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Posts posted by Riavan

  1. 12 hours ago, ian0delond said:

    New generic Daemons to go with a new chaos prince, but the base is probably just going to be the DISCIPLES OF BE’LAKOR soup with Horror/Daemonette/Plaguebearer/Horror or to go as ally to your Std or BoC. A full minor faction of grey centrists daemons  is maybe not what we should expect.

    A book with more fleshed out options for a demon only army would be cool, maybe some endless spells and terrain. Don't need more models. Some synnergy between the diff gods demons would be good.

  2. 1 hour ago, silverstu said:

    Yeah I agree those rumours look like they've taken a few things already circulated and fleshed them out a bit. As much as Nids and Guard would fit a Christmas release the more reliable rumour guy has Custodes and GSC as the Christmas release plus the inclusion of Nid rules in Octarius book1 makes it look likely that the Nid book is a good bit out [these rules to get by in the meantime -GW are hardly going to invalidate a book 2 months later]. 

    I also don't buy the Cursed City loss thing and Fyreslayers and Kharadron combined release would be more believable if they had mentioned a 3rd faction of dwarfs tying them together. I believe Whitefang on the combined dwarf book and that is significant because of the new faction of duardin, not just that KO and Slayers share a book. I don't feel that the combined book is soon though .

    I do expect Squats next year, even just as a Killteam/gang. 


    Hopefully a new preview/reveal will shed some light on what os coming and confirm/deny the various collections of rumours. The Christmas codexes will be the first test ,

    They mention kharadon and fyreslayers uniting in the core book and I assume broken realms.

  3. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Definitely holding them back and more than likely repackaging as well. I currently have 3 on order.

    Yeah they probably have them but also have sons of behemat logos all over them. There were also rumours of a new sprue in there. I think that's unlikely but who knows.


    Wondering if they will do a 3 box of aleguzzlers or just leave them single.

  4. 1 minute ago, Gistradagis said:

    Some is metal, others it's leather. You can check the starter box on GW's web to see it.

    Yeah ok makes sense. I have a bunch of the old chaps too but they are in a box downstairs. I think I remember them all being gloves so just wanted to check.

  5. On 7/27/2020 at 7:50 AM, Gutlord said:

    That would be cool.....I quite like the idea of say the gate breaker gargant trashing a piece of scenery and then hurling the rubble at the enemy (cygors might feel like someone stole their idea like 😁)


    I think the fomoroid crusher - slaves to darkness model has an ability like this.

  6. 5 hours ago, a74xhx said:


    2x3 mancrushers plus 3 individual mancrushers is 1500 points. That leaves you with 500 points to fill with a hero.

    9 individual mancrushers is 1620 points. That leaves you with 380 points to fill with a hero. We have no way of filling that.

    I guess if you really really want you mancrushers to be solo you could do 8 individual mancrushers and a mega garagant and then buy a CP.

    EDIT: Exactly what @Ganigumo just said :D

    Might want to take allies etc, if they have them

  7. 5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

     Basically the army has 4 500 point slots when listbuilding, and you can usually only run 3 solo gargants before being forced to squad them up. Although I suspect most lists will have the choice between running the 3 solo gargants or a bonus command point.

    This is reading into one tiny line in the ghb a lot. Could be true, but we kind of need to wait to find out.

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