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Everything posted by Squeaky101

  1. Now having had a few games with Nighthaunt I can see that it does fall behind in some areas but at least is fairly flexible in unit choices, sizes (which I wasn't really expecting to be a legitimate topic for discussion), and strategies. Coming from LoN, the healing in Nighthaunt leaves a lot to be desired, and torments seem to be the only thing to bring some decent and consistent healing. I really miss those gravesites. I'm tinkering around with what units I should be bringing in from reserve to fight important enemies in the backline. What units are good candidates for bringing in this way? Current strategy is sending in olynder and my spirit hosts, however I do miss out on her plethora of hero phase abilities that turn, and possibly the turn after before I can finally move her. For people who run spirit hosts (which I know aren't the best unit right now), how do you utilize them, and what unit size do you use? I'd run MSU but the Ruler of the Spirit Hosts trait can be tricky to use with it, so I'm planning to run a squad of 9. They seem to work best on sticking to large bulky models, so they can all wrap around it and getting those MWs through really helps when they've got a 3+ save. Also something I was never really sure about was, do the GoS and torment's auras apply to themselves?
  2. Is it worth it to run more than 1 Spirit Torment or GoS? I recently acquired multiples of each but am wondering if I should even use those in my lists. Having 2 GoS to let my chainrasp wound on 2s sounds amazing though, but unfortunately Spirit Torment's aura can't stack so I'd lose a bit of value there. Also would it be unwise to run squads of 10 for chainrasp? Since they would never have the reroll 1s for wounding. I have 60 at my disposal so would 3 squads of 20 be best?
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