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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. 37 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Scoins of the Storm counts as normal reserve, in the latest core rule, reserve unit arriving battlefield does not count as normal move. In the last version, this thing does count as a normal move, so probably that's why the GW manage tell you so. In the latest version, in the latest version, it no longer counts as a move.

    Cheers mate! So Deepstriking Crossbow Judicators and Vanguard Raptors is worth it after all?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Lionheart said:

    Thx for the answer, but there is an official source i can show at my local group? They want it =/

    It's in his Data slate. It says he has to choose between one of his two personal abilities, which actually aren't prayers.
    Then he can use one prayers.
    End of story :)

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Lionheart said:

    Guys one question: how many prayers can for example a Lord-Relictor do in a single phase? the one from the warscroll plus translocation for example or only one?

    And if he can cast both of them (i know the 2 storm can't be casted in the same phase, it is written) where can i find an official rule?

    Soz for bad english, hope u can help me.

    One prayer from the codex, Divine light for ex, and one of his personal prayer.

  4. 16 minutes ago, StapMyVitals said:

    Great companies are where Freeguild troops excel, but (especially if accompanied by a Freeguild General) they're by no means useless as part of a grand alliance army.

    Yeah, I'm trying to do a Mixed Order List with at least 3 FreePeople units and a general, backed with a Celestial Hurricanum and his mage, at least one unit of sisters of the Thorn and the rest would be either Seraphons or Stormcasts

  5. 7 minutes ago, StapMyVitals said:

    Unfortunately not. The Freeguild great companies are an allegiance ability, just the same as Stormcast's ability to teleport on to the board or Legions of Nagash having grave sites. The good news is that the musicians in Freeguild Guard, Crossbowmen, and Handgunners apply a weaker version of the great companies' abilities so you don't completely lose the ability to act out of sequence.

    Thanks for your reply mate! Tell me if I'm getting it right, If a great swords unit is charged and she's got a musician, than nearby handgunners can shoot at the charging enemy ? Is there a way to make the use of musician viable in a mixed order army ?

  6. Hey guys.

    Just a quick bat rep from today. I lost again, yeah I'm noob. It was against the Iron Jaws this time. I didn't make an error of deployment this time, but I was so castled up, that the big scary Mawkrusha, brutes and Gore guntas juste played the objectives without charging me at all because I was too much of a harden target (1+Rerollable on the libs, 1 + on all my characters).
    So by my turn 3, I had to engage or lose my deepstriking units (LCoD, 6 Prosecutors with 1GH and 1 GAxe, 10 Libs). And sadly, Relictor failed both Storm and Divine light, but Knight Incantor succeded at casting Azyrite Halo.
    I got off Sigmar's crypt (at least I was fluff, I was protecting our god's holy shrine), charged, everywhere I could.
    I killed 2 brutes, he murdered them back, they got wiped out (last one killed by bravery test).
    My LCoD did 1 wound and lost 2 or 3 to a warchanter.
    My libs did 3 wounds on goreguntas, lost 4 libs. My Knight incantor did 0 wounds on goreguntas! Lictor and castellant weren't engaged in combat.

    At his turn 4, I conceded because he was going to destroy me anyway and I had a lot of stuff to do today, told him we could do another game together, just for fun. So here it is boys and girls, I learned it the hard way during my first AOS Tourney.

    What I really want to be able to do with my SCE, is to make hit and wound rolls reliable, because as it is, even with my SCE dice infused with Sigmar's power, I keep rolling crappy 1s and 2s. I need to fine the combo, like DArk angels do with Azrael, a Dark shroud and a Primaris lieutenant :V

    And in my 3 games, I forgot that enemy units had -1 to hit me with my deepstriked units. Raaaagh, I need to make a "How to not forget your special rules for dummies" warscroll and have it around ym neck during my games!
    And I just remembered, that yesterday, I lost my castellant due to a spell, BECAUSE I forgot that my relictor could dispell like a wizard! OH MY ...



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  7. 3 hours ago, XReN said:

    You mean, you had Staunch Defender on your Castellant? If yes, than I recommend to not put all your save buffs on one character

    I prefer Azyros for offensive buffs, and using Divine Light as defence buff, especially against opponents that have abilities on 6s (just like Nurgle)

    There are some ways to protect from MWs, you can unbind spells, you can play Hammers of Sigmar stormhost for 6+ ward aura, you can take Luminark of Hysh and/or Jade Battlemage and/or Archmage as allies to have 6+ ward saves, Luminark gives an aura that is always active but will shrink as Luminark will take damage, Battlemage has a spell to heal D3 wounds to single unit and give it a ward save and Archmage has a aura spell.

    And in such Nurgle match-up you need a way to snipe LoB so later in the game plaguebearers won't be so disgustingly resilient (pun intended) like Longstrikes, or Venator if you fancy the model. 

    Yes I had Staunch Defender on my castellant, I'll never make this mistake again :).
    My LCoD didn't shine this game, I might try an Azyros/Relictor/Knight Incantor and castellant next time. Maybe an heraldor too, not being able to charge is a pain in the ...
    Thanks for the tips, I just looked at the Lumynark's warscroll and it's a blast!

    I think my next list will indeed have 6 or 9 longstrikes.

  8. Hey guys, a quick summary og my game against GW store manager and his Glotkkin list. I lost, but by a narrow margin! Since it's my second game in AOS, I'm still pretty happy about it, he's a good player and his lists are never easy to deal with.

    We had the scenario with only two objectives, but the table was cut in diagonal. He had first turn, used the wheel of Nurgle with the spell to let him choose what turn of the wheel he's going to use. He used Nurgle's rain, which was d3 unit hit with d3 mortal wound, he hit my gryph hound for 2w, KIA, my castellat for 3mw and my lictor for 2MW!!! Luckily for me, he didn't do it again, otherwise he could have finished off my 2 heros in damage another one in one turn, even before the game started! I  think I'll just have conceded if it happened. He then run his troops across the field, as he wanted to attack me en force, while his objective was safe with 30 plaguebearers and a Lord of Blights.
    As I wanted to have fun and learn I decided to go attack the middle of the board too. In retrospective, I could have made a Stand at my objective, but then it would have been less interesting. So10 libs, charge the Glotkkin, but only the prime with greathammer can touch him, the rest will be piled upon by bloght kings. LCoD, Prosecutors, libs deepstrike. LCoD and Prosecutors (1 GH, 1GA and 1 regular are in base contact with the Glotkkin), sadly libs failed their charge.
    I bring his General to 6 Wounds, he kills soms libs with his blightkings, puts my LCoD down to two wounds.

    Turn 2, he rolls for iniative, he rolls a 2. I ROLL A FREAKIN 1!!! And with the Special Sigmar dice!!! Where's Sigmar's power when needed!

    He then kills my Castellant with magic, although I made him flee at my first turn, he kills my LCoD at the shooting phase, most prosecutors with his blightkings and that's where it was game over for me. After that it was a slow grind. I did manage to kill his Glotkin, his 2x5 Blightkings, but in the end He won since I only had 1 Knight incantor, 1 Lib prime, 1 Lib prime and 1 lib left on the table, while his plaguebearers blob was still intact. He stole my objo with a invocation of a beast of nurgle, so major victory for him( I could have kept my objo for minor loss, but that wasn't interesting, I decided t ogo for fun and charge his beast :D )!

    I've learned some stuff yesterday.

    First : Deployment and strategy are paramount. I could have won, if I had castled up around my Castellant, healed him with D3 prayer, and put one of my liberator unit inside cover near the objo. But as I charged, the castellant aura was useless, and since he was hurt I wanted him to go kill the invocated nurgling in my backyard.

    Second : Divine light is a great tool to make our hits more reliable. I need to fiddle with the lists to find good combinations to maximize hit and wound potential, for even on 3+, unlucky as I am, I often roll 1s and 2s

    Third : I need a way to protect my heroes agaisnt MW, but sadly, except Ignax Scale's, there's nothing, right ? Losing my heroes so easily at the very begining of my two games was a bummer, since they're the only ones making my liberator's acceptable.

    Anyway thanks for reading and for the tips. I'll face MawKrusha and his goreguntas in a few hours!

  9. 26 minutes ago, Talunus said:

    Against IJ, focus the mawcrusha hardcore! After that its as simple as not letting them fully destory a unit otherwise they'll activate smashing and bashing which allows another unit of theres to attack for free. 

    Say I don't get the initiative, should I castle up with 10 libs, Lictors, Castelland Knight incantor on the table, with the libs to withstand the charge, buffed by my heros, then deepstriking the Lord/Prosecutors or should I send the Lord on Dracoth, buffed by castellan on the MawKrusha, with Prosecutors Deepstriking then charging ?

  10. 21 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    For against nurgle, you need some -1 hit debuff to make the BK useless and try to remove the glotkin as soon as possible, ignore the plague bearer.

    Divine light on relictor and thundershock should do the trick, If I can get them off! But downing his Glotkin fast enough is going to be tricky!

    I think I'll write myself a summary of all the thing I shouldn't not forget tomorrow :

    - You don't have to sit on top of objectives to control them.

    - Staunch defender is an aura, it also benefits the Castellant, right ?

    - Cover gives you +1 save, get inside, idiot.

    Anything else :D ?

  11. So tomorrow, I'll be playing the GW store manager, who's list is :

    - Glotkin

    - Lord of Blights

    - 2x 5Blightkings

    - 30 Plague bearers.

    - Geminids endspell

    And on friday I'll be playing against Ironjaws with something like :

    - MAwcrusha

    -6 or 8 big boars with puny orcs on top

    - 2x 5 or 10man armoured orcs

    - 1 Warchanter.

    Any idea of what not to do against those lists? I know Plaguebearers are the ultimate tarpit!

  12. So, let me tell you the story of Mr Noob. Mr Noob is a nice guy, willing to learn from his mistakes, lucky for him because he does a lot of them.
    Mr Noob has only got a few liberators, a relictor, Lord celestant on Dracoth, a castellant, a knight incantor and some prosecutors.

    So this is the story of Mr Noob aka Me.
    AS all my SCE haven been rusting on sprues for quite some time, I decided to challenge myself and registedred into GW's Summer Throne of Skulls, but in order to play I had to build n paint 10 libs, 3 prosecutors, a knight and a castellant in the anvil scheme, the rest being part of a deal I made before and painted as Hammers of Sigmar.

    So, after an initiation last week, I finally played and lost my first game, it was 1250 points game.

    His list was : Tempest lords. LordAGCharger (Stormhost artifact), Knight incantor with lightning blast, 5 evocators, 2x5 hunters, 5 sequitors, Lord Ordinator with 2 ballistas

    My list was : Lord Castellant General (Staunch Defender), Lord Relictor, Knight Incantor, LCelestantDracoth (Keen Clawed, Doppleganger Cloak), 2x10 Libs (2 Grandhammers each), 6 Prosecutors (1GH,1 Gaxe), Endless spell Dais, and extra CP.

    I won deployment, scenario was the one where if by the start of turn 3 you own the two objectives, you win the game. I choosed the good side, where objo was between a forest and the round new Sigmarite terrain, but as it was my first game and I'm totally noob, I thought I had to be on the objective to keep it, so instead of deplying inside the big round terrain, which you have given me +1 on save, I just deployed in the open. And that deployment, costed me the game ... Plus one or two other mistakes, like thinking Staunch defender was activated and not an aura for ex!

    So I let him start, because I wanted to deepstrike prosecutors, libs and LCD to destroy his balistas that he was gonna deepstrike.
    And since I totally screwed my deployment, my 10 libs in the open, in front of my Castelland, relictor and Knight incantor, got downed to 5 by the end of his shooting and melee phase (DP Balistas and DP Hunters who shot me like I was a rabbit staring at the lights of a car, then hunters and General in melee).
    His General was at 4 Wound left, thanks to lucky rolls made by my Greathammer remaining prime and his fellow lib.

    ****** my deployment, then thinking Staunch defender was activated but not an aura. What a great start! Do you think it stopped there ? Que nenni!

    Then came my turn 1 :

    Relictor failed BOTH prayers (divine light on his general, and Mortal wounds). Knight Incantor failed thundershock. Castellant put his lantern on the remaining libs. Deepstriked Prosecutors, libs and LCD. LCD made a lot of Mortal wounds,with his dracoth breath, 3 to the Ordinator, 1 to one balista, 4 to the other. LCD charged, 10 Libs charged evocators who were DP behing the hunters. PROSECUTORS FAILED THEIR 9 INCH CHARGE WITH A MAJESTIC 5 ON 3D6 CHARGE ROLL!!! Piled in with my 3 heroes.
    Libs, Relictor, Knight Incantor failed to wound his Gryph charger General, who in return killed my relictor and that was the nail in the coffin, since I couldn't heal my LCD anymore.
    I killed all hunters, his evocators made almost no damage (2 death max in my libs), my libs did 1 wound to this evocators and finally his lord ordinator dealt 2 wound  to my LCDracoth who didn't even manage to kill the balistas he charged.

    His turn 2, he just wiped me out. Balistas firing into my LCD + Knight incantor targeting me with his spell who did 3 MW and I was done. Evocators ran through me like a hot knife in butter this turn, and with 1 libs left ... His general teleported back to safety on his objective where the Knight incantor was sitting behind 5 sequitors and 5 hunters. His hunters back in my place killed all but my Lib prime.

    My turn, my 6 prosecutors shot is 2 wound left balista back to Azyr, then charged into his evocators, killing4 of them. Knight incantor went straight to Lord ordinator and remaining balista, did 2 MW with flask. Castellant was too far away to do anything.

    End of my turn. His turn 3; He teleports a 5 man unit to the objective at my side, and wins immediatelay. He did 710 points worth of killing, and I, only 440.

    What made me lose ? LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. and of course the fact I'm a noob ;).

  13. 17 minutes ago, Heijoshin said:

    Wish I had another set of Libs, but only have the 5. I guess my battleline will be 5 Libs, 5 Seqs, 10 seqs. I could support the libs more with heroes perhaps? Or could just proxy 5 seqs as 5 libs or vica versa?

    Thanks for your help!

    Sorry I'm tired, I read liberators instead of sequitors.

  14. 48 minutes ago, Heijoshin said:



    5  Liberators

    15 Sequitors (can be split into 2 or 3 groups also I guess)

    5 Evocators
    - Spell: Speed of Lightning (Can Evos take something from the LoI? 1d4chan says so, but the Warscrolsl doesn't say anything)

    3-6 Castigators (depends on if I take this 3rd Hero or not


    It would be better to run your liberators 2x10 so they have some staying power. A 5 man unit is easily destroyed. Use a castellan, and try to keep them wholly within 9 inch of him so they benefit from a +1 to their save from his aura, that will make them more resilient!

  15. 2 minutes ago, crkhobbit said:

    Flesh Eater Courts have an allegiance called Gristlegore where the general gets to fight first.  It has been that they can just fight first, but today's errata says they only get to fight first if they charged that turn.

    So before today, if we charged them, they would still get to fight before us and might kill our unit that charged them.  Now if we charge them, we at least get to attack before the dragon.

    Thanks mate

  16. Something like that ?  :

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (220) 12" 3+ 7 9
    - General
    - Command Trait : Deathly Aura
    - Artefact : Ignax's Scales
    - Mount Trait : Aethereal Stalker
    Lord-Castellant (120) 5" 3+ 6 9
    - Artefact : Soulthief
    Lord-Relictor (100) 4" 3+ 5 9
    - Prayer : Translocation
    5 x Evocators (220) 5" 4+ 3 8
    - 1 x Grandstaves
    5 x Evocators (220) 5" 4+ 3 8
    - 1 x Grandstaves
    5 x Sequitors (130) 5" 4+ 2 7
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130) 5" 4+ 2 7
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130) 5" 4+ 2 7
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 3 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    9 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (510) 5" 4+ 2 7

    Cleansing Phalanx (120)
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    ARTEFACTS: 2/2 ALLIES: 0/400"

  17. 26 minutes ago, Starlord-2814 said:

    Looking for some advice. I'm playing in a two list event at the end of August and have decided on anvil strike as my primary list. I'm having trouble with my secondary list. I feel like anvil strike is weak into ghoul spam and skaven but I am also worried into thricefold befoulment. I have done well with it into deepkin and slaanesh so I'm not worried about those match ups with anvil strike. I have considered running cleansing phalanx but have not been able to practice into those lists so it's just theory crafting at this point. Any advice is greatly appreciated. 

    Spoiler alert, I've only played once with SCE, I'm just starting them. But what about mixing Anvil and Cleansing Phalanx lists altogether ?

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