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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. 8 hours ago, Kramer said:

    After this


    Only beginning to pick up speed? 😉

    Boi, your hypetrain is moving faster than a Japanes magnetic train from the future! 


    55 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:


    Be prepared for total disappointment then.

    They just released a Stormcast only game.


    Although this was for a pretty minor reveal, unlike Warcry which gw Seems to actually be putting a lot of effort into. Remember, this box was barely even noticed by the larger community, so i feel that GW (hopefully) is trying to appeal to the entire playerbase with warcry

    Yet, I’m still happy for Warcry. I’m a fan of half-naked barbarians with their own unique flairs, especially chaos ones (I’m a heretical worshipper of Chaos) 


  2. 6 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Mostly because Skullcrushers and Skarr Bloodwarth are things I already own (other than Garreks Reavers, an Asipiring Deathbringer, and a Bloodstoker).

    I would probably be best off long term dropping the Skullcrushers, and using their 180 and the leftover 140 for a Bloodthirster of Instantiate Rage and one of the 40 point Judgements. Assuming my math is right on everything.

    Actually that’s a good idea. Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is 300 I think, and he’s a good independent daemon hero to add to your list. On the other hand, is Garrek’s reavers any good? I’ve yet to try them(I’m gonna buy magore’s Fiends actually) 

    4 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Put a collar on him, and tie him to a post. Then its fine.

    Call Karanak... Khorne does not like tying people up... that’s dangerously Slaaneshi O.o 

  3. 48 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    I think Chaos Warriors really need to rely on their shields to be effective which isn't usable with great weapons.

    Also giving them halberds/spears makes for some intimidating pike blocks!


    Still looks so much better than the resin halberd... good job! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    Yeah I've always had an eye on Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights myself, I wonder if Chaos Warriors with great weapons may be more offensive or beneficial than Blood Warriors? I've never used them and I don't know if Chaos Warriors are good at all. Chaos Knights look cool as a model, but again no experience. I also love Mighty Skullcrushers but they just seem to be in a strange place now? What are they? A hard hammer unit? Didn't they used to be just a tank?

    Chaos Knights are solid, but your list needs to be built to make them better. They always prefer the glaives, and they need hit buffs (killing frenzy, etc.), they also work extremely well with attck buffs due to their 2 damage on the charge which effectively adds 2 damage for every extra attack they get. They definitely like re-rolls for hits and wounds, like Bloodstoker and all that. They are a very strong hammer unit that also has a MW save (unlike our Skullcrushers...), they do good Damage and they aren’t too expensive compared to crushers. However, they do lose out on MWs since our crushers actually can do a lot of MWs now

    personally I don’t like Chaos Warriors much. Their damage can be generously described as meh, and while they are amazingly durable, they have re-roll save rolls of 1, they have a MW save, and they have halberds, compared to a Blood Warrior, they don’t have gorefists (which is pretty big). Plus I prefer blood warrior models (they just look more... berserker to me)

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    I wonder if that'll have anything to do with the upcoming Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath/Everchosen mixed Battletome. There's nothing about the terrain piece that screams "40k only" to me, so maybe as an altar for Chaos Mortals armies to summon in support from the Realm of Chaos or something. Would be an easy win for GW to get double sales off one box.

    Only problem being how Space-ish it looks... reminds me of the Protoss stuff back in Starcraft.

    yet it looks like a great corrupted chaos realmgate! 

    6 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    Next two weeks of releases will probably be new CSM as most of the sculpts have been shown off now. From the stock advice that GW sent out it looks like raptors and cultists are not getting new kits.

    We can also safely assume there will be more vanguard space marines at somepoint this year. 

    Last two warbands for Nightvault release in April and possibly one more book, spells and scenery release. 

    Hopefully we get a nice diverse showing at adepticon. 

    GW said there are gonna be lots of new models for chaos on Sunday, and so far they’ve shown the Terminators. And yep, the raptors are unlikely to get new kits. Cultists might get a rebox though, and there are apparently even more sculpts on the way. Hopefully they’ll finish showing off the range before adepticon, both for my sake and for for AOS :D

    6 hours ago, Aryann said:

    GAMA was a bit of a let down for AoS. Even though 40k is on a roll I expect 1-2 new battletomes to be announced and maybe some more light on Forbidden Power. So far it were the first halfs of the year for AoS to get its announcements so Adepticon and later Warhammer Fest are our best bets for AoS news.

    I feel you, mate. GAMA was hyped quite a fair bit, but had been pretty meh for AOS fans. But don’t worry! I think Adepticon will definitely have something for us hobbyists! 

    6 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    The GW studio preview seminar at Adepticon will be around 2-3 hours in the morning next Thursday (not tomorrow).


    The AOS website has a new WARCRY section ; I think it's a safe bet we'll get more news on this game at Adepticon. 


    O.o I actually feel like Warcry might expand to encompass all grand alliances eventually. No way that GW is dumb enough to do that and make it only for chaos. It really feels like they are trying to make warcry their ultimate trump card for all of AOS... 

    we’ll have to see at adepticon, but i’m Beginning to feel the hype train picking up speed... 

  6. 6 hours ago, Kasper said:

    I used to hate Tzaangors with a passion and wanted to go pure Brayherd (the goats), but when the internal balance is so bad, I've kinda embraced the fact that Tzaangors are simply needed if your opponent likes cheesy lists. You might hate the idea of painting 18 Enlightened, but would you rather paint 40 Ungor raiders + multiple other units of Ungors etc? 😉 I'm liking the idea of not needing to paint 100+ models for a 1.500 pts. game.


    I'm not super familiar with how Khorne plays, if you are a horde army too or if you have loads of more "elite" units, but you need to take into consideration if you fancy a "horde army". Some people don't like the idea of having to paint 100-200 models, much less having to move them every game.

    Yep! Playing Khorne does mean a part horde army (I’ve moved 100+ Orks before, so I’m not a stranger to hordes :/), so now that I think about it, playing Tzaangors doesn’t seem so bad! I’ll admit, I already play one horde army, so the Enlightened suddenly seem more appealing than 100+ ungors/Gors XD

    So what about Greatfrays? Is it considered a viable alternative to not go any Greatfray, and instead choose your own command traits? 

  7. 3 hours ago, Killax said:

    I'm okay with the idea behind it, it's just very, very strange that out of all thinks we get a wizard tower and khorne spells. I've also read the lore update on some book reviews and it's mentioned several thinks are changed in lore aswell. It's just again that I can't wrap my head around who made this happens.

    What I do like is that the magical axe works, I also agree with you that there is enough to be said for what we got. While it really feels out of place for me :) I personally think that the magical axe even is a must thake, so are 1 to 2 Slaughterpriests, Re-rolls are good!

    I hear you and I really think the magic tower and spells show that appearantly GW didn't know what to do with Khorne AoS either, so just made something for them which they have made for all armies.

    There are some serious moments where Khorne units will be able to dominate a single combat. So in that sence the beserkers are there. But yeah, we likely should be playing Slaughterpriests with Endless spells, because we got a free tower that makes that really reliable. 

    Lorwise I feel the new new stuff doesn't match Khorne at all. But from a competitive standpoint you can still largely do what you wanted. My biggest miss is that there somehow arn't more Battleshock ignoring characters or rules. The idea of Khorne warriors being mad with frenzy and flee at the same time is just strange. Stranger even is that a Khorne Lord on Juggernaut, Skullcrushers and Mightly Lord of Khorne still don't have the Daemon Keyword. While their Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh counterparts do...

    Go for it. I do think that screens of Reavers arn't all to interesting, but screens of Fleshhounds most certainly are. 10 reaver units in the back for Objective purposes seems allright. 

    I'm not worried about Battleshock too much either, enough daemons, just think it's very strange when we look at what armies have the immunities now and what Khorne armies are supposed to represent ;) 

    For Bloodwarriors you could certainly do that. Though I do think more often pockets of 10 are ideal. Being functional at those sizes is their big advantage in my opinion. Gorefists are just very nice now!

    This reminds me of the old frenzy special rule (oh how I missed Khorne halberd chaos warriors)

    when they did lose combat, they would lose frenzy, so when failing battleshock, it would feel like the trauma of battle finally forces the blood maddened warriors out of their rage. 

    One of my favorite pieces of fluff was Call of Archaon’s Ushkar Mir, where his second-in-Command Skull was talking to a dying Bloodreaver, who had actually become lucid and was regretting becoming a Bloodbound. It was an interesting perspective, which was different from the usual endless rage of these normally insane Berserkers.  

    At least, our guys can stack attacks like no tomorrow, so you can imagine a blood warrior whaling tirelessly on a liberator’s Shield. So I suppose that feels berserker-ish. 

    It’s similar to how undead and daemons shouldn’t flee, yet they  do in AOS, but have very high bravery. But I remember Daemons having Daemonic instability, where they could disappear back to the Warp, while undead could crumble when losing a fight, or when their Vampire lord General  died. 

    Admittedly; I remember a poster earlier who talked about how there’s a hard conundrum for Geedubs: If we stay the same, we get accused of being stale, repetitive, unable to do anything except charge at the enemy and hope for the best (basically Ironjawz), leading to us being labeled as one-dimensional with little depth.

    But when the Blades of Khorne actually see change, outsiders accuse Khorne of being hypocritical, while Khorne players roll their eyes in exasperation at GW going against our old established lore that’s been here for so long. 

    i can honestly understand why GW would find it so hard about what to do with Khorne. But I can also understand why some are triggered about GW giving years of old lore the finger.  

    And we’re champions of Khorne. It’s unfair to expect us to embrace change so easily, that’s for tzeentchian geeks. But we’ll have to adapt. I mean, Khorne is the god of war. To win our wars, we’ll be forced to adapt. 

    But hey, we’ve got some sick models, a cool new book, so we might as well make the most of it. And we have reason to suspect when the other Chaos god’s Armies get updated, their mortal followers will lose the daemon keyword, to stop abuse such as harbingers of decay with witherstave, and they will probably get toned down considerably (Enlightened on discs spam is still a thing)

    I also remember another poster earlier who felt that the lore was bad because it was only killmaimburn endlessly, which I completely agree with. Ok, not exactly in terms of killmaimburn (that’s 40k, it’s Kharn’s tagline!), but basically how one-dimensional the fluff written by GW can be. 

    in this case, this is where we have to step in. One of the best things about AOS is the sheer freedom of writing our own fluff for our warbands. One Khorne warband could be the normal boring screaming  horde of maniac barbarians. Another could be the calm but disciplined warriors with actual fortresses,  back in warqueen(awesome book btw), my warband literally focuses on honor and making oaths, like the dwarf slayers of old, while still hunting the mightiest of monsters/heroes to offer to khorne. 

    This is unlike 40K, where the fluff is much more established, so you have a little bit less freedom in creating your own heroes and protagonists (I love writing and reading fantasy stories btw)

    so there you have it. Sorry for the long post, felt I had to get that out.

    • Like 3
  8. 35 minutes ago, AverageBoss said:

    So for now it looks like I only have stuff for a Gore Pilgrims battalion. So thinking:

    Wrath of Khorne
    10x Blood Reavers
    10x Blood Reavers
    10x Blood Warriors
    30x Bloodletters
    5x Wrathmongers
    3x Skullcrushers

    Leaves me 140 points by my count. Skarr Bloodwrath perhaps?

    Also, I have heard, but been unable to confirm, that different units in a BoK list can be from different Hosts. If true, that makes mixed mortals/daemons quite a bit better.

    I like that horde of bodies you have! That’s a lot of wounds (which is really useful). Personally I’d recommend using those last few points for more Wrathmongers. Skarr is very good, but the Wrathmongers tend to have better punch, and they can give your list more hitting power. 

    On the other hand, why the 3 Skullcrushers? Is it for a road block, or as a hammer unit?

    Your list is slow, but you flood the board with a ton of wounds that some lists might actually not be able to stop. 

    I do think that the Mark of the Slayer artifact would be quite useful here as it buffs all Khorne units, not just Daemons, 

    @Bululuis it true you can take a mortal and daemon slaughterhost? If so that would be awesomeeeee

  9. 4 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Yea thats the big problem, all the egg baskets on one varghulf (and also for one turn for the artifact), and hes not that hard to kill.

    But yea you dont have to attack the artifact bearer, just be in striking distance. And of course pop off feeding frenzy for double combat fun! And dont forget reroll to wound rolls of 1 for hollowmourne courtiers on a charge! 

    I think it would be an interesting fun one trick pony/mega distraction carnifex kind of build if you're feelign lucky.


    It’ll be more of a “beer and pretzels” thing to do; it would most definitely surprise people, and it would be pretty funny as well. The fact that Varghulf can fly and heal himself makes him a great candidate for this. 

    After lots of reading the book, I do really like Hollowmourne. It’s quite efficient, the command trait is great on any mobile general (Varghulf or mounted kings), and the artifact will almost always pull some weight. Plus, I love that both Courtiers and ALL your knights benefit. So Flayers, infernal Courtier, Haunter Courtier AND Varghulf would enjoy those re-rolls! 

    1 hour ago, IneptusAstartes said:

    Wait so are FEC bad then? :(

    Nah, they ain’t bad. They got a great battletome that is strong, some even say overpowered. In fact, they’re called op by everyone because of how small the book is. As a result, it’s easy to see the stronger combos that seem ridiculous. 

    Gristlegore and Feeding frenzy (especially feast day). It’s pretty strong. The book is quite small, hence seeing the synergy, piecing them together is somewhat easier than with Skaven. 

    In reality , my brother has been looking at his Skaven book, and to put it simply, it is actually very strong. 

    Plague monks are one of the most points efficient units in the game, when proper buffs are on them nothing can survive, while they cost a trivial amount. Lots of ways to ignore battleshock, Warp Lightning cannon is actually really good now (especially with battalion), although stormfiends got weakened, Warp stone sparks are still very good. Verminlords, plague furnace, screaming bell were massively buffed. 

    It’s just that for Skaven, the synergies are less obvious because of how large the battletome is, but when put together by dedicated players, they are incredibly powerful. That’s why it doesn’t seem obvious at first glance, and hence why it’s so easy to underestimate them. 

    And remember, the biggest mistake when it comes to any small-ish sneaky faction (Skaven, goblins, etc.) is underestimating them!  

  10. 2 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    For Hollowmourne, is it worth making a hero hunter with a Varghulf general with the Bilious Decanter? (so need one battalion)


    Seems pretty cool but also risky since if you can't get to the artifact bearers, Grave Robber+extra attacks is wasted. On the other hand that Varghulf gets scary if it works (6 extra attacks and extra damage on all attacks against that hero).

    Hm from what I’m reading in my book, that would be a good idea! He’s tough, and he’s fast, so he can hunt heroes. On the other hand, you could have him just slide right up to that enemy hero, whisper in his ear, “thanks for breakfast”, then whack the ever-loving 💩 out of the closest enemy unit. The grave robber thing seems to work if you’re within range, rather than if u actually hit the artifact Bearer, which is pretty funny. Plus, you could bring an archregent to buff your Varghulf! It does make fluff sense as your archregent appoints your Varghulf as general of the force, so while your terrifying abhorrent emperor sits upon his glorious throne, and sips blood martinis, your Varghulf just runs around with +D3 +2 +1 attacks on ALL his melee Weapons, and +1 Damage!!! By Nagash that’s scary awesome. 

    On the other hand, i’d say probably be best to spread out the artifacts/traits so it’s not too concentrated on one varghulf (maybe?) 

  11. 14 minutes ago, jazman84 said:

    Any word on if they are going to change any of the FW Khorne stuff?

    I think the exalted Bloodthirster of khorne’s warscroll got updated for the new book (he’s like the Unfettered Fury in terms of rules now, just on steroids). 

    I do however feel that skulltaker might be pretty worth. His command ability seems good for Bloodletters, and he’s actually really tanky thanks to his cloak of skulls (guess that most Warhammer model award did do something; it gave him a sense of dignity so he won’t die like a wuss)

    what are your thoughts on Skulltaker? 

    Also, I feel a Karanak got improved. He can dispel endless Spells and deal MWs o the caster. So if Nagash does throw around endless spells like no tomorrow.... I can’t get the image of Karanak just biting his butt wvery time out of my head... 

  12. 1 hour ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    Part of the thing is that to me Blood Warriors kinda need some sort of buff support to be effective and any time you're passing buffs around you get more bang for your buck the bigger the unit.

    The interesting thing is that our Blood Warriors have 2 things that many other battlelines lack. No respite (their glorious devotion to Khorne), and their gorefist (a nice spiky end to anyone who gets close). 

    The thing is, I see why dual goreaxes are good. They are very receptive to buffs (toss in Bloodstoker to whip them, and now they’re rerolling hit rolls of 1, and all wound rolls, DANG). 

    However, I prefer Gorefists because when a blood warrior successfully punches your face, it’s a mortal wound, no questions asked. No save roll, no hit roll, no wound roll. Somehow the guy’s jab is strong enough to punch through a 2+ Rerolling ones to save treelord ancient’s ancient oaken Armor, but meh

    using dual goreaxes gets you rerolls to hit of 1, which is also very good. However, for that attack, you need to make another hit roll, another wound roll and then your opponent must fail his save roll. At each point, is a chance for your goreaxe to fail. The gorefist does NOT care for Attack sequence.

    The gorefist is like that cool guy who barges in to a room, doesn’t give his name, steals your keys, smashes your face in, and leaves. He doesn’t follow the rules(of attack sequence). The dual goreaxes is like a gentleman who goes in, challenges you to a duel to the Death for your house keys, and is polite about it. HE follows the rules(of attack sequence)

    As such, I’ll probably go for Gorefists. 

    And remember, you’ve got quite a number of ways to re-roll hits. 

    Khorghos Cool’s Command ability

    Bloodsecrator banner of rage 

    chaos warshrine

    slaves to Darkness Lord of chaos

    daemon artifact mark of the slayer

    and probably more that I missed out

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    The more i think about these changes the more i like it. There seems to be a lot more flexibility in list building.

    For 1 we're not tied to Secrator anymore, his buff is still great but without battleshock immunity and decreased range i don't think he is auto include. Now we got Exalted Death and comand points for that. Besides it was a pain when last Reaver didn't run off battlefield denying that blood tithe.

    The Stoker is a lot more situational but his buff is also a lot better. No longer auto include, he pretty much blows in combat and taking up a hero slot that could be put to use for deadlier stuff.

    The Slaughter Priest are still good but Judgments are not always gonna be more value than just starting with extra CP depending what you're fighting. The blessings took a hit not being stackable any longer. The only reason why this guy would be auto include is for dispell, which again situational, and you can take MLKoF for that job.

    In a way they uncoupled the army from auto includes which is nice.

    I agree completely! Right now, we actually do have more list flexibility. Granted, it’s now gonna have 1-2 Slaughterpriests in every list, but that was also technically the case before the book came out. And now we don’t have to use Murderhost/Gore Pilgrims (which are still very good, by the way)

    7 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    One word of warning about the warshrine. 

    StD are highly likely to see a chaos undivided release and battletome. The warshrine warscroll could change dramatically. 

    This is one thing that should be remembered. I think best thing to do is to make your Warshrine undivided, use it as Khorne for now until STD gets a battletome. However, hopefully the Darkoath get new priests/new cool hammer units that we can mark Khorne and use for us! 

    5 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    I've been wanting 3 Bloodthirsters for the longest time (Wrath of Khorne, Insensate Rage and SKARBRAND), but do I now need 4 to run anything viable? I love Bloodthirsters, but I feel like if I run 4 I literally don't have much more of an army. It feels like they're all or nothing though, you either commit to all of them, or run none. 1 BT will probably die too quick and then you just have a slightly weaker normal army with some points that could have gone elsewhere. IDK. 

    I think 3 is enough. I’ll explain. In terms of Slaughterhost, I still prefer Blood Lords to reapers, because attacking first is a huge boon, and the Command ability cAn get you a LOT of mileage. I also feel that 2 battalions with this setup is important

    You would want 1 bloodthirster of each type in a Tyrants of Blood, then 2-3 Slaughterpriests in Gore Pilgrims. 

    No skarbrand, because he’s too slow. If you can miraculously fit in the points for him, by all means.

    but Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers in MSU for Gore Pilgrims so they can grab objectives. Bloodsecrator is a little redundant, but this reduces your drops to 2, as gives you 2 artifacts and CPs. The first artifact you give, Halo of Blood should be for your general, the WoK BT. IR BT should have Ar’gath and fish for Carnage attacks. UF BT should also have 1 artifact, anything which increases his damage (like Death Dealer from the old battletome, +1 Damage is nuts)

    Each Bloodthirster has a role to play, thanks to their Command ability. IR thirster saves some CPs thanks to that re-roll to charge, UF thirster allows your IR thirster to get into better position, your WoK BT can buff your other bloodthirsters. Especially Insensate rage who has a 4+ to hit if not whacking heroes. 


    • LOVE IT! 2
  14. 24 minutes ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Unless I missed something, he was talking about the old Ogre Kingdoms book from Warhammer Fantasy, not a new Age Of Sigmar thing. 

    But in the AOS 2.0 Warhammer community gutbusters faction preview he said that the ogors are his favorite lads!!! 

    Admittedly, in terms of reworked battletome, I’d say Sylvaneth and Kharadrons, if the underworld war bands are any indication, and the fact that Order hasn’t been touched for quite a long time now. 

    As far as completely new battletomes are concerned, it’s gonna be either Darkoath or Slaanesh I’d say. Gutbusters has a low chance of actually coming round because there’s been almost  nothing said about them. It would be a huge bomb shell, unlike Slaanesh (who was in the top 5 things to look forward to in 2019)

    But I’ve got the actual ogre kingdoms army book... and I can SENSE Phil kelly’s Devotion to our favorite horizontally gifted bois. 


    I do think tjat in the future, we may see Idoneth endless Spells considering the coins rumor Engine last time. We might see endless Spells released without new battletomes for those factions with recently released times (daughters, idoneth, Maggotkin, etc) 

  15. 40 minutes ago, Xasz said:

    I think they had lists in mind in which someone would only spam big units of them and not an MSU style setup. They are not that bad if you would focus your entire list on those models but obviously the price tag doesn't scale too well with what we are cooking right now.

    To be honest, I consider those two battalions only a slightly worse than those that focus their one and only rule on a single 5 wound model.

    I honestly feel that those 2 battalions are a trap to build for. Units of 9 are far too difficult to maneuver, and are WAY too expensive. Units of 3 seem fine, i would use them as a speed bump that actually hurts, units of 6 seem solid. It’s true that your opponent has to whack 1 model out to make you lose the bonus, but it’s basically tempting him to shoot at something that isn’t a)a squishy support hero, or b)a hammer unit, both of which are helpful outcomes

    26 minutes ago, Mikeymajq said:

    I'm super tempted to go Bloodforged with Skarr Bloodwrath and some attack buffs and ye olde screens of 10 reavers in front.

    Maybe 10 man wrathmonger units could be a thing seeing as they are cheaper? 🤔

    I'm not that worried about battleshock in an edition where 1 command point stops units from running and we do have quite a few buffs here and there to help as well. And I definitly wouldn't care about reavers running xD

    I would also love to fling 20-30 blood warriors across the board at some point with ignoring one point of rend and full rerolls to wound just as a super annoying board control clog. 

    Methinks Bloodforged is not bad, the Skullgrinder at least is a cheap but strong hero, i REALLY want to test him out! Wrathmongers are now super cheap and strike me as a great hammer unit that can attack from behind your blood Warriors (that 2 inch range helps) I dare say Wrathmongers hiding behind blood warriors or Bloodreavers would be pretty solid. Only problem with Bloodforged is the reliance on skullgrinder being alive (this is Khorne after all)

    and I do think Slaughterborn Blood Warrior block with gorefists, use Goretide Command ability for 6 inch run and Bloodstoker for 3 inch bonus to charges, it’ll be 23 inch threat range, and with a +3 bonus to charges

    Problem being that may not be far enough to get the enemy... however, I think it’s enough to flood an objective with 30 Blood Warriors, which would be a headache to remove (60 wounds at 4+ save that ignores rend 1!), and you could buff it with Bronzed Flesh! I think it’s a good way to surprise your opponent and force them to react! 

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Killax said:

    As above, you can, but it doesn't add up/stack.
    In addition, while you do get the discount, I don't think 40 Bloodreavers are really worth thaking. 20 are, with Meatripper axes, and smaller pockets of 10 are aswell.

    So why not the 40? Well, without Battleshock immunity and thaking Blood Tithe into consideration, they are, in my opinion best used as fodder or objective huggers.

    On the flipside, 10 Bloodwarriors with Gorefists are good now.  A lot of other units became slighty cheaper or easier in use, so I feel the 140 point units are often the focus of 'what is good'. 

    I think the real reason unhappiness occured is simple; Khorne got a Wizard Tower and Magic Spells. It's litterly what nobody asked for but what we simply got.

    While our Slaughterpriests and Magic Spells are certainly great, the whole reason it doesn't gel well with many is that it's often mentioned in lore from roughly the last 30 years that Khorne (especially in Fantasy) favours melee combat, 'simple slaughter' and despises the use of magic or basically anything that isn't close combat focused. This makes the new release very ironic, comedic and not really in the positive sence for lore fans. 

    I fully agree with you that we are still great in close combat, and mainly due to our magic and abilities can continue that. I must say it's weird to have Battleshock largely removed for Mortals however. In that sence I think the Wizard Tower could have acted in a different manner aswell ;) 

    My perspective on new Khorne is:
    - You will have to like the Slaughterpriests and Endless Spells, they are our 'gifts' in this new book. Not using them kind of defeats the bonus we get from our Allegiance. It would be like not using a Herdstone while you are Beasts of Chaos for example. The same applies to the Hosts from my perspective also. The allround army buffs available (small as they seem) is what keeps us around.

    - We can focus one unit to be an amazing powerhouse. It's just that as an army we are less of a wave of continious attacks. Battleshock playes a role in that part but even more larger is that as an allround army we've become significantly slower, due to how the Bloodstoker is limited and the Wrath of Khorne's Command Ability is gone.

    - You can focus much more specialized if you really want to make a particular unit work. We have a bucketload of Battalions, all of them pretty much focussing on one type of unit. It will make that particular type of unit work well. As before, I pretty much like everything that doesn't cost 180 points (which is 90% of the book or something). Reasons being: - Skullcrushers can be a tarpit but otherwise are very hard to keep into the bubble; - Skullreapers have some great offense but so have Bloodletters and the difference between them now is smaller than ever. 

    Rounding it with the pro's and con's of this army:
    + Way better ranged support than ever, from Endless Spells to Skullcannons with Wrathmongers
    + Options to heavily focus on one type of unit you really like, the diversity in Khorne armies from my gut feeling should massively increase
    + Actual acces to a good MSU unit with cheap great smaller heroes

    - We are slower as before, we can kamikaze Bloodthirster, but otherwise the army as a whole is significantly slower
    - If you want to kill Monsters (or named characters) with relative ease you have to really commit to it, which can bite you
    - Despite diversity, my personal top competitive view on Khorne is the same as it used to be, you either go 'Gore Pilgrims style' or 'Bloodletters/Bloodthirsters'

    All and all I'm not sad, mad or upset. Do think this is the funniest Khorne release ever though. 


    Right you are mate. I’ll admit, I was also a little disappointed about the whole endless prayers thing, heck, I was actually hoping for no terrain for Khorne. Buuut, I’m pretty much rationalizing (read: deluding) myself by seeing it as this: Throw your Judgements of Khorne at enemy ranged units to force them into GLORIOUS close combat (I remember Killax saying that earlier), remember: we aren’t being cowardly if the enemy started shooting us first!!! It’s only right for us to retaliate! Also I did wish the bleeding icon wasn’t just a Damage Judgement :/ I love wrath-Axe and hexgorger skulls, but bleeding icon is kinda meh for me 

    it will be a ton of fun using your judgements (like wrath-Axe) to rip through both your units AND your opponent’s units, albeit not competitive, but I do like that debuff, might help our lads survive

    2 hours ago, Xasz said:

    Why even bother with Gore Pilgrims?

    Pressing the maximum of 4 behemoths/BTs into one list and having two priests for support sounds way better to me than paying tax for another battalion and Mr. Banner. Who cannot keep up with the important models, does only add 1A to weapons that already have 4-6 and has a good chance of not getting these models wholly within.

    I highly doubt that he is a valuable addition for a monster list, we are just deeply programmed to automatically add him to everything...


    I don't think we are on the same page regarding the definition of "monster".

    I'm talking about models like the vampire lord on dragon, star drakes and the lot. Models that hit like a truck and are rather survivable due to good saves, healing capabilities or debuffs. BTs fall into this category as well, just on the less survivable and cheaper spectrum.

    Just do the math on how many no rend attacks you'll need to down a VLoZD, disregarding the fact that he can heal. Now factor in that you will not always be the one to hit first and that your opponent can interact with you through clipping your unit on both sides or just deny you combat (usually these high end monsters have high movement and flying).

    The one unit I can see work for this kind of style are Blood Warriors, as they will always hit at least once and have some stuff going for them with Bloodmad and Goretide. In a game you will probably get them to 3-5 attacks per model (I know you could do 6, but that's not easy to pull of in an actual).  There is a good chance you can trade favorably by sacrificing units of 10 Blood Warriors but it is not really reliable. That's the point were I would ally in some daemons and leave the mortals only territory. Skullfiends with WoK, Valkia and whatever doesn't sound half bad in my opinion. 


    I've lost track, can we spam BB or not?

    Ahhh ic, really sorry I misunderstood you! I was thinking about all models with the keyword MONSTER, so I kept thinking about meat bags with lots of wounds and damage concentrated into a single model rather than ethereal amulet VLODs and others like that.

    My only problem being that Bloodthirsters are so ridiculously squishy (4+ save is just... bad)... 


    • Like 1
  17. I noticed there’s a lot of unhappiness in this thread. Which is understandable. The endless “prayers”, mandatory Slaughterpriests, boring rules, etc. 

    i mean, we’re still however really good in close combat, thanks to our buffs, and the slaughterhosts are a very cool new toy to play with

    our blood Tithe is still a fun allegiance ability, imho more fun than Gloomspite Gitz and Nighthaunt (no offense to them :P, Khorne bless them),  at least our allegiance ability isn’t a minor bonus, and it does significantly change the way we play as we can afford to take more risks than our opponents. 

    All in all, I do admit that it almost seems Khorne is an unpopular army (rumor thread was moaning when Khorne revealed at LVO, AOS reddit was up in arms, calling Khorne hypocrite, this that, whatever), which is kinda saddening

    but, I do feel that we still have teeth, and imo I think we can take this army somewhere. 

    I made a TGA account specifically to join this thread because it was friendly, there is tactics discussion, and it’s nice to find familiar company in this hobby. And I do not regret coming here at all. 

    We’ll find a way to get through this obstacle. And who knows? Forbidden Power and the Darkoath might just give us the edge we need to whack that preening undead pope and morathi’s fan club out of tournaments. 

    Until then, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!

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  18. 8 hours ago, Xasz said:

    Pretty much that, we can neither blast them with priests nor use Wrathmongers anymore and rend is a luxury for mortals...

    In my Goretide + Bloodmad drafts, the only thing remotely anti-monster is the mighty lord which is... insufficient.

    Right now I think our anti-monster will be extremely different, and we’ll Have to get used to killing monsters the old fashioned way... (with an axe). Thanks to the lack of toughness here (fixed wound rolls help), monsters are effectively an entire unit of their own, usually with 12-14 wounds, all of our units can now access an inane amount of attacks and can saturate big monsters. Most beasties have poor save rolls (usually 5+, maybe some rare 4+), and thus It’ll be “death by a thousand cuts”. 

    7 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    I used to use his previous ability to get hero hunting with my Skulltake Battalion so I could proc the double damage and mortal wounds more often. But now...yeah...I mean he's fine...but... eh. 

    He’s got an extra attack, and his bravery buff has a decent impact. He might be worth it over exalted deatjbringer becUsee the Deathbringer uses CPs which we are really strapped for 

    5 hours ago, Xasz said:

    The other BTs are at 300 and 280, the abilities of WoK are still rather unique.


    I think the WoK Bloodthirster is still strong, just in a different way. His command ability can buff an Insensate Rage Bloodthirster or Skarbrand. Heck, even Bloodcrushers would appreciate it. Unfettered Fury thirster looks Interesting as well since he can tie up shooting units and they can’t retreat. His command ability is good for letting an Insensate Rage get into best position to thwack as many enemies as possible. It really feels like Tyrants of a Blood combined with a mortal battalion, maybe Gore Pilgrims, might be worth a shot.    

    4 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    It would be ideal to build a list with Skarbrand as my centerpiece but since I don't have any other demons (Bloodmaster, Skullmaster, Skulltaker, Blood Throne, etc...) I have no way to buff other demons or any demonic support. I just have hordes of mortals and Skarbrand and an Insensate Rage Bloodthirster. I planned on getting a 3rd bloodthirster at some point. I just don't know what little demons are worth having or using or how to mix them in with the people part of the army. 

    I have no idea why but it really feels like all 3 variants of Bloodthirster+Skarbrand would be an interesting list in a tyrants of Blood battalion, with gore Pilgrims as battleline/support. 

    Make WoK General, use Blood Lords, give halo of blood artifact to WoK, get another artifact, give Skullreaver to Insensate Rage, get a third and give Armor of Scorn artifact to Unfettered Fury 

    Blood Lords is good because the Command ability is an AOe heal, WoK can fight first, Insensate Rage can reroll hits thanks to WoK.  Unfettered fury can attack ranged units and tie them up, and they can’t retreat 

    i’ll write Up a sample list soon

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  19. 4 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I would say from my own experience that the Beast of chaos are a armie that relies on their movement.

    unlike most armies this guys can run cross the board like nothing, making them probably one of the fastest armies I’ve ever seen (next to deepkins).

    where they struggle though is in punch unlike the deepkins, they’re armie isn’t really great at killing stuff, sure we have a few units like the Bestigors and Tzaangor enlightenment (probaly Alain Tzaangors) But if it comes down I would probably say that we’re a staying force, trying to outmaneuver our enemy and strike when the time is right.

    as for battalions, Boc is probably one of the newer armies who can easily have a one drop armie.

    there battalions aren’t as great as other but compared to what the skaven have, they’re at least useful.

    also don’t worry about crushing your foe-friend, as long as your not interested in going heavy on Tzaangors in particularly you should be fine.

    just mix and match what ever you like, nothing beats and armie that looks cool.




    Thanks a lot! Tbh I don’t mind buying some Enlightened, I just wouldn’t bring 18 of them to a 2k points game (I think I’d go insane painting so many), and yeah I did notice after reading battle reports here  that Beasts of Chaos struggled with killing stuff but were incredible at the objectives game

    So I know that the Gavespawn are easily the strongest Greatfray, but are there any ways to make Allherd decently viable in 2k points? 

    Also, @The_Yellow_Signbeautiful paint job!! 

    • Like 1
  20. 28 minutes ago, NemoVonUtopia said:

    Yes to both unless the new book changes that which I hope so since I waste a lot of bloodtithe points that way.

    With the changes to wrathmongers, are they any good mortal answers to high damage monsters? Previous I relied on wrathmongers to suicide themselves so the big targets kill themselves. Now it seems like I will be stuck with trying to drown them in no rend one damage attacks and slaughterpriests. 

    @Bululucould u confirm whether we can store blood Tithe? And when we spend BT, how are we able to distribute spending? Can we buy multiple rewards/summon multiple daemon units? Thanks in advance

    2 minutes ago, SirPug said:

    What do you guys think about he new Skullgrinder? Seems to lack purpose if you ask me. But its not like he was common sight before.

    Skullgrinder doesn’t seem like much, but I feel his bravery buff will be needed a lot now that we don’t completely ignore an entire battleshock phase. Plus, he’s got massive natural DPS, meaning we don’t even need to give him an artifact to kill things. He’s also really cheap, so your opponent may not be willing to pour fire into him, when you have your support heroes (Slaughterpriest, Bloodsecrator, stoker, etc.) bearing down on him.

    Either way, he combines cheap source of blood Tithe, with great natural damage, a useful buff, and that mortal wounds whack might just knock out a hero(who average 5 wounds, and that’s only if said hero survives the grinder’s initial attack) or drag a monster one level down its damage table, all of which are great outcomes for such a cheap hero

    P.S. He loves attack buffs

  21. 2 hours ago, AresX8 said:

    Nope! His command ability is useful since it's now all Mortal units wholly within 16", and his Reality-Splitting Axe now works in any phase instead of just the combat phase (ie if you make him fight in the hero phase, it works there too). 

    He's best in Goretide, given the Gorecleaver and made your General. This fixes his main issue, damage output. He now does a minimum of 2 damage per hit (Goretide Command Trait is +1 damage to one weapon or all, not 100% sure), at a -2 Rend, but when you roll a 6 to wound... double damage! This means he's doing 2d3 + 1 per hit as per Designer's Commentary. 

    I do think Mighty lord is solid now, especially since he can also dispel endless Spells. He’s also cheap(ish), so if he dies it’s not too painful. And he’s still very resilient against non-MWs with that sweet 3+ save. 

    That said, if Korghos Khul’s Command ability is meant for the combat phase, I actually really like it. It’s a large bubble of re-roll hits of 1, and methinks that’s gonna be a real kicker. Plus, he lost his ability to pile in twice and attack, but I think his points dropped. However, I love that 8 inch pile in. It gives a LOT of flexibility with positioning, and having had a Space Wolf friend doing 6 inch heroic interventions, I think it’s pretty good. 

  22. 2 hours ago, ledha said:

    The warshrine. Unlike the others slaughterpriest, he can go with the first line without being instantly sniped, and will help a lot in this regard to maintain the endless spells.

    YES PLEASE, FINALLY I HAVE MOTIVATION TO DEDICATE MY WARSHRINE TO KHORNE. He can get Blood Blessings, he’s got his own prayer, AND he can use Judgements. That’s actually a TON of utility. 

    Still looking forward to the eventual darkoth/Slaves to Darkness update, especially if it gives Khorne new baller stuff! 

  23. 2 hours ago, Bozly said:

    I like it too especially since all the units have a 4+ in that battalion.

    I feel like Slaughterborn and Bloodmad warband seem especially strong since they don’t have any reliance on a specific hero. Gore Pilgrims is still nasty thanks to the Mobile Bloodsecrator. I’m not really an expert on a Daemons, although Murderhost and Tyrants of blood are the standouts for me(Many of the others have situational buffs against heroes/monsters, and some require far too many units)

    2 hours ago, Praecautus said:

    So here’s a question, many of us use Slave or other non-khorne chaos units. Are there any potential winners or new combos to explore with the new book?

    Three I can think of are

    1 Warshrine gets reroll prayers near the alter

    2 Daemon prince has the locus of fury reroll 1s

    3 soulgrinder gets +1 range attack near wrath mongers, plus locus with a hero nearby

    I am sure there are more though

    The Lord on Daemonic Mount has access to artifacts, traits i’m I’m not mistaken. Plus our sheer attacks stacking can work well with charging Chaos Knights. Heck even a Chaos mammoth might just ruin someone’s day. 

    I feel that Daemon Prince might just be really good with Mark of the slayer. It’s a solid buff to all Khorne models, and he’s got 2 weapons for all the Attack buffs. Devastating blow or immense power trait could turn him into a monster 


    what are everyone’s thoughts on the new slaughterhosts? Personally, I feel that Goretide and Reapers of Vengeance will be really good, since their abilities are almost always good. 

  24. 19 minutes ago, XReN said:

    Yep, the amount of points that we pay for such things as summoning and ressurecting models rubs me wrong too. All our non leader units are somewhat overpriced even if compared with other undead, and it become sligtly better for monsters without GK on top because the chalice can potentially give them good heal

    And being a khorne player, I noticed that the mounted kings and the monsters w/o riders seem incredibly overpriced. 400pts for a mounted TG or ZD, and that’s equal to skarbrand.

    Granted, the mounted kings can summon, but what about the monsters without a rider? They are literally 300pts each, and can’t be summoned and can’t be mustered, which is equal to Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, more ex than an Unfettered Fury, both of whom are heroes with command abilities, access to traits AND artifacts

    and then there are dankhold Troggoths that aren’t even monsters, and that trick with Fight Another Day Loonboss, who are both still cheaper than terrorghesist and zombie dragons w/o riders who honestly don’t seem op at all, in fact they seem REALLY overcosted

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