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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. They said tonight new releases are back in the 8th of May starting with Necromuna. Wouldn't surprise me if the underworld warbands get realesed then as well.
  2. The warscrolls are free for AoS don't forget
  3. My guess is Kragos will be released and his army will in the starter box(es).
  4. I still think the broken realms series will continue after 3rd edition. Kragos is next after Belakor we know. I would imagine Kroak will get one after that. Then if it were me I would launch AoS 3 with a Indomitus style box that means you can recreate a battle from the book after Kroak (destruction vs order?) which in turns leads to the 3 different sized starter sets like 40k. Then have the broken realms series continue advancing the story even more and giving us updates to both models and battletomes.
  5. Which broken realms book do we think the witch hunters are in? Its not Belakor as we know what models we're getting for that. So Kragos? Or another book further down the line?
  6. Anything any content creator says would be guesswork and conjecture, I doubt any of them would risk their relationship with GW not to mention their reputation by saying something is defo happening with the current global situation. I'm not saying AoS 3 isn't coming, I'm sure it is, what I'm saying is maybe the broken realm books will continue after the release of AoS 3.
  7. Everyone is assuming AoS 3 has to come at the end of the broken realm books because that's what they did with 40k and psychic awakening. What if they don't? What if they do an Indomitus style set to represent a big battle in one of the broken realms books, then release starter sets and then continue the broken realm storyline with more books.
  8. I think whatever happens for AoS 3 it's a super exciting time to be in the hobby. We're seeing armies grow as they get new battletomes, have a new army coming with vamps, a new god arising and a narrative storyline that's really kicking things up a gear. Add to that a new warhammer quest amd some amazing underworld warbands and we're only a few days into April. I know some players are desperate for their fave army to get new shiny toys (and some really need it) and I'm sure every army will get its time in the sun in time. Cant wait to see what's coming for AoS, warcry, bloodbowl and Underworlds. As someone who has collected, painted and played since 4th edition warhammer I've not been this excited to see what's coming next since I was a kid!! Bring it on!!!
  9. Same! I think we'll see the rest of the gravelords, the deepkin Underworlds warband and maybe something for warcry as there has been nothing for a while.
  10. There has been instances of orruks in society. In the first realmslayer audio drama, when gotrek wakes up in a prison cell, there is a orruk in the cell next to him who was arrested for being drunk and disorderly. This shows he was served alcohol somewhere, wasn't killed on sight and he went with the watch when they arrested him. That's not to say he's tame or not dangerous of course. Or what he was doing a city. Maybe a trader or trapper. It was just one line in the script but that one line opens up possibilities.
  11. Tomorrow and Monday are public holidays here in the UK so it may not be until next Tuesday at the earliest.
  12. Belakor confirmed for April as its his coin featured this month and a pink horror as the free model.
  13. I've consulted the entrails, looked at blood spatter pattens and these are my predictions for the next few weeks*. 10th April - ad mech codex on pre order. 17th April - underworld vamps and other boxed game stuff on pre order 24th April - broken realms Belakor on preorder 1st May - something for 40k 8th May - Soulblight gravelords on preorder *I had no entrails to hand so used links of sausages instead and no blood so had to make do with water mixed with red food colouring.
  14. Yet the huge amount of boxsets for slannesh, lumineth and upcoming soulblight show they are willing to invest in AoS. I think people need to get out of the mindset that because they haven't done something in the past it means they won't do it. Releasing a big range makes sense as you cover a lot of bases. You have people who want a new army and buy everything. People who want to expand an army and buy some. Painters and collectors who buy the bits they like. This really is a excellent time to be in this wonderful hobby of ours.
  15. Seem like Belakor is going to be fighting lizards in his broken realms book.
  16. I think that's almost a given at this point. GW said the gravelords are being released roughly the same time as cursed city. 9th edition 40k wasn't moved due to covid and I can't see 3rd Ed AoS being moved especially as (fingers crossed) shops should be opening here in the UK very soon. New editions are always released at the beginning of the summer.
  17. We dont know anything and what may be is anyone's guess. I'm hoping if there is a another dwarf army, that it is something a diffrent to the traditional dwarves. I know there are a lot of fans of the warhammer dwarves but let's see something new of a twist on them. Give us dwarves in steam and cog powered battlesuits, dwarves using harnesses with mechanical arms likes Doctor Octopus, give us mounted dwarves. Give us something new and exciting. I know it's not to everyone's taste but I think it's one of the most exciting things about AoS. We're seeing new takes on old fantasy troupes Who'd have thought we would ever see high elves riding tree running kangaroos? I'm excited to see what's coming out. Bring it on!!!
  18. I'm expecting £105 to £125. My wallet is ready!!
  19. Can people please use spoiler tags when talking about the story in BR teclis, some of us are wanting to read it in the book.
  20. I think Kragnos is going to be chaos dwarves. 1. The shield he carries seems like trophies to me with all the symbols of the dwarf kingdoms. 2. The story series in White Dwarf at the moment seems to be the White Dwarf travelling through the dwarf kingdoms and I'm guessing there will be a reveal at the end, maybe they need to come together to fight a reawakened god? 3. Kragnos was defeated and buried under a mountain. Seems like a dwarven thing to do to me. 4. Kragnos said his people are gone. Did the chaos dwarves flee after Kragnos was defeated and have been waiting for him to return? I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  21. I've never had a NPE due to a powerful army, no matter how many rules it has or how hot it is in the meta. My NPE (and I'm happy to say are few and far between) have always been down to players moaning how powerful an army is and how it can't be beaten and how it stole their girlfriend and replaced the milk in their cornflakes with a unsuitable replacement! I can't wait to face the Lumineth, to find a way to beat them and overcome the army. Bring it on!!!
  22. So that's at least 7 new vampires: big cursed city boss, rat man, generic lord, the 4 from the Underworlds warband and now this one. Love the variety!
  23. Yeah I was thinking a redemptionist for Necromuna, a ad mech and a Underworlds bone reaper. Im really liking the variety the AoS previews show, 40k has seemed to be just either marines, necrons, ad mech or sisters for the past year.
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