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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. Did anyone pick up that it seems a unit can't have more than one CA used on it per phase. It mentioned how the chaos knights can have the chaos Lords CA used in the hero phase allowing them to have all out defense used in the combat phase.
  2. I'm loving what I've seen so far. The game seems to be moving into a more dynamic and cinematic direction. A rampaging army of orruks are charging towards your lines, your commander gives the orders to form up, spears in front, missile in the back. The orruks are nearly here, the ground trembles at their charge. The order to fire is given. A few boyz fall but not enough to stop the charge, the wall of green hits and slaughter begins. In real terms, I doubt unleash hell will have a huge effect. It costs a CP which is a valuable resource, it's at - 1 to hit which can be a big diffrence and unit sizes are going to be smaller as per the coherency rules. Also were seeing a few rules on their own, it's best to wait to see the whole picture and play some games to try them out.
  3. It's the latter. 2 models deal MW on a 5+, 1 models deals MW on a 6+.
  4. They do put up articles on Saturday, normally around 5/6pm UK time with what's gone on pre order that day but they also occasionally put other things out like last week with visions of the beast. The article will go up later on this afternoon.
  5. I think the reaction command points will be things like Take cover in enemy shooting phase for +1 save or - 1 to hit. Stand ready in enemy charge phase for something like can reroll saves but only pile in 1" Counter charge in enemy charge phase - 1 to save but can pile in 6"
  6. Why would 3rd edition make it obsolete? It will be released along side AoS 3 with point updates, battleplans and diffrent ways to play.
  7. My guess would be pre order goes up on the 26th with a 2 week pre order window for release on the 10th july, which would be 6 weeks from reveal to release.
  8. I wouldn't say they rushed, it's taken 6 months to get them all out and they skipped a month so had 2 warbands released in May. We'll probably be shown a new road map soon, showing what's coming.
  9. I don't do tournament but I do see your point. As someone said eariler, play whatever your local scene plays. The change isn't that massive however, 2 inches off either short table side and 6 inches off either long side. I bet after a couple of games, you won't even notice a diffrence
  10. Doesn't mean you have to tho. It's easy enough to convert the battleplans, we're only talking a few inches either side. If I'm right in the sizing it's gone from 72" x 48" to 60" x 44". Just add 6" to both sides no mans land and your set.
  11. Then don't use the new suggested size. It's your game, use what ever size table you like. I have a 6'x4' and will continue to use that.
  12. I see the coming of Kragos as being the catalyst for the KB going on the warpath. They like all orruks, ogors and gargants feel his call like a war drum beating in their souls. Dont forget most have never seen him, just dream visions or portents in clouds, like the very first broken realms story. It doesn't mean they don't worship gorkamorka anymore, just they are answering the call to waaaaagh.
  13. I think that orruks and ogors haven't had anything is a good thing. To me it means new battletomes just around the corner. I'll be very suprised if the ogor one didn't come with lots of model love in the form of characters and maneaters.
  14. That's what I do, can't watch everything at once. Best thing I did was ditch the TV licence, I don't miss live TV or the BBC at all. Streaming services are cheaper and have better content and YouTube has great content.
  15. So much this! I really hate the potato cam pics and the fact we know so much already about the new faction and new game. I'll much rather wait to see everything presented as it should be than see something but someone wants kudos from random Internet people. I'm looking forward to it, I think we'll see a lot more content on there than people realise: battle reports, eavy metal painting classes (look how popular Darran Lathems videos were), maybe even things like a look at how things work at GW. See how a battletome is designed, how a sprue goes from liquid plastic to a sprue in your hand. Not to mention event coverage at Warhammer World. Let's not forget some people already pay a twitch subscription (yes I know if you have a Amazon prime account, you get one free sub a month but some still will be paying) to GW, so people are willing to pay. I hope its a success because why would I want it to fail?
  16. That's my thinking. Pre order goes live next Saturday and the reveal of the box set and destruction faction which will then give a 6 week lead time into 3rd edition.
  17. Well said, and besides we all know the only good dwarf is a dead dwarf 😜😜😜 Im hoping the new faction really leans into the fairytale boogie men archetype.
  18. Absolutely agree. I can see why people did it during lockdown but to me it just seems sterile. Warhammer has always been about the models, they bring people together. Going to events, GW store or games shop, you can strike up a conversation with a stranger over how they painted or converted their army. But anyway, back to rumours! Hopfully this Sunday will see the announcement of Kragos. Really enjoyed the broken realm series, I've definitely become more of a narrative gamer and these books have given some great battles to re-enact.
  19. Absolutely bumper week of releases!! I like the start collecting box, was wanting some grave guard and the Wight King.
  20. Sounds like he's been reading this forum.
  21. Never met one person who has kicked up a fuss about using reasonable proxies. I would never use Morathi as Alarielle as 2 completely diffrent armies and they don't look remotely like each other but can't see an issue with using a vampire as a vampire Lord. Diffrent strokes for diffrent folks I guess.
  22. CC is a great start for a gravelords army. I have a vampire lord, a Necromancer, 10 skeletons and 10 zombies. I'll also be using the 3 vamps as vampire heroes if such a thing exists, the grave digger as another Necromancer and the big wolf thing as a vargulf courtier in my flesh eaters army. Not to mention objectives markers
  23. I think it's more likely to be artistic licence than someone built the model wrong.
  24. Whitefang liked my predictions! What do I win? If I get to choose my prize, I do want flying wolf cav! Or flying squigs, just seems the next logical step in squig evolution!!
  25. My predictions for next week. Full reveal for soulblight. Full reveal of deepkin for Underworlds. Full reveal of Kragos. Announcement for AoS 3 hopfully we'll get a funky animation like 9th Ed 40k did.
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