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Everything posted by FFJump

  1. I may be wrong, but if I recall Admiral_SKK is actually Michkael or so I heard. One of the most reliable rumor mongers ever. The rumors about the plastic DKoK recently even before Valrak started from him and he's an old-school one who provided rumors years ago and had info on AoS during End Times before people even knew the world was blowing up. In other words, if he says that's what's happening, then its happening. He also said there's plastic DKoK Death Riders and the Astra Militarum codex in September. So won't have to wait long for confirmation.
  2. There's also that plastic HH boxed set that leaked with photos a few weeks ago including the plastic Spartan and beakie marines. There is definitely precedent for turning FW kits into plastic. The thing is, while I don't have a doubt the Chorfs are coming in plastic, I get the feeling they won't be a straight adaptation of FW Chorfs design into plastic, but have an entirely new design going off how the hobs look. They'll be AoS Chorfs not plastic Azgorh is my opinion. I wonder then if there's hope for unreleased FW kits. Like the Meargh and other Fimir that were shown off at the open years ago and were never released before Fimir got legends.
  3. Funny you say that. That may actually be true this time. There's credible rumors and the banner for Saturday's preview shows a Kreigsman.
  4. No it didn't. Fimir did, but Azgorh hasn't. They're still listed under Chaos. I even played them last month. That said, considering the new Chaos Dwarf rumors, I fully expect them to go Legends this time. Hopefully not and we get one last year so we don't have to wait for a replacement.
  5. Duardin paymasters! Nice! And the grenades are "pilfered". Typical, they steal the grenades. Was wondering why Chorfs would just lend out their equipment to them lol.
  6. I know that, that's why I was asking what the flavor text says . If perhaps it had anymore info on them. Though above it was replied that it just says they steal grenades from "duardin", so I guess nothing really new one way or the other from that text.
  7. I mean you're not wrong, but a bit more specific. The good ones or... the evil ones.
  8. I haven't seen it in the thread. Could someone please translate that flavor text on the left? It says something about "Duardin", but I wanna know what kind of Duardin!
  9. Normally, most 4chan rumors are just made-up. HOWEVER, there has been a legitimate leaker on 4chan recently. He (if its even the same person) called Cursed City, the vampire centaurs, hobgrots and a few other things by name in advance. Not only that, but Bob over on War of Sigmar said it fits the few things he knows. I think Bob gets his info from Atia since he's the mod of Atia's site, and Atia's word is always right so just by association these rumors might have some truth to them. Maybe another fake, but not fake like the Reddit ones that Whitefang commented on?
  10. I've seen mixed reactions to them. They're either you love them or you hate them. Personally, they're my favorite models from the set. I love how they look, but it might be my Chaos Dwarf bias. I'm a huge fan of their skin color too, I'm glad GW actually made a paint for them (Hobgrot Hide) because I'm painting them that way. I know the color looks like puke basically, but I like how distinct it is in a sea of green, while not being horribly out of place. It really points out hey, these aren't orruks or typical grots. I'm kind of hoping they have hobgrot wolf riders and a leader too so I could make a pure hobgrot army
  11. I believe the last time we got a long-lasting rumor for AoS was from Hastings when he talked about Idoneth Deepkin, calling them Cthulu elves at the time. Those rumors started like early 2017, and I think Idoneth were revealed in early 2018? About a year out. Looking over at 40K though, Atia had spoken about Enforcers saying that'd it be a few years before we got them in 2016~ and we didn't see them until mid-2019. Though it is true the leaks have been getting closer and closer to the release date since then. The Kruelboyz rumors only started a few months ago after all.
  12. COVID did move the schedule around they said so last year, and they're still backlogged, they admitted as much. People noticed in the new CA for 40K there were points values for new stuff for Thousand Sons that wasn't out yet and then they said this in the article about it. "Well, we’ve got a confession to make – the points values featured in the Munitorum Field Manual MkII for the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights are actually incorrect. That’s because their codexes were intended to be out at this point, complete with their fancy new rules and updated points values. Sadly, due to the fickle winds of fate (for which we can only presume Tzeentch is to blame), the release of these books has been delayed until a little later in the year. But the important thing is, the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights are indeed both getting a new codex in the coming months!" So they're behind at least a few months still it seems. That implies though that Chorfs are "soon" soon. I was expecting like 2-3 years out, but maybe by sometime next year we'll start seeing potato cam pictures of pointy hats?
  13. I just realized I had missed the last five minutes of the Grim Dark Live stream. Yes, they really said it. They said new Chaos Dwarfs are really coming and they'll have more info on them they will reveal soon. They also said they won't be named that, which is kind of obvious, but still. These guys were completely right about Dominion alongside Whitefang and they're still got rumors in the wild on the new army which we'll see soon enough if they're true. Saying Chaos Dwarfs are actually coming is a pretty big statement to put your reputation on unless you're certain about it. Chorf bros... is this what hope feels like? PRAISE HASHUT!
  14. Yeah, Furnace Kings is the name thrown around in some of the lore. StD calls them the Furnace Kings of Azgorh. In the Warcry novel and Eight Lamentations they're also called just Furnace Kings. The Bonereapers battletome calls them "infernal duardin", the Fyreslayer's White Dwarf article, the Sons of Behemat battletome, and the Chaos novel where they appear in the camp (I forgot the name of the book) just calls them Chaos-worshipping duardin.
  15. I saw them talk about the hobgob wolf riders in yesterday's stream, but don't recall them saying anything more about Chaos Dwarfs specifically. Was that in there and I missed it or a different stream? They were spot on the money with Dominion, like down to the specific details. Never did I think there was literally a hobgob unit like they said. So I'm inclined to believe them.
  16. Since Grim Dark Live pretty much called the boxed set and all the units, might be worth mentioning in today's stream they said there's still a unit of "hobgoblin wolf riders" coming. They pointed towards the gnashtooth model while saying that, so probably meant not a wolf but lesser gnashtooths. I hope there's some way of making hobgrots battleline. By far my favorite unit! I know some people aren't a fan, but I really like that they gave them less of an orcish green and more of a sickly yellow-green. It really makes them feel like they're not a typical grot or orruk. I really want to know how they got that color scheme so I can imitate it. I also hope there's more hobgrots. If we get a hobgrot leader, and the hobgrots are are the ones riding wolves/gnashtooths, I'm going all in on a pure hobgrot army. I don't think they'll expand the hobgrots too much though. It feels a little bit like these weren't actually meant to be part of the Kruelboyz, but just got added in as a teaser or something and they won't be expanded until new Chorfs. They stand out a bit and even the article on Warcom says they're "allies" of the Kruelboyz so it almost feels like they just had the models already and just decided to release and connect them with Kruelboyz to fill in a gap or something. Might be wrong though and they were always intended to be part of them.
  17. Mfw my slave race that hasn't been updated in 27+ years and didn't even get included in AoS when LoA was ported over gets new plastic models in the launch box for a new edition before our "darker masters elsewhere" do. Chorf chads we got too cocky. We must correct this error with a new plastic army soon.
  18. The Warcom article says this about the hobgrots. Hobgrot Slittaz Diminutive allies of the Kruleboyz, hobgrots lob strange explosive devices and wield wicked daggers to deadly effect. So they're not actually Kruleboyz, but just allies of them. Interesting.
  19. Nah, they're never that coy unless its on purpose. "Darker masters elsewhere" is a blatant tease, The thing is, I think we can look at these hob-grots for design cues as to how new Chorfs would look like. This armor is definitely different than any other chorf armor we've seen before. Looks kind of samurai-ish almost. Very spiky, but with kind of the same scales that LoA has with that banner. Also the grenades means they're still forge masters. I think we're getting "Furnace Kings" not a straight-up remake of old chorfs, but a new interpretation.
  20. I had said before that these new guys reminded me of old-school orcs from that last leak. Well, that guy on the mount looks REALLY old school. His hat looks similar to Nozgord in this picture but with the face shields from later models. I think this whole army had at least some inspiration from oldhammer orcs. Edit: Actually, I take it back. Looks even closer to this one.
  21. Yes, so in the Beasts of Chaos tome, Morghur, who was basically THE named character for BoC in Fantasy, is now a Chaos "entity" after the Old World was destroyed. That's what the tome describes him as. Not a deity, it says "entity". Chaos Spawn, in general, are his creations and he is the father of mutations. His followers, the Gavespawn, wish to break down the barriers between the mortal realms and the Realm of Chaos, thereby creating a unified primordial soup of pure anarchy. Also in fantasy, yes, humans could turn into beastmen. This is true in AoS as well. The tome states that the corrupting Chaos energy emanating from their Herdstones cause the nearby life to start devolving and mutating in addition to the Herdstone itself creating new Beastmen from those energies as blood and sacrifices are offered to it and it becomes a conduit for the Realm of Chaos. The tome also offers a few potential origins for the BoC in general in the mortal realms. One of which being that they were all once humans whose depravities and savagery saw them eventually devolve into Beasts of Chaos and were the ones first responsible for attracting the attention of the Chaos Gods to the mortal realms long before the time of Sigmar. So, yes, in AoS it seems they can mutate others into Beastmen. That's some of the reasons why they should remain Chaos and not Destruction on an unrelated note. I think some people (not all of course) that want them to be Destruction just don't know their lore lol.
  22. A couple days ago I posted here how some third-party chorfs got c&d'd by GW.
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