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Everything posted by Raptor_Jesues

  1. that would be pretty cool as well, i sure would not mind a nechrarch warlocks unit
  2. unless we get vampire or grave guards archers. Those would pack quite some punch
  3. I am not mad. Just extremely pissed off and very disappointed. I am also very damn mad.
  4. how about DUAL KIT GRAVE GUARDS/GRAVE ARCHERS how crazy would that be?
  5. WE BAC LIKE DADDY VLAD also we almost there, unholy nagash JUMP ON THE HYPE TRAIN BLOODSUCKERZ
  6. that would sure be nice but i still have hope for abhorash
  7. let us thake the FEC rumor with a good grain of salt, i seriously doubt they are going out like this, i believe they will remain their own faction. Speaking about some speculation, i wish to talk about two things: 1- what three endless spells are we getting? I would say a bat swarm that give us some kind of bonus against shooting, some blood fountain (this could also be a scenic though) that grants us some regeneration (and hopefully blood knights resurrection) and a generic mortal wound spell, probably something bat-shaped like a big blood bat that cuts people with its wings. 2- if they give us Abhorash what can we expect from the strongest melee fighter lorewhise? Is he going to be a gotrek like warmachine or something a bit more sober like a souped up sigvald/aenarion?
  8. if they give us a new blender lord (say Abhorash, i would not mind) i hope he is either on foot or on a horse, i am quite sick of giant monsters
  9. *inhales sharply* It is time then. I'll get the bloodlance
  10. We are blood knights, we don't get to stay calm. Also it is never time to not HYPE
  11. A fair point but in all honesty i would like a 7thed like theme even more (although i think it is quite unlikely)
  12. well, the book is called Soulblight Gravelords, not Vrikos Dinasty or Gravelords from Ulfenkarn so i think we have a fair shot at several bloodlines
  13. Honestly I hardly believe that gdubs would do such a thing but then again it would not be the first time they get me so who knows. As for their rules i guess they could see some revamping, they were changed once already for a new book so i guess some minor changes are quite probable
  14. i would like that banners did something with bravery but not battleshock since it mostly does not exists but i think it could get complex and i feel like it is unlikely. I think they will stay -1 to bravery wich is quite a shame UNLESS we get loads of bravery targeting thingies
  15. RED FURY but the way it was when death first came out, if you kill one guy you get to attack again
  16. not sure if the dude is an actual necromancer or just some rando death mage
  17. bloodborne wound on 2s if the target unit took damage, not them
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