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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. Just means you have to open the article to see the pic.
  2. Lots of goodies on pre order next week! The warcry warbands for existing armies are nice, a good way of getting some units for AoS cheaper. Looks like clanrats and rat ogres Thunderers and endrin riggers Ghouls and crypt fiends Brutes and ?
  3. Had the bloodbowl not been leaked early it would have been more impressive. It's pretty much the rest of the year mapped out and if they do a preview on warhammer day we'll see what's in store for AoS in the new year.
  4. Pretty much!! Ouch my wallet, new warcry box, bloodbowl, broken realms, blood and shadow and Underworlds! Just need to set up a direct debt to GW!
  5. They did tease squats back in the run up to 9th. Ill love to see them return, just for conversion parts for Kharadrons!
  6. Let's breakdown what we know is to come Warcry Broken realms and blood and shadows 4 40k codexs House of iron Underworlds Possibly bloodbowl this year Xmas box sets That's 8 or 9 weeks depending if broken realms and the blood and shadows box set is released over 2 weeks. From next week there are 9 more weeks of releases up to Xmas so I can't see a army release this side of Xmas I hope I'm wrong tho!!
  7. So could just be warcry, Underworlds and broken realms. Which to be fair is alot. If there is a new battletome coming out I would expect it to be daughters of Khaine or deepkin.
  8. Looks like one of the members of the slannesh Underworlds warband
  9. I think we'll get a teaser for what's coming next for AoS (after broken realms) with the morathi book itself giving more hints.
  10. Never apologise for buying what you want and doing your hobby how you want. Have you checked out the Dark Artisan on YouTube, they have a battle report up using the big boys. On another topic, when do the Xmas boxes normally get shown?
  11. I figured they would be around £120 so when you factor in 20% discount from independent retailers they are around £100. The same thing happens every time, a kit comes out and we act surprised that the price is high. I don't see it as just buying the kit however, for me it's buying something I can use as an outlet for creativity, to work on as a destresser and shut away the world for a while. Once it's done, I have something to use in games where I have fun with friends and create memories: remember that time a gobbo killed the gargant or remember when the gargant ate so and so. I say bring it on!
  12. Hopefully it's gargant day!! Would be surprised if their is a preview announcement for next Saturday as well. If the Sons are going up on pre order next week, everything shown from the adepticon preview has been released apart from the bloodbowl treeman.
  13. Maybe based on past purchases from their site?
  14. A great strength of our hobby is there is so much to pick and choose from and pretty much something for everyone. GW is doing a much better job of supporting all their games these day so don't see it a weak week, see it as a break for your wallet!! After all there will be hobbyists who aren't interested in AoS and will see that release as a weak week.
  15. It's the new 40k mission expansion pack - Battle zone Pariah going on pre order next week, I think warcry will be the end of October.
  16. https://www.halfmoonbayshop.co.uk/products/mystery-warhammer-box If anyone is interested the msyery box is back in stock.
  17. It has a paw look to me. A clan eshin night runner with climbing hook maybe.
  18. My predictions is marines on pre order the 26th, possibly 2 weeks. Sons pre order on the 10th Necrons pre order on the 17th, again possible 2 weeks. Warcry pre order the 31st Leaves Nov/Dec for blood and shadow, broken realms, blood bowl, 4 new codexs, underworld season 4 and Xmas stuff.
  19. I'm guessing it will be the Underworlds expansion for multi players on Sundays coming next week.
  20. It's a really small army, around 40 models in 2k. Every aelf death makes it harder to hold objectives.
  21. My prediction is 3rd Oct - marines release 10th - necrons 17th - Sons 24th - warcry 31st? Nov - shadow and pain, broken realms, new bloodbowl
  22. The shadow and pain box along with the morathi book is coming in November.
  23. Cites of sigmar coming to warcry. Rules in next months white dwarf https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/09/04/white-dwarf-preview-issue-456/
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