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Posts posted by Kasper

  1. 17 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Funny, a few people have disagreed with your 1st point and have said that my list is "auto-play" like Changehost Flamer spam, which I find pretty funny. It plays on a knifes edge and 1 little thing going wrong can see you lose outright. But yeah, I've only ever make all-comers lists even when I was playing locally in a meta with nearly no shooting.. simply because I plan to play at large events. It still can really struggle vs shooting as all of your Heroes are the crux, Kairos in particular.. but I haven't played against a lot of heavy shooting yet or if I have it's only been 1-2 units that get shut down with Be'lakor. It does have a lot of tools, but at the end of the day it's super fragile to almost anything.

    That sounds so crazy to me. A lot of armies are super easy to pilot and they pretty much play themselves or are super straight forward once you have slammed them down on the table. I think people get a bit frustrated playing against this kind of list because it is very unique - Typically when you play AoS you get to play your army the way you want to - It might not be good enough and your opponents army might be superior in combat/counters yours, but this list basically tells your opponent "no" or asks a question a bunch of times, which isnt how AoS is typically played. It also got a ton of tools for almost any situation - I havent really had good usage out of Wind of Chaos until now, but good grief is it insane when you are hitting a horde unit and not 5-10 model units.


    Im surprised there is nearly no shooting in your local meta.. We have quite a few that play Stormcast and sometimes opt for a shooty list, Seraphon players with Thunder Lizard (Bastiladons in that are so insane vs Tzeentch), some KO and also some LRL with Sentinels. I think this list is significantly better in a more combat/magic focused meta since you dont have to worry as much about keeping your stuff way back. In my matchup against Seraphon I almost couldnt get my heroes within range of the objectives in fear of 2 Bastiladons just ripping apart Kairos or removing 2 squishy heroes per turn.


    17 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Great-Bray Shaman
    While I haven't used it yet, I think the Devolve setup probably works better in HA because you can combine that with the free 6" move you get.. even better if you run some Enlightened/Skyfires. 9/10 times I'm going to be casting Gift or Winds of Chaos through the portal.. but pulling something off an objective or buff range like you said is a great way to use it although you have to be very mindful of your positioning since it moves towards your closest unit/model. This list goes very deep into controlling the midboard so any tools to expedite things being in that range is nice.. combat armies are usually already there since they want to hit you, but shooting based stuff can easily sit back which where this comes in.

    Combining additional movement with Devolve will certainly make it stronger, but I do think sometimes it is worth implementing tricks that dont necessarily always grant you a huge bonus, but instead provides a threat that your opponent needs to worry about. I used to always include teleport mechanics in my lists - Not because they always did a whole lot of work for me, but it messed with my opponent's head since he constantly had to think about zoning out the possiblity of me deepstriking something. Not every army got a ton of cheap chaff, so by simply having a teleport mechanic I suddenly "wasted" alot of his forces that would otherwise be pushing against my army. I think this is another case of a trick where your opponent will go "Damn, if I roll a 10+ on the move, my unit is done for.. Better place it way back!" which already there typically gives you value. 


    17 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Fold Reality
    I'm usually only casting it if I have 15-20 or less Horrors left in a unit and I can risk not rolling a 1.. by that I mean that if I think those 15-20 can survive that combat phase and I have a CP to spend on them then I may just do that so I don't risk them going away altogether and freeing up my squishy heroes to be punched. That said, if you create layers of screens then that isn't a worry. For example, I played against an Ogor list in the GT I'm in Sunday night and lost about 12 horrors that were tying up a single Ironguts thanks to rolling a 1.. now I was able to get that objective back since I just killed him with a spell, but I had nothing else threatening that part of the board for that turn so I felt I could risk it. Especially since I've been able to get 10 Blues a turn to replace them with.

    I guess it will just require some more getting used to. In my example I had 2 blues and 18 brims left on an objective. That isnt a lot of wounds. They would probably die to 2 Bastiladons shooting the following turn, where as getting additional Pinks and using a DD 1 would secure the objective for at least 2 rounds. Rolling a 1 meant he would get the objective. Guess it is tricky to figure out if it is worth it or not. 


    17 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Glad you've been running it and enjoying it... once this GT is over I'm going to be practicing with 2 different versions and see what I like. The Changeling and Ogroid are both 2 wizards that I think will be more beneficial than the Magister/Changecaster.. although I would hate to lose that 2nd fast hero, it wouldn't be detrimental. The Changeling with Geminids is going to allow me to get things down to -3 to hit, which can go to -5 to hit and -2 to wound if a unit also gets Treason, Arcane Suggestion and Enfeeble thrown onto it. Basically it's just another unit shutdown at the cost of some potential damage that the Changecaster would have provided. Bolt of Change doesn't do much for me, so swapping him for an Ogroid with a better spell for Kairos to cast and being a reasonable beatstick like Be'lakor seems better to me

    The Ogroid spell is actually kind of interesting. I like the idea of implementing some healing to keep Kairos alive and perhaps counter some chip damage that would otherwise bracket him by turn 2 (like Comet's Call). Going from a D6 MW spell to a secured 6 flat MW is pretty big when you are trying to snipe something.


    Edit: I dont really see this list falling out of fashion anytime soon. I think it is currently at its worst against all the shooty lists that are really hot (at least in my playing field) - If things shift around and there is a much bigger focus on combat units, then I think it will only get better since you can comfortably sit back behind screens and dominate the midboard. I sometimes wish I had a screen or two of 10 Brims, especially to lock down my backline as I push forward, or simpy to layer up with screens against a potential double turn. 


    I also cant really decide on my endless spells. I think Balewind Vortex is too good for the Changecaster, even if just for Fate Points. But as we talked about, sometimes the Changecaster is hot, sometimes he is not. I think thats a general theme with this list - Not every single piece is incredible against every single matchup, but the effects are powerful enough that it works regardless.

    Im a bit uncertain of Balewind Vortex on the Magister on Disc and his "Magic-touched" ability. What if you cast Balewind Vortex with a double, then cast his Bolt of Change on a double, will he die then? Or can you just say you used up the extra spell from the Balewind (prior to casting obviously), instead of using his extra spellcast from "Magic-touched"? Otherwise Balewind could be reasonable on him so he can cast his -1 hit/wound and his Bolt of Change with extended range and securing he wont suicide. When you need to zoom across the table, you can just auto dispell the Balewind.

    Spellportal is absolutely a must-take.

    The third slot is kinda where Im uncertain. Geminids is great for getting extra MWs and stacking -1 to hit, especially since you dont care as much about it being thrown back at ya with the way the army plays. I havent tried Daemonrift yet. I really like the Palisade against a shooty meta and as we talked about it offers some options to really mess with your opponent coupled with a Spawn and HD no retreat.

  2. @Gwendar Been playing 5 games in a combination of IRL/TTS recently with the "control list" and it is a lot of fun! There is so much depth to the list, and it certainly isnt a list that plays itself unlike many other armies where you just slap them on the table and they will do all the work for you by default. I really like that you have such a huge toolbox so you almost have something against any given matchup - This is generally my issue with AoS - Where I play we typically make an "all comers list" instead of tailoring our list based on what we are gonna play against. This creates super frustrating situations at times where you have a list that dont really have a lot of tools against the given army it is gonna face. I havent felt like this yet with this list yet, since there is a tool for pretty much any job. 

    Yesterday I played vs FoS Seraphon with Kroak package, 1 set of Skink heroes, Slann, 40 Skinks, 30 Skinks, 2 Bastiladons and Spellportal. Those 7 boardwide unbinds with +2 is super frustrating to play against! I also really hate Bastiladons with their immense threat range - Its almost impossible to hide from them, where as the Skinks can be screened easily.

    I outdropped him and opt'd to go first as we deployed our units - We played on Battle for the Pass but noticed his Skink heroes were rather far forward - So I deployed in such a way that I could 2+ Spellportal with the Blue Scribes and then DD 11 a Gift of Change into his Skink Priest right away. Used my Be'lakor on one of his Bastiladons in case he got the double, meant I likely wouldnt have to fear being dropped by 2 Bastiladons shooting twice in 2 turns.

    I won priority and managed to DD 9 a Wind of Chaos into his 40 Skinks. It did something stupid like 27 MWs. I love this spell against hordes! I rolled kinda hot on some of the 6s for D3 MWs. His face was priceless when he saw his 40 Skinks decimated in no time. The remaining ran to battleshock.  I moved some Horrors + Kairics up to shoot his other 30 Skinks and reduced them significantly and he basically called it already there. I dont think it was entirely over, but his Kroak was sat so far back that I could easily cap the 2 middle objectives without getting within 22" of Kroak. I had no intention of pushing to his side of the board, although by turn 2 I had 25 fate points and could easily have ran my Blue Scribes up to summon 10 Pinks 9" away from his objective and then attempted a charge, or I could have bolstered one of the other objectives with another 50 Wounds. He basically only had 2 Bastiladons to deal any kind of damage by now, and even though they wreck Daemons, they arent clearing 10 Pinks any time soon. The score would have been 10-2 by the end of turn 2 and he couldnt really get to mine, so the game was probably over.  


    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Hosts Duplicitous

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (260)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Will of the Phantom Lord
    - Artefact: Brand of the Spirit Daemon
    - Lore of Fate: Arcane Suggestion
    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    - Lore of Change: Fold Reality
    The Blue Scribes (120)
    - Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm
    Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)
    - Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
    Great-Bray Shaman (100) (Allies)
    Be'Lakor (240) (Allies)

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    - 7x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield
    - 3x Cursed Glaives

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)
    Umbral Spellportal (70)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 79

    Some general thoughts/questions


    Im really not entirely sure how Im meant to play Be'lakor once he is on the table and done his thing. I feel like he is "pretty much just there", hanging back. It is rare I have gotten Enfeeble off.  Bastiladons would easily roast him since he is a Daemon, so it seemed pointless to run him forward - Maybe he could have just soaked some damage so my Horrors would have been more healthy? I decided to just keep him back and had him zone out a large part of my backline. My opponent could have teleported 40 Skinks in his turn 1 into the top side of my zone, but all he could do was shoot Be'lakor and then his Skinks were stranded near me and ready to be blasted, or lose all their buffs for his next turn, meaning they are kinda worthless. Seemed like a decent bait which he didnt take. Maybe his purpose is more against combat armies where he can move up behind a screen and cast Enfeeble on some combat unit?


    Im really not sure about this guy. Again, Im really defensive against shooting armies. I feel like he's just sitting back on his Balewind, not in reach of anything. At least he is generating 2-3 Fate Points per turn quite reliable. I played against a Sureheart SCE list where he could sit behind screens and blast, but against any ranged army he's just sitting back? Maybe Im too afraid of losing the guy.

    Great-Bray Shaman

    I couldnt really decide between trying to Devolve something or just straight up casting Gift of Change to ensure a low wound hero would die. My fear is using Devolve through the Spellportal, only for my opponent to roll double 1s on the move.. The fact he is there really put a lot of fear into my opponent though. It was the first game with this guy over the Magister on a Disc. I think on a "normal" battleplan it would be easier to pull something forward and have my dudes be within 18" of the target - There is just so much space on Battle for the Pass. He might shine later on in the game where you can pull something off an objective, or pull a unit outside of a buff aura like HGB etc. Imagine pulling HGB outside of their 4+ spell ignore aura and then get blasted!

    Blue Scribes

    I keep forgetting to learn spells on a 4+. I probably wouldnt do it on every single spell, but learning stuff like Wind of Chaos is quite huge, since he can 2+ it through the Spellportal the following turns, if my opponent doesnt decide to dispell it. Thats insane against horde units like 40 Skinks. 

    Fold Reality

    I have actually yet to cast this spell on my Horrors. Might be due to inexperience, but how aggressive are you with casting this? I had 1 unit that was basically 2 blues and 18 brims on an objective. I thought about throwing Fold Reality on them since there are "only" 22 wounds remanining. I just fear rolling a 1 and losing the objective, but rolling anything else, returning at least 1 banner guy and then DD 1 on the battleshock would really bolster the unit immensely. I guess you really need to calculate if you NEED the additional wounds to win the game vs playing it safe. Any indication for when you cast Fold Reality or you just risk it for the biscuit?

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Ekaan92 said:

    Hi fellow tzeentch Players! I'm mainly a S2D player, But my favorite god is tzeentch, so I've dipped my toes in the book a little bit, but thought I could use some advice on my lists if anyone is feeling up for it :) 

    My main goal is to run Archaon in host of duplicitous , so far I have two lists (very simmiliar) 

      Hide contents

    List 1:
    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Host Duplicitous

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Will of the Phantom Lord
    - Artefact:  Brand of the Split Daemon
    -Lore of Fate: Glimpse the Future

    Archaon (800)
    - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum
    The Blue Scribes (120)
    - Lore of Change: Fold Reality

    The Changeling (140)
    - Lore of Change:  Treason of Tzeentch

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    Endless Spells
    Darkfire Daemonrift (80)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Points 1980/2000, 8 drops.

    My 2nd list (Very Simmiliar) :

      Hide contents

    List 2:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Host Duplicitous

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Will of the Phantom Lord
    - Artefact:  Brand of the Split Daemon
    -Lore of Fate: Glimpse the Future

    Archaon (800)
    - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum
    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    - Lore of Change: Fold Reality

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    5x Chaos Warriors (90)
    - Hand Weapons & Shields

    3x Screamers of Tzeentch (80)

    Endless Spells
    Darkfire Daemonrift (80)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Points 2000/2000 , 7 drops

    Does anyone have any tips on alternate units/spell choices? :) 

    I would consider Hosts Arcanum. You get a free 6" move with Archaon and you also get 6 Screamers that you can send forward to screen or grab an objective (in an army that lacks bodies) while you buff up Archaon and force your opponent to do something about him. Not entirely sure about the spell on the Sorc Lord, but I would personally run something like this. 


    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Hosts Arcanum

    Archaon the Everchosen (800)
    - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Spell Hunters
    - Artefact: The Fanged Circlet
    - Lore of Fate: Shield of Fate
    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    - Lore of Change: Arcane Transformation

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
    3 x Screamers of Tzeentch (80)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Umbral Spellportal (70)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 68 


    DD the Reckless Abandon agenda to give Archaon +1 to all attacks. Arcane Transformation to give him another attack on Slayer of Kings. Infusion Arcanum to give him +1 hit/wound on all attacks. Daemonic Power to reroll all hits and wounds. Oracular Visions to reroll his 3+ save. Once hes in you can throw out Geminids to make stuff -2 to hit in combat against him.   

    With Hosts Arcanum you are basically looking at a 20" move in turn 1 plus a charge of whatever your DD rolls (likely secured a 10"+ charge) to really get him stuck in. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 22 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    I couldn't kill Kroak in 1 turn anyway so.. yeah, not sure why I went with that. Even top tournament players can make bad decisions they wouldn't normally make every now and then but it was a win overall and I learned my lesson from it. If you ever want to get a game in just let me know and I can run Skaven or something.

    I would love to man, but as Im still new to Tzeentch Im still having an awful time figuring out spells etc (I printed small Pokemon-like cards for the lore spells + warscroll spells), so I would prefer to get a better hang of them before wasting your time. 😅 Theres significantly more to keep track of than when I play Seraphon.

    12 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    I would disagree on Horrors though. In todays meta I really do think they're okay, but I would like to just see them drop in points slightly/get a slightly better save and split 1-1 so I don't need to invest in extra Blues\Brims. That would drive down their profits though so, I'm doubtful of that change.

    Honestly I used to think Horrors were broken AF, but it was likely my inexperience with them. They get much worse in units of 20, but honestly almost any army got a way of dealing 20 damage in 1 turn to prevent you from DD 1 on the banner.

  5. 52 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Yeah, I've tried building lists with it and it just doesn't work unfortunately. Changehost being as restrictive as it is makes it hard to have all the Wizards you want/need unless you fill it with Brims.

    Brims arent too bad though, they could act as a backend screen to prevent deepstrikes as you push forward with your Pinks/casters (something I sometimes miss). Against super aggressive melee armies it never hurts to have a couple of layers of protection, since many units can easily chew through 50 wounds, but if the second layer is far enough back so they cant pile in, it doesnt matter if it is only 10 wounds, it will stop their charge. But yeah, the issue is points - Another issue is that with so many heroes not fitting into the batallion, you are not getting a low drop army either way, so what is really the point in bending your army list? The teleport is neat though, but not sure it is worth changing everything up.

    52 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Thanks, and yes and no.. he was going to be able to summon 10 Skinks a turn which I didn't want to deal with but I just couldn't kill Kroak fast enough. I didn't bother with the 40 Skinks because I knew I would just shut them down with Be'lakor for 1-2 turns (if he got a double) and Kairos would deny a charge, but I forgot. I made it so that at most he would only be able to shoot at Horrors.

    That said, I ran that option in my head when playing but decided against it for various reasons. Like I said.. some things I could've done differently to make the game easier for me but all in all it was a success so I can't complain. Definitely going to look at making alternate lists today when I'm not too busy.

    I just figured that 10 Skinks deal no damage and they wont really contest your Horrors on objectives. I can understand generally wanting to kill Kroak since his Celestial Deliverance/Stellar Tempest/Comet's Call really thins out Horrors and threatens some of the low wound heroes. I just figured 40 Skinks is such a juicy and easy target for Wind of Chaos, and it will force him to use a CP for Inspiring Presense 100% with all the deaths. Many Seraphon lists dont start with a CP, so if you get turn 1 and manage to throw it at them turn 1, they are really in neck deep. After those are gone there wont really be a whole lot of damage output beside Kroak. Maybe Kroak is a better target overall - But you could also throw Be'lakor at him and shut him down for 1-2 turns. 

    Again, not trying to backseat - Im just trying to learn. Im building my Tzeentch army as is and have been playing some games on TTS so far. :D You are obviously great at the army and has been doing really well with it!

    • Like 1
  6. 18 hours ago, CorvoMaltes said:

    Quick tip: A +3 attacks Terrorgheist that attacks twice and a zombie dragon can do 40 wounds, RIP my mega gargant. 

    You can add Gotrek, Archaon (especially in Tzeentch), 6 Gore-Gruntas, 1 Maw-Krusha with neg3 rend artefact to the list of units that can easily remove a single Mega per turn. 😅 Might be talking from personal experience here.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    And here's my own from todays Butchers Buffet GT game. Brain still fried 6 hours later.. that was the roughest game I think I've played and I definitely need more practice to get quicker with my decisions.

    As I said in the final section, I'm considering some changes to the list that I may test if I can find the energy to play during a weeknight this week. I still wanna test the other 2 I posted earlier so.. eventually I'll get to everything 😅


    Great batrep! It is always easy to backseat, but isnt ultimately the biggest threat in his list the 40 Skinks? Is there a reason why you didnt Spellportal + fate dice Wind of Chaos on the 40 in turn 2 to significantly reduce the incoming damage the following turns?

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    That's the idea.. will depend who I think is going to go first though considering the order of operations.

    And yes, it can learn it. He can't learn/cast Gift of Change because it requires a bracket table for it's damage. I pretty much only use the 2+ roll unless he was going to use Boon.. but I also just had a game where he failed the 2+ twice in a row which was fun. I'll have a batrep up for that game later.

    I would never put Kairos so far forward unless I knew beforehand if I was gonna take turn 1 or not. ;) But if you have fewer drops than your opponent, then it is quite neat! I thought about trying change the control list to Changehost to limit drops, but having to field a normal Chicken really messes up with the points. I still want Kairos, Be'lakor and Manticore..

    Good point about Gift of Change. Completely forgot about the FAQ that explains it. Still, I should generally be using his 2+ much more often past turn 1. Even if it is a 1/6 of failing, Im fairly sure it is significantly better odds than rolling 2D6. :P Especially in a world where Kroak/Slann is quite dominant.  

  9. Devolve is kinda a neat trick. Especially if you can grab something with fly so it moves over a screen or whatever. That combined with the 6” pregame move could certainly catch people offguard! 

    Question - If Kairos casts Wind of Change with a Manticore nearby, I guess the Blue Scribes can roll a 4+ to learn it off Kairos? I think I need to abuse the 2+ on the Blue Scribes more often. Learning Gift of Change and Wind of Chaos is quite potent for the following turns after placing the Spellportal in turn 1.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    Ok, but that implies that only the Tzeentch players are clever to understand that. The general consensus is that I expect o see a lot of Skaven player using the Death Frenzy + Warbringer spell, or Ossiarch players using the fled models with a Harvester, or the STD or FeC Endless Spell counting the fled models. But, all these powerful strategies are dismissed and I don't understand why.

    I dont see why the other abilities shouldnt work. OBR is immune to battleshock.

    Do you really propose that FEC players keep track of exactly what models fled to battleshock and what models died in combat/shooting/magic? Because surely you cant return slain models with the Chalice if they fled, right? 

    • Like 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    "Some abilities refer to units that have been ‘destroyed’. What does this mean exactly?
    A: A unit is considered to be destroyed when the last model from the unit is slain or flees. When measuring the range to a destroyed unit, measure to the position occupied by the last model in the unit to be slain or flee."


    A model that fled is not dead. You can't add words to the rule too. A model that flee is removed from the game and it count as slain, but it isn't slain. Why do you need to add all this verbose when the slain rule remove the models from the game too? They could said "then slain X numbers of models from the unit" or something like that.

    Im just not convinced that this directly describes the difference between "count as slain" and "is slain" as you so desire it to be. The answer just explains that a unit is destroyed and count towards things such as kill points etc. regardless if you remove the unit due to a failed battleshock, or if it has been wiped in combat. 

  12. 31 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    But it wasn't a problem a year ago. 

    Another point is the FAQs difference fled models and slain models.

    I think that during the last year the RAW is becoming crazy and we are forgotten some things in the past Battletomes and older rules or FAQs because we need to justify the power creep and the points cost of some units.

    I cant find anywhere that describes the difference between "fled models that count as being slain" and straight up "slain models". Ultimately the model is dead and removed from play. Honestly I think the RAI is becoming "just as crazy". People make up their own rules and interpretations of rules, instead of keeping things simpler and just looking at what the rules say.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    If this is true, why with the frenzy of the skavens they don't pile in and attack when their models flee? Or why the flee models don't count with the Chalice of Ushoran?

    I'm not very sure with all of that. We are using "as slain" in some cases and not in others....

    The Death Frenzy should work too. Otherwise what is the intention of "count as slain" at all then? Is it just for the old system of tiebreakers? It sounds like an awful mess if you have to keep track of what models died and what models fled from battleshock in regards to return/healing mechanics etc.

  14. 1 hour ago, Reuben Parker said:

    The tanky side may well be best again though doesn’t breaker do that better? If you go breaker +5 wounds and 6+++ shrug it takes 48 unsaved wounds statistically to kill him. 

    Also KE & taker have the lowest damage output so the less you kill the more damage your taking in subsequent turns. 

    From what I’ve seen no SoB players are struggling to hold objectives if their models are alive. They struggle when models die so a focus on living longer and blunting the opponents high damage dealers would seem to be the most favourable setups. 

    Dont know if it is better. I looked at the output of 30 Ardboyz and removing their 1 rend and pushing them to 4s to hit resulted in 30 Ardboyz going from 36 damage output vs 4+ save to 20. Thats a pretty big survivability boost. 

    The GB deals significantly more damage on average but if you dont get +1 to hit, you are hitting on 4s with the flail, which is significantly worse than hitting on 3s tbh., especially in a world where a couple of the top armies have easy access to -1 hit (Seraphon and Tzeentch).

    Even if chopping your opponent is great, I just worry in situations where my opponent has significantly more mobility than me, and thus almost always getting the jump on my Mega-Gargant. It doesnt matter if he can clubber the enemy to death if he gets deleted in 1 round of combat before he hits. 

  15. 21 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    Indeed the +1 vs heroes and wizards seems to be generally the best. Also breaker has a good trait in plus 2 attacks and ok item. 

    The other thing with breaker I noted previously is that they essentially have the rule “opponents don’t get +1 save from cover” as people don’t want to give you +1 damage. This is something that your always passively getting which a lot of the time may go unnoticed. Most armies want to sit smaller heroes or elite units in cover. 

    Then it all combines together. Breaker Mega has great ranged attack with +1 to hit vs heroes and that hero doesn’t want to use cover to boost their save.

    Yeah the +1 vs heroes/wizards is neat. I have thought a lot about it in a double GB Breaker list, so you can attempt to snipe enemy heroes like Skink Priests, Warchanters etc. It would nullify Look-Out Sir. 

    After playing some games Im not too keen on building for more damage. I feel the damage is "ok" and you are probably better off building for staying power to live another turn to secure VPs, rather than dealing a little more damage. I really like the idea of the Kraken-Eater with  Extremely Intimidating (-1 to hit in melee) and the Chamon realm artefact (ignore rend 1 attacks), which will ultimately keep him around for longer.  

    I feel like our bad matchups extra damage will not matter since they will likely take you off the board, whereas our good matchups extra damage isnt needed at all. In both cases being more tanky is IMO the way to go so far.

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  16. 15 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    I don't believe so (not that I can find right now at least) but I've yet to see anyone playing Tzeentch not do this. Personally I look at it as one of those undefined things.. some have even equated it to like how "setups" are not the same as "moves" and therefore let you keep any buffs for "not moving" etc.

    I looked through the FAQs again and it doesnt look super clearcut, but this FAQ does seem to indicate that it isnt a modifier, since it specifically mentions it happens after re-rolls but before modifiers are applied. 


  17. 1 hour ago, Gwendar said:

    It's not modifier so it works on both of them. You're just changing the dice roll rather than "modifying" it which is a + or -.

    Is it set in stone that modifiers are only +/-to the roll of the dice? I thought changing the dice was considered a modifier. 

  18. Apologize if this has been discussed to death already but I tried searching without really finding a definitive answer here and been looking high and low elsewhere.

    In regards to the agenda Mass Conjuration, can you complete this with Mastery of Magic on either Kairos or Lord of Change due to flipping a dice  as long as you roll a 5 or 6 ? Or will you have to roll a combinated natural 9+?

    Seems difficult to figure out if Mastery of Magic is counted as a modifer and thus making it a modified 9+.

  19. 13 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    I think realm lords will actually be an incredibly bad matchup normally. They have two spells that cause units to test bravery anytime they want to perform an action and multiple ways to lower bravery. Meaning 50% of a SoB army will often not be reliably doing stuff. To move then charge then swing you need to make and pass 3 checks at most likely bravery -2. 

    Im still a bit on the fence, but ultimately I feel like SoB is one of those armies that will absolutely crush non-optimized lists by simply exsisting on the table, nevermind destroy squishy armies. Against the very top meta armies I think its looking rather grim. Many armies will very easily remove 1+ Mega per turn (some can comfortably remove 2) which you cant do a whole lot about due to their immense speed. I also think the result will very much depend on what battleplan you are playing on. My games so far have been VERY swingy and in about 10 games I have really only had 1 close match (fun semi shootcast list) which went all the way to turn 5 and I barely won by 2 points on Blade's Edge. 

    Im still a bit annoyed at our Tribes.. Stomper is pretty disgusting against hordes of low wound models but it is kinda weaksauce against non-horde armies. Breaker is pretty awesome but if you pick the wrong loathing you basically get no benefit either. Taker is all around good, but again if you dont face horde armies, the increased model count doesnt really matter. I feel like picking your Tribe is very much hit or miss, where as other armies gain general benefits that work pretty much against any kind of army they face. This setup for the SoB sucks hard if you are into the "all-comer-list" gameplay rather than fixing a game with your mate and tailor your list accordingly. 

    You can basically very easily run into situations where your alligiance abilities do 0 and all you have going is your warscroll abilities and the increased model count (which is great, no doubt).

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  20. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    Only 1 hero will create serious issues in several battleplans, even though on paper, 1 stomper and 9 mancrushers could seem ideal for pure output. I would probably bring a Kraken Eater, Stomper 1 unit of 3 gargants and then 1-1-1 or 2-1, to increase board presence a bit.

    Stomper tribes does 2 things well and 1 is horde clearing and the second is improving mancrushers through commands. They also have the best artifact by far in the cestus, I would always take that, it provides so much staying power.

    For trait, I'd say shouty is in general the best one and always good to take, it allows more rock throwing or getting those auto 6s to run or reroll 1s to hit, which can make a huge difference at the right time more than anything else.

    The Kraken Eater gets no benefit for being in a stomper tribe, but it gives you 1 extra hero and opens up some play options with the kick objective ability. Without him, the list will have huge problems in plans like 3 places of power for example.

    From my own experience the KE is just not very impressive. You really rely on spiking high on the kick roll. So far I dont feel like he is worth it at all outside of Taker where he gets to do 3D6, which makes it a lot more reliable to get a reasonable distance and something you can actually rely on. Sure, the 1 hero + 9 MC lineup is gonna have trouble on Places of Arcane Power. A lot of armies dont have strong heroes, so you can probably aim to kill those while your WS sits and accumilates more and more VP each round. Otherwise it might just be a single battleplan you will have to give up for an overall (imo) stronger list. It is not really different than armies not purposely building to have stronger battleline units for Better Part of Valor.

  21. On 10/27/2020 at 1:45 PM, Scythian said:

    Stomper Tribe

    What trait/artefact are you gonna roll with? 

    Im gonna give Stomper a try even though I do believe in Breakers. Im still kinda undecided on the artefact and trait.. I feel like there are two builds you can go;

    1. Either you go for Very Shouty + Ironweld Cestus to generate CPs for shooting and for rerolling potential charges, plus making the WS significantly more tanky, which ultimately leads to him living more rounds and thus generating more VPs. The MWs on 6s to save will also be great against stuff with tons of no-rend attacks, where you will cause quite a bit of damage by return damage alone. Unfortunatenly it is only against melee attacks he has return damage.
    2. On the other hand you can go Eager for a Fight + Mantle of the Destroyer. This combo means you dont really need as many CPs (hence I wouldnt go Very Shouty) since 1) Your dudes will have Bravery 10, so you dont need a CP to Inspiring Presence if 2 small lads die. 2) You also get reroll charges on the small lads and himself, hence reducing the amount of CPs you need to reroll potential failed charges. Big boy moving 10" and charging 3D6 with a reroll means he will generally cover a lot of ground.

    Second thing Im torn about is going 3x3 Mancrushers or 2x3 + 3x1 setup. The first setup means you are a 4 drop and likely able to determine who goes first, which is kinda huge since we have little to mitigate the opponent getting a double turn, and I think we NEED the double turn against certain armies. With the 3x3 MC setup you are also looking at getting both an extra CP and very likely a triumph due to being at 1970 pts. 

    Going 2x3 + 3x1 means you are looking at a 6 drop list, no extra CP and much less likely to get a triumph with you sitting at 1980. This list is a lot more flexible though, since you can leave a single MC in the back on an objective, and with it counting as 10 and having 12 wounds it is likely not dying/losing the objective to teleport shenanigans unless the opponent commits a big unit. Sending in a single MC to smash a bunch of Death Frenzied Plague Monks or whatever is also a lot more valuable, since the opponent is really only gonna get 1 MC killed from the rats fighting back after death. You also have the option of charging something with multiple singles, meaning the opponent has to split his attacks perfectly or he will suffer big time. The downside is that you only get to swing with 1 MC at a time, and they die kinda fast in melee, so I would probably rather get to swing with 3 at a time and ensure I kill whatever I charged. I think thats the greatest way of keeping them alive. 

    In the case of Plague Monks you could probably just shoot them with 9xD3 attacks, dealing 24 damage on average against a 6+ save, then aim to charge and fight whatever else that isnt buffed by Death Frenzy. You have to decide between running + charging the MCs or shooting a big blob of whatever with their significant shooting attack. Being able to move the MC 8", then autorun 6" with a CP and potentially reroll their charge with Mantle seems like you could have an army that covers a lot of ground turn 1.


    Allegiance: Sons of Behemat
    - Tribe: Stomper Tribe

    Warstomper Mega-Gargant (480)

    3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)
    3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)
    3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 143



    Allegiance: Sons of Behemat
    - Tribe: Stomper Tribe

    Warstomper Mega-Gargant (480)

    3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)
    3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)
    1 x Mancrusher Gargants (180)
    1 x Mancrusher Gargants (180)
    1 x Mancrusher Gargants (180)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 143


    • Thanks 1
  22. On 10/26/2020 at 2:46 PM, Gwendar said:

    Ah, makes sense then 😅

    Yeah, I really need to give HA another try since the only time I tried it was with Skyshoal and.. well, that was a mistake. I'm just enjoying the HD lists too much though. This is an alternate take on the double chicken HA list I'm keen to run:

      Hide contents

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Hosts Arcanum

    Lord of Change (380)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Spell Hunters
    - Artefact: Aspect of Tzeentch
    - Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm
    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    - Lore of Change: Treason of Tzeentch
    The Blue Scribes (120)
    - Lore of Change: Fold Reality
    Changecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (110)
    - Lore of Change: Bolt of Tzeentch
    Fluxmaster, Herald of Tzeentch on Disc (130)
    - Artefact: The Fanged Circlet
    - Lore of Change: Unchecked Mutation

    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (220)
    3 x Screamers of Tzeentch (80)
    3 x Screamers of Tzeentch (80)
    3 x Screamers of Tzeentch (80)
    3 x Screamers of Tzeentch (80)

    Changehost (180)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 89

    Kinda want to try Geminids over BW to stack -'s to hit against the Pinks (or teleport the Fluxmaster, summon the 6 Screamers and throw it out to make them harder to hit) but I dunno, think I'll try this for now. Cogs giving Kairos 4 casts seems nice though and not something I think I would want to change.

    How do you plan to deal with bigger sized units of stuff like Ardboyz, Mortek Guard, rats, Skinks etc.? We have talked about it a couple of times but I just couldnt imagine playing with the Manticore. :D 

  23. 14 hours ago, Kramer said:

    I think the celestant prime is supposed to be his avatar. But the rules are hopelessly outdated for what his lore is. 
    the best of the best souls a god could find throughout time, trained for centuries, armed with a weapon that elevated a common man to godhood*.

    Yet he is outmatches on all accounts except the ability to fly by a grumbling dwarf that stumbled into a new game and an empty but very shiny suit of armour 


    *not to mention a weapon so powerful a toy soldiers game in our universe is named after it’s type. 

    I fought Stormcast with my Sons of Behemat the other day. Thought it was ironic that The Celestant-Prime charged 3 Mancrushers and killed 1, then got slapped and killed by the other in 2 in return. So much for the Prime killing their father. 😄

  24. 54 minutes ago, Lucio said:

    I'm looking at Sons of Behemat differently

    I'm seeing them as an experiment by GW, they're testing to see what people's single model price point tolerance is, and whether there's demand for big monster armies. This I suspect is a follow on to Beast Claw Raiders and the Thunder Lizards style armies that generated a lot of talk on social media when they came out.

    If this was the case Im fairly certain they would have made the Mega-Gargants stronger and thus more interesting to ally in. Imo there is no way they are worth 1/4 of your army + 1 CP without their alligiance abilities. Running a Mega-Gargant in your army is no different than allying in Gotrek. It is not optimal, it is just for fun.

  25. 29 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    I think this is a (common) misconception, that is, that balance only matters in competitive settings or for tournament players.

    I would actually argue that is the complete opposite.

    Competitive players can do their research and ultimately have the possibility to know what is "strong" at any given moment. Then they can make informed decision about a) buying into the new "strong" army; b) tailoring to counter the new "strong" army or (my approach) c) manage their expectations concerning their army and set their goals accordingly. As such, although they might be frustrated by the shifting of the meta, they have the tools to take that into account and find their pleasure in the game.

    On the other hand, "casual" players will not have done any research (why would they?). This will generate extremely frustrating and negative experiences when someone has spent time and care (and money) on their army and this has zero chances of playing even a moderately fair game against the armies of their mates, because they happened (again, without any research or malice) to like salamanders, lord kroak, pink horrors, or stuff like that. This, I would say, is a much bigger problem for the health of something which presents itself as a game.

    I dont think it is at all.

    I have 2 groups of friends that I play with - One is VERY competitive and participates in pretty much any tournament that is available in our country and the neighbouring countries. They want to play and practice against hyper competitive lists because they play AoS to participate in tournaments.

    On the other hand I have a "fun night club" where people arent nearly as good at the game and dont have the same kind of knowledge of the rules etc. People take all kind of fun lists that arent tuned to the max.

    The difference between these two kind of groups is massive. Balance is not a concern in the second group because people dont care or arent good enough at making some of the absurd synergies work, which you usually see in the competitive lists. People bring whatever they want and just have a good time throwing dice while drinking beer. In the competitive group we discuss all kinds of (IMO) absurd wording of rules in case it might give someone an edge.

    From my own personal experience balance does not matter anywhere near as much when you play "casually" because you naturally wont run into the absurd situations. In the casual group we have Tzeentch players refusing to cast spells unless stuff is in range of said spells, because they believe it was abusing the rules. They self-regulate things and focus on RAI in their mind. The competitive players exclusively play RAW which causes all kind of ****** situations because I personally believe GW didnt intend for people to dissect every single rule sentence. 

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