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Posts posted by Ogregut

  1. 4 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I saw this picture on facebook which include the Mortisian Boneshaper. Does anyone know when we got a glimpse of this model? It is barely visible in the image.

    No photo description available.

    Seeing everything together like that as an army makes me like them more

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  2. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Wait I'm confused now - are the mods working for or against the dedicated and hard working boffins of the GW Leaks Department? Is there a covert war going on? Do we need to pick sides and arm ourselves with potatoes? ? ? 



    Also the whole doing the rounds thing is where I find the rule a bit odd because honestly once a leak is found the phtoso do do the rounds on facebook, news sites and other forums. So part of me doesn't get why the TGA site kinda tries to resist it (esp considering we've got a whole and popular thread specifically for rumours and not news)

    It's not a rule unique to here however, most forums have it, how strict they are in enforcing it is another matter. 

    With GW on the ball now, it's not long before leaks are announced officially.

    While I do enjoy a good rumour I do prefer seeing the stuff announced from GW themselves without the potato cam pics.

  3. My guess for the rest of the year: 

    12/10 we know 

    19/10 Phoenix rising 

    26/10 bone reapers for 2 week's

    9/11 new marines

    16/11 chaos battletome and maybe ogres

    23/11 sisters for 2 week's

    30/11 Xmas stuff 

    Sprinkle in some boxed game stuff and set.


  4. 1 hour ago, alghero81 said:

    Today is gonna be 40k or specialist games?

    My guess would be the 2 beastgrave warbands possibly along with the lizardmen bloodbowl team and other box game stuff.

    Next week the psychic awakening stuff which leaves the last week's of October for the new undead.

  5. 3 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    What else is there to release? Sisters aren't until November, Mawtribes are MIA, there's only 1 wave of Space Marines supplements left, and then there's the Psychic Awakening stuff, but I have no idea how that works into the release cycle.

    Other than Space Marines and maybe some Beastgrave/Warcry stuff, I don't know what else would release in October. But knowing how companies word their statements, "preorders in October" probably means that they'll go up on the last day possible.

    Things to be released that we know of: Lizardman bloodbowl team, more aeronutica stuff, the promised chaos battle tome, psychic awakening, bone reapers and sisters, salamanders and imperial fists, ogre tyrant.

    Possible things to be released this side of Xmas: warcry and beastgrave stuff.

    Add in the Xmas bundles and it's a busy end of year

  6. 48 minutes ago, Kelsicle said:


    So what do we think of this? Hints towards magic so possibly something to do with the psychic awakening but I’m hoping this is Aelves

    I'm still leaning towards an elder exodite release. The dino tail from the other unsolved rumour engine. I also believe we will see the announcement for battletomes on Sunday.

    That would leave for the rest of the year: bonereapers, sisters, psychic awakening (which looks to be a staggered release), the chaos battletome and there is still more to come from specialist games like the lizardman blood bowl team,  more aeronautia and shadepspire. And the normal Xmas bundles. 

    Seems the rest of 2019 is shaping up nicely!!

  7. 43 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    I'll error on the side of being nice in my response but that is incredibly rude and obnoxious. 

    It wasn't meant to be but I just find it funny that there are so many conspiracy theories where there doesn't need to be any. 

    The book was previewed a while ago, the pre order and release date haven't come around yet.

    Someone allegedly said something at an open day which was more than likely said because they didn't know the answer to the question asked.

    Yes it sucks having to wait, I have a dark elf army waiting to see what they get in the book and a order grand alliance army waiting to see which city they hail from, but the time will come.

    GW don't have to give previews, there was a time in the not so distant past where nothing was heard from them about anything. I much prefer how they do previews now.


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  8. The tin foil hat conspiracy theories about the CoS are quite funny. Seems to show more how impatient people are and shows a sense of entitlement. GW didn't have to give a preview at NOVA, would you rather not knowing what's coming out.

    Anyway, to talk rumours the counters being released for beastgrave have future warbands in mind, any guesses what they may be from the few shown?

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  9. 22 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Mostly because GW does not communicate about bad news, and they have not been communicating about it.

    We don't even know whether the culling was the only one for CoS, and there are signs it may not be.

    But what bad news? Had the book not been shown at NOVA, no one would have known it was coming. It's because it wasn't released within a short time period of the preview, people get their tin foil hats on.

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  10. Why do people keep saying things GW has no faith in the book, they don't care about cos or it must be delayed?

    GW have their release schedule in place for a long time. They have to for logistics sakes. Yes sometimes things go wrong like sylvaneth but otherwise I'm betting the CoS battletome is being released when it's supposed to.


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  11. I can't see anyone leaving the hobby over this. GW were up front about it. They revealed that cities of sigmar is coming and said some units won't be supported and heading to legends, then they announced what's going to last chance to buy. 

    Everything has sold really well yet I suspect a lot of it is by people who think they can flip them for inflated prices on eBay. I bet in a few days there will be skycutters and dwarf warriors on sale for £60 -£75 

    I'm more curious as to what endless spells cities of sigmar will get as this is the first book with wizards from different factions.

    • Like 3
  12. 15 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    The weekly pre-order announcement is up and it's all 40k. No explanation yet from GW on the last-chance-to-buy stuff, so I'm guessing we probably won't get one. I was hopeful we would see cities pre-preorder today, but I guess it'll be another week at least! Seems like a big miss by GW to me. I can't see any reason not to coordinate the "last chance to buy" announcement with the official beginning of the Cities of Sigmar release cycle.

    I don't think it's a miss. It makes sense, get rid of everything that's not going in the book so when it's released the only things on sale are units in the book. Yes it sucks we're losing stuff but it's happened before and will happen again.

    • Like 2
  13. 8 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    It's genuinely a joke that GW will be releasing Sylvaneth two months after the "late bloom" announcement video. 

    We don't know when it's being released and we don't know if they have their shipment yet. Also they didn't have to tell us anything about the delay, they never announced the sylvaneth release it was in response to a leak. 

    If they were able to release it I imagine they would, I want to get my hands on the book as well but everything that's happened seems to be out of GW's control.

    • Like 6
  14. 27 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Just a thought for you and @prochuvi

    Getting a book is not the miracle cure some folks think. Khorne is on its third (I think) and it's still a joke. 

    I think the book vs. non-book gap is overblown. It's really about well designed vs. steaming pile, regardless of where you find the rules.

    I'm fine without having a book, but look forward to seeing what happens in the future. 

    I like the new khorne book, in fact I like all the new books. I'm not one to chase the meta but try different combos and each one allow for different types.

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  15. 6 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    Sorry if i sounded too much pesimist,but i am not one of those old fantasy players that want use their old army in aos.

    I am a new player that bougth a new army of dwarfs to start to play(around 200€) 

    When i bougth them i knew that they hadnt tome(2 years ago) but then they were very playable vs every army and could win any game,but now with every new tome and gh the gap have increase too much.

    My expectations arent too much big,many others non battletome armys have units pretty good but dispossesed havent,every of our units is garbagge.

    Per example:swordmasters,phoenyx guard,white lions,black guard per example all are so much better than hammerers and all are elite units of non battletome armys.

    I get your point,and i sorry if i sounded too much rude or pesimist.but i was a new player that choosen dispossesed because they are so cool(i hate the aestetical of every new army of aos as water elfs,punk dwarfs etc)and when i bougth them they were at 7\10 but im crying now because after those two years dispossesed are at 3\10 and arent playable vs any tome army.

    If gw wont balance them to be playable then why sell them?they get our money of the models but they dont do work to balance them. They could say us that they arent playable at matched play and they wont fix them and we can buy them for use them in other games or for hobby then.

    I think that as new player and customer of gw i can demand that they balance the army that i spent so many money on it i guess,i dont have expctations of dispossesed at tome levels but i expect be at swordmasters levels per example

    I do get your frustration, I'm an elf player with a load of dark elves waiting for a book but it's all about patience. Waiting 2 years so far isn't that long compared to what we used to have to wait through old warhammer. They have stepped up the release cycle hugely, I've been in the hobby over 25 years and never before has there been 6 army books released in 6 months along with updates to all armies (for good or ill).

    There are other ways to play as you said, you can do some cool narrative stuff with dwarves; holding out against a never ending swarm of skaven or goblins, going on a troll hunt to clear out a mine, searching for a lost anvil of power in the realm of death where the spirits won't stay down.


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