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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. it is FAIRLY OBVIOUS when you think about it, i feel a bit dumb for missing it
  2. we definetly need both sides, that is how you find the gold. And when you get the gold you get the power and when you get the power you get the ladies
  3. oh boy, just noticed that vargheits are vampires (TITANIC DUH FOR ME) my kastelai army got even better, yay
  4. it really depends on how many knights you have. You need some battleline for vrykos so consider adding skellies/zombies/wolves or running kastelai instead with bloodknights battleline
  5. i was going for a snek dude with wings (like morathi) conversion but now that i am done i dont know, it does not feel right for kastelai, you know? I think i will put them on horses and put bladed wings on the mounts, that could be nice. What were you thinking for your conversion?
  6. cool but i dont know, maybe too many big heroes? I will have to run tests
  7. that is surely one of the possible lists that popped in my mind but i REALLY want to run two vengorian lords so i feel pretty torn. How do you feel about the vamptaur?
  8. How are you cryiers and not so much cryers feeling about the vengorian lord? I feel like we got a pretty dope medium boy wich can do a lot of stuff and hits like a brick
  9. I was just listing the models i want, the salt is blinding you
  10. I may be tunnel visioned with all the crying going off around me but Kastelai are damn amazing and stronk. Dunno what all you paesants are complaning about. Imma do 2x vengorian lords lots of bloodknights coven throne (THAT CA, just damn) vargheists (got buffed yay ) vhordrai being even more chad i am not sure about the battalion, healing is good but i would have to bring 2 foot lords, meh
  11. also if mannfred is not drastically changed he is mostly a melee and support characher, having him run constantly is not exactly having him pay for himself
  12. even if i am not going to run him i feel very happy for mannfred trolling shenanigans. on another note, i am mildly pissed that bloodknights are 1" only, after rebasing all of them i feel like i probably will run multiple small units
  13. i think we can all agree that against a kastelai army you should really guard your heroes, expecially squishy ones
  14. uh... i thought it was a sallet... it probably depends on how you paint it ALSO this is clearly some inferior virgin metal cosplay armor instead of the obviously superior chad 100kg blood red fullplate <.<
  15. i think that is 100% the intention but as of now the rule is a tad unclear
  16. nah this is all in good spirit, i am actually very damn happy and i think most people will be. My pissings are mostly mild (except doot guy being gone, that i hate, i need some doot)
  17. ok whatever, they are absolute units anyway, i am just mildly pissed for the retreat thing. I absolutely love that they got a 3+ base
  18. yeah, the banner are a bit junk but i cannot feel sad for the bravery thing being gone since it did almost nothing anyway. What i am really sad about is the removal of the doot boy, that was strong and i will miss it
  19. 100%, probably even the base vampire lord still has the +1 attack CA. Rend is not too hot but they make up for it very well with raw power, after all rend -2 is only like a 17% damage increase from rend -1. sounds fair enough, gonna bring at least 20 of those guys doesnt feel sin either but since i would have run kastelai anyway i feel extreamely pleased with my noble knights. Also i bet there will be loads of ways to power them up further. I really hope the palanquin have been improved
  20. HOLY ****** THOSE KNIGHTS ARE AMAZING almost always D2 lances, 3+ armor, mortal wounds when running through things is good already but kastleai blood knights are dirty and i want 20 of them. Oh wait, i do have 20 of them, AWESOME lets hope they do not cost too much pointwhise
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