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Everything posted by Zanzou

  1. As an aelf fan I unfortunately agree. I just wish that GW would actually clean it up and support them. They don't all have to be stars of the show. They could have made the next Sylvaneth battletome include wanderers. Or they could have made a mega tome like the Skaven. However, Skaven at least had had a battletome beforehand. Unfortunately ALL OG elf owners have gotten almost no support from the beginning and I have no idea why they have left it this long. We'll see if GW finally sees the light.
  2. Unless news has come out since then that dissuaded you from buying it, isn't that just a personal issue? If something is worth buying, something is worth buying. Otherwise we are just letting ourselves get manipulated by rushed advertising schemes...
  3. I don't see how. The minimum size of the awakened wyldwood is about exactly the same as the minimum size of the old wyldwoods. Since the tips of the 3 pieces must always connect to the other tips, it sounds like it will always end up being the exact same shape at minimum size. Would it not?
  4. Well since he can unbind spells and cast his two prayer buffs, I basically considered him equivalent. But you’re definitely correct. He wouldn’t be able to cast anything else than his prayer.
  5. The problem is that swords were already fine and GW kind of ignored Kurnoth Hunters with bows who are pretty weak in most glades.
  6. yes if it's a single unit of 10 dryads for 100 points he would legit just be better off bringing a branchwraith and dividing 1 of the tree rev's into two to cover battleline requirements. Of course I would not recommend that but it would still be better than current list.
  7. I personally would not bother bringing the single dryad unit unless it has 20+ models. Their only advantage over spite revenants is their defence and their 2-inch attack- both of which you get less out of at small numbers (impenetrable thicket).
  8. If your faction isn't one of the new battletomes, I would totally understand why you feel that way. It seems that GW's response to balance the really strong 2.0 factions is to just keep buffing every faction that gets updated one at a time, though >.<
  9. We’re not allied with any of those factions to use those wizards anymore sadly 😞. Also... Unless they end up changing his warscroll, the dispossessed wizard spell isn’t even compatible with sylvaneth 🙁
  10. That can’t replace any of the fun mages in my heart 😭. RIP all of the different battle mages, starpriests, archmages, loremaster, sorceress, and bless the lost souls of people who made hurricanums
  11. Is there really no way whatsoever to use an order wizard or order unit with a sylvaneth army now, or am I mistaken?? That would be very depressing if they randomly removed that. Toying with quirky mages was a big bit of fun to me.
  12. GW even admitting sylvaneth got delayed- even if they blamed other countries- was the most I’ve ever seen them stop and fully acknowledge something. I wouldn’t be surprised if at this point they’ll keep their mouth shut about the mistaken release just so that share holders won’t worry that they’re incompetent..
  13. doh. I think you're right, my bad.
  14. Can someone explain to me why the Arch-Revenant keeps getting a mentioned as a major alarielle buff when the majority of her damage (her mount) cannot be affected? I thought squirmlings were almost never useless because generally even elite armies would bring at least SOMETHING for objective control. Wouldn't even 10-mans would suffer 5 instant wounds easy? Didn't this kill her niche role on the battlefield? It seems like she does "okay" ranged damage to everyone equally now and just "okay" melee damage. To me that seems a little dull, but I don't really know how I feel about the battletome as a whole yet. Isn't this sort of rock paper scissors in a way again anyway? Terrorgheist can't touch durthu, non-cloak/non-harvest durthu can't beat terror?
  15. This would only make sense as GW stated on facebook that you can still use the old wyldwood models for the new book.
  16. Let me interject there- the complaint is that GW is so poor at delivering on basic customer expectations that people who literally preordered the set were told after release they will not be getting even 1 copy. Let alone the regular disappointed people who wait years for a sylvaneth-set only to find out they “sold out” 2 days into pre-order... To be honest, what I find “strange” here is the lengths people bend over backwards to in order to defend, justify and explain away customers getting outright shafted instead of just acknowledging that GW could handle things a lot better than this. That’s all.
  17. The most ironic thing about this is that totally new players to Warhammer would probably have been the least likely people to have been able to even see a copy of this box on the shelf of any store, let alone actually successfully secure a copy.
  18. Interesting. From what I can see here, the woods appear identical. They just added the Citadel Woods LoS rule directly to the warscroll to help clear up confusion. EDIT: Nvm. On the clearer zoomed in photo after this I can see the way damage is dealt at the end of the charge phase is a change!! Yeah FLGSs had their shipment cut back from what they were told by GW they would be able to sell. As you said it seems there were people who preordered through their local store soon after preorders were available only to be told after launch their "preorder" was meaningless. GW has already done the expensive time/ money investment by designing these sets and having manufacturing arrangements made. Now it would just be up to them to get their s*** together as a business to figure out how to meet demand. It's as you said here though: They want to keep the "excitement" and pressure of demand up as high as possible, while lowering their risk as much as possible by purposefully low-balling demand.
  19. The fact you think they’d only do it to prove me wrong, even sarcastically, kind of proves my point 😆
  20. Let me preface my post by saying GW is under no obligation to do anything for us as customers. This post is simply an extension of my previous post about why their true business goals have become clear. The problem is, scalpers will always scalp with extremely unbalanced product vs demand. Other than not limiting sales to X number of boxes per customer, massively "underestimating" demand on the company side of things is actually the root cause of the issue. For example, the situation that happened with Nintendo and the classic NES is a prime example of this. They made less than 1/10th of what would sell- scalpers knew this and took advantage. Here's the thing- it really is that easy, and I'll describe how below. Like you said, it costs a lot to make these boxed sets from scratch- from the artwork to the writing of the book- that's why I'm simply advocating that they COULD capitalize on the investment that went into this set and actually sell it to gain a maximum return on investment, if they actually wanted to. I'll briefly go along with you and pretend that GW didn't ignore the success of carrion empire and could not have realized that sylvaneth would sell way more. If GW ACTUALLY, actually wanted to meet demand for their box-set? There are two simple solutions. Solution 1: Do not announce the product only a week or so before release, with predetermined production numbers. Start taking pre-orders early and order the # of boxes to be produced based on pre-order demand. I think we all need to take a step back here and realize that they sold out of PRE- orders. Can you see how avoidable that is? Solution 2: If you sell out on the 2nd to 3rd day of pre-orders, simply respond to demand and order a very limited "second run". The thing is, you know they will not. I know they will not. GW does not do things like that because like it or not what I said in my original post is 100% true. They care more about maintaining the image of demand for their products. If I was wrong, GW could produce even a very limited second run of this box-set to meet their demand. They won't. They want the demand to stay and they want the rest of the people who were going to buy the set to pay full price for the Arch-Revenant now. However, if they did make a second run, I will come back to this forum and eat my words.
  21. *Gonna be negative but real with you* They won’t. To say they “underestimated demand” is being quite generous to GW. If carrion empire already sold out as fast as it did, do you really think that they wouldn’t realize a box-set deal with one of the most popular AoS factions (sylvaneth) would not sell even faster? They knew there would be demand for this, and they purposefully low-ball to A) create artificial demand so that their audience feels more pressure to spend ASAP when anything they MIGHT be interested in getting is released and B) They are known for being super stingy about ever having “deal” boxes sit on the shelves too long. The fact that the slaves to darkness battleforce still hasn’t sold out yet is probably their worst nightmare for them right now (even though anyone could have told you that the sales for battleforcing a faction that they never bothered to give a battletome would be low). Their goal is 100% to sell out within a month or so beyond all else and I can GUARANTEE you that they’d rather run out way too early than have even 1 extra box left that they couldn’t sell- it would destroy the illusion of demand.
  22. I see. This is a rule on the Citadel Woods warscroll and in GW’s FAQ but not on the wyldwood warscroll itself.. I completely forgot. Thanks. However, I believe she would at least still benefit from terrain Cover and of course people don’t like to enter those woods.
  23. Would anyone mind elaborating on this? As far as I understood, flying allows you to ignore terrain when moving from point A to point B but when you finish a move the unit “lands” and is treated as normal being in a wyldwood. Why can’t the arch revenant land here to hide?
  24. To me there is a reason that that the Warscroll doesn’t just say generic “Treelord with Sword” and “Treelord with Staff”. There are lore differences and- in my opinion- it’s the same reason that GW specified those characteristic instructions for each unique model as Trevelyan noted above. Durthu is a battle-torn badass with his broken mask and skull collection- I personally wouldn’t have it any other way. That being said- if you’re changing it up because a different way interests you creatively (and as you have shown artists have drawn them in various interpretations), I would say build how you enjoy to build. I just don’t want to give a new player the impression that there aren’t already set distinguishing features between the two models. Deviating from this on purpose is 100 percent fair game though. I just think they should be aware.
  25. I totally agree and would strongly advise against cross-magnetizing durthu with the ancient for a TON of reasons. This is just my preference- but I would never recommend doing that. #1- They come in start collecting boxes! You're going to need Dryads anyway, and it was a good deal to get two start collecting boxes minimum to get 30+ dryads- at least it WAS a great deal before they started raising the prices of start collecting boxes this year... #2- Between Durthu's skull belt/ skull branches of his victims and his iconic broken mask in contrast to the Ancient's beard, etc there are a LOT more differences than just a "different weapon" going on here. In my opinion neglecting those differences will just make either Durthu or the Ancient look like a cheap knock-off. #3- Are you really ok with only ever having 1 big treeman on the field? Forever? If you ever end up fielding both units in the future, the magnetism will be a waste.
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