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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. I blame the skaven, fouling up the portents with their fell magics!! In hindsight, it wasn't going to be next week as it's black library celebration day. Those new releases should rightfully take centre stage. Fingers crossed for next Sunday!
  2. The star's have aligned properly and the prophecy speaks of the tome of battle being unleashed! Here's hoping anyway!!
  3. That's one of the joys of AoS, you think it, make it. Have it count as warboss on mawcrusher. It simply plows through terrain (fly), lots of spikes and blades (destructive bulk), a big horn (the ear shattering bellow). And of course paint it red!
  4. I still think we'll see gitmob goblins in Sons of Behemat. Can see doom divers invented as a way to feed the giants then some gobbo strapped on a pair of wings and said ''hold my squig brew!''
  5. I like the way GW handle releases. They are more open with what's coming out and give regular updates and teases. I can't see any retailer giving a release schedule for months in the future as things can change and if you know X is coming in 3 months time, you may not buy Y coming out next week, simple business practice.
  6. It's going to be interesting to see what happens once the psychic awakening series of books are complete. Will the each codex get a 1.5 update with the new rules? AoS could see something similar with the campaign books. Or maybe the general's handbook this year will see armies get a couple of new warscrolls each or updated ones.
  7. That was my thinking - bring on the lizards!!!
  8. Doubt there will be any external presentations until Adepticon at the end of March but I'm sure WarCom will show us stuff.
  9. I think we'll see lizards announced this Sunday for 'coming next week'
  10. If the gargants are coming from the realm of light maybe they have gitmobs coming with them. Rippa snarlfang from beastgrave came from there is memory serves from a tribe who worship the evil sun. Could see the grotbag scuttlers in there as well, using flying ships to talk/fed/worship the gargants.
  11. There is still a week of Jan to go, for tomorrow 'coming next week' article I predict the last of the sisters and the ogre hunter for underworlds. Feb will be warcry (one week) Next psychic awakening (one week) Chaos siege book (one week) Leaves a week for lizardmen
  12. My guess is that it will be something to do with Asur. Asuri? Asurions?
  13. But they all sold so I'm not sure how they didn't sell well. At the end of the day if a model is good people will buy it. Yes are those who will only buy the most powerful and optimal units but there are also painters, collectors, narrative and open gamers who will go for rule of cool. If they make a giant faction that looks amazing, it will sell.
  14. Things we know about still to be released: Rest of the sisters Warcry monsters Underworld ogre Chaos book Dark angel psychic awakening Mechnicum flyer That's 6-7 weeks worth of releases which could take us to end of Feb. I can easily see a week for lizards battletome, endless spells, terrain and start collecting box fitting in.
  15. Fair point, I forgot about the start collecting set. There is still a discount however.
  16. They said going forward, the app will update on day of release.
  17. Assuming the hero's will be £20 the contents are £190. You can get the box for £88 from places like element games. I'm happy with that discount
  18. Wether wars is by far my fave box set they've released so far. Love the idea of everything flying, may even make some terrain for it. These box sets are a great idea, discounted models that can be the start of a new army, reinforcements or just a painting project. It would be nice to have the exclusive models available separately in a good timeframe and hopefully we'll start to see last year's one soon. Bring on the next one!
  19. In the first Gotrek audio drama there is a passing reference to a priest of Teclis so the silhouette could be that because we all know priests have the best hats!
  20. I wouldn't be surprised to see the announcement for them this Sunday
  21. They've already said sisters are a January release
  22. No, will all be updated next week on the day of release. This is how it will be done from now on.
  23. I've seen only educated guesses and wide net casting. If I were privy to information, I know I wouldn't breathe a word as I wouldn't want to endanger the position. But for all I know it's actually Jervis Johnson giving out tidbits lol
  24. I meant orruks not having endless spells was a surprise to me. As they have shamans and docs. Not fussed they don't, my ironjaws prefer a good scrap than all this magic nonsense!!!
  25. Both Khorne and fyreslayers have priests. CoS have empowered generic ones which makes sense as they have access to stormcast and sylvaneth ones. Orukks not having them was a surprise.
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