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Posts posted by Pennydude

  1. 6 minutes ago, AronQ_ said:

    Hello everyone! I have a question - what is a limit of Awakened Wyldwood? How many we can put it one table? I ask that because my friend say that there no limit, but I whink it is wrong.

    As many as you can legally put on the table.

  2. 3 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    How about a Drycha/Durthu tag team?  Add a wraith, 3 10x Dryads, 1 5x Tree Revenants, 6 Scythe hunters, 6 greatsword hunters and the free folk battalion?

    I'd love to see an Arch-Rev in there with 12 Kurnoths.  If it were me, I'd do Drycha, Durthu, B-Wraith, Arch-Rev, 3x5 Spite Revs, 5 Tree-Rev, 6 Scythes, 6 Swords (or 2x3), Outcast battalion, and then either:

    5 Tree-Revs (1980 pts)
    10 Dryads (2000 pts)
    make the Spites 10/5/5 (1960 pts)
    Spiteswarm Hive + CP (2000 pts)

    Forest Folk is fine but 140pts is a lot for a battalion in this army.

  3. 2 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Yeah, your not wrong.  Drycha seems like a more reliable beatstick.  

    I'll preach Drycha any day of the week.  I especially love her in Gnarlroot since she always gets re-roll 1s to hit for being a wizard.  She's my favorite model and warscroll in the army right now.

  4. 3 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Ah, Malign Sorcery (endless spells only).  Got it.  And Derpthu?  Really?  I just got mine painted!😂

    Yes, good ol' Derpthu.  His damage falls off immensely after only taking 3 damage (from flat 6 to D6).  He's really inconsistent...  

    That being said, I have one painted, another built and primed, and I want a third for the lulzlist.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    In harvestboon you can get some good stacks too.  I think a Durthu can get up to 8 attacks.  That mitigates the issues with his stats being swingy.

    Alarielle allows rr hits of 1s?  I think there was a way to get them to rr 1s (ability?)

    Durthu can get up to 8 attacks (3 base, +2 near AWW, +1 from Harvestboon artefact, +1 for Harvestboon CA, +1 for Arch-Rev CA) or you can use the Greenwood Gladius instead of the Harvestboon artefact (+2 attack on charge) for 9 attacks but needing 2 CP to pull it off.

    Alarielle allows reroll wound rolls of 1 while wholly within 14" of her with her CA.  Unfortunately, we don't get a lot of CP.  

    Harvestboon has army wide re-roll 1s to hit but only for units that charge.

    • Like 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Thanks, I like the Crown idea.  I was unaware Ghyrstrike isn't an option for matched play (I'm really new to the faction and AoS in general).  I did a little looking...so the Malign Portent artefacts are not legal in matched play but the endless spells in Malign Sorcery are?

    No problem!  You'll want to consult this Designer's Commentary for the General's Handbook 2020 for what is legal in matched play.


  7. 2 hours ago, velocitydog said:

    Has anyone tried using Lifewreath on Durthu coupled with Regrowth to help keep him in his upper brackets?  I haven't seen any mention in the earlier posts I've read so I suspect the benefit just isn't good enough to offset other artefacts like the Staff or Ghyrstrike.

    I've used Lifewreath in a Lords of the Clan focused list (no Derpthu) and it was a neat trick.  

    It's really hard to not take the Staff since that extra cast when paired with Throne of Vines is great.  

    Remember that Ghyrstrike is no longer available for matched play games.  That was a huge blow to Derpthu.  About the only way to kinda shore that up is using Crown of Fell Bowers to get the re-rolls to wound.  I can see Durthu having that in a Harvestboon list so on a charge he can be 3+ rr 1s / 3+ rerolling / -2 / 6 and then move out of combat after attacking.

  8. 34 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Yeah, I've seen that battalion mentioned.  Is it good mostly for the reduced drops and extra CP/artefact because the ability seem kinda meh (unless I'm missing something).  

    It's used because it's cheap and maximizes points you can use on more impactful units like more Kurnoths.


    35 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Are your bows units of 3 to maximize target flexibility?  

    Bows are in 3s because of the +1 to hit for the Huntmaster (so it hits on 3s instead of 4s).  I try to keep them within Arch-Rev range (or wizard in Gnarlroot) for the re-roll 1s to hit buff.  While they may not have the damage output, they can keep your opponent honest with their movement since you have an effective 35" threat range.

    The reason you run Scythes in 6s (or even 9s on occasions and sometimes Swords in 6s) is for that big, persistent combat threat and to maximize the Arch-Rev's CA ability.  That gives you "sacrificial" wounds so your units can keep blending and hold their ground longer in combat.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Thanks! I had a feeling that might be the case.  Is the auto 6" run (+ the extra CP and artifact) considered to be good enough to justify the cost of the battalion?  It does reduce the number of drops but if I run a 4th unit of Kurnoth (I was thinking 2x 3 greatsword, 1x 6 scythe and 1x bow) but when I add a branchwraith, Arch-Revenant (or 2 since I have so many Kurnoth Hunters) and three battleline units I'm not sure how much it helps.

    Generally, Free Spirits is not worth the points but that shouldn't discourage you from trying it out.  One of the more common things to take is three units of 5 Spite-Revenants and the Outcast battalion.  That's only 280pts, fulfills the battleline requirements, turns 3 drops into 1, and gives you the artefact and CP.  

    I love my Bow Kurnoths but shy away from only running one.  I usually lean to 2-3 units at a minimum when using them.  Your Scythes and GSwords are just fine as is.

  10. 4 minutes ago, velocitydog said:

    Hello! New Sylvaneth player here.  I've picked up some models for Warcry and want to expand to a full army.  I realize they are not the most competitive these days but I've always loved the models and have worked up a swampy Halloween-themed paint scheme I'm pretty happy with.  As I was looking through the battletome and model range I was really drawn to Durthu and the Kurnoth Hunters which , from what I've read, are pretty solid units.  This naturally got me interested in the Free Spirits battalion but I had a question about the ability.  The book says that instead of making a run roll add 6" to the Move characteristic of the unit.  Does that 6" still count as a Run or is it still a Move meaning the unit can charge afterwards?



    Welcome to the grove!!  Unfortunately, it's still a "run" so you are unable to charge if you use the Free Spirit's ability.  You declare that you will run with the unit and either roll a D6 or use the FA's automatic 6" and add that to your move.

  11. 3 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    I effectively did just that. The issue was that Neferata has a -1 to hit Aura. Putting 9 Scythes and Durthu at -1 to hit is absolutely brutal.  He also put 3 mortals on Durthu with a spell so he definitely knew how to mitigate durthu's output. Combine that with some mediocre rolling and you end up with zero damage output lol.

    So berzerkers are already S tier infantry in my book. Their movement is supposed to be their biggest (and only) weakness. But when you give them the ability to deepstrike and trigger ASF, it completely negates that weakness and just makes them essentially unstoppable unless you have a ton of shooting. 

    This just pushes me back to taking some allied shooting. (or just fielding Sylvaneth in Cities so I can take a Hurricanum). 

    I didn't realize that about Neferata and wow that's pretty strong.  

    Yeah, HGBs are stupid and need to be hit with a nerfbat until they go back underground.  It does seem like GW is going away from the activation wars which I'm not sure how to feel about that.  I think the activation shenanigans are fine but just needed a facelift.  

    I also thought about jumping into Living City but decided to get Deepkin as the next army to paint with my wife and Sons of Behemat as a personal project.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Vs Legion of Blood. (Blades Edge)

    A cool army with a Vampire lord on dragon, Neferatta, and a bunch of blood knights. His bloodknights and  Zombie dragon wrecked everything they touched. Frustratingly Durthu and Scythes managed to whiff multiple times in combats that should have been easy. The  greatsword hunters carried the team, and my squads of 5 spites punched above their weight in a few fights.  I also lost every priority roll which didn't help. The game came down to a fight over a single objective, where a 5+ save roll on my last  hunter decided control of the objective. Sadly I failed it and lost 11-12. Great game!

    The one time I faced a Legion of Blood army with Bloodknights and VLoD, I had a block of 30 Dryads to screen for my 6 Scythes, TLA, and Drycha.  Right on queue, he charged and obliterated my Dryads.  

    I then absolutely murdered all his Bloodknights on the return volley.  Drycha eventually took out the VLoD after he stopped my Durthu from attacking and then killed him.  

    I also think GeeDub reducing the Hearthguard Berzerkers from 30 blocks to 20 just made them better and it sucks.  I've only beaten one Fyreslayers player and I didn't have to fight a crapton of HGBs.

    • Confused 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Yea I play 6-3-1 on my free forest, and 1-1-1 on my summoned forests. Enforcing 6-3-1 on summoned forests would make them effectively unplaceable on any regulation terrain board after turn 1.  I play in a lot of tournaments and everyone is cool with using the warscroll/codex restrictions. 

    That is exactly how I play it and nobody has ever given me any trouble.

  14. 1 hour ago, Havelocke said:

    Summoned Wyldwood: More than 1" from objectives / More than 3" from other terrain / More than 1" from other models

    This wood literally make the extra Wyldwoods  unusable though.  I haven’t seen or heard of the 3” restriction this from anyone else.

    My 2020GHB is packed up for moving so I can’t just reference it.

  15. 5 hours ago, Trickflo said:

    Hey I was hoping someone could help me understand how woods work a bit better my current understanding is.

    Free wood can be placed anywhere more then 1 away from terrain and enemy territory and more then 6 away from objectives.  

    Other summoned woods can be placed anywhere within the range of the source more then 1 away from any models(not sure if just enemy models or friendlies as well) or terrain and 6 from objectives. 

    I'm not 100% sure about the accuracy of that stuff and I couldn't find much information about whether or not you can move through woods (myself or opponent) and how you're supposed to handle line of sight(true los or can't see through trees or trees don't block at all) 

    If anyone could help clear that up for me I would really appreciate it thanks.

    I do know that other summoned woods are just 1" away from everything (terrain, objectives, all models) and that's per the Sylvaneth book.  Refer to the specific spells and abilities.

    For the first wood, I've always done 1" from enemy territory, 3" from other terrain, and 6" from objectives which meets both requirements of the GHB and the Sylvaneth book.  I may be wrong on this one though.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Its been a minute since I played Drycha. How does she get rerolls in the shooting phase? 

    I typically play Gnarlroot so she always gets rerolls of 1 to shoot.  

    8 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Yea but even then the player will usually have a 5+ FNP as well as the double CP spell up. So he is going to save quite a few of them  and he doesn't degrade.  The spell that doubles CP is probably one of their strongest abilities. It absolutely shuts down Dreadwood lists. 

    See, there's really not a whole lot we can do about that, especially with Teclis running around.  If you know you are playing against LRL, I guess you could ally in a Knight Incantor or three to stop those spells when needed.

    I do agree that LoE just puts our trees to shame.  Ignores rend, ignores penalties to hit, takes half damage, deals MW at range, and gets a 5+ FNP when buffed makes, IMHO, that one model better than our entire book combined.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

    Yea, it lets you suck a bit more efficiently than the other battalions.  I honestly wouldn't bring it all if it weren't for the Spiritsong Stave. The extra cast just proves super crucial for summoning forests. Its particularly useful on turn 1 when I am often out of range of unbinds. 

    I like Drycha as well, but she (like Durthu) is paying a hell of a premium for all of her abilities. I had a rude awakening in my last game after seeing what a 220point Light of Eltharion could do compared to my 300pt characters.


    Yeah, the Spiritsong Stave is so good.  

    LoE seems like it just has to die to mortal wounds which is something Sylvaneth struggle to consistently deal outside of Drycha shooting 20 bees at it while re-rolling 1s.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    All of our battalions suck. Outcast is just the cheapest form of suck 🤣

    You get no argument from me brother.  I do think that Outcast is one of the better battalions in the game for it's efficiency.  Is there another way to get all battleline requirements in one drop for 280pts or less?  That right there is like the ONLY good thing in this book.  Except for me, I also love me some Drycha.  I'll use her any day of the week.

    • Like 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Kiekeboe said:
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    Thoughts on putting the 3xKurnoths+Durthu in Free Spirits to go down to a 3-drop list?

    IMO, doing so would waste an artefact since there's only 2 heroes.  I also think that Free Spirits kinda sucks at 140pts.

  20. 14 minutes ago, Craze said:

    @Pennydude please throw a list together, would really love to see this. :)

    Off the top of my head:Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Harvestboon

    Spirit of Durthu (300)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Seek New Fruit
    - Artefact: Greenwood Gladius (Guardian Sword)

    Treelord Ancient (260)
    - Artefact: The Silent Sickle (Sweeping Blows)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth

    Branchwych (80)**
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth

    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)**
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    10 x Dryads (100)

    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (380)
    - Scythes

    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (190)
    - Greatswords

    1 x Akhelian Allopexes (110)
    - Retarius Net Launcher
    - Allies

    1 x Akhelian Allopexes (110)
    - Retarius Net Launcher
    - Allies

    Treelord (180)**

    Household (100)**

    TOTAL: 1970/2000 WOUNDS: 122

    So, I have included a TLA for the guaranteed woods and giving him The Silent Sickle so he doesn't completely suck in combat and even be his own threat.  I could see a replacement for him though so I'm open to the idea.   I know that it's really light on bodies with no Branchwraith to create more but my idea of a Harvestboon list is to pick your fights to get the reroll 1s to hit on the charge.   Being able to control fights through stopping pile-ins (Allopexes), stomps with Durthu, TLA, and TL, and the ability to stop your opponent from retreating from the generic TL can really make life difficult for the opponent.

    • Like 1
  21. Since Lumineth archers exist, I don't really think this army can put a non-Spiritsong Staff artefact on anything other than a TLA or Durthu in a tournament setting.  

    For non-glade artefacts, I like the Crown of Fell Bowers and either Oaken Armor or Briar Sheath on Derpthu.  Unfortunately, we'd really have to run 2 battalions to get one of those but that's not out of the question.   Running two minimum Outcast battalions is 30 models, 2 artefacts, and 2 command points for 560pts.  

    I think the Gladius can be good but only in Harvestboon since Durthu can move freely out of combat each round after attacking.  I kinda want to try that out alongside a Treelord in a Household battalion.  Throw both into something, get the double stomps, and let Durthu retreat without any retaliation since enemies can't retreat within 3" of the Treelord.  Combine that with an Allopex or two with net launchers for some combat phase shenanigans.  It may be a dumb idea, but I'm all for trying dumb ideas out.


    • Like 1
  22. 1 minute ago, Landohammer said:

    I just ripped my bows off and replaced them with Scythes. I was tired of waiting for GW to make them playable lol.

    So at 180pts I don't think the Treelord  will make or break a list, but in a meta full of Khorne, LRL, and Tzeetch, I am just not able to reliably summon a forest. So the tree lord is unlikely to be able to capitalize on that. :(

    Okay good points on the forest.  Wood be nice to see Verdant Blessing become a prayer instead of a spell.  My wife wood kill me if I just ripped the bows off my Kurnoths...  

    I really do like Harvestboon.  Played a game pre-GHB20 where I put a Thermalrider on Durthu.  The ability to make the 6" move flying over terrain out of combat was a super-cheesy trick that I want to do again someday.  At least we have the Etherblossom.

  23. 21 minutes ago, Landohammer said:


    What do you guys think? Have I just been lucky or does this list have the potential to take Sylvaneth from a D tier to a D+ tier 🤣


    Honestly, I'd just run it as is.  With already running 18 Kurnoths, I think having the Treelord in there for utility is worth it.  Allows you to control combats more with that stomp threat.  Since it can teleport for free through the woods, it also gives more board presence.

    Now I need 6 more Kurnoths since I only have 6 Scythes and 6 Swords for this... but I have 9 Bows!

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