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Posts posted by Ogregut

  1. 4 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Warriors of Chaos, using almost entirely new AoS sculpts (technically a handful are old WHFB I guess).

    My old 6th edition stuff has long ago disappeared sadly. Got back into the hobby in 2021.

    I sold off loads of my old stuff ages ago, regret it now! 

    Tho I have been collecting 4th edition armies for dark elves, wood elves, o+g and chaos for a few years. 

    I'm loving there is so much choice at the moment! 

  2. 13 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    In this case, they are offering their usual 15% discount on the TOW books, which is as good or even better than a lot of other 3rd party sellers are/were.

    They sold the army boxes at full price, put them on the site during the week after the release weekend. 


  3. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Got a question am I the only one who interpreted the Martial Prowess rule to grant the ability to do supporting attacks and in addition towards all directions? (No one in our local club could make sense of the rule, reddit however was very clear in the response)

    In short: Am I the only one who thinks this isn‘t well formulated? (I know its intend is to only work with models that can fight in an extra rank)


    „A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its flank or rear, as well as to its front.“

    Isn't that the point of the rule? They can fight in 2 ranks (if charged) in any direction. 


    1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    Glad I could help. I cancelled my WG order at the weekend, deciding if just order them if/when they became available again. Only reason I checked EG today was to see if they had a discount on 30mm bases (I was in Warhammer World and weighing up whether to buy them the or not) and what do you know, they have stock.

    My guess is their decision not to do online orders initially might have allowed them to build stock where others didn't, and now they feel comfortable selling online again.

    They do that quite often, they don't sell online, wait until everyone sells out then put stuff online at full price. 

    You can still get some of the Xmas battleforces, again at full price. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Hollow said:

    I was rummaging through various boxes and dusty chests in the forgotten depths of my game room, and look what I found! Over a couple of hours, I've managed to cobble together a rag-tag collection of High Elves that have most definitely seen better days. (I don't think they have even seen the light of day for 20 years) Chips, cracks, broken weapons, missing shields and tails (Although I was happy to be able to find all the parts for the broken-up Prince on Griffon at the top right). Time to order some correctly sized bases, pull out the Isopropyl, greenstuff and modelling tools and hit up eBay for some missing components! 

    The janky High Elves of the dusty box shall ride again! 

    HE Salvation project.jpg

    What a beautiful sight!!! Love they are getting their time to shine! 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. Absolutely loving painting this army, didn't realise how much I've missed painting rank and flank. 

    Still need to add some grass to the bases when I decide what colour. 

    And finally I've been able to order a loonshrine, got a email it's back in stock today. 




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  6. 48 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    I have read similar takes several times and think you have it backwards. AoS is the driving decision for ToW. The core factions in ToW are made up of the factions not present in AoS. 

    Apart from orc & goblins and chaos warriors. 


    16 minutes ago, pitzok said:

    This negativity around beasts is tiring, especially because it was caused by another non-rumour like 6 pagez back. Let's switch it up by talking about new design possibilities for beasts. Personally I wouldn't deviate too much from the established goat look, as for a fantasy beastmen race it is pretty unique for the core of the Warhammer beastman to be a goat. However there is space for adding other elements to the beastmen in other parts of their bodies (look at centigors for example). For example, new minotaurs could get muscular bear arms. I am also a big fan of the jabberslythe and in my opinion it is the epitome of a beast of chaos, so more lizard and insect elements do also fit in. Imagine ungor raiders with dog legs for better running around in a skirmish, bestigors with pangolin scales for extra armor etc. 

    The new beastlord and the underworld warband are excellent models and I hope they do lean into more animals than just goats. 

    I look forward to the revamp, the AoS design team is the best going at the moment and I'm sure they will come up with something to delight yet horrify us with the Dark Kin. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Gotz said:

    I've written some stuff that contradicts what I believe are the principles that determine what gets made to order, but I want to believe XD

    • Iconic/Nostalgic
    • Has a profile on the army list
    • Is not a named character


    • Gotrek & Felix
    • gyrocopter
    • Thorgrim
    • Bugman

    High Elves:

    • "snake dragon" (Imrik)
    • Tyrion & Teclis
    • Griffon (Eltharion)


    • Two Headed Dragon (Galrauch)
    • Slambo
    • Harry the hammer
    • random assortment of champions


    • Minotaurs

    Wood Elves

    • 4th ed "snake dragon"
    • Orion & Ariel
    • Treemen
    • Metal Dryads


    • Halfling Hot-pot
    • Steam Tank
    • Knight Grandmasters
    • War Altar
    • Knights Panther/White Wolf, etc..
    • Forgeworld stuff from Black Pass


    Great list! Iike to see Egrimm as well for Chaos. 

    I'm hoping the Kev Adams night goblins and orc warriors come to MTO, some of the best O&G models of all time. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Plausible. Would make for more threats the enemy has to deal with.

    A big block works good against shooty enemies (because some will get on target xD)

    Witches are great against heavy hitters: rend -2? Who cares? I don’t have armour


    Never thought of it like that! 


    44 minutes ago, Sception said:


    some classic vamp counts heroes I never got around to painting as Soulblight Gravelords, ready to be re-re-based back to squares for the Old World.

    Love the carstien models, I'm got some in a box somewhere. 

  9. I'm in two minds as to how to run my witch elves. 

    The rules suggest a big unit as they have the horde rule which means they need at least 20 (4 ranks of 5) to benefit from the +3 rank bonus but seeing as they have no armour, 30+ 7 wide would be better. 

    However I think they would be better in smaller units say 12 - 14 strong 6 or 7 wide in 2 ranks. Set them up in the front of the army and slam into the enemy knowing they will all die but doing as much damage as possible. 


  10. 10 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    New Valrak video!


    -Second wave of votanns, doesnt know what will be on it

    -But the next votann/KT release will be KT (pioneers on foot vs brood brothers (cst kit with a bb sprue))

    -New Blood Angels boxset

    -Everyone will get boxsets from now on

    -Only new HQs for custodes and CSM (all already commented on previous videos)

    -He personally thinks the big 40k release of this year will be the new plastic kriegs

    -New Great Scouring book series incoming (a couple have already been written)

    -The Scouring series will be revealed on february

    -It will feature classic old time BL authors: Aaron Dembsky-Bowden, Chris Wraight, Dan Abnett, Mike Brooks...

    -New Questoris knight on plastic


    I'm so glad we don't have anyone spoiling the whole year of AoS (and now TOW). Kinda takes the wind out of the sails of the releases and I find the excitement builds to early and is all but spent by the time the actual releases comes around. 

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Jamopower said:

    With six wide you are also "always" getting full attacks. I believe 4 wide is very viable option as well for units like elven spearmen or dwarfs, where few additional s3 attacks won't make much difference to the static resolution of keeping the max ranks as long as possible. And I also believe that having two units of 16 is often much better than having one unit of 30 with those units.

    You need to be 5 wide at least to get a rank bonus for regular infantry. Heavy infantry only need to be 4 wide. 


    2 minutes ago, Gotz said:

    one quick random question...

    when getting a unit (let's say 20 minis) with a character... you have to spend points for 19 or for 20 minis?

    You get however many you pay for. So if you want a unit of 20 models consisting of 19 troopers and a hero you buy 19 troopers and a hero. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    I haven't looked into it that carefully, but might it be the cheaper ones are simply old stock that GW are trying to shift, and the more expensive ones are ones they expect to need to recast?

    Pretty sure they are all new recasts. Old metal models were melted down, they didn't keep a stockpile. 

    Remembering back to my days as a GW staff member when you could organise to go into the mail order room and fill a box and pay by weight (£20 per kg). Managed to get some unreleased models that way. 

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