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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. Zainthar Kai is the new temple Vyperic Guard, Scathcoven and Shrine Brood are most likely new battalions Morathi-Khaine and The Shadow Queen are updated warscrolls for morathi. I don't expect to see the warcry or underworlds warscrolls in here.
  2. Awesome, as I hoped £120 and £25 for the box and book respectively. Around £50 for the small boxes is pretty good, I might have to pick up the deepkin one, if the sharks are changing, might be worth having 4!
  3. One a month like the PA books would be awesome!!!
  4. With the stuff revealed today coming out on the 14th that leaves 5 more release weeks until Christmas. We have Bloodbowl Underworlds 2 more 40k codexs Xmas boxes What's in the 5th slot? There are still marines and Necrons to come or something shiny and new maybe?
  5. What do we think price wise? I'm guessing £120 for the daughters/slannesh box and £30 for the broken realms book.
  6. BRING IT ON!!! I had a serious talk with my wallet earlier and he's prepared to cough up. Roll on 2 weeks time!!! The stuff about exclusive stuff in store also seems interesting.
  7. I wouldn't find it offensive at all however I'm sure some would and in the world of social media a tiny minority can speak with a loud voice. Anyway, what do we think tonight's article will show?
  8. Difference there is, how Halloween is celebrated today is very much a western thing. A British company taking a Chinese tradition to sell some rat models is a different thing entirely.
  9. In the current climate I'm not sure GW would use a culture's traditions and holidays to sell models. Same with using the year of the rat to release Skaven. I'm not sure it's appropriate to use one of the world's largest nations celebrations to release evil, megalomaniacal rat men as much as we would all love to see new models. Sidenote, I didn't realise the day of the dead was the same as All Saints Day but now I think about it, makes sense. Learn something new everyday!
  10. So what's the predictions for this afternoons article? I'm really hoping for broken realms and blood and pain to be announced along with a preview for next Saturday. I'm fully prepared for bloodbowl, which to be fair is also pretty cool.
  11. I remembered tonight an old, old, old rumour of a new zombie kit but the zombies weren't just reanimated dead but more constructs made of body parts, trees, coffins and such. Seems to fit the bill.
  12. It could be a piece of base decoration, a zombie impaled on a tree.
  13. Those stunties I could get on board with! And I'm sure their beards shave just as easy 😜😜😜 I can't wait to see the look on sigmars face when the Goddess of Murder sticks a knife in his back!!! If there is one thing Morathi has always done well, is look out for herself and ****** everyone else over. The other gods deserve what happens to them if they think she would change her ways! Fingers crossed that this Sundays article shows broken realms, I'm so, so ready for this! Edit - really sc rew is a bad word?
  14. Unpopular opinion* but I don't want regular dwarves. I love the AoS take on dwarves. Give us more steampunk stunties and please, please give us more Fyreslayers. Someone said it best eariler in the thread, it's great AoS isn't the standard fantasy setting of the eldar races dying and mankind becoming dominant. So let's have some more non standard fantasy troopes. Even the Lumineth are fairly boring compared to the other elves. You could have regular arrogant elves or have half snake elves or blind elves with no souls with live in the deep or ancient elves who's souls have merged with trees. Give us chaos dwarves or dwarves who've gone fully mechanical. *I fully realise I've probably just been entered into many book of grudges but I aint scared of no stunties!
  15. Regarding Broken realms for other GA, I'll like to see. Gordrak for a destruction one, makes the most sense. A new mortarch for the death one. There are still 3 to be revealed, Vlad maybe? Let's have a skaven character for the chaos one, let's see what Thanquel has been up to or give us someone new, a Master Moulder maybe.
  16. Even more excited about broken realms now as I have all 5 armies featured! Bring it on!!!!
  17. Absolutely, kids today don't know they born with their YouTubing, tweeps and tok tic!!! 😂😂😜 I loved those books! Pringle orc huts, ice lolly stick watch towers and one shade green flock!
  18. True, but I still believe getting into the hobby is easier now than ever.
  19. I see a lot of people saying X is not beginner friendly or not suited for beginners. I have to disagree. Today there is the Internet and YouTube with a huge wealth of information. When I was starting, I had white dwarf, store staff members and muddling through myself. I believe new hobbiests have it better than ever and anything they aren't sure of is a google search away. *Please note, not directed at anyone, just my opinion.
  20. No, just soon. My guess is we'll get one this week and the 2nd one in 2 weeks time before the morathi book goes on pre order. It's avenger stuff he wants, I doubt it will be worth much in the long run.
  21. Oh I know but I doubt my 8yo nephew would be impressed if I gave him a set and told him not to open it and keep it safe for a few years! 😂😂 Hell, I don't think I'll be able to stop from opening it either. Toys are meant to be played with, makes my heart ache when I see people with huge collections of unopened GW box sets, so many armies not being painted!
  22. Ooooo, we're getting broken realms short stories every 2 weeks like malign sorcery and forbidden power. I really enjoyed those and look forward to these.
  23. The blood bowl article suggests that is next up for pre order as well.
  24. Lol, true. Lizardmen it is! Kids love dinosaurs!!
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