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Everything posted by Sebash

  1. Hey all. Like alot of people come back to the hobby and started with the soul wars set and picked up some additional stuff. However, I currently am not too sure on what else to pick to further enhance the army. Loving the look of Kurdos but I feel I've already have an abundance of heroes and need some additional rank and file troops. I've currently have 30 chainrasps 1 knight of shrouds 2 guardian of souls 1 with mortality glass 10 bladegheists 2 dreadblade harrows 1 briar queen unit 4 reapers 5 glavewraith stalkers. I've been playing some smaller games and I do feel like I'm struggling as I like some heavy hitting power. Not too sure on what to get. My regular opponents are idoneth deepkin (eel spam), fyreslayers , stormcast, and Fec. Would love some suggestions and typical first turn tips. As currently I feel I'm trying to move forward too soon and allow myself to get charged which is seems very costly when 4 units of eels manage to pull it off. Does seem nighthaunt has a very low margin for error. Also pic of the army in progress
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