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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. I mis spoke when I said doesn't fit in AoS, as its been stated and I agree with, anything can fit in AoS. I just think it would be cooler to have something new and fresh. The next evolution of the tomb kings so to speak
  2. That's a fair point and I do agree with what others have said, anything can fit in the mortal realms, its one of the biggest strengths of AoS. I think it's more I want new stuff! Regardless I'm looking forward to what comes out
  3. That's true and you're right about the sculpts, I've always liked the snakes and queen kalidia is a awesome model. Regardless of what comes out, I'm excited to see it!
  4. It's only really Egyptian feel because of the colour scheme shown and the statutes are gryph chargers not jackals. And pyramids aren't just Egyptian. A lot of the old warhammer armies drew on our history and stories: Arthurian knights, ancient Egypt, Aztecs etc. The mortal realms don't, they have a favour of their own. It seems GW even want to stay away from the standard fantasy troupe of elves, dwarfs and human, which I think is a good thing. Give a nod to the old tomb kings but give us something new.
  5. If tomb kings are coming back I hope it is all new models. The Egyptian theme doesn't fit the mortal realms and we've got ghost, skeletons and zombies already, let's have a construct army with troops made of stuff cobbled together. I'm hoping if anything the background hints at the origin being from khemri, like the flesh eaters hint at being bretonnians, but that's it.
  6. There is also chaos knights, apocalypse and the ad mech transport to be released, so with contrast, GH and warcry that's 6 out of 7 Saturdays for June July starting with the 15th June and contrast release
  7. Which would defo lead to confusion you stated as not everyone buys digital copies. Also they don't have the endless spells or terrain to release with the book.
  8. They can't make it available if they don't physically have it
  9. As they've just announced the underworld grand clash at warhammer world on the 6th/7th July I agree with you. Also lets not forget they released two army books at once with ghouls and skaven so we could get a situation like that again
  10. Except Gotrek didn't die in the End times, the Bretonnians and tomb kings did however. There are way more new characters than one's who survived the End Times. One of the best things about the mortal realms is there infinite scope, if you can imagine it, it can happen and like I said I do think GW is striking a good balance of history and new stuff
  11. GW can't win here however, some express opinions like yourself, while others want the return on tomb kings and bretonnians. I think they are striking a pretty good balance of nods to the rich history of warhammer while giving a AoS spin on it. One thing I really enjoyed about realmslayer was seeing the mortal realms through the eyes of someone newly arrived there, just like we are.
  12. Tomorrow is black library live so will be all book related. I want every war cry war band so far, don't care if the game is good or not, as painting projects they are fantastic
  13. We don't know that they are all going, its second hand knowledge that doesn't have the full information. My guess and its only a guess is that they will be repacked into larger pots. I would also guess that cermite white is being replaced Edit* cerimite white is replaced with corax white, everything apart from the glazes is going to larger pots and the glazes are going so if you want them, I would stock up
  14. Big thing in June is contrast and big thing in July is Warcry. Both have been marketed heavily.
  15. My guess is contrast paints, Generals handbook and hopefully sylvaneth stuff in the first few weeks of June. 40k stuff for the last part of June, beginning of July followed by Warcry to kick off a great summer
  16. Wonder if this means we'll see preorders next week then
  17. I'm guessing they will rerelease the model from silver tower
  18. I thought glaivewraith stalkers were a mix of rider and mount
  19. Names of all the new contrast paints, notice the darkoath flesh. Also really nice to see some old names back.
  20. When I was at the open day back in Jan I was talking to one of the white dwarf guys who said that something is being done so chaos dwarfs can be used in AoS.
  21. Whatever 'contrast' is, its being revealed at warhammer fest on the 11th May
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