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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. 28 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think it is just an interpretation of the Imperial Militia. But I wouldn't mind something like that at all. Said that, I see it unlikely. We have the "martial" side, and I would say we would have refreshes for other sides of the faction first.

    true true... I'd much rather see wild, realm-specific units and non-humans

  2. 10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    From Blacktalon, removed stuff like the Demygriphs (and stuff that is going to be removed :P)

    if Steelhelms are the cobbled-together expeditionary infantry, I wonder if these pike-and-shotte looking infantry are the actual standing army or they're an old/alternate design?

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am currently listening to the realmstones episode of loremasters and I got an interesting idea.

    In the video they mention that Ulgian realmstone can be found in the shape of spider webs. What about leaving the current incarnate as the Ghurian incarnate and reuse the spider one as the Ulgian incarnate? Maybe they focus on one incarnate per realm rather than a few per realm.

    did they say anything about warpstone??

  4. 6 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Like just imagine this White Dwarf Donse campaign made into a full narrative book with rules to simulate and build on it

    Those shields remind me so much of the Total Warhammer icons 😢 going to huff some AOS Total War copium again real quick

    5 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    b) more bite-size pieces of lore should be developed through Warhammer Community, like an interactive map

    They sort of did this for Broken Realms but now the link in those older WHC articles is a 404 dead end........ which is part of this narrative problem IMHO.

    3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    For whatever reason, perhaps Covid, perhaps overpricing poor sales of the Incarnate this was scrapped.

    FTFY :') i saw at least a dozen people on here and reddit saying they'd have gotten it if it wasn't in a 200 USD box.

    3 hours ago, Whitefang back me up said:

    now scrapped due to margin costs

    I have to laugh at this... I understand different margins for different products, but GW margin is overall insanely good.

  5. 14 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    After a careful thought, it seems that, with the ruination chamber opening, we won't have, in the end, that really needed squeeze range that many of us wanted for the SCE.

    Actually I think we will, like Baron said there's precedent for paladins being redone into 1 scroll. Liberators being thunderstruck means they and Vindictors could be combined. Maybe even...multipart kits... for the squish, since a lot of it comes down to weapon choices.


    7 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Honestly I kinda expect Ruination Chamber to be like Extremis Chamber, which only needed two kits to represent it (Stardrake kit and Dracoths). Small chamber to allow more room for redoing old stuff. Like consider the Death Company in 40k; for a while it just consisted of Death Company marines (who did have a lot of customization options to be fair), Death Company Chaplains and Death Company Dreadnoughts. 

    and also this yeah, I'd be legit surprised if Ruination is more than 3-4 kits, including duals.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    A huge point could be that deathcast get cured of the reforging problems

    except even if Nagash DID fix Reforging flaws, he would never ever let 'Deathcast' retain their humanity and memories? At least in any non-torture-you-forever type of way.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Edit: Also the Path to Glory expanded on the Reforging focus with some cool things like if you restore a Shrine to Grungni he’ll personally work on your reforging which negates the side effects of the resurrection.

    I saw the Soulbound stuff a couple years back, but is the PTG part from our 3e tome?

  8. 1 minute ago, Captaniser said:

    Death company. essentially space marines who have lost their minds to war and damnation, forever haunted by visions of the last moments of their primarch's death. They are locked away in a tower on their home planet because they are feral, insane and only brought out to fight.


    So the story about Ionus and his tower might be a bit of self plagiarism on GW's part

    thank you! It makes sense. Reforging has been a big thread not pulled on for a while, to the point where most of us thought "Ruination" mean siege engines. Glad to at least finally know Ruination Chamber = "the ruination Reforging brings unto souls".

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Idk how that weight compares to other starter sets, but it is almost double the weight of the other box which is intriguing: I was thinking it could be a new army box or Warcry expansion, but that additional weight could absolutely "just" be a packed-in book

    i would expect a launch set like Indomitus and Dominion to be the heaviest for sure. more models than starter sets PLUS the hardback corebook

  10. 5 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    What are you talking about? Do you own enough of each of those armies to play them as the main part of the force, with the rest filled with allies? You don't need the book to use allies in your main force. 

    the point is that both hobbyists who want their armies' books AND comp players who need their armies' books have both been priced out, and the books you do end up getting are immediately FAQ'd on top of including mistakes.......

    "you don't need to buy all those books" is true, but missing the point. I don't even want to buy the SINGULAR battletome I need because of how anti-consumer GW is now.

    • Thanks 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    how can I justify $60 for an update (that will immediately get an FAQ) and like maybe three new pages of text and a new piece of art or two? $50 that'll expire very soon?

    don't forget the typos 🤪

    like @mojojojo101 and a ton of others have said, I'd love for these books--especially campaign books--to be coffee table worthy with nice art and narrative exploration.

  12. 20 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

    I am gonna go with as long as the model is not another space marine its a good model. Sure they are a little boring, but its still a cool model that did not really need any changes.

    Also lets not forget this thing exists. Easily top pick for worse and somehow most boring model I have seen in a long time................ what is that belt feeding on a missile gun lol!!


    these guys are the pinnacle of the ~Warhammer Aesthetic~ and i will die on this hill...

    this is the EPITOME of "there is only war"

    if you ask for more grimdark this is eventually what you get! it might be my favorite Marine kit because of how honest it is


  13. 3 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

    Highly doubt orks and goblins know the difference between bones and an exo-skeleton

    i dunno, they're pretty different biologic structures that i doubt even the dumbest orruk couldn't see. unless Ghurian spiders are...flesh-based...

    • Sad 1
  14. 51 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    And it's even a stretch to call it that. It's just the LVO summary. 

    That's a bit... poor.

     even calling it a summary is being too kind imho... they only listed the winners. not even a breakdown of how many entrants vs how many factions were brought which feels like the bare minimum coverage for a competitive event.

    • Like 4
  15. 26 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Honestly I really want more weird mutant DoK. Really dig into mythology for inspiration than give it a very different AoS spin.

    same! since AOS Slaanesh is actually covering more vices/sins, DoK should lean into the Monstrous/Deadly Beauty theme. Maybe some snake-heads on traitors cursed by Morathi? Rattlesnake and stinger tails? Melusai look fantastic and deserve more sisters

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    • LOVE IT! 3
  16. 21 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    FEC army set is still available on their main site. But it will be probably sell out the moment the official release is announced as it is cheaper to buy the army set. In the past I only bought the StD and CoS army sets. Mainly because I really wanted the artefact/spell cards.. but I don't remember if they sold out faster or not than the FEC army set.

    21 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    The CoS one has been around in the shops I usually check for quite a few. I even saw one (at launch price) recently on the second-hand site I normally sell my leftovers.

    It should be perfectly normal to see boxes like this still around after their launch week TBQH... it's absurd that they're FOMO prints when basically all other wargames have big army boxes buyable year round.

    However! every time I try going to the store I'm greeted by either a queue or a captcha to even ENTER the site... so I would never know there was even an FEC army box to buy to begin with :|

    • Haha 1
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