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Posts posted by Crowvus

  1. 22 hours ago, Overread said:

    They eat anything.

    Fleaheaters will certainly kill and eat their kills. Only instead of seeing themselves killing innocent people they might see themselves sporting on a grand hunt. Riding on noble steeds with hounds running out ahead to catch the elusive boar or fox. Of course in reality they are a hoard of ghouls charging over the ground, tearing into the innocent villagers. 

    After the hunt would come the feast, they'd drag the bodies and the screaming still half alive who aren't quite dead yet to the table. Where expert chiefs would prepare a banquet fit for a king. OF course in reality they are simply piling out bits of people and stuffing them into their mouths. 

    There's art that depicts them inviting the living to their feasts, so I suspect they might well have the living attend, even though the living would be bound and screaming and going insane at the sight and would likely be dead by the end. One mighty lord might take a fancy to the fair maiden and place a tender kiss upon her hand in invitation - in reality he'd be tearing her hand off and eating it. 


    Their madness almost knows no limits. 

    There are also a number of stories where they team up with other factions.  Sometimes it's because the abhorrant sees the ally as an ally (though usually they think they're someone else as in the book Undying King) and sometimes they work as mercenaries.  The delusion has no real rhyme or reason, in the lore they can be allied with and work for you but they're just as likely to eat you.   Due to the strength of the illusion they're also the only Death faction that Nagash cannot control.

    Also for those interested in a great depiction of Neferata, Undying King  does a good job imho.

  2. 6 hours ago, Bharaz said:

    Hey guys. Just recently started dabling with Nurgle, hoping to bring them along for tournaments this year - both singles and team events.

    I won my last tournament with Fyreslayers, but decided I wanted to accept Nurgle's blessing as I have always wanted to. I'm hoping to craft a strong list, and could use some tips and pointers. I would also love some information as to what units to steer clear of, and what I should purchase next.

    So far I have the Glottkin and the SC. As practice, I have teamed these up with the Pestilent Throng and got pretty much trashed hard. I don't really mind, as I am learning the ropes with Nurgle - but I could use some pointers going in.

    Thank you a bunch in advance!

    Honestly Sal4m4nd3r's list he brought to LVO is probably the best place to start.  Grandfather Nurgle has chosen him as his champion and blessed him with the forbidden knowledge of spreading his blessings to victory!  

    Edit:  He posted his list and even synopsis above, shouldn't have to go too far back

  3. 55 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Damn that’s a lot a kings!!! I like the list. Perhaps a bit character heavy and the lack of bodies being an issue for objectives. But that’s just my personal playstyle

    I also don’t rate the plague cyst very much. You can be the blessed sons sub faction and just plug in blight cyst for rend on all those blightkings! Swap the lord of plagues for lord of blights and your good to go! 

    Thanks for the tips!  Also wondering if you see a good way to add Fecula?  Love the model and resilience!

  4. 1 hour ago, Zplash said:

    Hm I think you don't get my point. 

    And no way I want a specific type of model be as good as xy... 

    All I am saying it's sad to have to play 7 times more official StD models than pure maggotkin.

    I don't have issues with allys within the 400 points range. But I decided to play my maggotkin und trying to get the best out of them without playing 85% StD models, just feels bad man ;)

    And I totally get why he is doing it and that it is one of the strongest options for us currently. 

    Im not as noobish as I may sound sometimes :D

    Agree, it would be like playing a LoN army but with 85% nighthaunt (Legion of Grief I'm looking at you).  Definitely feels way more like a nighthaunt army than a LoN army when I play it.  It's actually why I do, I can use the LoN rules which are at least viable and still feel like I'm playing Nighthaunt.  

  5. On 2/10/2020 at 11:20 AM, sal4m4nd3r said:

    @Zplash I have a lot of experience playing with 1 command point and two abilities you want to use every turn. Smart play will dictate which is more vital to use. Not all the time is the harbingers command necessary. 

    I think you don’t understand the command ability because it is more effective against single target high armor targets..not grots. 

    I love the despair among everyone in this thread. Our plague father feeds on it 😅 I’ll do a detailed write up but I was a butt hair away from playing in the top 8 finals at LVO (most competitive event in the world) with nurgle. 

    Nurgle is fine. It’s not Tzeentch. But is in a solid place in the meta. Play smart. Choose your fights. Be patient. Take a punch, chortle, and then Counter punch when necessary. 

    Play like you are the blob from the X-men universe, not wolverine or cyclops. 😘

    What list did you use for LVO?

  6. It seems like they don't want nurgle to be good.  They fixed blightkings by changing it to nat 6a then took away our synergy with Warshrine.  Before that they increased all the endless spells Thricefold used.  Now they print this book where Drowned is the worst faction for the worst models...and the others aren't much better.  At least we have the most expensive battalion that is also meh.

    Edit: And to top it off after LVO/CanCon we are litterally the worst faction.  41% now down from 43%

  7. 3 hours ago, Zplash said:

    That's one +1hit but where is the second? Can't see it too. No grashnak in your list. 

    And keep in mind you are only allowed to buy 1 extra CP. So you cant use both CA per turn. Additionally you will likely need CPs for battleshock for your marauders. 

    So it's better to choose one of the 2 CA models and if you want to be offense you take glotkin. 

    Still with marauders spam very likely one of our strongest list, which is just awful for a nurgle player with nearly 4000 points of maggot king models... :(


    Ps: if you update your aos app you have all new scrolls on your phone very easy ;)

    The Eight-fold doom sigil.  This new endless spell gives the other +1.  

    True, all about management.   And I do mention it is command point hungry and might be an issue.   And remember battalions give command points so its possible to start with more than the 1 purchased one if we have the points to allow for it.  Oh and don't forget we can always take Aetherquartz Brooch to help out a little.  

  8. I actually think a Nurgle army with glotkin, harbinger, warshrine, chaos sorcerer, maybe chaos lord a ton of marauders the endless spell that gives +1 to attack and some purchased command points could be amazing.  

    Marauders trigger blades of putrefaction on 4s, minimum charge range of 8 inches, average charge of 10 or 11, 5+ save, 5+ save and 6+ save so preventing 65ish % regular damage and 45% mortal wounds plus glotkin spell giving them 2 wounds a piece, and they each get 3 attacks.  That's potentially 120 attacks, 60 mortal wounds on average and they're hitting on 2s.  Oh and chaos lord letting them attack again.  Get at least 3 max units of them still seems great even for 900 points total.  Again though really needs a ton of command points. 

    Doing the math in my head but seems doable?

  9. 1 hour ago, Blisterfeet said:

    Haha that is alot of models. Seems funny though. I saw the Nurgle +Plaguemonks post on the previous page but not a huge fan of the idea of painting 80 rats on top of the 80 mauraders like you have, especially with the maurader models looking like Conan or the 90s show Hercules 🤣🤣

    I was thinking of something like below but maybe I'm an optimist because I know from a few pages back Nurgle are in a tough spot and most run blight cyst or thricefold just seeing if there are any maniac lists I could jam!


    Allegiance: Nurgle

    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    The Glottkin (420)
    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
    Orghotts Daemonspew (240)
    Lord of Blights (140)
    - Artefact: Rustfang
    Festus the Leechlord (140)
    - Lore of Foulness: Cloying Quagmire
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing
    - Artefact: The Witherstave
    Gutrot Spume (140)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 127

    Ya it is a lot!  I'm actually holding off on marauders to see if they get new models like we got for chaos warriors 🙂

    Your list has a lot of good models but little synergy.  Nurgle really needs to make use of synergies to have a chance in the current climate.  And as much as I wish the maggoth riders were viable they just aren't.  Some of my favorite models though 😕  To try and keep your list as intact as possible while optimizing it I'd drop the plaguebearers, orghotts and Lord of Blights then add 15 more blightkings and a warshrine.  The warshrine ups the percentage of wounds your models ignore from 33% to 44%.   Then I might do balewind vortext.  Anyway that's my two cents and a lot of that info is from reading this forum 🙂

  10. 1 hour ago, Blisterfeet said:

    Hello fellow rotbringers, I have been given a Glotkin as a present and have a urge to build a fun and crazy list around him after finishing my Khorne project.

    Do not care about super competitiveness as I will be the pilot!! Just want a list to have some synergy or cool little trick I can pull off.

    Something wild and out there I can build and win a couple of games at a big event if I'm lucky 🤟🤟😜 I'm sure you guys won't disappoint.

    There are a few lists in the previous few pages of posts that use him and have done well.  Also something I'm thinking of doing with him that I'm hoping turns him into an absolute power house is this:



    Harbinger of decay

    Chaos Warshrine

    Chaos marauders x40 

    Chaos marauders x40

    Chaos warriors s5

    Plague monks x40

    Plague monks x40

    Extra Command point

    This means glotkin has the potential with just marauders and monks to give 240 addition attacks, plus you have access to blades of putrefaction, and 2 saves after your save with harbinger and warshrine for glottkin and marauders (and the other heroes and shrine).  Might be a little too "all in" on hordes and glottkin but seems like fun!

  11. On 10/28/2019 at 2:49 AM, Eevika said:

    Played a one dayer this weekend with my brand new nurgle army.  Placed 3rd out of 10 players beating DoK and FeC but losing to Ironjawz after some huge misplays. The ironjawz player also won the tournament as he is the best player locally. I do feel like this list has a lot of potential when played better 


    Allegiance: Nurgle
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    The Glottkin (420)
    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
    Verminlord Corruptor (280)
    - General
    - Trait: Pestilent Breath
    - Artefact: The Witherstave
    - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions
    Plague Priest on Plague Furnace (200)

    10x Plague Bearers (120)
    10x Plague Bearers (120)
    10x Plague Bearers (120)
    40 x Plague Monks (280)
    - Foetid Blades
    40 x Plague Monks (280)
    - Foetid Blades

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)
    Warp Lightning Vortex (100)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 183

    Nicely done!  Only thing is Skaven makes plague monks even more powerful.  You lose blades but gain +1 to hit, +1 to wound, +4 bravery at max strength, gnawholes, and great plagues among others.  Only thing in your list that's isn't skaven are glottkin and plaguebearers.   Makes me sad. 

  12. On 10/18/2019 at 3:50 AM, XReN said:

    You better read through the battletome, but here is some knowledge:

    They think that names like Goretalon are normal human names

    There are courts that follow Nagash and there are courts who flee from him and they all see him differently. Also Nagash himself can control FEC in his presence through the Abhorrants, unlike Ghouls they are proper undead and therefore belong to Arch Necromancer. And they see literaly everything and everyone delusionaly, they can see their allies as noble knights even if it's actually madened tourtured souls of Nighthaunts and they can see Stormcast as vile abbominations that came to destroy their kingdom.

    They think they tame the beast, whille actually they just ressurect one with help of Shyishian magic, to make this absolutely clear: they can see anything as anything else, they don't see themselves as nobles performing necromantic ritual over half-eaten rotten body of a dragon or what not, they see themselves as nobles training their gryphon.


    Very close but on the point of nagash controlling them the battletome states that even though Nagash can technically control them the delusions are so powerful that his commands can be twisted through it so the Flesh-Eaters might do something else or even the exact opposite even if they do see themselves as serving him or a version or him.  

  13. 3 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    16 people showed up for the tournament (run by Oscar Lars.) in Richmond, Virginia on Sunday.  I ended up winning the damn thing! Faced a squig heavy gitz army on focal points, competitive bladegheist heavy nighthaunt (2nd best nighthaunt player on ITC) on border war and in the final game a ..trogg army?! Yup! That was on possibly his worst mission ..scorched earth. (3x 5 fellwater troggs, troll hag, troggboss and 2x dankholds and the troggherd! ) Was pleased as punch to get the ITC points, moving me up to 17th overall and firmly in control of the top nurgle ranking for the season.

    Was hoping the bestigors would be a better independent hammer. Something I could put on a flank with a natural run and charge mechanic and use Grashrek as a propolsion system. Slam into something, take an objective and divert attention. They did OK. They die REALLY easy especially because Im usually using my IP command on marauders. So maybe I need to temper my expectations. Certainly not giving up on them. hitting on 4s is rough. I'm usually charging either kings and them. Or maruaders and them. So they always get hit before they can swing. Wish I had room for the wildfire taurus.

    Thinking of dropping them in favor of another unit of maruaders LOL. Perhaps a balewind for Fellhoof and the controrted epitome. 6 casts?! LOL going to experiment for sure but Glott's back on the menu boys! The maruaders getting Bladed up, +1 attack and +2 to hit is effing insane. 81 attacks potential, hitting on 2s, RR 1s, mortals on 4s. LOL. I know they are going to do unmodified 6s for blades.... but until then WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!


    What is the list you ran?  Same as you posted earlier?

  14. @sal4m4nd3r I play vs a lot of Slaanesh in my group and it's giving me a lot of issues.   Mostly the keepers and the summoning.  How would you deal with it?  I've been playing mostly mortal lists but I'm thinking of giving thricefold and try to cut back on the number of depravity points I feed them and attack them at a different angle, see if it helps.  Any thoughts?

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  15. On 9/27/2019 at 7:41 AM, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Im already shifting my list, in anticipation of this new mechanic (ignoring DPR) being the hip new trend. Especially with an entire NEW army being released around the corner. In order to do well competitively you have to adapt! Going to try lists with No harbinger and No warshrine! I'm at the "drawing board" for LVO. I REALLY want to stay as the top ranked nurgle player on ITC. Thats my goal for this year. 

    Looking at something like this. Not sure if it will be competitive but it sure would be FUN! And I want to use my damn PESTigor models!!! Bestigors would be a max of 16" movement, d6+1 run and charge 2d6+2, with a 4" pile in! 

    Could go less speed but more punch and use my favorite model (GLOTTKIN) instead of GUO and take out the cogs or taurus. Would also give you BLADES, as well as two wound bestigors LOL 

    Allegiance: Nurgle

    Great Unclean One (340)
    - General
    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell
    - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing
    - Artefact: The Witherstave
    - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes
    Gutrot Spume (140)
    Great Bray Shaman (100)

    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)

    30 x Bestigors (300)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)
    Wildfire Taurus (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 178


    What do you mean ignoring DPR?  How would one do that?

  16. 3 hours ago, Dreadmund said:

    Finding it really hard to stop myself from buying 40 chaos marauders :')

    I keep telling myself there is likely to be a new united chaos mortals book and maybe even new sculpts but... they're so juicy when buffed and would fit in my list so perfectly...



    Ya I found the temptation too great.  They benefit from harbinger of decay and synergize with blades of putrefaction and the Glotkin to the much!

  17. Dude you are a nurgle conversion God!  Keep it up!  I was getting frustrated mechanically with the faction but I just love the lore and aesthetic, but your conversions push it way over the top (in a good way)!  You've inspired me to keep at it. 

    Any ideas on how to make plague monks fit into my aquatic nurgle themed army?  I've got a kraken theme going on with mutalith as my VLC and some sharks instead of flies for pusgoyle blightlords.  How can I make skaven semi-aquatic in a way that works?

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