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Everything posted by MKsmash

  1. Bulls are great, you'll use that many later on. Leadbelchers kinda suck unless you have a LOT of them, in which case it's too expensive points-wise. 12 Ironguts is very good. 20 Grots is okay, I would try to get another 20 or 40 more. Ironblaster is pretty meh, though not bad if you have 2 or 3. The best for the bulls is definitely the 2 Clubs and Swords. 6 Save Mortals just isn't reliable. This is a pretty good starting point, just get a tyrant once you can.
  2. They're actually very good at 1000p! Most other armies aren't strong enough without the other 1000 points for synergy. I use: Ghyrstrike/Wild Fury Tyrant 12 Ogors 3 Ogors 3 Ogors 20 Grots 20 Grots
  3. Yeah, the Pact of Bones was introduced today. Dunno what it is. Could be something used to combine them, but I also, think it has to do with the rest of the world somehow.
  4. For a while, I thought it would be Ogors vs. Stormcast. However, they seem to have faded from the limelight a little, and I think it will be Ogors vs. Legions of Nagash. The "Pact of Bones has been broken" line seems to me to be about Nagash breaking the rules.
  5. @Lethargicadversary Happy to help!
  6. Neither. 3 more Ironguts and 20 Grots.
  7. @Lethargicadversary I would take the Gutgouger instead of the clubs. Also, not sure about the Rockguts and the Leadbelchers. Otherwise, solid list.
  8. Sure! Also, what @Donal did was amazing. Very viable.
  9. Honestly, i wish I cared that much. I never was one for narrative-type armies. Only an insatiable desire to win.... With Destruction... *sigh*
  10. Wow, you wrote that? Then let me congratulate you. I always thought it was very good.
  11. Ogors: Great unit, take a unit of 12 and it will kill and will not be killed. Must-use. Tyrant: With the right equipment is deadly in melee combat. Must-use. Grots: Great for bodies, take a unit of 60 and drop on an objective. Must-use. Butcher: Wizard, slightly overpriced. Mediocre. Ironguts: Overpriced, but more deadly in melee. Ironblaster and Scraplauncher: Cheap artillery. For the most part, not very useful. Gorger: Cheap behind-the-lines hero killer.
  12. I would go with the Ironblaster. You can still make some good lists with a few of them.
  13. Actually, I disagree. While CP may be slightly more important for using the new generic command abilities, subbing in a couple Fungoids ultimately won't help. Two unbinds isnt enough to stop any magic-based army, so thats not worth it. Endless Spells, especially predatory ones, will ultimately be not worth it. Only the CP would allow Fungoids to be worth it. I think a pure BCR list, not counting the Beast Hammer of course, can still be very competitive without spellcasting. The fact is, everyone knows BCR are underpowered and not very competitive. Therefore, not as many people know how BCR works. They don't prepare armies to deal with things like 4 Stonehorns. Their underestimating alone can be a huge advantage for us. We can show others, through simple Alpha Strikes and big-@$$ mammoths , that we are a force to be reckoned with, without the help of unnecessary things such as spells.
  14. Maybe they just haven't been eaten yet?
  15. In that case, you would have to do Mixed Destruction. If you absolutely wanted a Wizard with BCR than you could ally in a Butcher. Good idea on the Giant. If you want to use it try out: Triple Bang: The Monster Mash They Never Saw Coming - The Honest ...
  16. Idk. Those look more like mentally deficient elves to me...
  17. Well, considering the point costs of other BCR models, that's not a big barrier 😃 However, it is a bit slow and unreliable, as well as expensive, so I wouldn't do it. Additionally, adding Wizards in Beastclaw isn't always the best option. There's not enough Generic Wizards in Destruction that would be worth allying in, excepting maybe the Fungoid.
  18. Oh you definitely play for love. It's not really fair to compare BCR to other armies though, as nothing about them is fair compared to other armies.
  19. While the Sabertusks are not great, the strength of the Icebrow Hunter combined with them is usually enough to ****** over the enemy's squishy heroes (Wight King, Slaughterpriest, etc.). Plus, Sabertusks work well with Yhetees. Sacrifice a unit of 2 against an enemy unit to weaken them and waste their attack, and then use the 6" pile in to engage the weakened unit with the Yhetees.
  20. Okay, I'm confused. Last time I checked, you couldn't do Battalions in a Mixed List.
  21. Yes, and I'm pretty confident that that is what GW meant. I use "they" in the best way possible. If "they" is referring to BCR units, then it would follow that if one BCR unit can make a charge, then every BCR unit would get the buff.
  22. Speaking of which, that ability is very poorly phrased as "On a turn in which they charge into combat, you may reroll wound rolls of 1 for Beastclaw Raiders units." You can use this so that if 1 BCR unit successfully charges, then ALL BCR units can reroll their wounds rolls.
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