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Posts posted by zilberfrid

  1. 12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    If it’s a new faction(definitely not unlikely for how long a stretch this year has to go with possibly only Seraphon & FEC keeping it up) here’s my list from most to least likely.

    1. Gholemkin elite Order faction: Kharadron book notes them wanting to become a power in the Realms and looking through it* they copy-pasted the Gholemkin lore from the AoS2 Corebook and put it in the tome explaining them as a third major race of Chamon that built their empire alongside the human & duardin ones before the Age of Chaos had them go into hiding.

    Plus an interesting piece here of Grungni healing his lands with his control over the Realm of Metal but it’s uncertain if the Kharadron will ever touch them. That leaves a lot of fresh territory for the Gholemkin to build on and get a boost.


    Could be why Whitefang dropped a bunch of laugh emoticons on duardin talks because they’re a new surprise force that both gets them something but puts the older ones on the backburner longer(like Lumineth are doing to Deepkin & Daughters)

    2. Gnarlwoods surprise faction: AoS, UnderWorlds, Warcry & Soulbound all keep pointing to a beastial intelligence hiding in the Seraphon crash site and twisted creatures emerging from the meat forest that could threaten Ghur and even the Realms altogether.

    Did the spaceship crash awaken another God-beast for Destruction or long dormant monster spirits that are possessing people and driving them mad for Death?

    3-a. Kruleboyz second wave with a new tome that’s just them: They do feel unfinished like Covid scuffed what was supposed to be a fuller launch and no doubt it’d make Orruk fans happy that Kruleboyz get full love that finally sees them get out from beneath the meta chart at last place while Ironjawz & Bonesplitterz get teases for a future tome and updates that’s all about them without the Kruleboyz cram. Though some new Ironjawz may also be released too but fit into the current tome for now.

    4. Silent People elite Destruction: As we continue our seasons underground in Gallet and it’s monster-insect fillled tunnels and move closer to Lendu the odds only go up that they completed their hibernation cycle the Necroquake stopped way too early and venture forth into the daylight.

    5. Kurnothi skirmishers: Whitefang did say “soon” and it’s not completely crazy that the Sylvaneth boost they give is through coalitions and shared units like Kurnoth Hunters.(could even be a fluffy rule that since all Kurnothi carry a visible Lamentiri seed in their stomachs that when units die on a 5+ roll the seeds have them insta-reborn as Kurnoth Hunters with bows to show the Sylvaneth’s influence)

    Those are my hopes & guesses anyway! 😄


    *on the Kharadron book I got yesterday, @zilberfrid @Snarff you guys would enjoy how much of a “oh Grungni’s returned!…wait what, that’s it? Oh who even needs that blowhard!” vibe the tome has. 

    The tome talks more about what he’s done for everyone else instead of the Kharadron so only the Thryng simp for him while the others are preferring to double-down on their relationship with the other races of the Realms including the Ossiarchs as trade partners.

    Other duardin are barely mentioned.

    Also I Really like this bit of them driving the Cursed Skies back with ammunition.

    ”Needing Gods and magic statues to scare back that chaos gunk in our beloved skies? Absolute Hogwash! Science, progress and Firepower always prevail!”


    This eases my mind greatly! Thanks for the screenshots!

    • Like 3
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  2. 3 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I wonder what kind of dinosaur their appearance will be modeled after. I sort of hope it's not all "generic T.rex/theropod heads" and they do more varied looking Kroxi heads.

    About the double kit, maybe we could get Kroxigors with their big clubs (aka the spanking paddles as TWW players say) or the powerfist variant from also TWW.

    Here's hoping for pachycephalosaurus shieldbreaker cavalry and ubirajara jubatus riding scouts.

    I also want other archosaurs, like bipedal crocodiles or giants like Hatzogopterix, and all the weird and wonderful things of the triassic.

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 4
  3. 1 hour ago, RileyArlic said:

    I think my main hope for Cold One Riders is that they look like dinosaurs.

    I'm a little concerned that they'll lose some of their dinosaurness for some reason. The head on that ogor hunter kit doesn't really say 'raptor' to me

    But we'll see how they go!

    I want them feathered with proper wrist pronation, or make them bipedal land crocs if they omit feathers (unfeathered theropods start around Carno size)..

    The JP drooping hands should go in either situation

  4. 6 hours ago, Vasshpit said:


    Oh wow! Thats pretty gritty a definitely rad. Are you going to carry that bright red across all the flowing spooky bits?

    Yeah, they were whiter, but I really want them bright red now.

    I also want some ghosts rising from their graves under it, but the first hands with scythe and tormented face was in the wrong spot

  5. 7 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    As far as I can see the two Skinks use different arms (and staff), legs and heads so as long as there are also two torsos inside you could build a Starseer with the seated Skink and use the standing version as a Skink Priest on foot

    If not, just use a random skink for the body.

  6. 3 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

    It's true, hero models are definitely straightforward for GW to add, and in AoS they don't have to worry so much about giving a hero model a butt-load of options for every pistol/combi-weapon + power weapon combo that's ever existed to satisfy 40k players.

    The advantage is also that many heroes in AoS are a little easier to convert. Especially in the case of foot heroes, sometimes one could simply be a slightly souped up version of a regular troop, given a different paint scheme or back banner or something.

    As said above, it also gives players new options and new life into units that they may like, or may not have thought to try.

    My personal hope is that we start seeing Hero + Unit like what Gloomspite Gitz and Sylvaneth got. Not a massive update, but definitely something fun and interesting as a way to update an army without breaking the bank.

    Think about it from GW's perspective: Eventually they will *run out* of things to update from old resin, metal, or plastic. In 10 years, when most everything is 'modern' plastic, what do they update? Take the new skeletons from SBGL. At what point will those skeletons be deemed out of date and need new models? 10 years from now? 15? 

    I think the real hint of change will be when GW takes a 1st edition Stormcast unit or a Primaris marine and gives them a replacement unit. The day they update Intercessors to have a new kit we'll know the end times are upon us XD

    I can't speak about 10-15 years in the future, but imagine a skeletons set where you can make the skeletons look as if they were of different factions before their death. Shields and heads you can magnetize on and off so you can mirror the faction you are currently fighting against.

    There are a lot of options that can be done, but are currently unexplored.

    EDIT: I also don't think everything is in need of an upgrade to keep up with current minis. Skinks are old, for instance, but they hold up really well. Crossbowmen are also old, but they are awful. In 10 years, the skinks might no longer be up to it and get a refresh.

    • Like 3
  7. 4 hours ago, Overread said:

    One thing I've noticed is that GW loves hero models. A LOT of one model updates that get fed into the game in bits are hero models. Heck the recent 2 for Slaanesh and Khorne are heroes. So potentially we might see fewer heroes as part of the main update of the Seraphon, but followed by a drip of hero models at various other times. 

    One hero models can give a faction a new way to play, thus pushing battletomes with minimal changes every three years.

    They are hardly any effort for a design team; monopose single models are a lot easier than a box with options that all have to fit and work.

    They are also easy for writers, adding only a single variable to a ruleset upsets balance the least.

    For players, they are also the cheapest way to update their faction. Perfect for those players that don't like painting or building models.

    And of course, they are priced very close to 20 person infantry sets from companies like Wargames Atlantic or Northstar and over half that of their own 10 person infantry sets (or older 20 sets), they must have the highest percentage markup of anything GW sells bar PDFs.

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, clamo said:

    From all the lore ive read there is something happening. In Soulbound Era of the Beast its said that Grungi talks about how he abandonded the dwarves and couldnt be the one to lead them then hints at Grombrindal leading the new dwarven faction. 

    So Im guessing its gonna be the lumineth realm lords but for duradin. Where the lumineth were a reimagining of classic fantasy high elves. We will see a reimagining of classic Fantasy Dwarves. The twist could be anything though, because I dont think anyone predicted that the high elves would ever be spiritual monks that sought enlightenment from giant spiritual cow mountains. 

    Possible twists on classic dwarves: 

    1. focus on runes
    2. focus on mining
    3. Focus on building strong defenses
    4. focus on something entirely new

    If the votann from 40k are indication I could see the new dwarven faction playing similar to Maggotkin of nurgle. Slow and hard hitting but with grudges to settle. 

    Sidenote: It would be really cool if we got an avatar of Grungi like how Gotrek is an Avatar of Grimnir. A Kharadron Overlord/ Dwarven blacksmith/ tinkerer would be such a great character for Aos. Also would be rad if she was a lady dwarf because the setting has like zero of them in model form lol. 

    As long as it produces more sculpts, and of better diversity than Fyreslayers, I'm tempted.

    Also no gods in Kharadron.

  9. 6 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    Well they have Shadespire which bridges between collectable card games and small warbands which don't require even glue.  Just some clippers.  

    This is wildly hilarious and inaccurate.  GW could not have survived on making games that are bad which would then stop people from playing them.  GW makes great games and you constantly hear people talk about games like Dread Fleet, the khorne champion games, Shadespire, etc being fun and enjoyable.  

    I don't know dreadfleet or the khorne champion games.

    Underworld is a decent game, but it decided to make each season more powerful, which means you really can't mix them. And of course the power of new seasons comes at a steep monetary cost.

    Cursed city showed they were bad at actually producing the game, and compared to games like Gloomhaven in the same sphere, it doesn't really hold up.

    Their boardgames do not compete just with Risk and Monopoly, they compete with Spirit Island, Cascadia, Wingspan, Azul and many other brilliant games and just do not hold up. Especially for the price.

    AoS has its strengths, but wait time between your turns is too long, especially a double turn is awful. Mortal wounds give you even less to do. I vastly prefer alternate activation. It's also full of rules that almost require you to have the book of the opponents factions as well, and I hate "gotcha" rules. Of course, the books you buy have a very high page price, and are worthless after about three years. So can half your army, if GW dumps them, and they dumped a lot. 40k has similar flaws.

    Necromunda required over €100 in books to field a 10 person team, which also means you have to reference that library for a game. Stargrave is one €25 book that has all gameplay options (so the next crew has no book cost).

    A lot of the models they make are good, but I don't vibe with anything they put to paper.

    • Like 4
  10. 10 hours ago, StarFyreXXX said:

    this is a creature from D&D, from an official book in 2006:  720476.jpg?resize=300,341

    dont ask such questions. it moves cause the designers decided it will :P


    Ah! I know this one!

    This is from an ancient (16th century) monster manual called the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, where it was called the Buer and said to be one of the great presidents of hell.

    Humans have always been quite capable of making weird stuff up, from the Löwenmensch to our cold blooded lizardpeople politicians.

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I'm honestly surprised it has lasted this long. When it was first announced a lot of people didn't think we'd get a second season but 44 warbands later (not counting reused minis) the game is still trucking along. I for one enjoy the fact that it's a one and done system now. Apart from the financial side, getting an "army" ready to play in a weekend is pretty unheard of when it comes to GW. Also it does pretty well here in Japan where even finding space to set up  a warcry board can be a struggle. Almost every time I go to a GW store here, I see people playing. We should be seeing the new starter at Adepticon if not before. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have up their sleeve. Could we see a cities warband as a teaser for the upcoming release? They did that with the first  Gloomspite warband. 

    I pointed many to Underworlds to get a taste of a faction. Before the 50% price increase with less models on average that is, of course.

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