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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. I'll like to see battlefield roles expanded a little. Things like: Infantry: always counts as more models for claiming an objective if the enemy is a non infantry. Calvery: blanket does more damage on the charge, gives enemy infanty a minus on their bravery if the cav charge the infantry. Monsters: give them back thunderstomp and a - 1 to wound vs infantry and non charging calvery. Give each a battlefield role. Infanty to hold the line and objectives, cav as the shook troops and monsters as killing machines.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised to see tomorrows coming next week be gargants now indomitus is realesed That or just lots of black library stuff as character week starts.
  3. Bring back thunder stomps. A monster will do X amount of moral wounds to an enemy unit within 1'' at the end of the combat round. X depends on wounds suffered by monster. That would help big beasties against hordes.
  4. My guess AoS will be a tightening of rules and tweaks here and there. I would also guess any battle tomes from from Seraphon onwards (maybe even before) will have been written with AoS 3 in mind.
  5. My guess is stormcast vs orruks which hopfully means a hugely expanded range if the current tread of starter sets stands. Look at nighthaunt, death guard and new necrons.
  6. AoS 3 will have been done and dusted by now or at least very nearly finished. I can't wait to see the box set if the new 40k stuff is anything to go by.
  7. New 40k pee order on 11th July, on sale 25th. Could be we'll see the Sons on 9th August
  8. New paints incoming with new technical paint to do glowing bits. Will be good for glowing eyes and magic weapons. Will probably only be in green but hopefully other colours will come.
  9. I know, I have the model. I don't remember that piece of artwork, wonder if its new.
  10. Is this artwork new? I don't remember seeing the stag rider in the old wood elf book.
  11. You guys realise the factory has been running for a couple of weeks now fulfilling back orders and getting new orders out to customers and independent stores. I wouldn't be surprised to get some form of news this week when we can expect some new releases.
  12. Little known fact, but Khorne is a keen knitter. He has a regular column in Chaos Fashion Monthly - Knit with Khorne. Most patterns are of skulls and in red but he is also fond of sunflowers and is currently experimenting with neon yellow wool.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised to see them re release the codexes with the psychic awakening rules in for that army. A 0.5 update. Back to AoS, I wonder if they have the ability to redesign an existing sprue? Could see them adding to the current gargant kit or even just adding another sprue to give more options.
  14. My immediate thought was squats or chaos dwarves
  15. They revealed 7 things today and what they've revealed over the past 2 weeks is half of what they were going to show at adepticon. I'll say they are doing well and I like the weekly format (forgiving easter next week).
  16. They said it here https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/04/03/the-warhammer-preview-online-2-how-to-join-in/
  17. Looks like tomorrow will be a bigger preview as they are doing previews every 10 mins rather than 15. Looking forward to it
  18. Going to wildly speculate: new warhammer quest where villains are the 'heroes' looking for a way to bring down Sigmar.
  19. So any guesses for this Saturday other than more aelves and possibly giants (tho I don't think we'll see them until what would have been warhammerfest) New bloodbowl team? Next battlebox? New campaign book? Something completely out of left field?
  20. This is what I love about AoS. Give me something new, something other games don't have. If I want high elves or normal dwarves, I'll play warhammer (and I love warhammer armies, I'm building a 4th edition dark elf army). Give me eel riding soul stealers, flying dwarf investment bankers and hammer wielding, bull worshiping aelves who seek validation from a living mountain any day!
  21. I'm loving its not just a carbon copy of the old high elves and its something different. Plenty of other games have generic elves so let's have something different. I'm excited and curious what they have in store for shadow elves. High elves are dead. Long live the Lumieneth Realm Lords.
  22. Loving this range more and more. Great to see a new take on elves and their lore sounds awesome.
  23. Didn't they do the water thing in a lizardman painting video?
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