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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. Took an army with 5 Gossamids and new Durthu to a tourney this weekend. I would have fielded Lady of Vines too but my Echoes boxes arrived a week late so I had to paint and assemble the gossamids the night before :S

    Managed to go 2-1. I played Stormcast 3 times in a row lol. Beating two lists with 4+ stormdrakes. My loss was to the guy who took second. He brought Judicators with hurricane bows and a ****** ton of annihilators and just shot/mortal wounded me of the board top of 1. I had like 1200 points left going into my first turn :S. Still had a blast tho.

    Thoughts on new warscrolls.

    New Durthu is an absolute power house. He single handedly killed 4 stormdrakes and 2 celestant primes over the course of a weekend. He is a model your opponent has to plan their entire strategy around. I naturally gave him the Frozen Kernel in winterleaf, so its likely we will lose that combo in the new book. But as long as you keep him near a woods (and keep a CP for all out attack) he will do his job.

    Gossamids as expected, did absolutely fine. No more, no less. They are nowwhere near the boogey man people claim them to be. I really enjoyed fielding them because they offer some diversity to slow tough trees. I plan to bring at least 5 in every list. I tried to keep them in awakened wyldwoods to block LOS. 

    Overall I am really optimistic for our new book. I know the price hike on Kurnoth is going to hurt, but potential battleline unlocks and the spite riders are going to make this army very fun. 


    • Like 5
  2. 17 hours ago, Mutton said:

    I've heard a rumor that the huge financial success of the Horus Heresy relaunch will help GW realize that they can hike their box prices to $300, make ungodly profit, and then slowly drain the amount of actual product in said boxes over time.

    Oh no wait, that's not a rumor, just the inevitable.

    Its $300 for a 2000 point army, core rule book, and templates. It also a legal 2000pt army in traditional 40k.

    I WISH more AOS boxes were of this value/convenience to get started. Its the best value box since Dominion or Indomitus. 

    • Like 11
  3. 59 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    Ok, so 40k has all colours of Power Rangers with groupies and some aliens. AoS is more like Marvel super heroes with groupies. J/k.

    I thought we left of with, Is it a good thing to kill of main characters?

    I like it. Some of my favorite media ever has major character deaths. Game of thrones, MCU, and even LOTR to a lesser extent. 


    44 minutes ago, Augusto said:

    no human perpective? 

    Gloomspite and Kragnos, for example, have normal human protagonist

    Sorry dumb question: Are those the names of specific novels. Are they any good?

    Most of my experience dabbling in AOS novels is stormcast protagonists. The human perspectives were only for temporary redshirts about to die horribly lol. 

    30 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Aren't the Mortal Realms literally made of magic? 

    Yes and thats fine. But like Nagash/alarielle/belakor/morathi/Teclis etc doing X gigantic magic event to further the plot/win a battle isn't interesting to me. 

    Maybe i just have unrealistic expectations, but big events in 40k reverberate among the fandom. Like people still quote events like Horus vs the Emperor, Abaddon vs Sigismund, the fall of Cadia, Helsreach, etc. Those events had major character deaths, impacted the timeline, and people build armies around them.

    Does anyone care/remember the Necroquake, broken realms, etc?

    21 minutes ago, Armoured said:

    This doesn't really happen outside of Heresy, though.  Even in Fantasy almost noone ever died until the End Times plotline, when everyone dying was the entre point.

    I don't think that characters have to die to make a narrative interesting, anyway.  The wider lore about the mortal realms is intentionally done in broad strokes to allow players to have their own armies in it. 

    Something I liked about Fantasy (and 40k/HH does this too) is that you often get game rules for characters that are dead. Like many of the bretonnians/empire and even some of the other races like Dwarfs had characters who would clearly be dead in the current timeline. So it doesn't really matter if the hero ultimately dies, as long as he has plenty of timeline where he COULD have been fielded, or experience adventures.

    So for example, if Gotrek died in an epic finale, you could still use him similar to how Anvilguard still has rules even tho its destroyed.


    • Thanks 1
  4. Summarizing my opinion and followup comments from the rumour thread:

    AOS lore is bad. At least compared to 40k and HH. Here is why;

    -Only 7 years to build the lore

    -Most meaningful advances in the story gets retconned or ignored later (IE Anvil Guard, etc)

    -Characters never actually die 

    -Too much magic flying around these days...

    -No "regular human" perspective. All protagonists are supernatural/magical/immortal


    • Like 6
    • Confused 6
  5. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    I have two problems with the setting.

    First of all, the rule of "nothing happens"

    Spoilers from all broken realms and new battletome of dok (is there a command to hide spoilers?)


    Stuff that happens in books leads nowhere.

    Morathi takes a city from sce? Then they are friends. Dok and Idk hunt Lumineths? Friends again. Idk takes back their lantern? Nothing happens. Morathi makes a deal with Katakros? Nothing happens. Belakor annoys sce? Nothing happens. Chamon (I think was Chamon in br3) goes kaboom? Nothing happens. Slaneesh gets almost freed? Nothing happens. Skragott has some issues with Tzeentch? Nothing happens. Malerion? Hahaha, dude. Morathi has some heresy in her files? You know the answer.

    The setting looks like it's moving, but is not and is so frustrating.


    The other one is the lack of interesting NEW AOS characters. Everything is around gods, and I love Teclis, Morathi or Malerion, but I need some Malus, Settra or Vlads.

    Agreed. Broken Realms was their big chance to shake up the lore and move the story forward. But then nothing happens and everything is fine. The two characters that die can come back from the dead at-will. 


    1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    It is entirely up to GW whether or not they capitalize on the goldmine of a setting they've created. They do not seem to be wanting to do this for whatever weird reason. They told us AOS sells better than WHF ever did, yet GW is still not pushing out secondary media in a way that reflects this.

    Per the financial report that was distributed a while back, the black library novels only net around $25K each after expenses.

    That hurts my feelings a little bit, bc many of their books are just outright great.  But it make sense given their extremely niche audience. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    WHFB and 40K have had 35 years to build their lore. AOS has had barely 7 years. In 3 decades we can come back and discuss which Lore is better.

    The 40k fluff that really took the franchise to the next level, (and is what most 40k nerds talk about) was written in the last 16 years or so. So the comparison is more like 16 vs 7 but you have a point. 

    My core issue is no one freaking dies in the AOS universe.  There is no sense of dread or peril. The main "protagonist" have built in resurrection mechanics. And the main antagonists do the same. Makes the conflict feel pointless.

    Compare to series like the Night Lord, Black Legion, Spears of the Emperor, Heilsreich and any of the HH books. Where the body count is quite large and main characters stay dead lol. Deaths have impact and meaning.

    AOS needs to introduce the concept of writing stories/rules for heroes that are long dead. What if the Gotrek or Archaon died in a massive duel. Imagine how much people would talk about that. 



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  7. 1 minute ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

    One of the biggest weaknesses - to me - with the lore of AoS, is the titular god - Sigmar. The emperor is very fascinating character in 40k. Especially tragic is the part where he fought for "The Imperial Truth" (atheism) and ends up sitting on the golden throne, eating psychers for breakfast and being worshipped by his Imperium as a god. I struggle to find anything interesting with Sigmar. And when Sigmar is boring, it makes his chosen warriors - the stormcast eternals - less interesting. 

    One detail I find interesting is the tension between the reclaimed and azyrites:

    "The Reclaimed are those human residents of the Free Cities of Sigmar descended from the tribes that resisted the taint of the Ruinous Powers and survived the Age of Chaos. Much to the chagrin of the Azyrites, many of the Reclaimed proudly hold onto their tribal traditions and pride."

    "The Azyrites, are residents of the Free Cities of Sigmar who either hail from the Realm of Heavens, are descended from natives of Azyr, or can claim family ties to other Azyrites."

    You touched on the main reason for me. The 40k universe (and the old world) are/were dripping with character and feel lived in. The heroes/anti-heroes are interesting, flawed and nuanced. And there are plenty of human point of views to provide perspective and empathy.

    Stormcast/Sigmar/AOS lore is mostly just about supernatural entities using magic vs other supernatural entities. 

    • Confused 1
  8. On 5/31/2022 at 8:39 PM, Jaskier said:

    This isn't really unusual. It could well be a different leaker to the one who posted the photo. There's no reason to believe or not believe it over any other rumor we've seen - and mind you, we have a very credible rumor about how our Wyldwoods work (counting as a spell portal) from a different source, and that didn't have any photo evidence either. We'll know soon enough either way; all I can say is the rumored profile fits snugly alongside the Gossamid one so I'm inclined to think it's probably accurate. 

    Agreed. The profile seems to fit the gossamid theme of extremely high burst damage and speed coupled with low survivability and high point cost. 

    Reminds me of the old wildriders in 8th ed fantasy. Fragile and hard to manuever safely, but for god sakes you must prevent them charging stuff at all costs lol. 


  9. 2 minutes ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

    Age of Sigmar does not seem to have that much traction outside the world of GW miniatures (notable exception: The Soulbound RPG is really good). I think we - fans of AoS - just have to realize that the world and lore does not have that much appeal as 40k and even the Old World. Maybe this will change with time?

    I say this from the perspective of someone who LOVES AoS, and plays it weekly and attends every event I can:

    The lore of AOS does not have much appeal because its bad. 

    It pains me to say that. But its a hard truth :(

    • Like 1
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  10. 26 minutes ago, Domize said:

    I'd normally agree, until I had my Alarielle one-shot off the table by some longstrike raptors turn 1.... However, if we start the game with 3 overgrown terrain pieces, and potentially an additional wyldwood (and potentially can summon in a second), it would be quite a task to block out every single piece of terrain. And you can usually tell if your opponent has the means to do so I guess.


    I think the new "Walk the Hidden Paths" allows you to move then teleport – nothing about instead of moving. So should work fine I would guess.

    Thats a pretty good example of when deepstriking is the lesser evil, but vs SC you would also have the potential of them deepstriking or charging into your woods and just shutting down your deepstrike altogether. At least if they are shooting you have a chance to survive. Actually if you pop finest hour and AOD she should live even with the double tap. At least for 1 turn 😭

    I have come to recognize 2.5 Alarielle as maybe-not-quite-as-terrible-as-I-originally-thought but she is easily still the worst god-tier character. I am REALLY looking forward to her new warscroll. Its definitely solid. Hopefully the points are reasonable. 


    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Domize said:

    Do we think we'll keep the Forest Spirits reserve battle trait? Since they've increased the range of the other Wyldwood abilities to wholly within 9", if they do the same to the Forest Spirits ability, it would mean we could keep Alarielle hidden off the table for any potential turn 1 shooting. 

    Also - as a rules question. Alarielle's summoning, Forest Spirits and Walk the Spirit Paths all happen at the end of the movement phase. Do we get to pick which order they happen in? Say, could you bring in Alarielle, use her summon, then teleport them away, since they all happen at the end of movement phase?

    Nighthaunt had their deepstrike reworked significantly but its still there. I don't see us losing ours, but i have always seen ours as a bit of a liability due to opponents being able to potentially deny the deepstrike with proper movement. I would be REALLY hesitant to put Alarielle in reserve, especially if the 3" rule also applies to deepstrike. I never see it used in competitive play. No real loss if it goes IMHO. 

    My understanding is that active player determines the order of things that happen simultaneously. But under the current rules, the teleport is "instead of moving" and our summoned units usually say "can't move again that phase".  Not sure how it will work in new book but I think we have all the pieces to figure that out now.  


  12. 1 hour ago, Kitsumy said:

    well like always gw doing changes 6+ months too late...

    lumineth havent been a problem since.. never? but people hate them, so gw should double his dmg and delete the mortal mechanic. instead that, they keep nerfing them only.


    seraphons were stomping several months ago. but they arent winning anything since several months ago. and delete an army passive for nothing?? not changed to +1 armor or something. saurus and dinos are too squishy when they should be sturdy as heck. not 10w saving at 4...


    real problems are first prince and nurgle, they are the real top army right now. and never get touched or commented, dont know why.


    While win rates on seraphon and LRL aren't as strong as they use to be, (Seraphon are still doing pretty well tho actually) their core issues are they have lack internal balance. They have too many "auto-include" units and sub factions and thats just as bad from a player/opponent experience point of view. 

    However I do agree that they are definitely behind on the meta assessment. Nurgle, SC and LoFP are toping tourneys, and it doesn't look like the new codex slowed DoK down any. 

    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

    Someone in the Rumor thread pointed out to me that, functionally, this kinda already exists, in that having an enemy unit within 3" of one of your Wyldwoods often means that you can't place a unit more than 9" away from it while still being within teleport distance of the wood.

    So, yeah, I'm inclined to agree that the additional number of starting teleport destinations through overgrown terrain, combined with the teleport range now expanded from 6" to 9", is overall a net positive. Hopefully it also becomes easier to plop down more overgrown terrain and/or Wyldwoods as the game progresses.

    And we haven't even seen the Seasons of War!

    I think the weird caveate about 3" could become relevant if they let wyldwoods become 3-6 terrain pieces like they originally could. A forest thats 12" wide could be teleported to even if an opponent was with 3". 



    2 hours ago, Fellman said:

    From Nezzhil in rumor thread

    Sylvaneth Battletome

    The Wyldwoods will act like spell portals

    GHB / Battlescroll
    Dragon hero phase move goes away
    Thunder lizards scaly skin also goes awayLivll
    Living City Strike then Melt Away must finish the movement outside 9" of any enemy

    Lumineth Battletome
    Sentinels 24" reach, need LOS and lambent is changed though I dont know how
    Wind Spirits no longer move in opponents phase
    Stonemage can let the Stoneguard do MWs on 5s and 6s

    I love all these changes but any idea of the source? Sounds a bit wish-listy to me but hugely helpful if true. 

  14. 19 hours ago, Freejack02 said:

    So have I, but to be honest if they're all as bad as the Greatbow option then it might be a cursed wish. Hopefully the melee variants stay at least as effective as they have been (and hopefully get improved). 

    The melee guys will definitely get a price hike to match the bows. But they are also likely to get the 3+ save. That being said, 255 is still very expensive for that profile. But if they revamp our core allegiance abilities then it could justify the price hike and make it less painful. Consider that outside of Winterleaf, our core allegiance abilities don't do much of anything for them. 

    16 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    I wonder if Treevenants will have 2 Wounds?

    I hope so. I know the Alarielle summoning table has historically been terrible at providing balanced options, but I find it notable that a 255pt Kurnoth unit, 215 Gossamid unit (and assumable a much more expensive treelord) is listed next to 10 spites and 10 Tree Revs.

    I sincerely hope they do SOMETHING to make our small infantry guys worthwhile outside of cheap battleline filler. And an extra wound could go a long way towards that.

    Since we are likely to get some pretty strong battleline unlocks (and with reinforcement points not going away), i fear leaving revenants as-is could make them obsolete. 

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    I‘ve already seen people complain about her warscroll, maybe we can preemptively call her „lady of whines“. I‘ve also got some unrelated material to contribute! 😎👍🏻 

    Having spent the last few years charging my spite revenants into sentinels, snakes, megas, fulminators, and unpainted 2+/5++ dragons, and enjoying a faction win rate hovering around 30%, I am fully prepared to water my trees with everyone's tears.


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    • Haha 6
  16. 4 hours ago, Philvaneth said:

    How long do we think it will take for them to come out? The Thrallmaster still isn’t released and I’m not sure how long they usually take. 

    Anywhere from 6 months (Arch Revenant) to 3 years (Nighthaunt soul wars guys). The price of Echoes is very reasonable even just for the Sylvaneth half. (somewhere approaching $240 USD in sylvaneth value alone). If you want to field LoV competitively I would def get it. Otherwise you will be paying ebay scalper prices or waiting a loooooong time.


    On 5/14/2022 at 8:25 PM, Frowny said:

    I cast throne of vines quite often with her, and then used the buff to cast to cast many of the other spells. Still worried she may die too fast for her points but we'll see if she can get a ward somewhere else in the book and what her points are.


    I'm excited. At.minimum another chance to fix thei main problems with the book as a whole, which is the reliance on wildwoods while simulateously them being very finicky to summon

    I do the same, but if she is truly a 2 caster, then Thrones is no longer worth it. Because you would be burning a cast to just buff a single cast. (she is always going to be moving, since she can retreat and charge)


    On 5/15/2022 at 1:28 AM, Maogrim said:

    It's already a little weird that they repurposed the original OW Drycha sculpt as a generic hero while upgrading the character to an amazing arboreal mecha. I can't remember any other instances of something like that in AOS. 

    And it's also a little peculiar that the box for the Arch-Revenant says 'Druanti the Arch-Revenant' as if she were a named character. 

    Btw: can somebody recommend a feasible alternative to GW Wyldwoods? They are nice trees, but awfully expensive...

    This is the age-old question. Short answer: No. A lot of us still use the old Citadel wood model, though I'm not sure that is technically legal anymore. 

    Keep in mind that in the current book, you only have to place a single piece of the Awakened Wyldwood kit. Meaning a single kit would give you 3 placements. It just wouldn't be ideal bc they would be small and wouldn't block LOS. 


    • Thanks 1
  17. The potential drop from 3 to 2 casts and loss of knowing all lore spells could justify a point drop, or at least mitigate a price hike bc of her vastly improved melee output and much larger (and more valuable) summoning table. 

    Regardless, knowing all the spells isnt as big of a deal to me. She is always going to cast Mystic shield and Metapmorphisis. 



  18. 38 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    I doubt this will be the case, she summons 20 dryads as well. Now a days GW unit size is either exactly how much come in a box of the unit or the box comes with 2x the size, but the last one mostly happen for 25mm horde units.

    My beat is that the wraith will loose the summoning spell and get the same summoning ability the Lady got. If that is the case it makes sense to leave the Wraith out, as you would summon a unit that will summon another unit.

    If Branchwraith auto summons on 2+ and stays a wizard (and also maintains her reasonable point cost) then she will be really strong. I would be surprised if the model doesn't get dropped enitrely tho. Its positively ancient and the branchwych is too similar.  


  19. 27 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

    She's definitely improved, assuming that she kept her 3 casts (potato cam angle makes it look like a 2 but it's probably still a 3 as her unbinds are still 3.) She lost her command ability which isn't great obviously but given re-rolls have been disappearing everywhere that isn't a surprise. Her Spear now also has max 5 Damage instead of 6. However, she now;
    1) Gets a Spear attack in melee. 
    2) Gained an extra Antler attack. 
    3) Her talon no longer negates itself on any roll except a 6. 
    Meaning her overall damage output shot way up! Give her +1 to-hit and all those Spear and Antler attacks are hitting and wounding on 2s at Rend 2 with Damage 5; she effectively gained 50% more melee output, which is pretty crazy when you consider those attacks are super high quality. 

    As others have noted, she doesn't have access to the entire spell lore per her warscroll but that's because they've been moving those sorts of abilities to the actual spell lores in books, so she probably still has the entire Sylvaneth lore but, much like what the FAQ already did to her, she only gets access to if it she's taken in a Sylvaneth army (i.e. she works the same way Nagash does.) Her new monstrous rampage is also really cool, allowing us to create even more overgrown terrain as some of us had suspected. She can now also summon those new units coming out; the Archers at minimum will be a good alternative summon option. Gaining Warmaster is nice and expected. 

    Overall, thumbs up - provided her points don't trend upwards too much. She's going to hit like a truck with those two extra Damage 5 attacks in combat, though she of course retains her classic weakness to massed mortal wounds. Very exciting stuff though, this looks to be her best incarnation yet! 


    Agreed on all points. They fixed her biggest issues: Lack of melee output, and the talon. Now spear can contribute in melee finally.

    Also of note, is that the Branchwraith is not present on her summoning table and its still only 10 spite revenants. 

    Hopefully this indicates Spites start out as units of 10 so they don't burn reinforcement points.

    I don't really care about the loss of her CA. It was cool in theory but she was almost always using AOA or AOD in combat. 

    • Like 2
  20. 17 hours ago, EntMan said:

    I want to build and paint a Treelord, and I'd been planning to make him an Ancient so then I can have a wood. (I already have the halfling to perch on his shoulder)

    Beginning to think I should just go all in and get a Sylvaneth army.

    Yea if you were gonna built and paint 480pts of Sylvaneth and a wild wood, you might as well go sylvaneth. It will probably be better than just shoe-horning them into a Living City army. 

    I use to play LC a lot (they are honestly flat out better than Sylvan) but dropped it in disgust when they became the fulminator meta. 

    I didn't want to have to explain to everyone after a tournament: "yes i brought living city, no I didn't bring fulminators" 

  21. 10 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    The Lady of Vines is so darn good at first glance. 10 wounds non-degrading that isn't a monster is a bit iffy, but she is pretty darn tough as-is - especially if you get her (incredible) spell off. Her damage output is really good when you consider she has a 3" reach and thus can safely attack over screens, and her shooting attack is fine. A good two cast wizard with a built-in summon is already worth a fair bit, and then you add that she gives out a Wyldwood buff aura on a very big base - which makes her spell even better practically - and she looks like a genuinely great utility/jack-of-all-trades hero. We need to see the Wyldwood rules to get a better idea but I'm loving her rules so far. 

    I'm still positive but a bit more mixed on Durthu. Extra 2 wounds, vastly improved damage table, etc are all great. The Talon change is actually a massive boost to his average output as it's two 2+ 2+ -2 3 Damage attacks, whereas before you had to roll a 6 to do anything worthwhile with it, and this compensates for losing an attack near a wood. The stomp being a rampage isn't great though, as now only one Treelord can do it, Hunters are immune to it (i.e. the things you'll often really want it against) and it's in place of another rampage - but it's on a 3+ now so more reliable when you need it. The flat Damage 2 on his shooting attack is also nice, but I'm not sure those changes justify the big points increase he got. Will definitely need to see what the book offers him in terms of traits and allegiance stuff to judge his full value, but overall, I'm happy with him.

    Lady of Vines is an auto take for me. She adds so much to the army while also hitting like a truck. 10 wounds, -1 to hit, and potential 5+ ward is spicy too! Means you will be on a 2+ when needed.

    I am digging Durthu. Keep in mind that Hunters will probably go away since the new GHB is gonna hit soon. I am REALLY curious at what a vanilla tree lord will look like now with the new stomp and talon attacks. And finally the TLA will have at least SOME combat punch. 

    Looks like they are really pushing the tree models into survivability. I'm betting the bug cavalry will be squishy just like the gossamids. 

    • Like 1
  22. 19 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    So would her summon allow her to summon within 6" of herself? 

    That is a good question. The summoned dryads are a friendly unit, and if they are setup within 6" of her, they would immediately be treated as if they are wholly within 6" of a wildwood. 

    Not sure if that is the intent, but RAW it looks like she can summon around herself. 

    • Like 3
  23. 5 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    This is an excellent point, however I like to make and paint Dryads and this was a way for me to justify getting 30 to use with my living city.

    I like to paint dryads too. But unless you were bringing a TLA (or maybe alarielle) in your Living City army then the Branchwraith wouldn't have had a forest to summon into. (they don't inherently know verdant blessing, that is an app error)

  24. 50 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Goodbye wyldwood dryad factory.

    Not like the dryad factory ever did anything anyway. Cool in concept, but too many hoops to jump through. (7+ cast, near a wildwood, can't move until next turn, etc) and its not like you were getting 10 plaguebearers. 10 dryads are just a screen at best. 

    • Like 1
  25. 50 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Well a Branchwraith can potentially summon 10 Dryads EVERY round.

    Lady of Vines has the Branchwraith keyword, and "Roused to Wrath" is the name of her current summon spell.

    So either the new Branchwraith will have this same identical ability, or (more likely) the normal branchwraith model is being dropped from the codex. It is the last finecast model in the army afterall. 


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