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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. 6 hours ago, pitzok said:

    Just noticed that in the last article there's the Iron Golems in the background of this photo.

    Yes. All of these units are tournament legal until 2025, which is why it shouldn't be a surprise GW is using the cultist warbands and Sacrosanct in pictures still tbh. All of these models will still have tabletop-life until 5e. No reason to wipe them from promo/action shots.

    3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It seems to be the old empire minis, aren't they? Or could it be a hint from a new crossbowman unit?

    those are absolutely the old Empire troops WOW. That feels like we can expect to see squatted stuff in future art.

  2. 6 hours ago, novakai said:

    Skaven tend to be more earthly brown or red though 

    though Skyre unit sometimes have dark bluish green color armor that stormfiends have.

    what they're wearing yes, but from the 4e trailer we're going to see tons of warpstone, including Stormcast going inside the Vermindoom itself. Gold armor under a sickly green light is going to straight up look sickly green and not have much contrast at all

  3. We can debate and discuss Hammers vs Hallowed color scheme until the next End Times, but I think there's a bit of an Occam's Razor here too: the sickly green hue of warpstone would overtake the gold of Hammers and anything gold would just look like green metal. I think it's partially a decision based on Skaven's color palette.

    • Like 10
  4. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Let's join the two biggest order factions together! What could go wrong?

    to be more clear i meant soup as in soup list "can take each other's units without needing auxiliary or mercenary/ally rules", not a soup tome.

  5. 8 hours ago, Flippy said:

    I guess that's the main point... but it is kinda funny to witness this change of approach. Not very long ago SCE were "totally not SM" and I would bet that any suggestion they should get Ecclesiarchy-like companions would be promptly stomped into ground. Now, with Reclusians revealed, most people are suddenly fine with "fantasy Space Marines".

    again I think the main problem is that GW already cornered themselves in 40k for "baroque, gothic hero", which sadly means when they actually use it for fantasy... it's hard not to think of 40k. We'll have to see more of the new kits to get a better idea of whether this is a bigger move back towards SM or if it's only the Ruination Chamber aesthetic that will feel like this :/

    7 hours ago, Flippy said:

    We're laughing now, but the AoS Horus may already be walking the Mortal Realms. 

    BeLakor? None of the Stormcast fit, which is part of the point of how they're chosen.

    let Death or Chaos have their own schism war.

    7 hours ago, Davariel said:

    The idea of a full SCE army with just two or three ordinary humans tagging along, though? I can't help but think they'll look a bit out of place.

    this is why i'm thinking/hoping 4e will allow COS and Stormcast to army soup a little bit as a treat!

    edit: no book souping

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Anyone notice this from yesterday's painting video? Pretty cool looking map. 

    which painting video? the stream?

    I need to see the full map GW 😭

    8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    If we think about it, the April Fools joke wouldn't be such a joke but a little easter egg instead. Warps tone jewels? Warstone as a hint for Mordheim and Hellcrown to tell you where it is going to be!

    that would be a great subversion of the April Fool's Joke, maybe too good!

  7. 46 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I dunno if this would be the best way to remember (an open flame so close to the SC’s diary seems like a surefire (I’m not sorry) way to lose those notes) but he‘s at the very least adding a ton of style points!

    "wear the hood" they said. "it looks cool!" they said. but you stumble over ONE rock and suddenly it's MY fault for burning half of peepaw's memoirs...

    • Haha 13
  8. 1 hour ago, Mutton said:

    Their purpose also doesn't match their aesthetic. They're supposed to remind the SC of their humanity, but they just look like monks draped in bible passages. They should be holding trinkets, pets, or themselves be recognizable elements of the SC's life. Like what if one of the memorians was just their kid? It would be more impactful and drive home the cost of their affliction.

    that's a great point, I do like the IDEA behind these attendants, but the vibe/look is a bit too gothic for their intended purpose for sure.

    33 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    The writing was on the wall with the changes to Imperial Guard, errm I mean, CoS. I bet they're thinking since Space Marines are successful they gotta space marine it up with new grimdark SCE. Hence the "Sigmar lied" trailer and announcing the ruination chamber. 

    the only problem with this is that we've had writers tell us GW did this in 1e before allowing those writers to actually give Stormcast better/different characterization.


  9. 34 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I just don't like their attendants. I'd love to keep 40K as much it's own thing as possible. Those attendants are 150% 40k nonsense.

    the irony being that 40k just copied a bunch of usually-fantasy tropes like squires to plop into scifi...

    • Like 5
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    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

    But I am left wondering what niche these Reclusians will fill, for at a glance I am not so sure what they will be able to do that the Praetors and Annihilators can't already do. The lore snippet makes them sound tanky and immune to most inhospitable effects, but can GW make them standout enough though?

    give them a MW ignore and they'll be set TBQH...

    6 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    I can't say I'm a fan of this more grimdark move. It makes them more boring.

    i'm fine with Ruination looking more grimdark than other chambers, and it seems SCE lore isn't turning grimdark/grimderp this edition either so as long as that doesn't change I'm down with most model aesthetics.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So definitely a name character now

    Reclusians could have a 2h variant along with the shield and dual wielding. like how Annihilators got 2h with their separate kit

    2 hours ago, edmc78 said:

    I think this art is the direct inspiration for the hero image we have seen the cardboard standup t

    gotta agree with that!!

    2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Sacrosant replacements.

    no? if anything, these mortal attendants probably help the Sacrosancts keep Ruination together. it makes sense that the Chamber for dealing with the Flaw is the one who takes care of Ruination Stormcast.

  12. 2 hours ago, Vagard said:


    also, these do not seem to be paladins like people were saying. i think these are a new keyword for Ruination

    edit: forgot they have a paladin mark-thing. i still don't think they are replacing any other paladins because of how specific they are

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    What about the metal limbs that got Bael Grimnir turned into some sort of disease spread across all the FS and they get that also as their distinctive element from now on?

    the way that was described in the short story was "quicksilver" which implied it was liquid-y to me... possibly leaving room for a certain smith god to help Bael out? or did his DB book actually talk about what happened after the fight with Trugg?

  14. On 4/12/2024 at 4:39 PM, Pizzaprez said:

    I agree, though if Duardin don't have much of a presence in the Ironweald wave I'm not holding out hope. As it stands now, the Duardin holdovers are covering heavy infantry (CC, Ranged) and the airborne warmachine roles. If they drop beefy human foot knights, I can't see them keeping the dispossessed in the army. I could see, long term, GW encouraging kitbashing the TOW range to "represent" the people of the different cities on the tabletop instead of making some units duardin and some humans; foot knights, phoenix temple, and longbeards are all pretty much the same thing if we're simplifying stuff and I could see GW simplifying the range to be one race.

    i hope city duardin keep a heavy anvil unit as a longbeard throwback, but i wouldn't be surprised if we mainly see them in technological roles like Ironweld.

    I dont THINK the WH+ episode showed any drivers of the Cogfort? we only saw human gunners on the outer decks. so Ironweld is definitely still on the table.

    23 hours ago, Luperci said:

    Maybe they want to create that feel by making coalition rules for LRL, KO etc. instead, that way they'll get you to buy into 2 armies instead of 1

    if Spearhead allows for smaller skirmish games for tabletop AOS then I'd be fine with this.. Stormcast by design/narrative should fit right into COS armies without either having to take the other as auxiliaries/mercs/whatever


    23 hours ago, Freemeta said:

    Confrontation was a tabletop game with a really diverse army: Cadwallon:


    holy ****** this ogre is so cool??


    • Like 2
  15. On 4/12/2024 at 3:58 PM, MitGas said:

    I'm making a joke cause laughing about it is better than the alternative, I'm not hurting my point at all IMO but sorry if it offended you - they can't include everything, it's pretty much impossible if you take the logistics into account and there will be drawbacks (e.g. other variants would get excluded).

    this is where the miscommunication is I think--I'm/we're not at all offended. if anything it's more exasperation. we all know the internet idiom "making up a guy to be mad at" by now. The other side of that coin is "making up a guy who is mad" that we also shouldn't be falling into the trap of. my point is that it is not enjoyable or fun to converse with people who are doing either of these things. it's unnecessary and takes away from the actual conversation.



    • Like 4
  16. 36 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I‘m not discussing that anyways, so don‘t try to twist it into something it isn‘t.

    I mean you're still making the joke about it, so you're still bringing it up..? I honestly like discussing logistics and army themes with you until I get to the part where it seems you have to throw in these weird jabs. The black guy could be a black dwarf. the lady could be a lady dwarf. both things people have been asking for... and no one would "be angry anyways."

    58 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    BUT I think it‘s really unfortunate to have CoS start as a mixed faction at first and then taking that - by then - defining and quite unique (in a larger TT wargame) characteristic away but I found the segmentation of various forces to be a stupid move as well (like ONLY slayers, ONLY ardboys, ONLY whatever as the base of a new faction).

    I like variety, so naturally I‘d be all for mixed units in CoS‘ case but I understand the logistical problem with that in let‘s say basic troops. So they should just have new aelf and dwarf units in a new wave. Also, I liked the suggestion of having one of the crew members not being a human for example.

    like I agree with all of this! we're having a great convo about design practices in GW! and then... it gets weird because you hurt your point with a 'joke' about things that are and should be non-issues.

    • Like 15
  17. 1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    All of these feel very flavourful for the SCE. They always have been able to teleport, and them hitting hard feels logic. And they're the beginner faction, so an extra reinforcement to help mitigate a mistake is great for them.

    And even if your army can't be Hammers of Sigmar/Hallowed Knights/etc ruleswise anymore, at least the formations make sense. You can still play full dragons, or mix and match minis. I'm sure they'll be a pure warrior chamber formation too.

    it's better than that i think! you want to be Hallowed Knights with a paladin heavy army? Now you can, WITHOUT taking the Knights Excelsior traits to make them battleline.

    Not sure why people think this means subfactions have gone away? it is only detaching subfactions/color schemes from rules you do not want to use.

    1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    But that's the index problem. With the new book you will recieve a lot more options.

    and i can't wait to see those options!

    • Thanks 2
  18. 2 hours ago, cyrus said:

    But apparently paladins (decimators/retributors/protectors) will not come back in thunderstrike. 

    2 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Made a list of we think might come and apart from @Whitefang saying nah to the paladins specifically there not much else

    Whitefang was saying the elite axe Stormcast / the potato cam pic were not paladins. I don't think we have any confirmation or rumors that all the old paladins are gone-gone.

  19. 7 hours ago, Snarff said:

    I hope they don't do this. As much as I'd like to see an expansion on the interesting side of CoS, focusing an entire Warcry season on it would be not be the way to go. It would lead to exactly the same problem of the chaos cultist focused Warcry season 1, only appealing to a small subset of players and too small in scope to incorporate everyone.

    I am thinking of all-Cities aesthetics, including some occasional undead/vampires and ogors and other mentioned sentient races, but I see what you mean. If GW sticks to using all factions each season, I'm a little nervous Warcry is going to pivot to simply producing skirmisher/specialist units of AOS armies, rather than get as weird as Underworlds has stayed.

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