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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. 8 hours ago, Pariah said:

    I don't have a picture of it all in one spot, but after getting my first job over the summer I bought more than I should have. I'm trying to work my way through it my having a spreadsheet to track steps in the painting progress. I'm using this one to track 2020 so far https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14K75Q69_CJ14WDJ4CHBu0IFGaQXZlDygyKKJ3xsY-tE/edit?usp=sharing Not all of the stuff is AoS, some is for D&D, but I'm still hoping to get all of it done. 

    That's pretty smart to keep track of your progress and know exactly what you own at the same time! I should keep a log like that!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    It‘s oro Elfico of Scale75. I often call it „Gold of gods“ since it‘s the nicest, smoothest and brightest gold I’ve ever seen =}

    Edit: Washed the recesses with a heavily thinned down purple shade.

    Thank you I didn't know that brand. Really beautiful gold. What about the rest of the paints ? How long  did it take to paint down the whole mini ?

  3. 4 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Alright all I need to do now is adding a shattered dominion base

    Nice miniature! Simple painting but effective. Everything's cleanly done.
    Gold is retributor armour with a very thin coat of REikland shade ? It retained that SHINY GOLD effect that often lack after the shading.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, MarkK said:

    Best of luck with the PhD!

    A simpler game like Song of Blades and Heroes or Warcry might be a good shout, both pretty simplified, with any miniatures working with Song of Blades & Heroes

    Thanks mate. I'm writing the memoir now, if it's good enough I'll get into PHD :). Not there yet!

  5. 21 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    I do this too. Er, rather, I'm incredibly neurotic about everything and restart armies I've already got to "do it right", and also a lesson learned. 

    Story time: I already had 50 ArdBoyz, 25 Brutes, 9 Gore-Gruntas, 3 Warchantas, 4 Weirdknob Shaman, 1 Megaboss on Foot and 1 Megaboss on Maw-Krusha. All fully built, none of them painted. 

    I decided to rebuy 3 Start Collecting! Boxes, a Megaboss on Foot, a Maw-Krusha, and a box of brutes. I've sub assemble built and painted 1 Start Collecting! box. I play with Ironjawz army I already built...but I'll never paint it. My painting project is my "perfect" Ironjawz army, one box at a time. Very meticulous, very careful. TBH i don't know what to do with my already built unpainted army. I guess...paint them. But they'll be worse. I won't be able to be as detailed. 

    This really bothers me.

    It shouldn't! You can have fun with your unpainted army and one day BAM here comes the big mean IJ fully painted to UBBER level army!
    Then you can sell the non painted one to buy some more goodies.
    Same thing with your World Eaters!

    Don't hesitate to sell the built figs you deem impossible to paint to the standard you desire. I know some guys who paint wonders on already built models and who wouldn't mind buying those!

  6. 4 hours ago, TheWilddog said:

    I have been pretty good at getting most of my stuff painted, but my big grey shame is my goblin army. I keep wanting to make them my highest level painted army but that has just resulted in my pushing them off and never starting. So now I have over 4,000 points of shame.

    Did you try with washes ? Before Constrast paints came out, I wanted to paint the hundreds of Night Goblins I own with washes following this guy's technique :


  7. 48 minutes ago, MarkK said:

    Ha! Could be the right idea these days, potential opponent under the same roof too!

    You knwo what, I actually took my GF to the local GW store to start painting with me last year. She actually enjoyed it, but not to the point she's going to start her own mini collection. Close call :D, especially when she saw Morathi and Alarielle.


    49 minutes ago, MarkK said:

    I know you're up to your neck in studies at the minute, but when you need a break, I would start small and maybe build one of the shadespire warbands, 15-20 mins a day, two warbands built and you can play a game. Then prime and paint in small sessions. In a month or two, you could have a fully painted game, which is a rare thing!

    Will do this summer, if I'm done writing and/or didn't get an extension to finish until september :D.
    Thing is I tried Warbands once and it was quite an interesting game. A good entrance to the whole universe for neophytes. I tried to initiate the GF and her 13 yo brother to the game but even AOS is too complex!

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, XcaliburNick said:

    Yea with only 6 models I expect a lot of rolls that end up whiffing. Is there a good source of re-rolls for them I could look into?

    Since you cannot add a Knight Azyros and don't have access to rerolls, It might be better to split the Prosecutors. Use them as a mobile reinforcement plaftorm (a bit of shooting here and there) as well as a highly mobile objective taking unit. Sure the others can do it too (Drakes+ Prime) but they'll usually end up being busy fighting somewhere.

    • Thanks 1
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