 Bows, Branchwraith, 20 Dryads, 5 TR, Balewind Vortex.  My BCR partner ran Huskard on Stonehorn, Stonehorn Beastriders, 4 Mournfang Pack, 2x2 Frost Sabres.  

    I may try something out with a 21 Kurnoth build (9 bows, 6 Scythes, 2x3 Swords), 2 Arch-Rev, 3x5 Tree-Revs, and 2 Branchwraith.  I completely understand that it may not hold objectives well but it's a glade I haven't tried out yet at 2000pts.  I will take any and all suggestions though!

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Graywater said:

    Congrats on your win. Not to dismiss your example, but for every example like this, we have the opposite. I ran nearly the same list in a doubles event with ironjawz, and I spent every game futilely shooting at heroes to see only a couple of wounds go through. With average dice and the rerolls, 600 points of bow hunters doesnt kill a bloodthirster, a 270 point model. But that is misleading, because the disparity is even worse than that. To get those numbers close, you have to have the rerolls through heartwood. That means a hero is babysitting this unit. Furthermore, you are taking a glade that only helps this unit to be more accurate with their shooting. So the rest of your army suffers not getting benefits that they may get if you took another glade. You have to invest so heavily into bows to make them work that it isn't worth it in my opinion.

    I can 100% see your point and you are not wrong.  It's a lot of investment to make it work and like I said, it worked in doubles perfectly at 1000pts (9 Bows, B-Wraith, 20 Dryads, 5 TR, Balewind).  I personally like them because they have the flexibility to assist other ground units across the board but at a cost of not having more on the front line.  My list had a specific purpose and that was to support my BCR partner and it couldn't have worked any better than it did.  Bows happened to be the first kit I built so I'm quite partial to them.  

  16. 5 hours ago, Shmaravoz said:

    Anyone had a success with KH with Bows? I'm running 21 KH list (6 Syths, 6 Bows, 9 Swords), and Swords consistently do not perform. I love the models and their shooting range, but its 400 points that dont do lots of damage.... I could convert them either to swords or syths.... Whats ur experience? 

    I recently won a small doubles tournament running 9 Bows (3x3x3) and partnered with Beastclaw Raiders.  Heartwood Glade so my Branchwraith had the artefact granting re-rolls.  The bows shot a Bloodthirster and 1 Bloodcrusher off the board on turn 1.  We won that game handily.  I dropped a Celestial Hurricanum down to 2 wounds (only 7/9 shot, bad deployment on my part, still fairly new) but it stopped all his magic shenanigans early one and won that game handily because of it.

    Bows seem to be the least liked of the three variants but honestly, they are my favorites.  They can take down big threats (or knock them down a few pegs), snipe small heroes, and can still hold objectives.  I charged a unit of 3 Bows into melee combat and ended up controlling an objective because of that.  Five wounds each with a 4+ save (possibly re-rolling) is still huge even if they aren't killing a ton.  

    Bows have an effective 35" threat range on turn 1 if you don't put them into reserves.  If you do put them into reserves,  you can have a much larger range.  Don't count the bows out just yet.  I ran two units of 3 in my 2000pt list and between those two units and Drycha, I took out a Keeper and Shalaxi pretty easily and Drycha didn't die.  

    • Like 1
  17. I played a friendly game against OBR with my Sylvaneth on Sunday and learned really fast how deadly Mortek Guard can be.   Seems like shooting is how you take them off the board or you try to snipe the heroes if the bodyguard unit isn't around.  Learned that Drycha just blends Arkhan and Mortek Guard with her deadly bugs.

    One issue I have, kinda piggybacking on what Ser_namron mentions, is how the OBR faction terrain operates.  My wyldwoods help me with movement and area control, the Fyreslayer's forge (or pizza oven) helps with their prayers, the Skaven's gnawholes help with movement and spellcasting, etc.  The Bone-Tithe Nexus does nothing to actually help their own army.  It just deals damage or de-buffs the enemy.  It feels extremely tacked-on and unnecessary.  

    Just my two cents.

    • Like 1
  18. As a Sylvaneth player, I think the one model that can best represent the army is a Treelord Ancient.  The Wood Elves have been around forever and were led by the eldest of the trees, the Ancients.  From a mechanics perspective, it does just about everything army wants to do and it's a beautiful model.  

    If cost is an issue, I'd recommend a Branchwraith at $15.  She's a sly little wizard and still represents the world of old.

    Completely agree with @Kyriakin, Alarielle is not the best choice.  I think Drycha is a fine choice if that's the type of Sylvaneth you want represented. 

  19. 7 minutes ago, a74xhx said:

    I can't remember off the top of my head, but does that include the updates from the FAQ?

    Yes.  The FAQ says that "faction terrain must be set up more than 3" from any other terrain features and more than 1" from any objectives, in addition to any other restrictions that apply to it." (emphasis mine)

    Per our battletome only, the restrictions are more than 1" from any other terrain feature, more than 1" away from enemy territory, and more than 6" away from any other objectives.  Now if we only follow our book, we only satisfy one of the two restrictions from the GHB (distance from objectives).  We would be in violation of the "distance from terrain features" part.  

    So... the parameters I outlined above are our restrictions for our allegiance ability Awakened Wyldwood.  For all others, it's just more than 1" away from everything.

    • Thanks 1
  20. Just now, Aezeal said:

    I used to think about something like this; mostly I thought about making a very small wood with 2 small ones. But the warscrolls says 3-6 it seems so no forests of 2 models.

    BTW am I correct that when placing my original wood I need to place it

    - on my side of the table

    - more than 6' from objective

    - more than 6' from aterrain or table edge?

    I'm pretty sure it's...

    - more than 1" away from enemy territory

    - more than 3" away from other terrain features

    - more than 6" away from objectives

    That's how I've been doing it.  You have to take the worst cases between the GHB2019 and our battletome.

  21. 7 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    Take sylvaneth they have treelords dryads and kurnoth hunters these are all capable units. They then get FREE terrain that aids these units and debuffs their enemies. How is this balanced or fair??? 

    Sylvaneth are specifically balanced around their Awakened Wyldwoods due to buffs/debuffs/teleporting.  Without them, Dryads would be way overcosted, Treelords would suck more than they already do, and the army's mobility is gone.  The woods aren't as strong as they were in the old book and they don't cover as much area now (6 new woods pieces is roughly 2 of the old bases, old book allowed up to 3 old bases).  They've been blocking line of sight for over a year now and can't just instagib models like before.  

  22. As a Sylvaneth player, the woods are pretty much necessary.  I really don't mind faction terrain as long as they bring a suitable ability to the faction that wouldn't make sense on a character.  It also diversifies the hobby aspect of that army a bit and makes each table feel a little different instead of just seeing rocks/hills/buildings/etc on tables.  For Sylvaneth, it seems like they carefully balanced how the units interact with the woods while with other armies, it seems more tacked on and just a bonus.

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