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Posts posted by Fuxxx

  1. I'm really wondering about the other new battleplans. When the rumors about having units at a minimum size depending on the boxes they come in are true, I think Stormcast might have a little problem: all the units that were cheap so far would be more expensive by double, which means even less units on the board which means controlling objectives becomes harder - it'd be interesting to see how holding objectives now works. Of course it would make it even harder to fill out batallions compared to let's just say Gitz.

  2. Just now, Feii said:

    this tones down the thunderstrike deployment a lot.  Like on average you get 3.5 inches from a D6 so DS 2 inches closer isn't worht it 

    It doesn't - you can do this only in the movement phase (ok check) and only after an enemy finishes a normal move, run or retreat within 9" of you - so you can't run away from sigmars justice! And I just realized that might be my best chance to get in any charges now :D

    But also to get the most out of their ability (and to get charges) you probably land your guys within range of more than one unit. Even if the enemy could run away the opponent still would have to expend 1 command point per unit he wants to do that with, so if you position your units smartly (with normal moves of course ;) ) and are in range of more than one unit you might get off the charge. Your opponent might make it more probable to get one rather than the other though. This could actually lead to some nice bait and switch moments. Now the unit you wanted to charge is further away than the other unit. Do you still risk the charge with the knowledge you might have to move up to the other one?

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  3. @Feii nah, redeploy is only possible in the opponents turn. 


    Still though. It's basically (ok very simplified) bringing your charge down by D6, isn't it. Yes their D6 is not your D6 and you can be lucky or unlucky but most of the time you're charging 2D6 and they can evade 1D6 first. I don't like it, but it's not like you're in the same position afterwards. The enemy will be D6 inches further back. Take that as a good thing or not, but if a unit is defending an objective for example they might not want to back down. 

    Also after playing against Kharadrons with two ships at 1000P it wasn't much different (yes and it sucked), every time I came near they'd teleport so most of the time I was charging from 9" and further as well. Suffice to say I didn't make a lot of charges but stormcast don't have a + to charge (no I don't like using named characters) and armies with musicians and such to boost the charge range might not be hit as hard :)

  4. I think the 3+ only applies to the folks in the new Thunder Armour. The others probably stay at 4+. Although I can not say that even with a castellant that seemed enough to make up for the low wounds in any of the few games I played so far :D But I'm a total noob and only played 6 games as Stormcast. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I really like the battalions but Warlord and Command Entourage seem remarkably similar. I can see how the distinction could matter for a few armies but it still feels rather redundant with a few exceptions. I think that we are missing something as to why you would take one over the other, beyond the few list compositions that feature a number of heroes and monsters/artillery with no basic troops?

    the one has a / so you probably don't have both abilities. But more importantly if you don't have a high number of troops you might want to tie them up in another battallion and don't have enough to use one for this one. With all the MSU units that will probably be less of an issue though.

  6. It was just now posted in the rumor thread: 

    I like it. I liked my thematic battallions but at least no ones left out and the impact of these is minimal. You seem to even have to take special ones to get artifacts or whatever enhancement could mean here. I wonder whether they'll be free.


  7. 1 minute ago, Mcthew said:

    Wouldn't mind that but how many starter sets include understrength units? Should say on the Dominion box "box contents might not be legal for Age of Sigmar 3.0" but I doubt they'll do that.

    Well it's not like it'd be illegal! You'd only have 1 unit each that's under strength and that would be legal ;)

    To be more on topic: While I love my Gobbos, for Age of Sigmar I only play Stormcasts. I really don't like moving masses of miniatures in a skirmish-style game. And my Stormcast units are always small since they are so expensive, so for me nothing much changes. It prohibits the 9 Raptors in an Anvils army shenanigans but I think that's rather good since I never liked that idea. 

    I like to have more stuff to spend my command points on. Would be nice if they scaled with the point size of the game though. Only problem is, that I tend to forget a lot of stuff as is and now with even more abilities to remember that might trip me up even more. I wrote cheat sheets for my 1000P games to think of all the abilities :D

  8. Just now, Enoby said:

    I've just seen the battalion rules and they are really weird... not bad, but nothing like old battalions 

    (Not sure if okay to share pic)

    Oh come on that's baiting us :D what do they say? I don't need pictures. I only need infos to feed my overly hyped brain with!

  9. "Ok guys, before we allowed you to take smaller units if you lacked a model or two. But you have to understand us as a company. We have to make money somehow. So the lax times are over, even if you want to you are not allowed by the rules to take smaller units!"

    Ok just making fun of it, and to be frank: You always only have one unit of a type that is too small anyways, you would have to run them small on purpose to have more..

  10. This sounds like those Crusades are just a new Allegiance to choose for Stormcast with some Cities of Sigmar to reinforce and that it's focus is building settlements.


    I was hoping for an army, like a crusade with Flaggellants and Witch Hunters and Lord-Veritants to burn some witches, more destruction focussed. But oh well, there was that rumor engine with a w like witch on the skeletons skull, might still be happening. I like the two new Witch Hunters (although I think 40€ is steep) and I've got a painted Jelsen Darrock, so I really want more religious fanatics to follow my Stormcast into battle. Like the one Fluff text in the Battletome next to the Celestial Vindicators :D

  11. 21 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I just said it in another post, but I will say it again: 25mm bases are just a mistake we will have to live with. They just don't work well with GW's basic design of measuring everything in inches.

    Yeah my problem basically is this whole 25mm is just short of an inch so, if you're base to base you're within an inch of 2 models even if you are on the far fringe of the unit stick. Like... technically if you're in contact with a model that's in contact with an enemy you're just in an inch and can attack with 1" weapons right now. That's just a bit too wonky for me as a system. It's not a Warhammer Fantasy forum, so that's not that good of an argument, but the fact I didn't have to measure for each model whether it's able to attack or not just made it a bit easier.

  12. But wouldn't that half inch within an model mean that 25mm based models could fight in 3 ranks with 1" weapons? I really don't like the interactions with small bases, for everything else this might be fine

    can priests ban spells? I thought they could just banish persisting miracles from other priests?

  13. I'm torn on the new rule. I really like blocks of models. My favorite systems are Kings of War and Warhammer 8th Edition. But the quote on quote encirclement you could to with AoS was quite nice and it's a bit sad to see it gone. Looks more like armies in formations though I think :)

    I don't know if we're missing something. Might be that we get a rule for second ranks and such and than that's that :)

  14. Wait, Thunderstrike Brotherhood still only has 3 Retributors... I have 6 of those guys. I wish I had more Paladins but they're just so damn expensive...


    If that box is limited, will the models in it be regular models? Or push fit and will be recycled in a Start-Collecting-Box? How was it with the 40k box? Was there a follow-up normal starter box with 40k?

  15. 3 minutes ago, Juicy said:

    yeah so minimum unit size of 3. thats pretty cool. Fits the lore a bit more then big units of 5. And its nice to see this in the box. My ques is no other weapon choises for now. Is also good.


    It's not confirmed is it? Just inferred by the size the stuff gets worse but for evocators it was the same...

  16. OK rules for annihilators are out. They get an attack with 3 attacks that's basically the same as the big maces. They do do impact hits on landing and impact hits on a successful charge though. Which are worse if they are only 2 or 1 model. Which gives me hope that they do come in units of three but on the other hand evocators also got worse below three and came in units of 5 while the start box hat 3...


    On another note: I played two 1000P games against kharadron overlords. The first game I tried a charge with evocators on dracolines and the lord arcanum turn one but the lord didn't get the charge... Then his turn 1 he blasted all Dracolines away with the Ironclad. From then on it was an uphill battle. The Ironclad evaded me every time I came close and shot everything. 


    Game two I took a ballista and a priest with translocation. 3 command point rerolls spend on units (lord on gryph charger, Liberators and 10 buffed Sequitors) and only the 4 libs got there. Then I got blasted again. Both games were total annihilation... What to do at that point size? Those were the units I painted. Must I paint the star drake and another ballista? I don't want to right now but oh wow. Scenario didn't help. Number 6. My opponent couldn't hold both objectives but the way he shot me prohibited me from getting one which meant a close victory for him by points killed. Only once did I damage the ship enough it couldn't fly high..

  17. 2 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Yeah giant magical humans selected by several gods and mutated into fighting machines. I think that Chaos Warriors and Liberators sharing base stats is sensible I think the issue is their special rules which feel a little bland for SCE.

    Yeah it's basically what I meant, if they were literally the same it would make sense but I always felt the libs a bit underwhelming.

  18. 1 minute ago, ZaelART said:

    They suffer from the same problem as space marines, they should be powerful and rare. Awe inspiring. Whispered about in myths and legends. But that doesn't translate well to tabletop.

    Yeah giant magical humans selected by a god and forged anew. And now compare liberator and chaos warrior warscrolls and points and it becomes a bit ridiculous. Yeah. Chaos warriors are elite too, but I started Stromcast like half a year ago and from all I've played they don't feel particularly strong...

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  19. Just remember - if you want to play the crimson court maybe get the direchasm core box and not the new starter box. That one has a simplified rule book without lethal hexes and wizards. The crimson court contains two wizards. There are no magic cards in the essential card pack or the new starter box. All releases now have premade decks. The crimson court has 32 faction specific cards that can be used as a deck and 30 additional cards to use for deck building. Some of those cards fit in especially well with the crimson court I think. 

    You'll also need magic dice which are not in the new starter box. So if you want to play vampires you'll probably need the normal direchasm box. And if you want more cards afterwards I guess the new essential card pack is nice. The cards will not rotate out with the seasons so you'll be able to use them for quite some time. And some of them are great (others not admittedly).

  20. Well nowhere in the Terms and Condition does it say it has to be 300 Pounds. You just have to have any products in the basket. Could even be more. Your prices don't have to be from the list you created from what I can tell. Interestingly enough for winners outside of UK this could get complicated. They specify that value of the price will be determined by GW. They also give a maximum for Cad and $, but not for Euros. Would be easier to just let people pick from the UK store...

    I'm starting Mordheim again so a Cawdor Gang for bits, the warcry box since I would never buy that otherwise but it looks nice, Start Collecting Gloomspite, the guy on giant Squig and Mangler Squigs since those are the models I don't have yet but wouldn't buy since I have plenty of alternatives and don't need the newest models if I'm perfectly honest and Khagras Reavers since I promised myself to buy all Direchasm Warbands used - 28,50 was rich but 32,50€ for a warband... if I buy one I want them all and that's become really expensive. I mean 22,50 was too good to be true but couldn't they have stopped somewhere in the middle? :D 

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