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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. This month I focus on painting decorations for the family. They get fancy nativity scenes/christmas goblins/santas, and I don't have to bother storing it.
  2. Before I go along with Christmas, I first want to do some Halloween stuff. This is a study on how Greenstuffworld's Liquid Frost works on models. I want to portray negative body heat, that's why the frost is applied from the inside out.
  3. Not that I plan to finish it this month, but I sprayed and drybrushed all my Into the Dark terrain. Squig for size. Holy ******, that's a lot. I can make all the walls I ever need if these cuties ever bother my players again. Also lots of boxes, welders, engines, compressors etc.
  4. Hi! I'm going to finish my first christmas goblin, and do the greenstuff for my christmas tree troll (he'll be singing christmas carols with grots playing instruments).
  5. You are right. ****** this game, ****** GW, ****** gods. Most of you guys are okay, but it isn't the game, setting (though the basis of the Mortal Realms is awesome) or company I need to put any energy in. I'll be off then.
  6. I hate religion. Reducing Freeguild to just some mindless godsuckers while breaking down Cities would be my worst case scenario. The last order human models almost all were some flavour of religious, so that's one foot off the cliff. So if that continues, I don't see myself getting another set of them. My hope is on Kharadron, but they started tainting them with god as well. Plus they are quite clear in using rejected sculpts as "new" heroes.
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/05/revealed-the-massive-project-to-put-mortals-back-into-mortal-realms/ The only info is that they have a "macabre dedication to the god-king", a bunch of symbols of sigmar, comparison to the imperium in 40k and of course the stupid name*. We have nothing to go on that doen't scream "religious fanatic". *No crosses, still a crusade, so they must want the real world connection.
  8. I think it's most frustrating that the new heroes feel like sculpts that just didn't make the cut earlier. Just a bit less in quality than equivalent earlier wave heroes.
  9. Info is very sparse on the reconquistadors (dawnbringer crusade is a stupid term and I won't use it). We had one article full of red flags and that was it. I expect it at the end of the edition, and am unsure what its effect on Cities will be.
  10. I don't care about rules. Or fiction books. If we subtract that, most of what came out were single heroes, though the swamp orcs are really good. As for the amount of updated books: that's their own doing. Three years for an edition is really short, and it requires a lot of updates.
  11. It does miss elevated platforms, but that's probably why they put the books in. Measuring sticks can easily become terrain as well. Would also be using it for Stargrave and Starfinder 2.
  12. It looks quite nice. I can see myself getting that and adding a bit of extra terrain. Depending on the price, of course.
  13. Well, you have the year ramping up to a 40k edition release to squeeze the most out of the last edition, the year after a 40k release to flesh out that edition, and the year of said release with a big hype train. With a three year turnaround, that's the whole calendar filled.
  14. Thryng at one point could take a Hellcannon
  15. Not so much rumours as wild speculation: The new Curseling is a nice tie in with Warhammer: TW3, do we think the Chaos Dwarves will tie in similarely? Or Valkia?
  16. The problem is that they aren't legal in tournaments, and many people play by tournament rules. People that do not are generally less active in rules discussions. The other issue is that the warscrolls dumped in 2019, Swordmasters included, are not yet in Legends if I see it correctly. They have the "Eldritch Council" keyword. I am unsure whether or not they can be included (though the warscroll builder seems to think so).
  17. Rowling has gone off the deep end a bit. She wrote nice books, but has fallen in with terfs, and if you look a bit closer, those nice books and their films had some rougher edges. She lumped all native North American beliefs into a single caricature to fit her world, which is overlaid on ours (much like the old Warhammer world was). If you use the real world, and put caricatures of real people in it, you can expect some pushback. Now I fully expect GW to do better, because they want to make it unique enough to copyright it. Let's leave Rowling (sorry I brought her up) and focus on GW.
  18. It can absolutely be done well. I'd even say GW is better than Rowling, so if they do their own take on this, they want it heavily copyrightable after all
  19. GW would need to avoid semblance to the real world mythicism better than Rowling, but I think GW has moved away from the times of Pigmies and slave girls and they might be less offensive.
  20. Or a tiny hat, which fits the "mod hat" again.
  21. This month I have a bit more time, I want to paint my Exorcist and some Stargrave stuff, as well as some Victrix vikings. No AoS stuff planned at the moment.
  22. I'd say Fyreslayers have more problems with diversity, but yeah, they are no lookers. But you can replace them with these new ones, especially with Blood Bowl heads!.
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