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Posts posted by Cosmicsheep

  1. 11 hours ago, greg19190 said:

    Did you run the rat ogers at the healing d3 and move 8 ones or the 6 attacks and re-role charge ones? 

    I didn't think you could do that anymore. The rogors have the old toughened sinews built into their warscroll now

  2. 23 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    charge in with is a Galletian Vet, spend a CP for Overwhelming Assault from the Gallet battlepack, impose strike last,

    I am underwhelmed (pun intended) by this command ability. For any real reliability it needs to be done against units of 3 or less, and even then it's a 50/50. Seems like a waste of a CP and overkill for your plan to use it with 3 doom flayers

    • Like 1
  3. Apologies, i wasn't trying to teach you how to suck eggs :) I realise that you probably knew that already, it was more aimed at the OP and anyone else reading

    <humbly bows and scampers off into the darkness>  

    • Like 1
  4. @Skreech Verminking agreed. I was just pointing out that rule 1.6.5 stipulates that a unit can shoot or fight no more than twice in a phase. So a unit with DF + DDF, or 2 DDF's should be chosen to fight last. If you've already fought with them and then models are subsequently killed, they can only use 1 of the death frenzy abilities

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 7 hours ago, vaector said:

    how do you pile in those models without breaking coherency with the rest of the unit?

    With our massive range now, we shouldn't even need to pile-in that far to get our attacks off.  And since the model is immediately removed from the table, the unit should still be coherent at the end of the turn anyway

    Also, don't forget a unit can only attack twice max. So DF + DDF is only worthwhile if you don't plan on attacking with that unit until last, by which point any models that didn't die can then pile-in and attack ensuring coherency :D

  6. 11 hours ago, Moogypies said:

    Giant rats are surpisingly shreddy when buffed and people just ignore them when rat ogors are in their face, combined with the rat ogors all being tanky now, it's a delicious combo. The little rats managed to nibble through 4 kurnoths in a turn and left lady of vines at 1!

    I loved being able to take giant rats in units of 40 in 2.0. With a rabid crown they were seriously under-estimated. Glad to hear that they still are :D

  7. 28 minutes ago, frostfire said:

    Correct me if I am wrong: you can remove Shadow queen from the battlefield with the Brass Orb and shoot Morathi right off the table.😉 

    There’s been a lot of debate about this over on the FB group. Technically, rules as written, yes you could, assuming you can do enough damage in that turn. Pretty sure this is not what the GW designers intended for the Brass Orb and you might want to consult your TO if taking this to a tournament.

    Edit: sorry, wrong way round. If you remove the shadow queen and kill Morathi, the shadow queen can still come back. Nothing on their warscrolls says that the shadow queen dies if Morathi does. If you use the brass orb on Morathi, then the 3 wound limit is still valid on the shadow queen

    • Confused 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    giant rats are currently overpriced

    I dunno, on paper they’re better than clanrats for the price. That extra rend is useful. A unit of 12 GR in the Bounty Hunter battalion and a MM with Moulder Supreme are putting out 18 wounds vs a 4+ save

  9. 2 hours ago, W1tchhunter said:

    Gosh I figured this thread would be drowning in lists by now! :P

    I’m working on a few… just letting the old grey matter process all the changes and find the weak spots. I am going to try 3 ratling guns in the Bounty Hunters battalion with a warp spark for +2 damage

  10. 17 hours ago, Bregor said:

    As of 3rd ed., yeah. Unique heroes can't be given enhancements at all, including the 'free' spell enhancement you always get. 

    That’s hasn’t always been the case in 3rd. My app only allows Thanquol to take the generic spells despite having the GREY SEER keyword. Don’t trust the app, it doesn’t let the Warpgnaw Verminlord have any of the MASTERCLAN stuff despite having the keyword. Let’s hope it’s a bug in the app, otherwise what is point in Thanquol being able to do +3 casting??

    • Thanks 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    There is actually a trait where he gives dighting beasts a +1 to hit and wound roles.

    There’s an argument here for running MSU rat ogors. Less need to worry about battleshock with MSU, rat ogors no longer get mutations so no need to have large units, the trait is a range so would cover several units, and the MM is bringing them back on a 3+. Also possible to give MM the artefact for 10 wounds and healing (edit:I see that was already mentioned on a previous post)

    Sounds like my pure moulder list might still get some play time. I’m just salty that the list i took to a tournament a few weeks ago (and came 3rd) now costs 2500 points!!

  12. So the way I read the new battleline rules, if I have 1 eshin hero I can have 1 unit of night runners AND 1 unit of gutter runners count as battleline? Both have the same wording, 1 unit of that type is battleline if I have 1 hero. Is that intentional do you think?

    Another oddity, the first hellpit mutation doesn’t actually need a master moulder. If you have 3 MM then it applies to all hellpits. That doesn’t seem to be how the other clans work, again I’m thinking GW missed that unintentionally 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Moogypies said:

    I use 6 units of giant rats in my moulder list, +120 points costier xD real shame there 

    Agreed, but with a few master moulders these can become battleline (with a giant target on their back thanks to the new GHB) and you take anything else you want without the “clanrat tax”

  14. Wowsers, there’s a lot to take in. Loads have been leaked on the FB group. As many suspected re-rolls have been replaced with +1’s, but in many cases it’s +1 to Wound meaning that we can still apply All Out Attack.

    Speaking of which Thanquol can use the same CA twice, meaning double All Out Attacks (on diff units obvs) and he now has a +3 cast. Between him and the bell we have some serious casting. 

    Super excited about being able to take other battle lines, and even more happy that my favoured Clan Moulder seem to have come away unscathed and possibly better (depending on Ogor mutations)

    Hoping we see some price reductions in the Winter FAQ because some heroes have gone way up for no real reason (looking at you Skritch and Verminlords)

    Also hoping for something on reinforcements, that seems to be lacking from the leaks 🤔

    Cant wait to see how it plays out in the new Meta 😉

  15. The realm rules for Gallet also include two new core battalions. Expert Conquerors are more accomplished at holding objectives than most, while Bounty Hunters specialise in gutting opposing armies – they deal extra Damage in melee when targeting the enemy’s GALLETIAN VETERANS

    Not loving the idea of enemies having units that output extra damage against our battlelines. Battlelines that we’re almost certain going to have to take in larger units to get any bonuses. Reaaaallly hoping that it’s not a flat +1 damage, and more of a “6 to wound causes an extra damage, or a mortal”

  16. I'll be honest, the more of the new tome rules I see, the more I think GW hates the Skaven. 

    Yes, clanrats look a little better. But the Stormvermin have had a small nerf by losing the Overwhelming Mass, and going up in points. Plague Monks may now be playable in units of 20 though, even if they are still a glass cannon

    I'm off to my FLGS later to pre-order the book, warscroll cards and GHB anyway, just crossing my fingers there's some love for the rat folk in the book 🤞


  17. 59 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I would probably go for 2x60 clanrats a priest with curse and the rest of the army consisting of min. Size giant rats and clanrats

    This is where I was going too. Add in a bell with Emerald Lifeswarm and watch those rats chomp through anything 😁

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