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Everything posted by umpac

  1. The zombie horde seems to have some legs. 6" pile in makes them deceptively fast, especially with the +move spell. 40 zombies with buffs can easily do 20+ wounds per pile in, can potentially pile in twice and gets bolstered by kills. You fight the right target and you can easily be at 60+ zombies after a single combat, more against ideal targets and double pile in. Unless they remove inspiring presence in 3.0 they have a lot of staying power as well. Obviously needs play testing but my early impression is that they are basically "LoN marauders". I actually think the concept is cool as hell. Just a massive "They are billions" style horde that swallows up and absorbs opposing armies, just a constantly growing avalanche of rotting flesh. The concept of zombies being slow up until they come close then suddenly lunges at you with surprising speed just oozes flavor. Buying and painting 120 zombies + X zombies for ressing is less cool....
  2. Just curious, what about the book do you think is good and why?
  3. From the flavour text and wording of the rules it seems obvious to me that the intent is to only be usable if they are in combat already and allow them to charge later in the charge phase.
  4. You kind of hit the nail on the head, they're expensive. They don't really have a clearly defined role either. They are kind of tanky but not really, they are kind of killy but not really. If you want an anvil or a tar pit you take Warriors, if you want damage you take characters or maybe slickblades. If they come down in points they could be an ok but if other stuff also comes down they will still suffer from having a kind of awkward role. Rule of cool trumps any of that though, so unless you play against super competitive players with "net deck" lists they're gonna do just fine. Take a unit if you like them.
  5. I disagree that the range is "really short". 6"+1d6+9" is good threat range, I've never had issues applying it even it seeker heavy cavalcade lists. The fact that it targets enemies also lets you essentially buff several units at the same time. What abilities are similar that doesn't require a dice roll? Main issues is that the mortal lore is kind of garbage and lvl 1 casters with +0 cast are bad in the current meta. 150 is a little steep but I don't think its way off. Most lvl 1 casters are 90-120 without additional abilities (or with some very mediocre ones). At 150 shes an ok choice, at 120 shes good and at 100 I'd never build a list without one. Locus is a lot more potent than LRL double activation. IDK has their own "unreliability" since they have to wait for turn 3 to get the most out of their engages. If high tide was on a 4+ per unit but you had it every turn and your heavies got it on a 3+, would it really be worse? Soulrenders and Cathallars in those factions also have to roll dice to get their abilities off, but then again they are cheaper. The reason Bad moon sucks is because it's a combination of too random (much more so than Locus), has a weak effect and is the only faction ability they have outside Loonshrine stuff. Yeah I partly agree on this. Making it unreliable means you have to play around that and gauge risk vs reward, which certainly helps to balance it. It is however a poor form of balance and it can easily lead to "feels bad" moments in both direction if you fail or succeed a bunch of rolls in a row. It is a dice game and there should be a lot of stuff that relies on dice rolls, but creating overly powerful mechanics and then balancing them with "half the time they do nothing " isn't great. I would rather have a more reliable but less powerful Locus for sure (like your suggestion). As are we all. Maybe the broken realms Belakor has a positive outcome. The last Everychosen book certainly had an impact.
  6. I mean its a dice game and its in line with other faction abilities. Shardspeaker ability is basically a prayer except it goes off on 3+, instead of 4+ like most strong prayers, and it can be done after moving. Units with this type of abilities that are just point and click are outliers, not the other way around. As for Locus, there are plenty of armies with dice-rolling allegiance abilities and 3+ on KoS seems fairly reliable for how powerful it is. I'm curious, how would you change these abilities to make them less "unreliable"?
  7. I wouldnt play the Kangaroo Cav if they were in Slaanesh either. They are way worse than any of the exalted seeker variations. They are also much more comparable to blissbarb seekers since they fill the exact same role. If you want a better comparison points wise then just compare 7 roos to 5 blissbarbs. Most of the LRL stuff seem crazy at first and then you play test it and it turns out that its pretty mediocre in practice. The only thing worthy of envy in the new LRL release is the slew of interesting (but mostly weak) special abilities that all units got. Pretty much everything that was released got something that made them unique. BTs got blinding shot, kangaroos got unique movement shenanigans, loremasters got some crazy objective play, the twins got some unique damage per turn scaling and teleport stuff, windmage got a spell that triggers after the movement phase, Sevireth bascially have more special rules by himself than the entire Slaanesh faction. The only units that had recycled or kind of bland abilities was the swordmasters and BSB.
  8. It only extends pile in move, not the range from which you can pile in, unlike Cavalcade (which is a massive difference). It's not terrible but not great either and doesn't combo well with Cavalcade.
  9. Yeah you're right, thanks! Too tired to read it seems. Even so I much rather take Sentinels than ballistas but at least they aren't a straight upgrade.
  10. Yeah I was comparing 10 sentinels vs 1 ballista. 20 vs 3 is a more fair comparison in terms of points (but less so with battalion). They don't have it on their WS, its from the battalion, just looked it up. The battalion is 120 points too so it jacks up the cost of your ballistas to the same as 30 Sentinels.
  11. The +1 A is from the battalion (or am I wrong?), so it works out like this: 10 Buffed Sentinels > Ballista in battalion and hawk > 10 unbuffed sentinels > Ballistas with hawk
  12. Ballistas outside of the battalion deals less damage than a unit of unbuffed Sentinels to all save values even with Hawk buff, so ballistas damage is even more negligible. In the battalion they deal slightly more dmg than unbuffed but still less than buffed sentinels. If you take them it is, as you say, purely for the -1 to hit but then you might as well just take Geminids.
  13. I dont get the fuss about it to be honest. Yeah its fast and has some solid utility in its ability to provide -1 hit and reduce pile-in range but it has very bad damage output (4.5 wounds vs 4+) unless you use the Searing winds ability to proc some mortal wounds, but then you're putting him well within charging distance which is a big risk and it still not good dmg output. The only thing that stands out to me as "overpowered" is that he can move 12" in BOTH shooting phases, but I assume it's unintended and will be addressed in the FAQ'd. As Slaanesh I would much rather fight Fox-Sonic-Wind-Furry than Avalor or a no-name Goat-Cow-Mountain. For 300 they are also forced to either take out Teclis or be really light on bodies and I welcome both. I guess destroying faction terrain can be devastating to our summoning since LRL can snipe heroes very easily but you can just play around it by screening it. Im much more worried about Teclis getting a healing and teleport spell.
  14. So I just saw the warscrolls of the new Roos and turns out they're kind of nuts. 3" range in combat with potentially 2A 3+ 3+ -2 (!) 1 which can be combined with pile in shenanigans (sharks, the new wind god thingy) and mobility that makes Slaanesh look like Gotrek. 2 Wounds at 5+ though so half the toughness of Blissbarbs, They were already good, this certainly makes them better. Hard to say by how much but some of their new stuff is good. At worst they dont use the new units but Teclis now has a heal and a teleport and their non-Teclis casters got a lot better (Contemplation, faction terrain).
  15. From those "theories" the Kangaroos are god awful for 150 though, significantly worse shooting than Bliss seekers. Ballista seemed very lacklustre as well.
  16. We have one for daemones. For mortals I'd say its going to be a while. OBR got released in 2019 and still doesn't have one and I don't know of any SC boxes with relatively new models in it. Chances for a Soul Wars style boxed set is bigger but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  17. this trick u can only make ONE time..... after this the People know it. Except you can't avoid it? Its not a trick, its functions as a guaranteed 1d6+6" charge if you run and pile in instead of move and charge. You can even make it an auto 6 for a CP if you want and bam, guaranteed 26" "charge". This also comes with the added bonus of functioning as always strikes first (that beat all other strike first/last). There are areas where this army lacks in power but if you think Slickblades moving 28" inches, striking first and potentially piling in twice doesn't fit under the definition "hyper fast assault army" then I don't know what to tell you...
  18. Yeah the combination of the army seemingly being mid/low mid tier and having a high skill floor means its not going to be very beginner friendly. On the upside it really forces you to learn and get better at the game. Its hard to say what he should do differently without knowing more about what list he is playing, how the games go and what lists he is facing.
  19. Nice catch, don't know how I missed it since the rules very clearly states you can only target 1 unit even if the first attempt fails. Edited my post for clarification.
  20. So far I've had the most success with cavalcade lists. Some hot takes from 10-15 or so games I've played: - You reliably get 12 DPs by turn 3 and usually have some stockpiled to get good summons turn 4 and 5 as well. Sometimes you get 12 by turn 2 but that is only if your opponent lets you. Its still pretty match up dependent but less so then with our last book. - Godseeker is my preferred sub. Tons of front loaded DP generation and summons are FAR more potent with +1 charge. I tend to lean into summon-reliant lists though so I have a lot of play style bias. - Lurid Haze is great, maybe even stronger than Godseeker but it depends on play style and list. You definitely need something that can properly utilize the redeploy, like Sigwald, for it to be better than other options. If you don't have a clear plan in mind with the ambush it's pretty lack luster. Also the best choice if you really need CPs and face a lot of alpha shooting (but low drop lists like DoT or KO can easily force you to go first anyway). Much harder to get a lot of DP from and it isn't front loaded like in Godseekers. - Seekers cavalcade is the best battalion. 6" pile ins helps a ton with survivability if you want to draw out combats. Slaanesh is stronger in the late game and Cavalcade helps us get there. Also solid vs stuff like Fangs of Sotek to get around their Parting Shot. Its also much more reliable than charging since you are basically getting 1D6+6 "charge" instead of 2D6. Kind of an anti-combo with the new Hellstrider rules but oh well. - I've found single Keeper lists to be the best. 2 Kippers eats too much CP and are too expensive but armies with 0 lacks damage and reliable Locus. I like running 1 keeper with either Masque or some other hero for very reliable Locus (4+ 3+ is about the same as 2+) to shut down big units of scary stuff and when it dies you usually have enough DP to get it back in your next move phase. - Other units that stand out are the new seeker units. They seem reasonably priced and go into Cavalcade. Just very solid all around. Good speed, decent damage unsupported and great damage with KoS CA, has tons of utility and sneaky tricks in Cavalcade, good amount of wounds, access to MWs. The Blissbarb version have long threat range and provide some MW output (though they only put 1.33 MWs per units so nothing mind blowing...). Better at 2.9" pile in shenanigans since they can still shoot at the unit they mess with. - Glutos has been ok in my games. I don't see myself including him in lists moving forward but that might change. He's a tank in an army without tanks so he definitely has a role but I find he often takes wounds early, loses his priest and then dies to mortal wounds. He can take a beating but he also gets bracketed very harshly. His 5 course meal abilities are cool but ranges are short and limited to certain key words. The best stuff is of course in the last turns when the game is already decided for the most part. In games he lived he struggles to impact the game enough to justify the 400pt price tag. I liked him as a mobile summoning base but the fane is enough to have a big summoning foot print anyway.
  21. I've created most of my lists to emphasize DP gen but if you wanna go nuts try out depraved drove with a billion small units and ram an endless through them turn 1. Most of my early lists started with 2 KoS and 3 archers in Godseeker. I've moved more towards hellstriders and seekers in Cavalcade after some testing.
  22. The FAQ isnt going to contain pts decreases or rule changes, they are meant to clear up any confusion regarding the rules, like how Glutos CA works. That said it seems to be a bit delayed.
  23. I haven't played KO but beaten all other top tiers. The battleplan is more important what tier your opponents army belong to. This army has a lot of outplay potential.
  24. From my experience it's a fantastic battalion, almost an auto-include, if you are already taking 4-6 heroes but it's not a build-around battalion that you go out of your way to fit in, especially with how expensive our heroes are. 4 heroes are a little unreliable as you say, in 1/3 games you won't get that turn 1 CP and after that you probably dropped a hero or two, but Godseekers have limited ways of getting CP while still being equally CP dependant so I usually take what I can get. I feel like there are still a lot of 5+ drop lists around, but I guess that depends on local meta.
  25. Marauders are okay. They need a sorc lord to do damage but as a cheap-ish screen with surprising threat range they can work. In lutid haze they force your opponent to deploy to screen them out which can ****** up their turn 1 a lot. They are certainly more competitive than twinsouls and painbringers.
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