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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. since you squeeked at me cocked your snout to the side and "i'm angry"
  2. the pillar of Stormcasts' creation is that they retain their humanity and as many memories as possible. i think it's likelier that the Flaw is not as natural as let on--that purposeful memory removal can be done. Sigmar is not the Emperor, and from all of his characterization since 1e he would not want to create mindless automatons.
  3. yeah i know the giant E probably means this is 40k something i can't find any Stormcast or even COS parchments that are letters not runes
  4. it's not, but Max has worked (is working?) for GW doing art and... coincidentally... has a couple Skaven pieces
  5. 10x liberators 10x judicators 3x Prosecutors doesn't sound like too much, though I think I'm overestimating how much was in Dominion and we still need Ruination Chamber... Either way, I do think jezzails are the perfect fit against whatever elites and ranged the Stormcast half gets
  6. the parchment rumor is extremely thick and maybe the big E means 40k, but I am explicitly reminded of these Stormcast and Azyrite concept arts... "living parchment" is mentioned, as well as possible-Ruination Chamber stormcast being wrapped in parchments https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xbegy
  7. I agree with your Skaven reasoning and I'd like to support it from the Stormcast side: there's a possibility that Prosecutors (flying skirmishers) and Judicators (heavy ranged infantry) will get Thunderstruck for the launch box, as well as Ruination units. Jezzails would be great counters to all 3 of those roles--Prosecutors could mop them up easily if they can charge sure, but Jezzails are perfect warmachine support against skirmishers and elites. if GW picks units based on lack of multi-part or dual-kit ability AND fitting the box narrative, Jezzails are an easy win. Can't imagine a launch box without them UNLESS they somehow figured out a dual jezzail/mortar kit. (the chaingun and the flamethrower seem an obvious choice for post-launch dual kit)
  8. ironic, considering how much plastic we collect 😂
  9. Possibly in some areas, but we are finding more and more evidence of early humans that is challenging old stereotypes. Unfortunately scientific discovery has not been without bias, which can interfere with scientific conclusions. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-theory-that-men-evolved-to-hunt-and-women-evolved-to-gather-is-wrong1/ Edited to add: I figured there'd be some discussion on this, and just wanted to provide a source to challenge popular-science misconceptions (of which there are unfortunately a lot!) further edit: i thought we were specifically talking about hunter-gatherer societies, though i do think we will never truly know the extent of women in warfare because we will never truly know how our ancestors lived. all we can say is that they had the same cognition and feelings we do.
  10. yeah i'm not really sure why there's any pushback against new Clanrats?? Imagine the Seraphon refresh without Saurus.., skinks still need a bit of an update but there would be no refresh wave without Saurus period.
  11. I'm so sad I have no more reacts because yes, literally this 😂IT HAPPENS EVERY TIME
  12. yeah I'm imagining a bunch of Ossiarch trying to hype up the nerve to ask Katakros if the shapers could make some dogs 😂
  13. now for the eternal question: Guard Dog or Hunting Dog? i think so!! the name is Teratic Prowler and "terato-" is a prefix meaning "monster" my money is on Guard Dogs and other monstrous constructs for defense.
  14. which prophecy is that from again? got a faint brain recognition, one of the warcom shorts? i am not entirely sure this was even lied about though; I feel like some of the Sacrosanct characters know the search *may* be futile. I think it makes much more sense for a"Warhammer-ism" if Sigmar lied about the Flaws being *entirely natural* and thus making Reforging a secret form of control. if AOS is supposed to have a level of Desperation to it, the Six Smiths creating (more) Flaws to force Stormcast back into service--whether their souls want it or not--is a much MUCH bigger deal. It also cements a reason why named characters can retain their memories/personality..... because Sigmar Wills It. Because they're too important or too loyal to change any further. And it also covers the inverse: Vandus has simply died too many times it seems, but Yndrasta was Reforged with the singular purpose of being a Prime Huntress, ergo more of her memories were taken to focus on nothing but The Hunt. All that being laid out, I like whoever said it could end up being propaganda and not even a real lie 😂 that might be the funniest outcome. Big Sig has a lot of regrets, and probably as many Tall Tales about him as real ones.
  15. was it just that it never got fully overtaken then?
  16. if Ulgu is the only other realm that hasnt been touched by Chaos, then it would be cool to see Ulgu when Azyr gets breached, maybe a nice light-darkness mirror because they're both the only realms that never got taken by Chaos?? Malerion could save Sigmar's realm and be owed the largest favor of all time...
  17. after reading that short story, i firmly believe the lie is that the Reforging Flaws are not necessarily a natural effect of the process, but sometimes a form of control. which adds a seriously interesting dimension to the search for a cure... is there supposed to be one? or is there a truer cure the Stormcast don't know they're actually after?
  18. i just hope they don't 100% repeat the Horus Heresy... If some Stormcast do start to reject Sigmar, I hope they at least don't waver on their heroic properties and still ally with Order to keep each other safe. even if Stormcast turn to Death/Nagash instead of Chaos, it'd still be too similar imho
  19. i agree they could be a Destruction faction that blurs the GA line, but I don't think their appearance should matter to COS more than this idea, and it would also feel narratively lazy against Order. there's been Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Melusai, Gargants, Ogors, Idoneth, with even Orruks and at least one Nighthaunt in Order/Neutral Cities so why should insectoids be too different for humanoids? Part of what blurs Order as a GA is their ability to be truly cosmopolitan, and it can cement the idea that all the other GAs can unite against Chaos. i like your idea about the Hive could definitely be a reason why they're slotted into Destruction. if Chaos has still corrupted large swathes of the realms (like they said they wanted 3e to convey) it doesnt make as much sense for SP to be Locust-like with eating the flora of the Realms. if they take people there could even be a knockon effect where it pushes the denizens of the Realms to decide whether they want to risk being taken by Silent People inland or Idoneth on the coast
  20. The snippet we got proves they have sapience (toolmaking, complex communication, appraising/observing). They seem to be TBQH I think any sapient species can and should be able to live in a COS--we already have the precedent of not only Seraphon but Orruks living alongside humans/aelves/duardin. We also know Sigmar worship is not necessary. They could be similar to Reclaimed where it's a refugee/migrant situation. If they also hate Chaos, there is absolutely some kind of room for them to ally with Order factions IMHO. Especially when we know there are non-Sigmar City States that are allowed to (co)exist.
  21. oh whats this??? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/03/08/the-hammerhal-herald-have-you-enjoyed-the-great-taste-of-kingsblood-wine/ *This advertisement has been placed on behalf of the Honourable Grand Justice Gormayne and paid for by FEC Enterprises.
  22. and this is why I love reading this forum... love when existing threads get tied together like this 😍 did they both feature in a book? not sure if I forgot or simply never heard!
  23. you do understand violent misogyny is still a rampant problem IRL right? and DOK's gimmick is essentially "what if the tables turned and women oppressed men back" right? it would be a shitstorm because it wouldn't be fantastical, compelling, or funny. it's fine if you want to be a heel (the wrestling role) on the forum, but come on now.
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