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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Excuse the triple post, guys, but I have been re-reading the Steelhelms warscroll and realized something I was genuinely not aware of until now:

    We all know that Steelhelms can get a 6+ ward when they are contesting an objective, right? But that's actually not 100% right. In reality, they have the ability to give themselves and friendly units that 6+ ward.



    Of course it comes with a bunch of hoops to jump through, but at the very least it means that if you use a unit of Steelhelms to screen for your Fusiliers, they are probably getting that 6+ ward, too (as well as any buff heroes nearby). In my opinion, that's a pretty nice upside for a screen.

    Yes this is 70% of the value of Steelhelms. Otherwise they are just cheap human bodies. The ward sticks around after they die and is useful for much more valuable units like Cavaliers and Fusiliers and big heroes. 

    20 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I meed advice.

    I‘ll face Sylvaneth tomorrow and I excpect to lose since my opponent has way more experience than me and loves cheesy powergaming :D

    I made this list which includes a lot of models I‘d love to field.

    My thoughts: Maybe get rid if Thalia for more Dark Elves or a Griffon Marshal + a Screen

    or replace the Cmd Corps with another 5 knights.

    what are your opinions? (We’re not using the GHB magic rules)



    I mean as a Sylvaneth player we are currently rocking a 43% win rate so there is only so much cheese he can do lol. This is probably late but your list looks a bit short on melee threats. You may want some more cavaliers or maybe some executioners otherwise Hunters and Bugs will body you off the table. Let me know how it goes regardless! 

    • Like 3
  2. On 11/17/2023 at 5:56 PM, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Doko has strong feelings on things. I've found its best to agree to disagree.

    Battle line chaff is a hard thing to point. AoS doesn't tend to go below 80 points for a unit, so there is a fairly high floor, and when the objective is to die in place then you need to work out what benefits each has.

    Steel Helms. They get a ward and can benefit from human buffs, which can be pretty significant and they turn on a unit of hunters and fusiliers as battle line. I suspect a lot of lists run exactly one unit for this reason. The other thing is that I think the command corps are a solid unit and end up cheaper per wound than the steelhelms. 

    Both of the Darkling Covens Elf battle line units are pretty much better than steel helms unless you are using synergies. I like the 6++ on an objective but its situational. I do like some bonus movement though and the extra bravery can make a difference. Having effective 7 bravery over effective 6 bravery means chip damage matters less and for these guys means that the sorcerer killing one doesn't risk more running. 

    Duardin battle line feel a bit too expensive for me, When you are looking at 130 points I'm much more tempted by some of the conditional battle line. 

    I might be misreading what you are saying but it sounds like you are choosing between a +1 to cast and the save buff? If you pick the save buff then the warforger can't cast spells at all. 

    I think under the new wording you can run 2 warforgers, have one use the +1 save buff and the other cast the spell, but in that case you will not have the +1 to cast buff. I'm a bit tired and might be reading what you mean wrong though.

    Sorry I worded that badly. Basically the gist of my point is that I ultimately never end up using the +1 to save ability. Its an awesome ability that is just completely eclipsed by blazing weapons. I wish they would have spread some of the warforger warscroll "love" around to other heroes lol. 

    On 11/18/2023 at 2:46 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    For human goodstuff lists, Flagellants are also worth considering. They are Battleline with Zenestra, which if you are running humans you are probably bringing.

    Only a 6+ save, but they do ping back mortals, so if you are running min size and don't expect the unit to survive anyway, they might be a good option.

    I am personally not 100% sold on the Wildercorps. At least at min size. For a screen, 140 points is more than I want to pay. That kind of points should get you an actual anvil, which 11 wounds on a 5+ save is not. I find that their upsides are not really something I care enough in a screening unit to justify the extra 40 points over Steelhelms.

    Flagellants are fine if you bring Pontifex. But the reason I prefer Wildercorps is below (sorry for the novel, i really like them lol)

    A) they can actually do something while they are screening. Their shooting is not insignificant, especially if they find themselves in range of blazing weapons. 

    B) They hit a bit harder than steelhelms. Most opponents arent going to use their first activation to kill a screen, so often your screens offense matters more than their defense. Wildercorps have 29 attacks vs steelhelms 21 and the dog attacks are straight up better. 

    C) The free pregame move is huge for purposes of screening. It can net you significantly more breathing room regardless of who goes first. 

    D) They are harder to shoot off. The best way to deal with screens is to shoot them off. But wildercorps are largely immune to shooting. 

    E) They can overwatch. I know this sounds silly, but 14 shots isn't a joke especially if you are in blazing weapons range. In my last game between overwatch and activation I managed to kill 2 OBR stalkers. (one was wounded but hey it still counts!)

    F) You get an extra dude. Admittedly its not as good as a 4+ save but its a nice bit of icing on the cake!

    I think the ward and battleline unlocks will mean everyone always brings one unit of steelhelms, but when it comes to actual in game capabilities the wildercorps are worth every bit of that 40pts.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    You  want 10 4+ 6++ wounds for the same cost as ungor?

    I also think they need a point drop but 90 is probably fine. Right now they are only like 2.7pts per model cheaper than Wildercorps and wildercorps just run circles around them.

    21 hours ago, loky100 said:

    I still want to try a block of 30 of them with the 5+ ward and 6 do mortal spell. Give them +1 armor and they would be tanky and hit a bit harder. That's 420 points and could hold a point pretty effectively.

    So I think they would be good but that is a lot of investment because you would also need a 150pt and 110pt hero to support them to get those results. So it becomes more like 560pts and the spells and prayers can fail. I think fusiliers, cavaliers or even wildercorps would be better to build around. 


    7 hours ago, Doko said:

    the problem is that the mortal wound spell is imposible to get it off this season with the enemy burning all their primal dices to cancel it.

    and without the spell you get 420 points of a unit with 0 damage

    Agreed. The primal dice system favors the unbinder. I think our armies biggest weakness is that damage output only becomes formidable if you get actually Blazing Weapons off. I find myself throwing every primal dice at it and even taking the +1 to cast buff over the +1 armor save buff just for extra help. 

    I have been deploying the warforger really far back to try and stay out of unbind range but thats only possible on early turns. 

  4. 10 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I also struggle to include more than 10 steelhelms (other options are way better imo).

    What's your experience with this?

    I always bring one unit of steelhelms since one squad unlocks 1 unit of Fusiliers AND 1 unit of Wildercorps as battleline. (the app has this wrong but thats how the book reads). I don't see any reason to bring two unless you just don't have points for wildercorps.

    Wildercorps outperform Steelhelms in every way that matters and get a free pregame move which is absolutely huge for screening. 


    • Thanks 2
  5. On 11/13/2023 at 5:47 PM, loky100 said:

    Yeah she does the same amount of damage as a Griffon charging with the hammer artifact. She does more damage in the next fight phase since the Griffon loses the charge bonus on the lance. The 70 points difference is all for that rally on a 4+ in combat but it can be so situational. Now as I read it she only need to be in combat for the 4+ rally which makes it nice since 10 knights can blow up stuff and end up out of combat. She is situational but also she only 340 points. She does more damage then Belthanos if that anything.



    Cool thanks for the data. I think the internet is tending to side against us on if if she can rez humans that are not in combat. RAW both her and humans have to both be in combat but that seems suuuuper situational for that cost. Hopefully it is corrected soon.

    Also keep in mind Belthanos adds two EXTREMELY valuable abilities to the sylvaneth army (advance and charge and retreat and charge) and has much better saves 3+/5+ vs 4+/6+. So even if she surpasses him in damage he still dwarfs her in terms of value. 

    That being said the Lioness model is 10/10 and I will absolutely be using her but i'm gonna be mad about her cost everytime I put her into a list. 

    • Like 2
  6. Its almost like they are really afraid of Cannons in Greywater. But they don't seem to realize that even though you can duplicate All out attack, you still need 1 hero per cannon to capitalize on that. And who is going to camp a 100pt hero near a 150 cannon with 2 shots?

    Yea I am still excited about the army because I love the models but i'm not super confident I am going to win many games. My record with the old points was 2-5-1 lol. 


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  7. Yea I'm fine with the things that got hikes, but typically you would also see point drops to make the weaker units more appealing. I think Flagellants went up 10 points too. I still think Cavaliers, Cannons, Steelhelms, Dark Shards and much of the dwarf stuff is overcosted. 

    I guess we will have to wait and see how they perform. I just cant see the army being super powerful. Most peoples experience seems to be that they are mid at best. 

    • Like 1
  8. The app is also not recognizing that a single unit of Steelhelms unlocks both Wildercorps and Fusiliers as battleline. But that may just be an error. 

    Yea I am dissapointed they chose to apply point hikes without providing point drops. My list went up 60 points which means I lose a gyrocopter. Seems like the army was struggling out the gate and this just makes it worse. But I am definitley still excited to play them especially when the new models arrive this weekend. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    So, I have been doing some calculations to get an idea of how much of a benefit going Hallowheart actually is for my above list.

    To start: This is really pretty hard to quantify, and you need to make a lot of assumptions. But I think you can at least get a pretty good idea of what it would take for a different subfaction to beat Hallowheart in terms of expected mortal wounds.

    So, assumptions:

    • A warforger casts Ignite Weapons every round
    • A unit of 20 Fusiliers receives the buff (nobody else, even though it is an aura).
    • The opponent tries to unbind every time.

    Without going over the math, this adds ~10.5 mortals over the course of a game. Since my list also had a Hurricanum that will probably occasionally want to cast a direct damage spell, I will assume another 3 extra mortals over the course of a game from that. So my assumption is that I would need to add about 13-14 mortals/unsaved damage to match Hallowheart if that is the only thing I am taking into consideration.

    The city I want to compare this to is Lethis. Lethis makes non-wizard characters into priests, giving them a 4+ prayer that turns off wards and allowing them to take generic players like Curse (4+. 6s to hit cause 1 mortal in addition on an enemy unit). The question is, can this get you to 13 or so mortals over a game?

    More assuptions:

    • My list gets 3 extra priests: two Tank Commanders and a Cavalier-Marshall
    • Since Curse is 9" range, no hero will be in position round 1 to use it.
    • Of the 4 remaining rounds, it will fail twice. So expect two successful curses per game.

    But this is where it gets tricky. The expected mortals added by the warforger spell are easy to calc, since they are added to the attacks of just the Fusiliers, while the mortals from curse can in theory come from any unit that attacks into the cursed unit. That includes the Fusiliers, but only if they don't also have Ignite Weapons, since they don't stack (thus having bothe would not add any mortals).

    The Cavalier-Marshal will probably not benefit from Curse, because he and the Cavaliers are supposed to make long-range charges and then die fairly quickly, so would probably be either out of range or dead.

    A round of shooting and melee from a Steam Tank Commander adds 4.25 mortals with Curse up. Assuming a Tank Commander gets curse off 2 times and is the only unit that fights two times (I think this is a reasonable floor), that is 8,5 mortals. Over the course of the game, you would need to find 5 extra wounds between ward negation and mortals to make the choice of Lethis worth it for my list.

    I think this is doable, but it would probably raise the skill floor of piloting the list pretty significantly. The Hallowheart build has a real upside in my mind, which is that it is a lot more simple and significantly more consistent. 3d6 casting close to guarantees that the Warforger spell will go off, even taking Andtor special rules into account (~90% to cast through a 2d6 unbind, and you can stack as many extra dice into your cast as you opponent can stack into their unbind). And you don't need to make any decisions other than what you want to shoot. With Lethis, although you can probably get more mortals out of it realistically, you need to make a lot of on the fly decisions to get them. So I will personally be sticking to Hallowheart for big games/tournament scenarios.

    TL;DR: Hallowheart is difficult to beat for mortal wounds output and consistency even if you just run a 20 Fusilier + Warforger power pair.

    My devil's advocate thoughts: Curse looks really good on paper but its short range and relatively hard to hit value make it extremely tricky to pull off. You need to already be in range in your hero phase. I often found myself trying get into position for next turn just to end up giving my opponent an easy charge, or failing the 4+ prayer lol. Besides its better served on units with lots of attacks and the Warforgers Blazing Weapons does a similar job and is more reliable. IMHO There are easier ways to get priests rather than committing your entire subfaction to them.

    Hallowheart seems more useful in a variety of circumstances but keep in mind its a magic meta and many competitive players are bringing strong magic or anti-magic. It would stink to bring Hallowheart into games vs Tzeentch, Khorne, OBR, SBGL, LRL, etc because those guys are going to shut down your critical spells everytime. 

    If I was viewing the subfactions from a purely competitive point of view (and not a fluff one) then Lethis or Mishavn seem like the strongest to me. I actually personally use Greywater in my semi competitive environment just because I know I will get value out of it in the shooting phase just about every game (probably in every turn!) 


  10. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:



    This is a super different experience from what I had running several pretty sturdy heroes. Really interesting. I found the Orders super valuable for how they allowed me to play out of sequence with counter charges and counter fire. I would honestly say that they are Cities main allegiance ability and not packing on at least a few heroes would kind of be like playing Stormcast without deep striking.


    I definitely agree with you on the cannons (just from the damage math), but I think the Steelhelms have some extra potential if you build around them. In Hammerhal Ghyra, they get 10 bravery, which in turn makes the Freeguild Marshal's "count as two on objectives" ability a lot more likely to work. They are a natural 4+ save and likely 6+ ward, and also get access to several easy +1 to saves buffs, a potential 5+ ward from Zenestra, rally into combat from Tahlia Vedra, mortal wounds from the Warforger... I think you can 100% play a Steelhelm horde if you want to, it's just not the most attractive way to play the army because painting 60+ Steelhelms honestly sounds like torture.

    I do need to try counter charge more often. I am often finding my screens getting in the way of the countercharge but that is probably just my user error.

    I personally don't have any interest in building/playing a zombie list using steelhelms. That might end up being the meta though. The painting isn't so much the issue for me as much as the playstyle being just "stand around on objectives and don't die" lol.

    I am itching for Tahlia Vedra too. I think she will be the anchor of the army similar to Morathi or Teclist. But I think the true cheese in the army is going to be charging with the Cavalier marshal and then using his first strike activation shenanigans to activate two squads of cavaliers. If you have engage the foe up (or maybe even a cheeky warforger spell if he can keep up) then I think it will be absolutely devastating. 

    My opponents reactions when they charge and easily kill my 10 cavaliers: "Man cities are kinda bad"

    My opponents reactions when I charge them with 10 cavaliers with engage the foe: "Man cities are way OP!" 🤣


    • Haha 1
  11. Quick summary of my experience with the codex after 8 games. Overall going 2-5-1 fielding Greywater 7 times and Living City once. 

    Orders- I run light on heroes (just 2 max) so Pretty much every game has the same sequence. I start with +3 movement on turn 1 to get into position, then use engage the foe on my cavaliers for big charges. I think use Supressing Fire or Return Fire on fusiliers as needed. Most of my heroes are either out of position or dead by turn 3 so its largely not relevant after that lol. 

    Dwarfs- Hammerers hit like a truck and gyrocopters are a steal for their points. I often did just as much damage with gyrocopters as with cannons and gyros melee profile surprised quite a few people. The +3 movement order seems like a godsend here but considering they are "normal moves" only its really only useful on the turns you plan to charge which seem like never. I often found myself just using runs bc they netted more movement. Dwarf orders were extremely weak but at least the dwarf Heroes bring decent buffs themselves. 

    Aelves - Spears are ok screens. Darkshards are bad. Executioners are amazing. Executioners absolutely butchered anything they touched with or without aelven orders. Sorceress is a must have in any aelf list. 

    Humans - I think Cavaliers definitely have some potential. When combined with Engage the foe they can put out a shocking amount of damage. But the squads of 10 are clunky bc only range 1" on their weapons. Fusiliers are the cornerstone of the army BUT ONLY if you keep the +1 to wound artefact near them and all out attack up (greywater helped here). I also tried the marshal on griffin  kitted out with the magic runehammer and he always did fine for his cost. The warforger is the best unit in the army clearly and games will often be determined by if he can get his spell off. 

    Steelhelms and Cannons are heavily overpriced but I often found myself fielding them just bc they filled out convenient slots (battleline unlocks or artillery slots in battle regiments). Steelhelms make competent screens but seems like Wildercorps are just flat out better for a mild point/model difference. The cost difference after factoring in the extra body comes out to like 2-3pts per model but they have very significant shooting and the dogs have superior melee profiles. Not even considering the better special rules.

    Overall - I think most of the book is super fun to play but probably about 15% over costed. The order system tends to fall apart under pressure. I think the Lioness of the Parch and Cavalier Marshal will be interesting additions once they arrive because they add a lot to Cavalier armies. Being able to rally a unit of Cavaliers on 4+ that is in combat seems huge, and being able to chain activate cavaliers with the Cavalier Marshal could lead to alpha strikes where your opponent loses a lot of their army in one charge. I look forward to playing a lot more games! 


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  12. 7 hours ago, Arathorn185 said:

    Damn, so no stealthy aelves in the book anymore? Mechanically I feel Wildercorps makes the most sense. But I’d need to get Hounds and a Arbablaster.

    Darkshards I suppose work I /sigh because Crossbow vs Bow.

    Yea unfortunately Sisters of the Watch/Shadow Warriors don't have a good proxy option. I feel your pain bc I have 30 sisters of the watch painted. Darkshards are close, but if you plan on taking our one good grand (banners) then you would need to somehow add a banner to 1 in 10. 

    I would definitely not proxy them as Wildercorps, unless you rebase them. Wildercorps have 3 different base sizes and the models have distinct profiles. So in any kind of semi-competitive environment it might not work bc your footprint would be off (especially for screening purposes) and pulling models would be confusing to your opponent. 

    Casualties in wildercorps matter bc each model you pull either diminishes their shooting (pulling bows) or their combat (pulling dogs). 

  13. 6 hours ago, Flippy said:



    Can you add alarielle? Also does this assume Drycha is embittered? Because I think most players probably leave her in shooty mode. So her melee suffers a bit. (though if she overwatched in shooty mode it would probably net similar results)

  14. 15 hours ago, Thugmullet said:

    14 wounds on a 3+ with 5+ ward.

    Monster. 28 damage on at least rend 2

    Run and charge, retreat and charge. Flying. 12 inch move.

    For 360 points. That's incredible for Sylvaneth.

    I don't think there's an army that couldn't use this guy.

    He's going in all my lists.


    Agreed. He just makes the army around him so much better and is cheap enough that losing him doesn't effectively end the game. I wish Alarielle was closer to this scale of a hero. 



    11 hours ago, Havelocke said:

    Man, there's so much to say about Belthanos! His warscroll is fascinating, and very unique.

    he doesn't do as much damage as Durthu or Drycha, he is much more durable than Drycha, and much more mobile than Durthu. In comparison to these units, it feels like he needs a lot less support from the rest of the army to be effective on his own, even if his damage ceiling isn't as high.

    I think he'll shine the most as a "build around" piece, though. He's quite expensive, so I think maximizing his abilities in an army that can also use his combat profile is going to be his best usage.

    For my first list with him, I'm intrigued by the notion of trying to maximize a "no magic" Sylvaneth army. I think he'd combine nicely with a Treelord Ancient that takes Warsinger, Vesperal Gem, and Verdurous Harmony. The two would form a really bulky support core for as many Spiteriders or Kurnoths as I manage to take from there.


    Agreed also. He is such a different animal to durthu or drycha. Durthu's profiles are great but he is so limited in his mobility. And Drycha's speed and range is great but she lacks survivability. Neither model really makes the army around them better. Even Drycha's buff to spites is counter-intuitive because they mostly rely on 6s to hit and she outpaces them.

    Belthanos just a gives such a huge increase to the armies effectiveness WHILE ALSO having a huge pool of wounds with the best saves in our army. Retreat and charge is a game winner. Bc it means none of our units can be tied down.

    • Like 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Colonic said:

    If its like the armies of renown we have had already, you'll give up striek and fade, and seasons, and the like as well.  Although in Trugg's Troggherd you get regranted the Bad Moon.

    In that case I personally will probably avoid the AOR itself and will just field him alongside a normal list. He seems extremely good for his cost. 

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  16. 21 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Belthanoss seems really good. Nice punch with bodyguard, and Kurnoth hunters are going to be fast. Not sure how good the army of renown will be because Sylvaneth battle traits are crazy good.

    Does the army of reknown replace the battle traits or stack with it?

    Yea Belthanos is insanely good. Advance and Charge and Retreat and charge makes Sylvaneth units list bug riders extremely scary. And 14 wounds with 3+/5+ is no joke for that point cost.  

  17. So Belthanos is insanely good.

    Advance and Charge and Retreat and Charge buffs are nuts. But 14 wounds on a 3+/5+ is also really strong and his movement doesn't bracket. For that point cost I can see him going in most lists.

    The Army of Reknown looks solid but I'm not sure how many quarries you get to pick or how it interacts with seasons. But what we see so far seems good. Giving up a subfaction for access to a stacking buff effect seems worth it. And the units that you are limited too are all the best ones lol. 

  18. 9 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:



    This was literally aos 2, scoring was pretty much all on primary objectives although some battleplans played around with how the objectives worked, and aos 2 was generally a much more accessible ruleset than aos 3.

    Battle tactics were created as a means to mitigate superior combat armies from just killing/summoning their way to victory. Which is exactly what happened in 2.0. The 3.0 win/rate percentages are significantly more balanced than in 2.0.

    They are mirroring the 40k secondary system which is quite well received and also producing positive (if not quite as balanced) results. 

    You HAVE to give up some simplicity/accessibility to improve the sophistication of your game. And a better game keeps and acquires more player. 


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  19. 3 hours ago, Flippy said:

    I would start by removing from the standard battlepack:

    - stuff that complicates list-building: battalions

    - stuff that usually gets forgotten during the game: battalions, monstrous rampages, heroic actions

    - stuff that significantly slows the game down: battle tactics, grand strategies

    Then we can see if any additional trim is required.

    So how would you even figure out a winner? Like just primary objectives? Or just kill points? 

    See my previous post. You are asking for the most simple and balanced form of Warhammer to ever exist to be more simple and less balanced. You got me reeling here lol. 

    • Confused 2
  20. 5 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    Everything you say is true. This is how the tournament/competitive pack should work, with regular updates and more complex listbuilding, scoring and game rules. However, there should also be a standard/casual pack with simplified rules, but with equal care from GW. For some reasons most people like to use the play mode that feels supported by GW and once you tell them to just play the vanilla battleplan from the core rules, a favorite plan from an old GHB, or even just makeup your own, they will likely drop from AoS. 

    I mean relatively, AOS is currently the most simple form of traditional Warhammer available. Its a fraction of the complexity of old fantasy and is dwarfed by modern 40K and Horus Heresy in terms of rules complexity. 

    The idea that any form of AOS is too complicated seems like a pretty crazy argument too me. What are you comparing it too? 

    Listbuilding complexity? There are the same number of battalions (plus 2 minus 2)

    Scoring complexity? There are the same number of battle tactics (plus 4 minus 4)

    Game rules complexity? One specific unit type got a new keyword and we have 2 new heroic actions.

     I'm just not seeing any justification for the argument of "complexity" . Besides the new battle plans its like 1 page of rules. The average warscroll has more to memorize than this. 


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  21. 5 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Since I moved to a new city during covid I’ll not talk about the time before that.
    Currently: In good months 3 games, on average 1.5, lately 0. It‘d be possible to have up to 8 games a month (club opens twice a week), however most players play 40k or other systems. I don’t attend AoS tournaments anymore (too many toxic neckbeards around here and the overall experience is a waste of time and money to me - and let’s not talk about the potent smell of Nurgle hanging in the air).

    With that amount of playing you and your mates should be considered as average tournament players. Those guys training for GT‘s are hardcore Tournament players. :)

    Oof sorry to hear that. We have some of those types of players start showing up to our RTTs and it really kills the mood. When a new/young player with like a Gitz army or a fun themed army gets paired vs a tryhard with a netlist it can kill their entire hobby. Fortunately its only ever like <10% of attendees that do that.  

    Well my main point I want to get across is that a large portion of the active community really appreciate the freshness the GHB brings to the scene. 

    • Like 2
  22. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    There are a lot very one-sighted assumptions in your comment (no offense intended).

    If you break it down, for a (nowadays) casual player as me it goes like this:
    Army construction:
    - Add Units, choose the General choose artefacts and commant traits. The latter two I have to look up, since I won't have them memorized due to how often I play
    - Choosing the battalion is already annoying since I just want to get going and I don't want to read up (again) what each battalion does
    - Now back to going over the Warscrolls I added to somewhat remember what they do (in order to play tactical)
    - This should be all there is to it now one would assume. Wrong.
    - Now I have to go back and look up which battalions are actually the ones useable and what they do.
    - Finsihed? Far from it: Now get back to the season rules and try to learn those with all their needlessly complicated formulated rules 
    - Then have a look at the new Battleplans
    - Try to figure out if Grondspine Incarnates are a thing
    - Go back and check if your army makes sense with the new Battlepack
    - Finished? Far from it! Go back and check Battle Tactics
    - Finally I can get to the Table! (forgetting 3/4 of all the rules and loosing due to it - or due to a random Hell Pit abomination dealing 64 mortal wounds, well, great game!)

    ---> I usually quit at step 4. I want to play a game, not repeat my master's thesis.


    "I also think alot of people forget, matched play is only one way of playing AoS. If you don't want to use the new GHB - don't. Try narrative or open play. "
    Cute if it was that easy. First you have to find someone who is still playing Age of Overloaded Whateverness. Then you have to talk that person out of playing what most people see as "the true game". And then you will maybe have a pretty crappy game while feeling bad for even asking.

    The issue with AoS is that it needs another way to play: Tounament Play = You get to use all those fancy and completely uneeded new Rules | Matched Play = Pickup Games, no Season Rules | Narrative Games = Campaigns, historical battles and all the like
    Currently everyone is getting shoehorned into tournament play whether they like it or not. (Most people don't play narrative games when it comes to pickup games).

    "I'm hoping the book drops soon, I have a event at the end of January and I'll love to try the new rules for it. "
    I am hoping it will be the last of its kind. GW should really focus on narrative play instead of all that tournament nonsense.

    How often are you playing? Your opinion is actually shared by a lot of folks on this forum and it fascinates me because its so different from my experience as a player. 

    The GHB appeals to the consistent player. My meta (including myself) consists of 20-30 people that play weekly, and attend 1-2 tournaments a month. We consider ourselves pretty casual, as there are guys (mainly GT players) that play ALOT more than us.

    After 6 months, pretty much everyone in my network are pretty much ready for a refresh. Because a consistent player is going to have 30+ games under those roles. The GT "pros" even more so.

    I personally always anticipate the new GHB quite a bit. And so does the store managers in my area because of the excitement for events (and revenue) it generates.

    If you are a narrative/open/SUPER casual player, the GHB doesn't hurt you. You can play the vanilla battleplan from the core rules, a favorite plan from an old GHB, or even just makeup your own. However the GHB updates are fundamentally import to my player network, because its always serves as a kind of revival to my player base. 

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  23. Chicken Meme list update 2 - The Tournament

    Game 1 vs LRL win 29-18

    Eltharion did a lot of work, but his sentinels and wardens were no match for bounty hunter enlightened on disks. Lord of Change summoned on turn 2 and shut down his critical spells. big win

    Game 2 vs Dok (Morathi/Gotrek/15 snakes) 22-28

    I knew this list is essentially unbeatable (the player is also a pro level player) and so I just ran away and tried to nab as many points as possible. Soft loss.

    Game 3 vs Big Waagh 22-22

    This was a super fun game with two wacky lists. I killed all his infantry but his named Mawkrusha ate my entire army. He had a priest do a "stare" attack that did 20 mortals to a unit of enlightened :S. It came out a tie but we gave it to him on battle tactics

    Ended up taking 6th (out of 12). Chicken meme list official record is 2-1-1. I will take that!

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