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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. or are you following Tzeentch's plan all along by manipulating convincing your group to start new armies? New armies means new machinations 🦚
  2. The confusion is because we don't know whether the launch box will include the Corebook or only this "Spearhead hardback", or if the 4e Corebook has everything Spearhead in it. It sounds like it could be two different books tbh but then where would the special edition corebook cover come from?
  3. he's not nearly enough of an expletive to be Zeus even without that thankfully.. he's definitely closer to Thor than Zeus or even Odin, but i do agree the parallels are hilarious because Sigmar's always been a barbarian who rejected Chaos. not sure if they were called Sigmarites in the Age of Myth? seems like a more recent distinction, for Order coming back to the other realms. it's def an interesting pitch that the human conflict is essentially between kin: those who didn't/couldn't make it to Azyr and those who did
  4. I dunno about PURE Howard, since Chaos is absolutely a Great Evil the Darkoath have been forced into serving. There's also some pretty clear hypocrisy* on their part--to mirror the hypocrisy of CoS--which I'm not sure if Howard had? the aesthetic and general attitude of darkoath are definitely straight from Howard's barbarians. *that hypocrisy extends from calling Sigmarites slavers while enslaving and pillaging, to calling mono-worshippers weak while having their own preferred deities that an entire tribe can be named after... which feels very Warhammer-y
  5. Seriously, at what point* does buying the inevitable Christmas battleforce for Skaven or Stormcast make more sense than getting the launch box? I don't mind getting a bunch of paper extras for playing, but it really does come down to price vs number of models when a ton of us are only going to want half the set... *Price point and hype point wise edit: rereading stuff, this sounds like there will be no corebook in the box?? only the presumably large core rules + everything for Spearhead unless that idea IS the new corebook. ugh.
  6. June or July? the Dawnbringer store campaign is supposed to go until end of June i hope. I really want that coin!!! as long as we have other precedent, thank you!
  7. there's gotta be one really weird, broken Ruination stormcast coming for sure. Behemoth and Artillery are missing (outside of heroes and the ballista now) DB6 seems a sure bet for Abraxia, the siphon, and Gunnar's band
  8. it does and then halfway through you find out most tribes are actually beholden to Archaon... so much for that independence the tone of this is a bit all over, they are much much less grey/nuanced than you'd think? they feel closer to og Norsca than not, which is slightly disappointing. it sounds like most darkoath aren't really forced into this (like their ancestors) as much as they revel in it? not clear whether that's because they don't know the true cost (wilderfiends) or the true goal/forms of Chaos (big 4). Very cool! glad the launch box will not be missing the terrain that starter sets get, however I can't help but feel like the launch box might have less models in it to fit into Spearhead? unless Spearhead itself will have a couple different tiers in terms of game size?
  9. i always thought aethergold was more like... clouds of vapor? this could be some kind of metalith though, i don't think it's lightning per-se
  10. "coruscating energy" is what i'd call this... we saw the Chaos siphon thing with Abraxia, so maybe another faction gets some ley-line terrain? edit: energy as in this doesn't look like lightning
  11. I think the Ruination units are darker-armored, the new Liberators shown seem the same?
  12. yes, that is because GW is flipping factions each week... it is an "odd" week hence Stormcast. Next week they will be even reveals... Skaven will have 3.
  13. gotta say my only disappointment for them is the stupid scrolls having OVER the peturges-thing... i don't want to half-paint something under parchment. the new helms are growing on me, really loving the chainmail under the plate and the javelins look so sick!!! also if you read the actual article GW confirms alt heads in the box
  14. that's the AOS version of Vermintide right? pretty please?
  15. previous editions didn't have streamlined warscrolls and USRs though, I could see AOS moving to trying out adding/removing USRs for units to rebalance their role(s) and/or efficiency looking at the new Vindictor scroll again, they may not change up the "Ability" section, but the bottom of the wscroll has two sets of keywords: one of which looks like more universals that set the abilities and role of a unit. they could add "Ward" like how Nagash has on his wscroll. I was wondering why such important rules like Fly and War would be all the way at the bottom--maybe it IS for bigger rebalancing??
  16. i am very much hoping GW sticks to Alliance or Universal battle tactics. it just seems way too unwieldy to do specific faction ones if people dislike the implementation of BT to begin with
  17. were there also Cities-on-Worms? because she fights alongside worm-people who live in cities (which I really would love to see), but I'm about 1/3rd done the book. the few times I've gotten Warhammer gifts, the person bought from the webstore. which makes a lot of sense!
  18. finally got my hands on some Dawnbringer books and was shocked at how little new artwork there was. Plenty of awesome dioramas by the studio team, a lot of which had older (WHF) models in them. Soulbound has also been delaying some releases if I remember @Baron Klatz saying so. Champions of Chaos and the Ancient Empires supplement come to mind. These plus the way 4e is being marketed as #NEWAOS #AOSREFORGED is making me think/hope that AOS is going to get a deluge of new art that it deserves.
  19. yeah... I'm starting to wonder if this lull is because of 4e being a "reforged edition" of AOS? like redoing more aesthetics/factions than we think, so there's been less art or books of things that will get a new look soon.
  20. my apologies, after I hit post it became clear i was about 10 pages too late!
  21. I would only call it "boring" if you're expecting a battle ****** type of novel? It's an extremely interesting and insightful character novel--for BOTH Yndrasta and the human tribe it follows. I actually appreciate that it's a slower BL novel. Very true to form for a novel about hunting 😂 i would LOVE to see creepy crawly Spider Gitz come back with an AOS vengeance. here's hoping.
  22. to keep this relevant: I really hope if the 40k show does decent, it will cement AOS as a heroic, nobledark high fantasy. GW can't be ignoring the sheer amount of money that DND makes as essentially the same type of setting.
  23. Space marines used to be the cops in Necromunda/hive cities IIRC. They are now the figurehead of both the in-universe Imperium and IRL 40k.
  24. I've seen a little bit of that. i'll repost my edit: you're allowed to be disappointed, sad, angry, whatever at decisions made in a narrative you care about. but GW has constantly done this throughout their history, just like Tolkien did with LOTR and basically everyone else does with their own IPs. in the grand scheme of lore changes, this is truly nothing but GW filling in an omission in a faction they're trying to develop further. it should not be blowing up the fandom...
  25. the assumption of this "quota" thing drives me up a wall... even if it does exist it is a purely vapid, profit-driven decision and based on nothing else. and why would be a slap to intelligence..? why would anyone assume ANY IP's lore is immutable? this isn't a history book, it is fiction. you're not getting "gaslit" and we should already know by now that trusting corporations is a fool's game. this is one of the most nothingburger lore additions they've done. The Primaris debacle was 10x worse than this. edit: you're allowed to be disappointed, sad, angry, whatever at decisions made in a narrative you care about. but GW has constantly done this throughout their history, just like Tolkien did with LOTR and basically everyone else does with their own IPs. in the grand scheme of lore changes, this is truly nothing but GW filling in an omission in a faction they're trying to develop further.
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