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Posts posted by Ggom

  1. Thank you for the kind words @Okman!


    A small update - finished the 5th melusai, so now I have finished painting over the course of a year:

    10 witch elves

    10 sisters of slaughter

    5 khinerai

    5 melusai

    Cauldron with Avatar and slaughterqueen and attendants

    Morgwaeth and her blade coven

    Next up on the list for painting:


    3 Endless spell/prayers

    Hag queen

    Bloodwrack Medusa

    Bloodwrack Medusa on shrine with attendants


    In conclusion, I’ve got another year to go here lol

  2. I want more flat surfaces lol. Sometimes I just want to paint a nice gradient with some shadows. Having a lot of detail just obscures the overall shape. 

    I don’t have a problem with this in AoS since my army (DoK) doesn’t really seem to suffer from this IMO, but it’s definitely a trend in Horus Heresy, to the point where I am, like @yukishiro1 picking up old kits instead, or, in my case, kitbashing so I cannspread all the fiddly bits across more models and reduce the density of clutter. I play Night Lords and while I appreciate some spikes and chains as much as the next chaos dude, I don’t need my terminators dripping in doodads.

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  3. Wow it’s been a month since I’ve painted anything for the Daughters. I painted some Horus Heresy for a palette cleanser, but generally didn’t paint much. Finally sat back down for some fantasy this evening.

    With marines, there’s much more kit variety and conversion potential, but the painting itself is much more muted and less ... creative? Since after the first few squads I generally expect the units to share colors. Compare this to the Daughters with their limited kits, the build for fantasy is not as fun. However, I get to have fun on the painting since I’ve already established a wide range of colors on all the girls. It’s super refreshing to come back from chipping weathering and pin washes and try to paint some brushstroke style. 🥰

    Working on the fifth medusa now. Will need to bust out the airbrush again once she is done to underpaint some heroes and spells!

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  4. I enjoy building when it’s possible to create alot of variation. Horus Heresy space marines benefit from this - there are so many interchangeable bits that you can make the models your own during assembly. It becomes a creative process. A well built custom marine can look far cooler and more dynamic than the booklet build.

    I don’t enjoy assembling monopose models, or models where there is very little room for creativity. I find it boring. However, in many cases, it’s still possible to do conversions to try to tweak the standard pose. Witch elves come with 5 unique bodies. It’s pretty fun to try to adjust them while keeping the aesthetic similar (greenstuff skill helps.) My converted poses don’t look as good, but I enjoy them for the little bit of me I gave on to them in their making.

  5. This won’t happen, but it would be amazing to use warcry to introduce a bunch of alternate sculpts for smaller/older factions similar to what Underworlds has done. They don’t need to be constrained by unit sizes and can fit a mix of stuff on the sprue. Eg. 4 skinks, 3 saurus guard and a saurus knight or something.

    New sculpts will tempt people into older armies and encourage folks who have those armies to expand, but without invalidating their existing models. For painters, it also offers a compact package to paint something new without getting a bunch of duplicates sculpts.

    Alternate poses, genders, faces, heraldry/banners/instruments. Nomnomnom

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  6. 4 hours ago, wargames101 said:

    One goofy idea I'd like to see take hold is just painting an army a single color and then hitting it with a wash and some basing to approximate the look and feel of scenes from fantasy shows where they are wargaming using carved wood and stone tokens as pieces. E.g. Game 

    I empathize with people who have neither the time, inclination, or talent to spend hundreds of hours painting an army even to a three-color standard. Truth be told, many bad paint jobs actually take away from the quality of the models. But a simple approach like this would add a simple level of theme. I think it would work well for the Ice and Fire game in particular, but it could be a decent approach for AoS as well.




    When i first got into the hobby i legit thought it would be cool and thematic to do a monochrome black and white paintjob. For something like warhammer quest on the baddies for instance, to add contrast to heroes painted in other colors.

    For all the folks who mention the hurdle of painting (both skill and time) - I wanted to share the simplicity of the sketch style approach:


    Cut back to it’s core, sketch style is like zenithal + controlled washes (aka dont drown the miniature in wash as advertised by GW.) I learned this approach a few years ago and it’s very fast and satisfying. Contrast paints are sort of a branch of this style. Sketching easily expands into more advanced painting as well - the way I’ve heard it described is as fundamentals for more advanced painting, because it teaches you about light and shadows as you work the sketch.

    • Like 1
  7. Finished the 4th Melusai


    Now to seal 4 of the models, and to start preparing the next batch for paint:412630275_PXL_20210912_0341477082.jpg.11186e8a3ad165d787e7d1e819393684.jpg

    Some thoughts for today:

    1. The bloodwrack viper is a pain to build since it comes in so many pieces and is hard to fit tigether. There are still a bunch of gaps that I’m going to try to use green stuff and varnish to fill.

    2. I haven’t made up my mind where to expand further. I have the endless spells, a bloodwrack shrine and a medusa hero to paint, but feel like I need to expand my actual units instead of just having 4 minimum sized squads. I think I will enjoy painting another 10 sisters of slaughter and am leaning that way, although painting 5 more medusa is probably a faster way to be able to field a 1k list. (I think I’m really close!) The medusa are also newer sculpts, and I suspect will be more useful if the rumors about dark elf soup come true next year. Malerion will bring his own battleline, and I might not want a redundant/bigger pile of witch elf equivalents if that happens. I expect there will always be a reason to run a reinforced block of elites though, so Medusa are a less risky investment if we get souped.

    3. I’m a bit unexcited about the khainite shadowstalker sculpts. However, they would be a chance to continue to paint different sculpts. There was definitely a point where I got tired if painting witch elf equivalents earlier this year.

    4. i need to get bits to improve basing. I made a duplicate green stuff pillar from the Medusa captain’s base, but I need to get back on the basing train more. Msybe make some more broken wall bits like the one I did for a khinerai.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    I wanted to say something that may be a bit uncomfortable to hear for some: Some painters spend a little too much time hobbying on their armies, while the game moves on around them. I don't think many here do this, but we have several in our community and it just feels like they aren't really contributing anything but instagram pics ya know? 

    For example: We have a local guy who paints at the highest level. His models are stunning. He has been working on an Admech army for years. We also have a guy who speed-painted an Ogor army in 24 hours lol. Guess who runs events and shows up to every thursday night?

    I will end with an analogy that I still think about.

    I have two friends that are into racing. One bought an old VW and spent a few weeks fixing it up with friends. He entered it in countless dirt track races. It ended up getting pretty beat up over the years but he made a lot of friends and won a few trophies along the way. 

    One bought a dodge viper, and begin meticulously suping it up for drag racing. It was garage kept and only driven a few days a month. He spent years on it, and its was amazing. He was getting pretty close to finishing it up and getting ready to start racing.

    Then our local race track closed due to lack of attendance. 

    Just something to keep in mind. If you are gonna put 250 hours into an army, just make sure you put an equal amount of time in the community. Otherwise you won't have an opponent to field it vs :(


    Are you aware that there are people who do nothing but paint for the enjoyment of painting and don't play at all? Personally I don't get to play because of lack of time, and painting is something I can squeeze in at odd hours of the day so it is more accessible than gaming. I also would say that my love of the models far surpasses my love of the actual gaming - the latter is more of an excuse to hang out with friends and drink beer. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Also, that's like 70% of the Horus Heresy community 😄

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  9. 19 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    My basic feeling is that the justification for the game's existence is on the hobby side. If you're just looking for a good competitive game, AOS is surely not what you're looking for. The rules are often unclear, frequently broken, and always unbalanced. The reason we all persist with it despite these flaws is because the models are cool and fun to play with, and painting is a large part of what makes the models look cool. I've yet to meet a single person who thinks grey plastic looks better than painted models.

    So with all that mind...there is absolutely no need for everyone to have everything painted all the time. The amount of effort involved in painting an army is immense, and people absolutely shouldn't feel bad about fielding an army while they are in the process of painting it. But I do feel like if you're someone who just never plans to paint their army no matter what - or who has vague plans but in practice is never going to because there's always some reason why you couldn't make any progress - we're probably not looking for the same thing from this game (and I question if you're playing the right game at all, but tastes differ and if it works for you, more power to you). I don't mind playing a game against you now and again, but I doubt we're going to hit it off and become best buddies. And if I have the choice of a game with you or with someone who shares my priorities...I'll choose the latter. It's nothing personal. It's just that I'd rather have more fun than less fun. Just like if someone brings a list I hate playing against (hi2u 4 foxes!) I probably would opt against playing against that too if I had a better option.

    One thing I can't personally understand and have little patience for is people who make a big deal out of everything in the army being nominally painted, even if it's to a terrible standard, because I think that actively undermines the ultimate objective of people creating good-looking armies they're proud of. For that reason I'm not a big fan of battle-ready painting requirements for tournaments. I'd much rather someone show up with an army that's half painted to the best of their ability (no matter what their ability is, that doesn't matter) and half still primed than have them show up with an army they did in an all-nighter to the bare minimum level. That just seems like such a waste to me. I get that it's hard to enforce a "make a good faith effort" requirement at tournaments so I understand why most TOs have settled on a battle-ready standard, but I personally dislike the kind of painting it ends up forcing people into. 


    Occasionally I come across a post that so perfectly encapsulates my opinion on a matter that I wonder if I am, in fact, Edward Norton living in a rundown apartment wearing beaters and drinking cheap alochol and plotting anarchy.

    • Haha 1
  10. Going to go on a tangential rant for a moment since I personally hate having 25mm, 28mm and 32mm as different base sizes. I think they also do the silly 28.5mm bases too. I wish things were consolidated to 1 size, or we switched to blocks of models with a defined foot print instead of loose models bound by unit coherency.

    Examples that pain me:

    • My warcry warband can’t be used as Chaos Marauders
    • my DoK underworlds warband can’t be used as regular witch elves/sisters of silence/hag hero
    • the normal DoK models are top heavy and tip over all the time on their little 25mm bases

    I think the current state is needlessly varied, and would prefer if unit attack efficiency was balanced around stats instead of the extra hidden variable of base size.

    Alternatively, having blocks of models instead of individual models would speed up the game and be much more fun to model and paint I think.

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  11. I know this isn’t my thread, but wanted to ask - is it useful to have 2 Cauldrons of Blood, or is that not worth the points? Also, is it justifiable from a gaming standpoint to run Sorceresses and Kharbydi or Hydra or Black Dragon? I like the models and since I don’t enjoy Morathi for theme reasons I’d like to have some sort of big monster to... look cool. 

  12. I’ve been procrastinating painting Melusai spear women for too long, I need to just paint the last 2. I think it’s because I can never remember what colors I use for the snake bellies and I would much rather paint faces instead of masks.

    I might be able to squueze out another month of procrastination by painting the bloodwrack medusa instead. Yeap... that sounds much more fun.. then I can sub assemble my 2nd cauldron of blood and start painting that instead... although I’m not sure I can handle another 2 month Cauldron project this year. 

    In conclusion, I suppose I will paint at least 1 Melusai, and either: another Melusai, or a Medusa, or start a Cauldron. There, wasn’t that hard to commit. 😋


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  13. Welcome to the fold! I have no advice to give since I haven’t had chances to play, but our range is small enough that you can’t really go wrong I think. Unless you just loved the doomfire warlock sculpts and bought 5 of those boxes 😂

    We need @Chumphammer or one of the folks that play a lot to comment if you want to build something specifically competitive!

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  14. I’m not planning to sign up, the minis don’t interest me and I get most of my media content from other sources (audible, podcasts) and have no use for theirs anyway. I think GW makes great minis but find battle reports dry in general and as for painting tutorials - have you guys seen painting buddha and angel giraldez and notjustmecha? There’s no shortage of amazing painters doing videos on youtube! 

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