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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. Should note, still available in many independent online stores.
  2. Might have to pick up a Sylvaneth and legions box, such a good way to add troops to an army Should be the start of daily rumour engines today as well!
  3. 😂😂😂 Defo not me, not sure how those people sleep at night!
  4. https://warhammer-irepairs.co.uk/collections/new-releases/products/battleforce-disciples-of-tzeentch-fatesworn-host Another store with stock, no discount on these but worth checking the black Friday sale section out.
  5. I was on the fence about them as well but the tzeentch one was to good to past up.
  6. Haha, hopfully someone here got a copy if they wanted it.
  7. The outpost has 10 copies of the tzeentch box https://www.the-outpost.co.uk/product/battlefroce-disciples-of-tzeentch-fatesworn-host/ Imperial games also has copies
  8. I'm suprised it took as long as 30 mins. And I belive Indomitus holds the record for fastest sell out or maybe the sisters box set. There are still some online stores with stock, managed to bag a tzeentch one from goblin games. Wanted a Lord of change for ages!
  9. Can parts not be switched around on the gargants? Like giving the warstomper the gate breakers weapon? Easy enough to give them rules for another tribe.
  10. For all we know, it's now further ahead than it was. I think alot of people believe all work stopped because of lockdown where I bet a lot of headway has been done at home offices.
  11. As far as I can tell, these glorious and beautiful slannesh models don't solve any of the rumour engines.
  12. If we're going to get battleforces I would imagine they would be announced today. With Bloodbowl on a 2 week preorder they have given themselves a weeks breathing room I'm guessing to prep for Xmas. I'm fairly sure they did the same last year.
  13. Got my copy of Shadow and Pain and blood sisters and hell scourges with whips have been updated. Blood sisters have 2 shots now and have gone up in points by 20.
  14. Seen lots of talk that bloodbowl will be released on black Friday. I seem to remember they did something similar last year as well?
  15. New broken realm story in, Morathi scheming as per normal lol.
  16. Looking at the black library coming soon page, January sees the release of Stormvault, stormcast battling underground against chaos, orrks and other dark forces to take back a Stormvault. Sounds like warhammer quest to me!
  17. Love how cities of sigmar armies are evolving. Can see dwarfen heavy cities coming as well as the more traditional mixed type. I think cities of sigmar is one of the most exciting factions going forward in AoS as there is so much that can be done. Bring it on!!
  18. If that is RRP then it's an absolute bargain!! £85 for 2 teams, 2 big guys, 2 star players and the actual game. Gimme gimme gimme!!
  19. I would think so. In fact thinking about it, other than knowing there are 2 codexs coming in Jan, we know nothing about 2021. I like that alot!!!
  20. So apart from Underworlds, we are now in totally uncharted waters for AoS - exciting!!!
  21. I hope so, I'm putting the shadowstalkers together now and they are beautiful! I want 2 more units and will use the mist weaver and tenbreal shard models as shadow queen's.
  22. I'm guessing the next broken realms will focus on slannesh with the god getting closer to bring free. Factions involved Slannesh (duh) Lumineth as the prison guards Khorne who doesn't want slannesh free A couple of other armies who get involved.
  23. Zainthar Kai is the new temple Vyperic Guard, Scathcoven and Shrine Brood are most likely new battalions Morathi-Khaine and The Shadow Queen are updated warscrolls for morathi. I don't expect to see the warcry or underworlds warscrolls in here.
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