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Posts posted by Darkhan

  1. 10 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well if their won’t be too many points increases for us, that will be true.

    Thankfully, not many have them,

    Yet we have one.

    will be a ton of fun using splinter or dreaded splinter

    ooooh, through a spell portal, lolol

    @Skreech Verminking who has the dreaded splinter again?

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. This formation SHOULD work for clanrats, to hinder any coherency casualties.

    - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
     - - - 8 - - - 9 - - - 0 - - -


    Unless....the opponent has single target specific spell / ability..

    • Like 1
  3. 45 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well maybe not in units of more then four, at least not with the 6 attacks mutations.

    If they don’t go up in points I could see them being a pretty great option with the 4+ save and 6wounds mutation on a unit of 8 of them

    as for nightrunners, I’m not too wuite hooked on them.

    I’ve previously used them as a safety screens against any alpha or beta strike armies.

    With that function gone, I’m not sure that I would take them for 80points.

    Maybe at 60 I would reconsider 

    6 wont be any problem as well, as soon as the unit goes down to 5 models, they just have to be within 1" of each other. 

    I was cracking my brains with this rule, regarding stormfiends, and had a eureka moment when thinking about the 5 model count rules;p

  4. 48 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

    The main issue will be board control to prevent any kind of deep striking in my opinion. Especially with large cheap units you will now cover a lot less ground. 

    44" by 60" now, so will help some:)

  5. 2 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’ll have to try it out myself.

    without my general (who died through a lucky shot, from my opponent) I wasn’t really much able to use them.

    Still 180 points for dealing a good amount of damage really isn’t that bad, especially when you’ve still got a good amounts of points left to spend on other stuff

    They just never work for me like I want to haha..I tend to roll a lot of 1s, yes, I even rolled double one that game with overcharged shooting haha.

  6. Oh btw! I tried 5 rattling guns + 2 warpfires against OBR. Warpfire were amazing, both destroyed themselves after they fired the first time, took out 14-15 mortek guards in each unit (20 in both units)…rattling was shait, as I already knew😂 4s n 4s with only rerolling hits does not beat stormfiend rattling guns:/

  7. 19 hours ago, DocKeule said:

     "Look out Sir!" in 3.0 will only apply to heroes below 10 wounds. 

    That will make the bell and the furnace even more squishy 😐

    People actually target the bell?;p Never experienced that, that I can remember.

  8. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah incredible sneaky.

    Just think of the endless combination.

    One of our biggest problems we had was that we weren’t really able to get a good alpha strike through.

    now with a warpgrinder team bringing up 40clanrats more then 9” away from enemy lines with 3-4 warpfire thrower, who are within 7inches in range, this can be brutal.

    Or skitterleaping a warlock engineer with the overseer of destruction trait, buffing those 3rattling you senaky rat have been hidding in this unit, will make it a very interesting build.

    I really love these new buffs.

    Even moulder has gotten some new buffs that really do look tasty.

    Rat ogors for 90points with 6wounds and a 4+ save each!

    wow that is just amazing.

    I especially like the ferocious trait where their attacks characterisitcs are increased to 6, which makes them amazing and deadly brutes of the battlefield, something they always wanted to be but never got till now

    hordes be aware,

    new kroak be aware,

    soaven are back baby,


    Give me more tactics Skreech! MOOORE!

  9. 1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

    Thank you for the suggestions. I'm not much of a tournament guy and the list doesn't have to be super competetive. It's just Thanquol is such a great model I'm not sure if I will get into Skaven without him.

    Can you please explain what is needed to have a full reroll on windlaunchers? And making them 6d6?

    I get you:) Thanquol does way better in fixed list. But hey, play what you want;)

    You need to cast "more-more warp power" on a unit for it to reroll everything, launchers only do a total of 6 attacks IF you run a unit of 6x fiends, since you'll have 2x launchers, 2x miniguns, 2x close combat units. 6xd6 attacks is for the miniguns:) One minigun model got 3xd6 attacks.

    The command trait "deranged inventor" makes you reroll hits (in a bubble around the person who has the trait). But you miss out on that since Thanquol is a named character. Hope it helps clear things up!

    • Thanks 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    I was thinking of something similar. I'd rather stay away from Acolytes. 

    Allegiance: Skaventide



    Thanquol on Boneripper (390)

    - 4 Warpfire Braziers

    Warlock Bombardier (120)

    Warlock Bombardier (120)





    3 x Stormfiends (260)

    3 x Stormfiends (260)

    1 x Doomwheel (150)

    3 x Stormfiends (260)



    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)


    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs

    Warp Lightning Vortex (80)


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 0

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 101


    Your best bet is to get rid of Thanquol in a skryre list, you miss out on the rerolling hits command trait aura for your fiends, that way you can "buff" them all if more more warp power fails on one unit.
    Have you tried stormfiends in a unit of 6x before? Watch your opponent cry as you unleash 6xd6 attacks with rerolling all, 2 dmg each hit with the machine gunz.
    If you want to go skryre, here is a fun 1 drop list (artefacts Vigordust injector + vial of fulminator):


  11. 9 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

    At least the lack of mounted vampire can be easily remedied with anvil of apotheosis.

    It would have been great to have rat swarms for Kritza to utilise and give him a little pied piper playstyle, definitely feel they missed a bit of a trick with that one.

    I thought they were going to do this with the rats from cursed city. Why the hell even call him rat king. 
    So much potential.. 

    • Like 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    For what it's worth, I am planning to pick up Kritza and Annika next week for the models and will probably throw them into a list occasionally.

    Kritza is really janky at the moment, since his "Scurrying Retreat" triggers every movement phase after he dies once. Even if he already got resurrected. And his "copies" dying should give you more "Scurrying Retreat" triggers, too.

    Him just coming back onto the board wherever you want is kinda nice. It could make a difference in scenarios with heroes capturing objectives. Especially since he can be your general in additon in a Vyrkos list.

    And he's still a hero, so at least he can provide Deathless Minions, the Vyrkos +1 to wound and Inspiring Presence. Not too bad for a small hero that you don't care about losing.


    Annika is kinda tanky, which is fun. 6 wounds, 4+/4+ (so Phoenix Guard levels) and heals herself completely if she kills something. Probably impossible to grind down by no-rend attacks. I don't see a real role for her in the army, but she aight.

    Yes, they lack a proper synergy. New reveal monday and everything, no idea why they didnt make them more unique.

    I will be surprised if they don't faq the endless kritza respawn.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, herohammer said:

    I like the book and am glad it isn’t 1-3 insane units to spam and a bunch of lesser units in comparison like LRL or IDK nor is it super broken one way or another like seraphon or sylvaneth.

    Then again I like the slaanesh book alright too so I suppose I have different priorities having played for 4 editions of warhammer.

    I just like books that have multiple reasonable builds and I feel SbGL provides that.

    Super broken like Sylvaneth? Whaaat?;p

    broken, as ****** army I hope you mean.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    Creativity, inspiration whatever you'd like to call it - what I mean is the amount of thematic rules in the book, on the allegiance abilities and warscrolls. 

    Our faction abilities and are ok, some are more thematic than others. The warscrolls however, a lot of them are sadly quite bland. 

    What makes a warscroll thematic (to me) is th special abilities and spells on it. The current iteration of the Vampire Lord is especially bad for this - he has the same cookie cutter profile as any vampire in the book. That's not just any vampire lord, but any vampire, even Vargheists, they all swing more or less the same. 

    On top of that the Vampire Lord has no special rules to distinguish him as a vampire lord, except the hunger which again every vampire has. He can cast magic but has no unique spell and has a command ability which while nice is a pretty generic command ability seen again and again. 

    The vampire lord doesn't feel much like a lord, instead it comes of as any other vampire in the book. I don't think they got very creative with the lord - hence why I said lack of creativity. I mean even our old warscroll had more flavour with the flying horror, nightmare steed and the chalice there. 

    I feel like more could have been done with them, that's all. Zombies and skeletons got some really cool rules changes and they feel very on theme, there's some real vision there. 

    I just do not see the same strength of vision for the lord or the fell bats. For Black Knights I think they tried but didn't change them enough - leaving them in an awkward spot where it would have been better had they not tried. 

    For me it's not a bad book, it's just a bit bland.

    Kritza and Lady Annika...no reason at all to include those two, I had so high hopes. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I find that Skavens are bit hit&miss. You can't just take a full subfaccion without losing the main skaven battleline and batallions are all or nothing. Their gimmicks are close to one use. Their really BIG roster feels really small when you try to make a thematic force.

    I can't talk about OBR, my opponent (1 OBR player) only play the same 4 units again and again.

    SBGL seems to give you the option to take any of the subfaccions and put whatever you want in it and it will still be playable! Yes, we have some boring units, but their own synergies are just there from the start: all SBGL heroes have the Deadly Invocation and Deathless Minions that already interact with a lot of SBGL units and 80% of Heroes are Wizards with Invigorating Aura, that's without taking in consideration their warscroll and subfaccion. And Summoneable and Vampire keywords already interacts with active and passive spells/abilities/CAs!

    It could be better? Yes of course, like better Lores, better customizations (Vampire powers and I really wanted necromancers to have mounts like corpse carts and mortis engine, giving a deadwalker list a bigger roster), etc...

    But that's far away from a battletome being bad or boring.

    I gotta disagree about skaven, but hey! We have the rights to have our own opinions😄 

    You don't have a lot of different units in OBR compared to Soulblight, so I can understand him taking 4 units;p

    I agree, everything is playable! But I don't see this as a tier A army. I may be TOTALLY wrong tho. I really look forward to see different lists in tournaments. How the army preform on the tavle. Some super creative list builders out there in the competitive scene.

    • Like 1
  16. Went through every angle in this book..making a list with blood knights as main. Then did a Daughters of Khaine list...

    I dunno but, the DoK bok just synergises 100% better with all the units. 
    Same with Skaven. Same with OBR. All 3 armies I play.

    You have units that acutally do something, have a role. In the soulblight book you have plenty of units that dont do ******😂

    Seems rushed, and not proper done. Just a little glace missing!


    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  17. On 5/9/2021 at 10:24 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

    The trailer would be a perfect trailer for clan eshin assasin, 

    there are just a few problems I’m facing eith that theory.

    There was talk of a new breed, and it is the realm of ghur.

    so eirher it will be sneaky file ratman abomination of the clans moulder, a new kind of Beast-men, or new orks.

    There have also been the idea that it could be spiderriders

    As much as I would love new skaven. Fimir would be pretty cool as well.

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