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Posts posted by Enwolved

  1. 7 hours ago, azdimy said:

    Some lucky rolls and unlucky ones on your opponent since he also has a 4+ ward against mortal wounds.

    No, pure skill of course haha

    tbh: Yes, sure it was, I have no idea what the math is on that and I dont care, I ****** killed Nagash with the mask and it was legendary!!

    • Like 1
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  2. Yesterday I played a match against a classic SBG Nagash Kastelai list.
    He deployed his Nagash 19'' away from my deployment zone, so I took my chances, deployed my two Wurgoggs on the front line, made my Great Hunter pregame move, took first and gave it a go.

    The first Wurgogg (without glowin tattooz) died after only dealing 5 wounds. BUT my second one with glowin tattoz rekt Nagash to zero and had 4 wounds left himself. It was glorious and the game was basically over for him from there. 
    It is a lot of fun, BUT it was only because he misplayed. 

    • Like 6
  3. Hey fellow Bonesplitterz-friends,

    do you have recommendations for an alternative model for the Wurgogg Prophet? 
    I already own the original GW model and the Underworlds model. 
    But as we know, for the ultimate mask-madness, you need more than two!


  4. So I played a match yesterday with this:

    Wurgogg (Tattooz, Glowy Green Tusks)
    Savage Boss (General - Great Hunter)
    Wardokk (Levitate)

    10 Boarboyz
    10 Boarboyz
    5 Boarboyz
    5 Boarboyz

    Rogue Idol
    Rogue Idol

    1995 points

    I had the two Idols in Alpha Beast Pack and the rest in a Battle Regiment.
    Levitate and Savage Boss General was more for fun and the ultimate alpha strike, I dont think its very good, but it was fun!
    I had 8'' + D6'' pre game move and just shoved my whole army over the board turn 1 and boxed in my opponent.
    Pretty oppressive way to play, since he had no teleport or any other way to get out of the situation, but it was fun to just run the wild horde into the enemies for sure! 

    A unit of 10 boarboyz can obviously do work and 2 idols is a lot of fun as long as they havent lost more than 8 wounds haha.


    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Bibob45 said:

    Dont think you can use arcane tome with varanguard..?

    The Fists of the Everchosen rule states that Knights of the empty Throne Varanguard units can only choose artefacts and traits from their damned legion options

    Yup, you are right on this. Arcane Tome isnt possible unfortunately. 

  6. 18 hours ago, Chaosoule said:

    @Enwolved I don't have the list but I played it at the event. (We actually drew our game but I recorded the score wrong as we mathed out last couple BRs.) It was two blocks of thirty warriors, a couple iron golems, and then warshrines, sorcerer/s and chaos lord to buff them. With mark of Tzeentch that many warriors are unkillable - apparently the most that died in any game was 15. 

    Thanks mate, thats something as least. I already knew about the two blocks of Warriors, just dont know the rest yet and I am still curious :D

  7. 4 hours ago, Sneedlewoods said:

    Does anybody read anything that universal general traits cant be picked for "Ravager Command Traits"?

    I already played it and I dont see a point why you wouldnt be able to use them. 
    The Ravagers Battle Traits just say, that every Hero can pick A COMMAND TRAIT, not specifically a Ravagers Command Trait. 
    Pretty good tbh.

    Ravagers is still fun and maybe still my favourite sub-faction.
    I tried a few things already and this list is what I will try next. 
    Trying to go heavy on Sorcerers, maybe its too much. (other option would be CL and Darkoath Chieftain instead, not sure yet).
    Cogs could be great here, but had no idea how to fit them in. 
    Could also go for the Mark Artefact for the big 18'' spell ignore aura. But two casts on the re-roll guy is just a lot of value I feel.
    The list kinda lacks damage, but on the other hand, most of our lists nowadays kinda does (if you dont have Archaon). 

    If you have any other ideas, let me know. 

    Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness
    - Damned Legion: Ravagers
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
    - Triumphs: none, because of 2000points

    Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360) in Command Entourage
    - Spell: Binding Damnation
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (270) in Battle Regiment
    - General
    - Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
    - Ravagers Command Trait: Master of Deception
    - Spell: Mask of Darkness
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (115) in Battle Regiment
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
    - Ravagers Command Trait: Master Of Magic (reroll)
    - Spell: Mask of Darkness
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (115) in Command Entourage
    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
    - Ravagers Command Trait: Bolstered by Hate (+2 wounds)
    - Spell: Whispers of Chaos
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (115) in Command Entourage
    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
    - Ravagers Command Trait: Heroic Stature (+1 wound)
    - Spell: Mask of Darkness

    30 x Chaos Marauders (270) in Battle Regiment
    - Axes & Shields
    5 x Chaos Knights (170) in Battle Regiment
    - Cursed Lance
    20 x Chaos Warriors (400) in Battle Regiment
    - Halberd & Shield

    Chaos Warshrine (185) in Battle Regiment
    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
    - Prayer1: Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 138


  8. 19 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    The "attacks ignore" refers to the part of the rule that negates the ethereal rule, not the separate second part of the rule ("in addition..."). The second part of the rule instead refers to "wounds inflicted by Drakkfoot units." It's entirely possible this refers only to wounds and not to mortal wounds, but it's not because of the attacks part in the previous clause.

    I think its completly right what you say here. 
    But it would be really nice to know how it works because its actually a pretty big deal when your Prophet uses his Fist against like 40 Chainrasps or a bunch of Aelf dudes with Teclis save up :D 

  9. 17 minutes ago, kozokus said:

    I am pretty sure it is 1980 points  (with an extra CP)

    I am sorry, I read "20 Marauders + 5 Knights" and you wrote "20 Marauders / 5 Knights" 

    Seems good then! Your version gets even more stylepoints, not taking any Marauders :D 

    • Like 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    Well, it's not about Gloom and Doom.

    You supported the gloom and doom with your own post.

    It's always 1/3 chance here and 1/3 chance there, if lucky you can get this stuff off and there is a special rule one per battle.

    The problem is that other armies always get their stuff done because it's a build in ability while all our even weak stuff is random chance.

    The book would be way better if our rules would just apply.

    I really hate so say this and I know that this should be a friendly discussion here, but its really annoying to hear your negative attitude to almost every post that is made in this thread.

    I know that it is hard to win against the top armies, but it is possible. And complaining about everything is not really helping anybody. I won two one-day tournaments with my S2D in August and I also had to play against KO and such, so with the right battleplan, attitude and a little bit of luck and practice, a lot is still possible with the rules we have. 
    No question, I would rather have Chaos Warriors with rend and Chaos Knights who can swap their weapons after charging instead of stupid hordes of 40 Marauders who are apparently our "best unit", but you have to deal with the stuff GW does or just dont play the game.

    Btw: Interesting to see Knights Of The Empty Throne having a little success, I will give it a try once again when I have more than only 3 Varanguard :( 

    • Like 5
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  11. On 10/9/2020 at 12:14 AM, kozokus said:

    I wonder if squeezing it in Plaguetouched would'n be better.


    6 and 3 varanguard as before

    chaos lord + sorcerer

    15 and 5 warriors

    20 maraudeurs / 5 knights




    less dammage, but better surviability in shooting, one drop vs two, synergy with ennemy nurgle.

    Yes, sounds great, but its 2090 Points :D

  12. 13 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    The new ETB warriors and knights from the start collecting look great, but obviously they lack the many normal options available to those units, such as swords for the knights, etc... 

    There is acutally not really a problem, because if you want to play lances - they have lances. And if you want to play Ens Weapons, Lances can be ensorcelled, right? Nobody says they are ensorcelled swords/clubs/hammers or whatever. 
    As long as you let your opponent know, I think its fine :)

    • Like 1
  13. Hey guys,

    I already own a boar-heavy list for bonesplitterz, which is a lot of fun. 
    Now I want to prepare for orctober and I was thinking about expanding my collecting with boys on foot.

    The big question is: How difficult is it to magnetize the weapons? So I can use them as arrowboys as well as as Savage Orruks? 
    If somebody already did that, what kind of magnets do I need? size/strength? Would be great to here if somebody as experience with that!


  14. On 9/4/2020 at 11:34 AM, Titus said:

    Hello guys, i am preparing this list for a tournament.

    The goal is trying to maximise the positive effects of the DPs and monster within despoiler. (3 DP's and one monster).
    The lists is made to counter the maximum the shooting meta with the DP of nurgle, the reroll saves and the nightmare chasm. (also Belakor in case of a massive death star of shooting). The goal is to score fast and trying to negate the objectives to my opponent via movements (DP's, teleportation, horsemen), abilities (DP of Khorne, Belakor) or resilience (reroll saves, Nurgle batalion, DP nurgle)

    The list is lacking of impact.
    I am aware i am not going to win th e tourney but the goal is to get a 3/2 win ratio with a list  challenging for myself (high potential of being wiped in case of wrong movements or bubbles)

    The battles will be as follow:

    Total conquest 

    Battle for the pass

    Focal points

    Blade s edge

    Forcing the hands

    What do you guys think about the artefact (Do i need the extra D3 CP?), command trait, batalion (usefull or not? Better choice?), Endless spell (not sure usefull but can be so deadly on some armies), units (knights?)

    I am not able to help you out here, because you might be my opponent in this tournament 🤣

    I like your basic idea, but as already said: DP doesnt count towards the units in the battalion because he has no Mortal keyword unfortunately  :/

    But Salyx already gave some good advice I think. Horsemen are 20 points higher now for whatever reason, for 90 points I really liked them. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, ACBelMutie said:

    No. If you take him is for his spell. Imagine you give a unit of 10 Blood Knights 20" and 1 extra attack or 15 Black Knights with Vanhel and extra attack. They can make a deep strike. 


    Yes, of course, its pretty good, but still: Is it worth 300 Points for a spell, which has to be cast successfully and can be unbound? I doubt it.. 

    Just played against Kroak again yesterday, who had +3 unbinding and 4 global unbinds... 

  16. 13 hours ago, Thamalys said:


    17 hours ago, Enwolved said:

    What would your LoB list look like then? If you say you count on dire wolves and blood knights? Would be interested to see it.

    Alright, here's a tentative "GHB-2020-compliant" LoB list leveraging the points drops we have been discussing. I used to run a similar list with another Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (VLoZD) instead of Prince Vhordrai, but given than we might have lost the Etheral Amulet I think Vhordrai could be a better choice. The trick with this list is the very tough General who is taking advantage of the Dolorous Guard battalion (allied from Nighthaunts). It takes a lot of effort to take him down - and because of that, your Dire Wolves - will - keep coming back throughout the game (if you have the CPs, which are a problem. You start with 2 [because of the battalion] but you really want to use the VLoZD command ability anytime you can on himself/Vhordrai). Now while your opponent either wastes timeon the close-to-unkillable VLoZD (lethal mistake) or decides to stay clear of him (wiser) you have Vhordrai with Amethystine Pinions, who is another serious threat. If that was not enough, here they come two units of five Blood Knights. This list wasn't possible before the points drops (had to take a sub-optimale Tomb Banshee instead of the Vampire Lord) and it looks quite ok to me. Not many bodies on the board (hey, we are elitistic Vampires, right?) but you have the damage in three / four different places to bring most of your opponent's units down. If you fear tough hordes, group the two units of Blood Knights into a single unit of 10 and buff them - almost nothing can stand in their way. If double buffed (VLoZD and VL command abilities at the same time) 10 Blood Knights on the charge means 60.44 (rend -1) + 15 (no rend)   = 75.44 damage; against a 3+ save (that's right...) 30.22 +5 = 35.22 damage. 



    That sounds pretty great, but I doubt that you make much use of Endless Legions, because you just dont have the CPs to do that. So I really like this idea, but it would be so great if you had the points left to buy that CP for 50 points. 

    In addition to that: Do you think the Sword is better on the VLOZD?

  17. 25 minutes ago, Thamalys said:
    2 hours ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    im getting rather indecisive. Do you guys think that for a bloodknights heavy force, one should go LoB or Soulblight?

    Legion of Blood (LoB) and Soulblight (SB) are very different factions despite the fact you can run very similar lists as both. This is how I see them / play them:

    - LoB has Endless Legions, but it's in weird spot in that sense as you desperately want to bring in as many Blood Knights as you can - but these are not summonable, so Endless Legions is useless for them. You could go Grimghast Reapers (which I adore) AND Blood Knights in the same list, which works - but you have to compromise in terms of numbers and support heroes. My current LoB strategy is to invest in Dire Wolves (such an amazing unit...) to leverage Endless Legions (and Deathly Invocations and so on...) AND Blood Knights to make the most of the +1 LoB attack. You can build tough LoB lists based on Endless Legions, but Legion of Sacrament is just better in that sense. LoB is excellent for balanced lists featuring both resilient components (Endless Legions) and punchy units (VLoZD and Blood Knights). The changes re: the artefacts will have an impact on the VLoZD vs Vhordrai debate. I won't go into that yet - let's wait to be 100% sure about the artefacts.

    - SB can do two things really well: (1.) Be insanely fast/mobile. Swift Death is nuts (flying Blood Knights with a minimum, guaranteed threat range of 18 is bonkers) and we do have access to Amethystine Pinions,  Chronomantic Cogs and the Mist Form Command Trait (also bonkers). (2.) Hit like a truck. However, that's not really true / useful in the current meta. Lots of things hit harder or just don't die. Which leaves Soulblight with a very clear issue: survivability. Without Endless Legions, Deathly Invocation and Vile Transference alone are simply not enough. Vargheists are not summonable either and they die like flies. You can also build a +2 to cast list with the Necromantic blood line and an allied Corpse Cart, but the reality is that in the times of Tzeench / Seraphons / Lumineth that's not the best way forward.

    The way I see it, I think it's fair to say that LoB is more viable, from a competitive standpoint, at this point in time, as what SB does well doesn't have a great impact in most games. However, SB allows me to take all my big monsters, my Blood Knights and my Vargheists and even ally the Mourngul (oh yeah) - as @warhammernerd righteously pointed out, the rule of cool is crystal clear in this case...

    2 hours ago, Seihoff said:

    I can't understand why in 2020, GW still doesn't give him that keyword when it's obvious he is THE vampire lord along with Nef and Mannfred.

    I do agree re: both Neferata and Mannfred. Vhordrai, though, is sufficiently scary as it is, let's be honest. At full health and  fully buffed (his own spell + the Coven Throne command ability + the Vampire Lord command ability) the guy is downright INSANE already... do I want him to have +1 attack in LoB? Of course I do. Would that be in line with the fluff? Oh yes. Would it be sensible rules-wise? I say, probably not...  to be fair, I am quite surprised they brought it down in points. 6 mortal wounds flat on a 3+ (potentially a 2+) at full health, folks - flat. Shordemaire, for the win!

    Those are very interesting explanations, thanks! I am curious what you say about VLOZD vs Vhordrai later on. 

    What would your LoB list look like then? If you say you count on dire wolves and blood knights? Would be interested to see it.

    btw: does the Saccharine Goblet work on the mount as well? I guess no?

  18. I am not sure yet, propably LoB is still better, but I dont really care, Soulblight is the cooler version. And you can have an all Flying Force, which is fun as well. 

    What do you mean by Vhordrai getting some juice by taking him in Soulblight over LoB?

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