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Everything posted by anorek

  1. @Nasrod Thank you, thats why I asked originally - I know that having Lady Olynder in LoG loses some options since she has to be general of that army. Sorry, I am a bit new - Nighthaunt guard? You mean Nighthautnt with Dolorous guard? Also, originally I didnt know about this battalion - I thought maybe to use executioner horde and equip some Sword of Judgement to my Executioner and go around and have fun.
  2. I will try this one. Any suggestion about artifacts? Aetherquartz brooch?
  3. Thank you! I didn't know you can use that Bartok battalion with LoG
  4. Hey hey, I need a small assistance with making an 1500pts army. I am new to Nighthaunts (and AoS in general) and so far I gathered: Lady Olynder Knight of Shroud on Ethereal Steed Lord Executioner Spirit torment Guardian is souls with nightmare lantern 20x chainrasp 10x grimghast reapers 10x hexwraith 12x spirit host 5x glaivewraiths Far from optimal, can it somehow be used with allegiance of grief? I find gravesite mechanic interesting along with vassal command trait.
  5. Hello everyone, A fresh nighthaunt player (also fresh AoS player) I need an explanation about Lord Executioner and Sword of Judgement - how does it work? Does it replace his original weapon?
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