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Posts posted by Riavan

  1. 12 hours ago, Luke1705 said:

    It doesn't.  It's not like 40k where you could say "codex vs BRB".  GW has specifically said that newer publications take precedence over older ones. What really stuck the dagger in the "I can still use the rule printed in the maggotkin battletome" line of thinking for me was that that same quoted line was printed in a few of the more recent battletomes (deepkin for example) but was conspicuously omitted from the Nighthaunt battletome, which was actually a 2.0 battletome.  In case the FAQ wasn't black and white enough.

    Just to TLDR my previous post, the FAQ in question allows certain battalions to override the allies restrictions (only ones that are multi like SCE and Sylvaneth, etc).  It does not grant permission to us to use PTWB in a Nurgle army, and the last sentence in that FAQ (which is relevant to all armies) specifically forbids it.

    That's exactly how I read it too. Has something changed?

  2. 42 minutes ago, Incineroar87 said:

    I hope older armies like Seraphon, Sylvaneth and the like get an updated tome.  They need that way more than new models or existing models getting a new sculpt.

    Yeah replacing non plastic models would be a great start. But I also guess new models are more likely to be bought.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ryan Taylor said:

    I predict that the stormhosts will be like the temples and Skyports. You will be able to have your own and call it hammers of sigmar.

    Alternatively you can pick one of the other ones and take generic characters. I too would like to see other special characters from different stormhosts but from the canon the hammers are the poster boys. 

    As long as they don't give them rules which only buff hammers of sigmar units idk. 40k sucks that way. Guilliman is worse in a non smurf army and same with crawl and admech. It's not like they are all going to get characters so it's dumb.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Dew said:

    Some spots like the neck are super easy to magnetize since you can just drill a hole and pop the magnet in. Other spots like the hollow weapon arms were filled with a blob of greenstuff to hold the magnet.

    I'll try and remember to get pics when I get home tonight

    I see. That makes sense. I didn't think of doing the head, but I guess you only really need to do that on one for roti. 

  5. On 6/22/2018 at 5:35 PM, Dew said:

    Haven't had a chance to use my magnetized GUO in AoS yet, is the bell and blade everyone's go-to configuration right now?

    I was thinking of magnetizing mine too. I have not magnetized before but like I can understand how it's easily done on like... Knight arms. The guo seems like a different beast though, do you make holes and glue tiny ones to the plastic, or do you like glue a big one to the side inside the arm? Pics please if possible! Thanks.

  6. We never know what battleforces they go with.  Usually a newly released race. But not all of them. It's still half a year away too. 

    The new stormcast are probably the only thing based on past releases you could assume. But it isn't set in stone.

  7. 2 hours ago, Tiriom said:

    What ever happened to most of the dread fort options for purchase from GW?  Only a few parts listed now, will those options ever return ?

    Most are still in stores or online. Expensive scenery doesn't seem to sell that well.

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  8. 28 minutes ago, Raviv said:


    They look much cooler than the Evocators in the starter-set. Funny that the prime is the least impressive of the unit.

    Like death guard and primaris Marines, they usually come with a helmet or head at least.

  9. 12 hours ago, Mayple said:

    Gonna let @michu's post cover that one.

    I have an easier time accepting helmetless Stormcast than Space Marines, tbh. Only one of those two have to actively avoid high-caliber bullets to the face :)

    And ykno, random atmospheres with differing germs and bacteria. See Prometheus and covenant.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Furuzzolo said:

    Imagine if Ironweld Arsenal become some sort of 40k Knights.

    With steam tanks, cogforts, steampunk shootink walkers on 2 legs...oh boys...

    Would be great. But ykno, chaos because being edgy is cooler.

    So do we think the goblins and darkoath will be the next releases?

  11. Most of the 40k rumours going around seem to be slanneesh, new black legion and abbadon model chaos Marines and a large Ork release.

    We got death guard and nurgle demons close together, think it's quite possible we will get new slanneesh Marines for 40k and demons for AOS around the same time

    Tbh though I wish they would release a new death faction. No more godamn order for a while.

  12. 6 hours ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    Yeah I've had a few bad experiences as well, when I started out looking at getting a "practice model" to work on, I was told to buy a codex, a starter paint set and a hive tyrant :/ 

    I think GW stores are pretty different nowdays. Here they give people a free space Marine practice model and a painting class.

    Ive also seen a giant binder with cards for completing specific activities the first time given out to newbies.

    Note this was all in the last year.

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