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Everything posted by Riavan

  1. It looks very much like that guo horn wise. Just cant see the pose down below cos it's cut off.
  2. I wish they fleshed out factions a bit more. Some of the new ones have like one or two unit choices with a handful of heroes.
  3. The book says it usually all goes back so stormcast armour trophy's are precious and usually prized. (Think it's in the bit about the ironjawz clan that paints their armour gold to be like them). Co up e be in the ironjawz painting guide now that I think about it.
  4. I don't think they said the releases were for malign portents. It just said four hero characters. It's much safer to assume he is one rather than not at the moment. Regardless you are reading into it wayyyy too much for gw. I feel like if ur hoping for a diff order hero ur in for a bad time guy.
  5. And we have seen 3. Saw the death one at the start. The reaper thing. Saw the darkoath chaos woman and in the newest white dwarf is a new Lord celestant for order. Only destruction is missing. I'm personally hoping for ironjawz.
  6. I require more ironjawz units. One of those shield carts u push to stop arrows would be great. Maybe some kind of wonky ranged units like tiny wyvern lobbers or waarghint crazy weirdnob beserkers would be cool. I'm ok if death needs some units and army structure first though. No more godamn order or chaos though for a bit.
  7. Someone has posted a pic or the Xmas boxes here:
  8. Id really love some iron plated squiggles for ironjawz!
  9. I want ranged ironjawz hunters and armoured squigs!
  10. There's a female stormcast in shadespire right?
  11. How much better are ardboyz than savage orcs which are destruction bat line? I think the normal greenskin orc models are not the best models.
  12. I'm OK with it as long as I get points reductions or buffs for a few units (mawkrusha, goregruntas and weirdnob) and hopefully at least one new model or unit to deal with shooting (being shooting itself or a defense against it). Reducing ardboys to destruction battleline rather than ironjawz would let m justify buying a lot more models. Hint hint GW.
  13. Some stuff in the painting book for ironjawz talks about the silver clan (forgot the name) having flying machines or something.
  14. I'm still pretty convinced some elves/slaneesh, will be the same army or at least subfactions of each other. Unsure if it will actually be chaos, or the dark aelves using his powers forcefully.
  15. I reckon dark aelves will be mortal slaneesh or they will be using slaneesh powers.
  16. I think like a DM playing a character with the party in DnD, it could easily be doable. They could still fight in combat like everyone else. You would just want the other players taking the iniative in where to go and what to do etc.
  17. Yeah the only thing that looks different is the chain puncturing the armour and the indents are a bit too straight (you can see those indents on other ironjawz models tho, just don't look as straight.
  18. I reckon it will be slambo. He's an old Warhammer quest character too right?
  19. The circle bit and the impressions in the armour look a bit like prices on my ardboyz and other ironjawz. The impressions look a bit too neat and aligned though.
  20. Too many order factions though. I wish the factions didn't sound so definitive.
  21. Rumours of skaven releases interest me greatly. I picked up a spire of dawn set and a wlc. Maybe if I start now I'll have a 1k army painted by the release of their battletome (6 months time). Damn clan rats.
  22. GW skulls for the skull god basing kit. Seems appropriate at this point since it's clear they have something in-house going on with putting skulls on every base, haha.
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